In Our Realm

by GuyWithAJetPack


I awoke with a warmth at my feet. I ignored it for a bit as I tried to fall asleep. The golden rays of the sun were shining through the stormclouds making it impossible to sleep. I sat up, and rubbed my eyes. When I looked at my feet I didn't believe what I saw. I rubbed my eyes again, thinking I was still asleep. But no, it was still there. It couldn't be there. It would be impossible, but that didn't change anything. Sleeping at my feet, was a breathing, living filly Scootaloo.

Everything went black as I fainted, my mind not being able to comprehend what was going on. When I woke up from fainting, The pony was no longer at my feet. It was now snuggled up against my body. Its steady breathing could be felt if I stood still. "Where did you come from?" I asked, knowing the answer. "Oh yeah, a cartoon." I answered. I was being stangely calm about it. My mind was racing with questions. "What if I have to take care of you? I dont know what you even eat." I whispered. I slapped myself "Drr, what do they eat in the show?".

I snuck into the house, and looked around for something for her to eat. I decided on giving her oatmeal and some water. It'd do until i could fiigure out what to do. When I walked into the shed, it started to rain, and she was still asleep, snoring lightly. I shut the door and locked it. I had a "Dawww" moment, she had her hooves under her head, and she was smiling, with a bit of sleep drool sliding down her cheek.

Sitting down, I set the food and water next to the bed. Then, the inevitable happened: she woke up. Her purple eyes slowly opened, and she yawned. She tried to get to her hooves, but she couldn't. So she rolled on her back, then looked around. Then, she started crying. "Oh shit!" I said. I picked her up, then started rocking her back and forth, trying to lull her to sleep. "Hush now, quiet now, It's time to lay your sleepy head, hush now, quiet now, It's time to go to bed." I sang, before she fell asleep again.

Scootaloo snuggled her head against my body, and started snoring. Her purple mane was not in the usual "Slightly Dash" style, It was just a mess of tangled hair. I stroked my hand across her head. She was reawoken by a sudden crack of thunder. "Shhhh, everyhing's ok, you're safe in here." I whispered. I set her on the ground, and let her look around. Her wings started flapping, but she didn't lift off the ground. After trying a few times, she sat down, and looked around. She crawled back to the bed. Another crack of thunder sent her under the bed. I got on my hands and knees and had to get her to come out. She looked at me with fearful eyes, and har her ears covered. I crawled under the bed to comfort the filly. When I was under the bed se immediately crawled towards me and buried her head in my shirt.

I picked her up and set her on the bed. "So, do you talk?" I asked. She tilted her head at an akward angle to show she didn't know what I said. I brought the oatmeal on the bed, and held it out to her. She looked at the substance before her, then dove her face into the bowl, making a mess.

The day continued on. When the sun started setting, I heard my mom walk out. "I'm heading to Brandon's, be back in a week!" I heard her say, before she left. I waited to hear her car leave. I then unlocked the shed door, and let Scootaloo outside for a minute. She almost slipped on the wet grass. I walked out, then picked her up for a minute.When her head turned towards the sun, her eyes went wide, the sun was almost as orange as her. her mouth went wide, and I could tell that she was enjoying the sunset. I couldn't help but smile.