Seasons of the Heart

by RoyalBardofCanterlot


Twilight looked out the train window as it chugged along the rails. She leaned against Celestia who was similarly staring out at the hills going along in a blur of green. Little wisps of clouds floated upon the blue abyss of the sky, some grey clouds hinting at rain to come. Celestia yawned and closed her eyes. Their last night in Mustangia had been one spent vigorously exploring though they had barely left their tent. Twilight had a similarly sleepy-but-blissful look on her face.

Twilight looked away from the window. "So how do you suppose Spike and Luna are doing?"

"Oh, I'm certain they're fine Twi. Although, I am a bit worried about my sister. She sounded very distressed about Akbear. I hope he's a good stallion." She narrowed her eyes. "He had better be a good stallion."

Twilight nervously giggled. "We're not going to war with Saddle Arabia are we?"

"What? Oh, no, of course. I'm just going to be looking for some gelding irons, that's all. I'm certain I won't need them, but one can never be sure. I don't care how old she is, Luna's always going to be my baby sister and if some dirty stallion so much as...whoops! Sorry, Twi."

Twilight grunted as the suddenly, violently extended wing pushed her up against the cold glass. "That's alright."

Celestia blushed. "I'm sorry. I'm just very protective of her."

Twilight laid a hoof on her hoof, squeezed it. "Yeah, I could tell. You should have seen Shining when I first started dating."

"I did. You know he followed you on your first date? Claimed he was just taking the guard out on an impromptu run through the city. Just cardio training, he claimed."

Twilight's cheeks colored like Celestia's had and she sunk down into the seat. "Oh, my lord. Poor Thunder Cloud. He even gave Moon Dancer that treatment and she was a filly!"

"Yeah, I'm surprised he didn't get the Crystal Guard to go on a diplomatic trip to Mustangia."

"Cadence probably put her hoof down."

They burst out giggling. Celestia breathed and brought her wings back down to her sides. Outside, the landscape had changed. They had long passed the stone ruins of Heliopolis and the ruins of the Dream Valley civilization. Celestia hadn't even glanced at them.

They were now travelling through a small village with thatched roof houses, reminiscent of Ponyville. The houses were brightly painted in pastel shades of greens and pinks. The Unicorn inhabitants of the town sat out on their porches and some small foals gazed in wonder as the great, metal behemoth passed.

Twilight hmmed in thought. "If I'm not mistaken, we're in a town just outside of Canterlot."

"I believe so."

The train continued to trudge along, leaving the little village behind and coursing through other villages with small, thatched roof hamlets where tens of little Ponies went about their lives. Many did stop to stare at the train, perhaps longing to get aboard and let it take them away to other places.

Between the villages and townships was the wide expanse of grasslands which Ponies sometimes grazed upon. Even Equestrian Ponies occasionally found that option relaxing even as civilized Griffons would go out hunting like their wild kin. For her own part, Twilight was eager to get back to civilization and cupcakes. It had been far too long since she'd had one of Pinkie Pie's cupcakes.

Visions of the delectable treats danced in her mind as the train rumbled along. She realized that the rumbling was not coming from the train, but rather from her tummy. Celestia chuckled and poked her side. "I told you you needed to get a bigger breakfast!"

Twilight mock pouted. "It's not my fault somepony kept me up all night and we almost missed our train!"

"I didn't hear many complaints last night."

That comment brought a dopey grin to Twilight's face. More settlements rolled by and the gilded city of Canterlot came closer. Twilight sighed and snuggled to Celestia. "Is it weird that I'm kind of sad that our vacation's over? Don't get me wrong. I'm glad I'm going to see Spike and my friends again, and the first thing I'm going to do after seeing Spike is getting breakfast at Sugarcube Corner, but I'm sad that we won't be spending all day together anymore."

Celestia spread a wing over her back. "Same here. I was beginning to miss my sister, but I'll miss this closeness we've come to enjoy."

They nestled against each other. Outside, a range of hills rose up before shifting into high, rocky mountains that scraped against the heavens.

"Um, Tia?"


"I wasn't kidding about adopting. Maybe know, what comes before having children. The ceremony, I mean."

"Twilight Sparkle! Are you proposing to me?"

"Yes? No? I don't know?"

The wing trailed over her back and Celestia's feathers teased her cheek. She shivered. "Twi, there's a lot to think about. Obviously, I could hold court wherever I please and that includes your library tree. Luna would have to come to, of course."

"You could spruce up the old castle. We could live there."

Celestia scratched her chin. "It is a thought. There are a lot of good and bad memories there. And we could renovate it. Cleaning up might take a while and we'd have to remove a few of the less savory inhabitants that have probably moved in."

"Spike would love it. Plenty of room for his gems and comic books."

"Before we start sending out wedding invitations, there is one other considerations."


