"Raise This Barn, Raise This Barn, 1....2....3....4...."

by night_shade2

The Funeral

It's the next day and you walk out to get your mail. The mailmare has come again, except this time she isn't flying. The mailmare is walking slowly, with her head down low to the ground. She walks up to you and gives your mail. You thank her, but she just sadly walks away. You run after her and give her some bits, as a way to try and cheer her up. She gives a soft smile.

"Thank you," says the mailmare, "I'm Derpy Hooves."

You introduce yourself again, before she starts crying. Rarity comes running to you and starts to yell.

"Derpy! Did this pony hurt you?!" she screams in an overdramatic tone.
"No, it's just...." says Derpy, sniffling with tears falling to the ground, "Apple Jack was a good mare and fate took her too fast."

Derpy flies off and you trot back to your cottage, giving a sympathetic look the white unicorn, who was wailing in sadness. You close the door and levitate the mail over to yourself. You sort through some bills, until you come across an invitation. It's for Apple Jack's funeral. You debate for a moment on whether you should go or not. Your manuscript for you latest book is almost done, but this is more important. Your bestfriend, a baby dragon, is sleeping in the next room. You decide to wake him up. You nudge the little orange dragon with your fore-hoof, until he wakes up. He stretches his wings and back out, yawning and sharpening his claws, much like a cat.

"Geez Nov, I'm up. What are we doing today?" says the little orange dragon.

You tell him that you two will be attending a funeral for the element of honesty. He is shocked by this.

"Wait....so you mean to tell me this now?" he exclaims, "Oh don't tell me that you were on one of your midnight strolls again."

You nod your head and apologize.

He sighs and says, "I'll just write another letter to your editor in Manehatten. Geez, Quill Bottle is going to yell at me again."

He walks over to your desk and starts writing the letter, speaking aloud.

"Dear Quill Bottle. Sorry that the manuscript will be a bit late. From our previous letter, we have stated we have moved to Ponyville from Fillydelphia. We have settle now, but by the time this reaches you, news of the death of the element of honesty's death may have already spread across Equestria. We are attending today a funeral, so I hope that is okay. Signed, Dreki and M.N.," says the little dragon, rolling up the letter to send it.

You watch as the purple flames lick up the sides of the letter, burning it whole, and flying out the window in a purple smoke. You walk to your kitchen and open the fridge, seeing nothing is in there, you close it. Then you tell Derki that you two will be going out to eat. You walk to your closet and try to find your black robe. You find it sitting in a small box in the back corner. You levitate it over into your saddle bag and walk out the door with Dreki on your back.
You trot to the nearest restaurant and order some hay and oats. Dreki chooses a table and you levitate over some small gems you've collected from the local mines. You two eat in silence, as you scribble down in your notebook (which you always have) your manuscript. Once you finish, you close your notebook and pay the waiter. You trot out to go to Sweet Apple Acers. Dreki pulls out your notebook.

"Still haven't finished? You need to Nov. I can't keep covering for you and we need the money," complains Dreki, "Lets just get this thing over with."

You scold him for being rude and keep trotting your way to the farm. You see many ponies enter the apple orchard, most being of earth ponies. You hear something that sounds like the mass singing of a large group of ponies.

"Raise this barn, raise this barn, 1....2....3...4..." sings the mass in a sad tone, "together we will raise this barn, 1....2....3...4..."

You put the black robe on and force Dreki off your back. He groans that he now has to walk, so you lightly kick him forwards. The mass continues singing and you walked towards the back of the crowd.

"Raise this barn, raise this barn, 1...2...3....4..." the mass sang again, before being stopped by a large, white alicorn.
"Thank you everypony for coming today," said Princess Celestia as everyppony bowed down, "The element of honesty has passed, but peace and harmony will live on her name. Apple Jack, her honesty is valued by all and was matched by none. Her truthfulness was never in vain or forced, she was simply- no. She wasn't simply a good pony, she was a friend to all; always lending a helping hoof and giving her strength to anypony to who needed it. She was honest and kind and just lovely to all ponies everywhere, even when it was hard. She was good at heart and took everything to it too. Her family is not as large as her heart will ever be, but I have never met a mare more honest or strong in my life. She was a true friend to all ponies, and would of gladly laid down her life in the line of battle in the name of friendship, Celestia, Equstria, or her friends or marefriend. She was a good pony and it is tragic that this- no, that she even died. She will be greatly missed by everypony and can never be truly replaced, but instead of sorrow let us rejoice in what she had done in her life. Thank you, now I will let the others speak."
Celestia stepped down to let Princess Luna speak, "Ahem, as my sister had said, the pony named Apple Jack will be truly missed by all. If one pony does not-"
"Okay,,,,,how about I speak instead?" said Princess Cadence, pushing her aunt aside, "Ahem, even though I did not know Apple Jack well, she has saved my kingdom, my subject, my husband, and I countless times. I don't think I even be here if it weren't for her and her friends. Apple Jack, a brave and bold mare, not letting anypony define her or change her in anyway she didn't like. Tough as nails in everyway possible. Apple Jack will be greatly missed."