Celestia avoided Twilight's gaze and stared out at the stone cottages of the Earth Pony farming community that had taken up residence in the shadow of Canterlot. Thunder rolled and rain burst from the grey clouds to bless the tilled fields of the community they were traveling through.

Twilight nudged her. "Tia?"

The patter of rain drummed on the window. "Twilight, this is not a no and I don't want you to act like it is."

Nonetheless, Twilight's ears dropped just a bit. "Go on."

"I am very old. I know we've discussed that before. I am ancient, yet young. It's a strange dichotomy. Biologically, I am roughly twenty-three years old. You're actually older than me, biologically speaking. Yet, I have watched centuries go by."

Twilight placed a hoof to her lips. "Celestia? I'm not going to be hurt if you just say you want to wait a while."

"I want to wait a while. Just to see where the journey takes us."

Twilight nuzzled her neck. "That's perfectly alright. It was only a suggestion."

Celestia nuzzled her ear. The train approached the vast city of Canterlot. Even in the grey light of the storm, the alabaster spires shone. The grey only emphasized their majesty, the white and gold popping against the dark sky.

"I was rambling there wasn't I?"

"Just a bit."

They rose as the train pulled into the station and joined the crowd. The other passengers kept a respectful distance from the Princess and her consort, allowing them to pass through on their way to the exit. Twilight jumped slightly as the torrent of rain fell down on her and Celestia. Celestia extended a wing over her and then summoned a golden shield of energy.

Celestia leaned into her. "So, this will be goodbye for a while. I'll be busy, but we still have that date planned for Saturday, right?"

Twilight pressed her lips to Celestia's. "Of course."

They held each other for a time. Twilight pulled away with great reluctance. "I'm sorry. I have to get back on the train."

Celestia gave her another squeeze with her wing. "I understand."

Celestia brushed her lips against Twilight's. Then, with a flap of her wings, she sailed into the sky and was off. Twilight went back onto the train. In a few minutes it was off towards Ponyville.
Twilight smiled as Ponyville came into view through the train window. The crowd surged around her as she rose. This time, there was no deferential treatment and she was lost in the crowd of jostling Ponies as they trailed out of the train and into town.

She had only taken a few steps off of the station when a blur of pink attached itself to her. Twilight patted her friend on the back while Pinkie nuzzled into her, finally hopping off to give her some breathing space. "Hi, Twilight! Welcome back! I missed you so much! Want a cupcake? I woke up this morning with my left hoof twitching and my ear flicking and then my right eye twitched and that means a friend whose been away for a while wants a cupcake."

It took Twilight a moment to process the stream of words coming out of Pinkie's mouth. They began to walk along the streets. Little wooden cottages lined the sidewalks around them. A few Ponies were outside, planting or tending to their gardens. Fruits and flowers trailed up white fences. Some Ponies' entire yards were covered in the fruits of their labors, be them a riot of colorful flowers or fruits and vegetables literally running over into the sidewalk.

The hard stone her hooves clopped on was a strange contrast to the grass which she had spent so much of her time standing on. Pinkie poked her side. "Equus to Twilight? Want a cupcake?"

Twilight nodded. "I would love a cupcake! You have no idea. Mustangia has no cupcakes. Their fruitcakes are to die for though."

Pinkie gasped as of she'd just been told the Mustangs all suffered from congenital heart failure. "No cupcakes? That's awful!"

Twilight shrugged. "It's their way."

The deep, rich smells of plowed earth rose up from the ground. It was a smell Twilight had gotten used to while living in the little farming community. She followed Pinkie as they crossed onto another road. Pinkie bounced along beside her and Twilight tried to keep up.

Pinkie hopped all the way to Sugarcube Corner. Twilight followed her inside and stopped for a moment. She stood in the center of the bakery and took in the aroma of baking bread, chocolates, vanillas, sweet fruits and pastries. Aromas as rich as the good earth and coming forth from that same soil.

The aroma wrapped around her, as warm as a blanket. Pinkie shoved a strawberry cupcake under her nose. The cupcake was topped with pink frosting. "Thank you, Pinkie."

They went and sat down at a seat. Twilight ran her tongue along the frosting and let the flavors waltz along her tongue. A deeply satisfied hmmm arose from her lips. "I enjoyed Mustangia, but it's good to be home."

Pinkie clapped her hooves together. "Yay! I'm glad you like it!"

Twilight bit into the bread. It was soft and melted away the minute her teeth clamped down onto it. The cupcake was all gone within seconds. "No, seriously, this is so good."

"Wanna another one?" Pinkie pulled a cupcake from her hair.

Twilight floated it over and inspected it. Somehow, it had no signs of hair being on it. She shrugged and popped it in her mouth. She had learned long ago never to question Pinkie Pie or anything she could do. She gobbled down this cupcake to. Pinkie tossed her third one which she nibbled down a bit more slowly. By the time Pinkie tossed her the fourth one, Twilight held up a hoof. "No more. That's enough."

Pinkie gobbled it down herself. "So, what all did you and the Princess do in Mustangia? I bet you both kissed a lot!"

Twilight choked. Pinkie popped up, slapped her back and quickly got her a glass of water that Twilight drained in a single gulp. Pinkie sat back down and grinned. "So, you did kiss a lot?"

Twilight finally caught her breath. "Yes, Pinkie. We definitely kissed a lot. We went to the hot springs and heard a bard. I met the grand matriarch. I have a feeling you two would get along."

"Hmm...maybe I could get Dashie to take me."

"Oh, you would love it."

A light brown Earth Pony mare came through the door. Pinkie hopped up. "Sorry, Twi! Duty calls!"
Celestia floated upon the wind, allowing the breeze to carry her to the balcony. She strode out of her bedroom and the guards outside bowed to her as she trailed along the blindingly white halls. She meandered slowly along the castle paths and saw that nothing in particular had changed during her absence.

She strode into the throne room where her sister sat. Luna perked up from listening to some black maned, blue-furred noble prattle on. Something about a dispute over an orange tree. Luna nearly bowled him over in her haste to get off the throne. Celestia threw her forelegs open wide and embraced her sister.

Luna looked sheepish and stepped away from her. "Ahem. Welcome back from your trip, Sister. I hope you found it relaxing."

"I certainly did. It was a most soothing vacation."

Luna raised an eyebrow. A smirk crossed her lips. "Oh? I bet it was."

She knows. How in the world does she know? "Now, how about this Akbear fellow? You sounded most distressed about it."

"I am. He keeps sending me poetry, chocolates and flowers."

"Oh my. Sounds horrible. Blasted infidels."

Luna pouted. "It is! I have no idea what to do with all this attention! I mean, I am a mare, I do have needs, but yesterday he sent me a box filled with one-hundred chocolates! I'm flattered, but I had to share them with my Batpony guard. I can't eat one-hundred chocolates all by myself!"

The noble finally spoke up. "Um, your highnesses..."

Luna gasped and whirled around. "Apologies! I was about to render judgement. The orange tree isn't technically yours, but if a fruit falls in your yard, it belongs to you as he should cut his tree's branches so it doesn't grow over your fence."

"Thank you, Your Highness!" The noble trotted at a quick gait away from the throne room.

Luna turned back to Celestia. "So, what should I do?"

"Simply tell him to back off a bit. Perhaps, you can spend some time together. That's what me and Twilight did. Now, if you excuse me, I'm off to get some cake."

"Don't you mean a proper lunch?"

"That too."
Twilight stuffed the fourth hayburger down her mouth with gusto. She should get home and check on Spike. She knew she should, but the hayburger was just so good! The grease dribbled down her chin as she messily munched on the delectable treat.

She yawned and stretched, leaning back in her chair. After waiting a few moments, just to let her food digest, she stood up from the table and left the restauraunt. The market stalls all around her were filled with produce. An array of bright colors welcomed her home as she trekked through the market. There was the green of celery and broccoli, the bright oranges of carrots, the yellow of squash and the red of strawberries.

The scents of the marketplace called to mind all her memories she'd made since moving to Ponyville. She had grown so much. This place had truly become home to her.

Home. The word lodged in her mind and she paused. Ponyville had become home to her just as much as Canterlot had once been. No, Canterlot was still home. She still loved it just as much as she ever had. It was where her family was, where her ancestors had lived and died for generations.

But she had truly grown up in Ponyville. Surrounding the town was the Everfree Forest. Even standing in the marketplace she could see the high firs of the forest. It had been there that she had faced the mad goddess Nightmare Moon alongside her friends.

That was where she'd truly grown to maturity. That single event had opened up her heart to friendship. How many more memories of Canterlot did Celestia hold in her own heart? Was that the reason she was being hesitant about the prospect of marriage? Like she'd told her, the Everfree Forest held memories. Yet, they were not good memories. They were memories of a lost age of glory which had ended in madness, fire and death.

Twilight hadn't asked Celestia to marry her. She had asked her to leave her home. Twilight chewed on her lip. Twilight wouldn't want to leave Ponyville. Celestia wouldn't want to leave Canterlot.

"Twilight! Howdy Twilight!"

Twilight looked up. Applejack ran from her apple stand and the two friends nuzzled and briefly hugged.

"How ya been, Sugarcube? You were lookin' all thoughtful. You alright?"

"I'm fine, Applejack. Just thinking about some things. You know, I really love this old town."

Applejack looked around. "Well, there's a lot to love about it."

"How have you and the girls been?"