Cadence bowed and walked off, letting Twilight talk instead. Twilight levitated a long scroll out from her saddle bag, but Spike managed to grab that before she started, and replaced it with a much shorter scroll.

"Ahem, okay. This is my shorter version, but let do this anyway," Twilight groaned, glaring at Spike, who was smiling wide, "Apple Jack, a mare who I have come to call a best friend. She was one of the few ponies, when I first came to Ponyvillie, to actually become my friend. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rairty, and Apple Jack. Their names echo throughout Equstria as the elements of harmony, and even though we can be replace, the friendship and memories we carry with us, can't. Friendship, a word that means the relationship between friends, a bond that could never be broken. No matter how tragic the situation is, we will always be friends, even in the afterlife."

Twilight walked off to let a bouncing pink mare speak, but once the pink pony got to the podium, she stopped bouncing.

"Um...I don't really know what to say here, but Apple Jack was a true friend to me," said the pony, fluctuating in pitch, "S-she never made fun of me or said I was weird. All she would say was 'sugar cube, run along and go do your job.' Everyday she would say it. I always took it for granted, but- but now, I realize what she meant. She meant make everyday your best, not just be a baker or a party planner. She meant make those around you happy everyday too. When she pushed me to be with Rainbow Dash, I-I thank her for that. She always did what she wanted, yet also worked together in harmony with everypony. She- she was good friend, the best, and now- now I'm just realizing that. Apple Jack, a true friend to all."
The pink, party pony walked off to let a blue pegasus speak, "Um...I'm not one for speeches, but I just wanted to say, A.J. was a good friend. She worked hard for what she wanted and pushed me to be the pony I am today. I'd still be sitting on a cloud today with no job if it weren't for her. Dang, she's the best pony out there, even better than the Wonderbolts. She's one in a million and now she's gone. I'm going to stop here now. Yeah, gotta dash."

The blue mare flew away in a streak of rainbow mane and tail. Loud, audible sobbing was heard from behind stage. Then a yellow pegasus and large red stallion walked on stage, followed by a rather odd looking creature, made up of several different creatures. The yellow pegasus handed the odd creature a piece of paper, and walked off stage with the stallion.

"Ahem," started the creature, "I, Discord, will be speaking on behalf of Fluttershy and Big Macintosh, for Fluttershy is too, shy, and Big Macintosh is a pony of few words. So, Apple Jack was not just a friend or family, but both. She protected what she loved and accepted all, eventually. For words cannot explain the love she emitted from her or- You know, I want to get my two bits in and this speech is rather bland," Discord exclaimed, throwing the paper away, "Apple Jack was a pony with a large heart, who embraced what she loved and the ones loved by her loved-ones. Words will never explain a pony like Apple Jack. Headstrong, tough, honest. I have never seen the element of honesty bared by a pony like her. For fate plays a cruel game. Apple Jack was always there for everyone, no matter what happened she was there. Good ponies....good ponies are always the one who fall first, but what they leave behind is so much better."
Discord snapped and left behind, a rather angry, white bunny, who started to yell, "YOU IDIOT! I WAS SLEEPING!"

The bunny didn't seem bothered that he was talking. His accent was surprising though. It was a very thick New Colt accent, as if he was from the Trots (Bronx). He just hopped angrily of stage and mutter a string of unintelligible curses. The yellow pegasus flew after him, trying to get him to calm down.

Then a few more ponies spoke, with only two more left.

"So...Cousin Apple Jack's really gone. Shoot, fate just don't play fair with life," said the yellow, earth-pony, in a thick, country accent, "A.J. never made fun of anypony or said a rude word about 'em either. Hay, she was open to everything. She accepted everypony, and pushed 'em to do what needed to be done. I don't think I'd be half the pony I am today if it weren't for her. I'm with Soarin 'cause of her. Pinkie's with Rainbow 'cause of her. Equetria's still here 'cause of her! Apple Jack was a pony who made everythin' possible, and if anypony thinks less of her or they are better than here, they aren't half the pony she was. Apple Jack was a good pony with a large heart, and made everythin' better and possible."

The yellow earth pony started to cry, as a blue, pegasus stallion walked him off stage. You hear, "Braeburn," and guess it was the pony's name. Then the white unicorn walked slowly on stage, with her mane done up in a messy bun and her make as dark as the clothes she wore.