Applejack moved back to her stall and Twilight went with her. "Well, Fluttershy found some big eggs laid by some kind of giant snake critter."

"Yeah, Spike told me about that." She moved under the awning as it began to drizzle.

"It weren't no big thing. Apparently, the mama got separated from the eggs durin' a fight. She was real appreciative that Fluttershy watched'em. Least that's what Fluttershy said."

"Did it come into town?"

"Well, it was lookin' for it's young'n's."

By the time they finished talking about all the happenings that had gone on in Twilight's absence the rain had stopped and a line of increasingly agitated customers had gotten behind Twilight. The unicorn bade her friend good-bye and headed on towards home.

She paused and gazed at the spreading, leafy arms of the oak and pressed a hoof against the door. The wood felt sturdy as always. She was right to trust Spike with the library. He was growing up into such a good, responsible young dragon. She tried to open the door and found it locked.

She frantically looked for her key in her saddlebag and pushed the door open. Spike looked up from a book. There were piles of books stacked everywhere and the shelves were bare. Spike's lips trembled, but he quickly controlled it. "H-hi, Twilight. Back from vacation, I see?"

She picked up a few books. "Spike...what's going on?"

Spike looked down at the floor and then burst into tears. "I'm sorry! It was too much work for me! I know I said I could do it, but I couldn't! So I tried to get the Crusaders to help and I explained the Dewey Decimal System, but they just didn't get it!"

He quickly found himself enveloped in Twilight's embrace. "Shh, shh, it's alright. I'm not mad."

He sniffled and leaned into her shoulder. She patted his back and she grinned as she regarded the mess. "Don't you worry! We'll get this done in a few hours! It'll be fun!" She let him go and pranced on the wooden floors. "You take fiction, I'll take non-fiction!"

She levitated up several books. Spike chuckled. "I've really missed you, Twilight."

She patted his spines. "I have to."

As fast as they could, they began reshelving and fixing the mess the Crusaders had made. Spike gathered up several copies of old classics and began carefully placing them on the right shelf. Twilight began correcting the order of the Encyclopedia Equestriannica.
They worked long into the night, only taking a break to get something to eat. When they were done, Twilight decided it was time to get a shower. Spike decided it was time for a nap down in his hoard he kept down in the basement (courtesy of Rarity).

She stepped into the white tub and froze as something wrapped around her. Whatever it was, it was soft. A white muzzle nuzzled into her neck. Twilight moaned. The water came on and rushed over the two Ponies in a warm stream. Twilight almost couldn't believe the tub could hold both of them. She nuzzled up against the warm chest rising over her. "Invisibility spell?"

"Invisibility spell. Also, a size spell."


With a flick of Twilight's magic, the shower became a bath. Water roared from the faucet and they reclined into the gathering pool of water. Steam obscured their bodies as Twilight rested on Celestia's tummy and rubbed her head against her neck.

Celestia held her securely in her wings."I just couldn't wait to see you again."

Twilight snuggled into her and noticed the pink strands floating in the water. She was probably among the few Ponies ever privileged enough to see the princess like this. That made her feel just as warm as the wings around her did. "I couldn't either. I was thinking of sending you a letter. Me and Spike had to re-shelve the library together. He took on too much responsibility and got the Crusaders to help him, but they weren't much help."

"Ah, well at least he was willing to reach out and get help."

Twilight relaxed in contentment on her paramour. "I've been thinking..."

"That's nothing new."

Twilight splashed her. "Oh hush you. I was thinking about how much I love Ponyville and how it's become my home. That's probably how you feel about Canterlot, huh?"

She was silent for a time. "In many ways? Yes. Canterlot is my home. It's a city I helped to shape in a lot of ways and it shaped me in turn."

"If we got married, I could move back to Canterlot. My family's there. And I could always visit the girls."

"No, Twilight. Your friends are here. You shouldn't do that just for me."

"I wouldn't want you to leave your home just for me. That'd make me feel awful."

"It's something to talk about later. I meant to tell you that I received a message from my great uncle. You are welcome in Asgard."

Twilight lifted up. "Really? So, I finally get to meet your parents?"

"Yep. Well, my dad, cousins and other kin. My mom longer with us."

"Oh. Oh." She tightly hugged Celestia.

Celestia lightly tickled her back with her feathers. "It's alright, love. She was an ascended mortal and she died defending Equestria. It was a very long time ago."

Twilight reclined on Celestia. "Do you think they'll like me?"

"I'm certain they will."

The waters floated around them. Twilight snuggled into Celestia's loving embrace. "When will we go?"

"It will take about two weeks for them to prepare. Opening the gates is complicated."

"I'll look forward to it. I want you to tell me everything about Asgard."

"Well, first you cross a rainbow bridge from which you'll see an ash tree holding all worlds in its branches..."