"Apple jack was going to be my wife very soon, but fate seems to changed things," said the unicorn sadly, "She was always kind to me, even before we were friends. She left an apple at my doorstep everyday. One day she made a line through Ponyville that lead to her. That's when she proposed. I-I-I," the unicorn starts to break down and cry as she speaks, "I miss her and want her to come back. I want to be with her, but I must live for her instead. She told me once that if she ever died without me, she wanted me to keep on living and move on. I-I'll try to keep that promise, but I don't think I can move on. Apple Jack let me lean on her for support and always would help me, even when hard. We would instantly make up when we fought, like a storm that rained for only a moment and then stopped. I-I-I-" she seems to look for her words, but can't seem to find them, "Um..um.....um....APPLE JACK! COME BACK! I CAN'T KEEP MY PROMISE! I MISS YOU TOO MUCH! I LOVE YOU! I NEED YOU! Come back Apple Jack, please come back...."

The white unicorn sobs on stage, but she does not seem to notice her horn is glowing. The blue aura emitting from her horn, shapes a ghostly figure of the dead mare. The ghost lifts the unicorns chin, as the unicorn opens her eyes. You, and everypony around you, cannot believe what you are witnessing.

The ghostly mare says, "So long Sugar Cube. I love you and will miss you always, but don't let me stop you from doin' what you do best. Sugar Cube, I'll be waitin' for you, but live your life to the fullest. I have to go now, but goodbye Rarity. I'll be waitin' and I'll always be lovin' you."

The ghostly figure kisses the unicorn mare, before fading into obscurity. Everypony gets up and takes a moment of silence to honor Apple Jack's memory.

Then the unicorn starts to sing, "Raise this barn, raise this barn, 1....2....3....4...."
Another pony joins in, "Together, we can raise this barn, 1....2....3....4...."

It was in that same sad tone from before as more ponies joined in, rising out of their seats and towards the casket. You follow the singing mass, singing along too.

"Up, up, up, go the beams; hammer those joints, work in teams; turn 'em round quick by the right elbow; grab a new partner, here we go....raise this barn, raise this barn, 1.....2....3...4....; together, we can raise this barn, 1....2....3.....4....; finish the frame, recycling wood; workin' hard, you're doin' good; turn 'em round quick by the right elbow; grab a new partner, here we go; raise this barn, raise this barn, 1....2....3....4...;together, can we can raise this barn, 1....2....3....4....; slats of wood come off the ground; hold 'em up and nail 'em down; turn 'em round quick by the left elbow; grab a new partner, here we go; look at us, we're family; workin' together thankfully; we apples; we are proud to say; stick together the pony way; bow to your partner, circle right; get down if you're scared of heights; forward back and twirl around; that barn's gonna be best in town; raise this barn, raise this barn, 1....2....3....4...; together, we can raise this barn, 1....2....3....4....; we raised this barn, we raised this barn; yes, we did; together we sure raised this barn; yes, we did; being together counts the most; we all came here from coast to coast; all we need to strive to be; is part of the Apple family..."

Then, once the song ended, loud sobbing was heard and the sounds of digging echoes through your ears. You trot up to the front of the mass and see the casket being lowered in by magic. It's wooden with, what you suspect to be the mare's cutie mark, carved and painted with the most vivid of colors. Dreki throws a few bits into the grave and everypony else throws in cards, flowers, money, and apples in. You see that the yellow stallion from before, is being embraced by a blue wing from his lover. The pink mare and the other blue pegasus are hugging, as are the yellow pegasus and the large stallion. A young filly is being embraced by her friends and the princesses all give their silent respects. The white unicorn mare is crying into the dirt, as the grave is being refilled. She doesn't care that she's getting dirty, she's just crying. You trot over to her and try to comfort her.

She looks up to with tears in her eyes, her voice quivering, "T-thank you for c-coming. I-I'm so sorry I was ruse to you before. I shouldn't of acted that w-way. Can you forgive me?"

You nod and help her up. She thanks you and says she's going stay at the grave for a while. You leave and return home, pulling out your journal once again, and document today's events again. But this time is different, your writing becomes a bit longer, but you leave just enough room for tomorrow. You also finish your manuscript on time and send it to your editor. You go to bed and stay that way well into the afternoon the next day, not waking for your dreams fill with wonders unlike any other. You are, for once, happy. Happiness has not shown his face for some time now, not since 'the accident', but now he has shown once again as he embraced you in a tight hug.

"Hello Midnight Novel," says a golden-yellow, smiling, alicorn stallion, "I'm home."

You run to him and hug him tightly, but it is short lived.

"Nov....um....Golden Glory has been dead for five years," says Dreki soflty.

You agree and start to weep, your spell fading, as your wings reveal themselves. Dreki hugs you tightly, as you hug him back.

"I miss him so much...." you say, trailing off.