Soul Eater: Soul Goes to Equestria?

by Shadowflash

Soul and Maka: Why Does Jack Come Back?

Soul and Maka: Why Does Jack Come Back?

A/N: The first chapter and second chapter DOES NOT contain ponies. This story does contain ponies, or else it would fail moderation. The first three chapters allow backstory and make sure you understand the characters. Please do not auto dislike based on the fact that this chapter does not have ponies. Be realistic and read onward. You will enjoy this story. I promise.

Soul and Maka: Why does Jack come back?

City. Such an impressive word it is. Its meaning has taken various roles throughout the world. A large town of collective people who build the betterment of society is the best that we see fit. But this city is much more ... Extravagant. The city in question is called Death City. The city is dark and gloomy in appearance, a pile of various identical-looking buildings with white walls and red roofs in the middle of the deserts of Nevada, with the buildings resembling those of European origin from the 1800's.
However, seeing the city from within it, it is actually a rather lively city rich in atmosphere and culture. The cobbled streets are long and winding (and often maze-like), with lots of stairs, twists and turns. The occasional Shinigami mask structure is shown above the buildings. Right at the top of the 'pile' of buildings is the Death Weapon Meister Academy.
A single long highway leads out of the city. Its appearance also seems to resemble the settings seen in Tim Burton and David Lynch films. Unlike the real world, the Sun and the Moon that appear over the city (and in the rest of the world in fact) have faces and can usually be seen grinning or chuckling. Although invisible to most, Shinigami's soul is seen surrounding the city like a force field. Overall, it is a strange-looking city. However it is also the place where many 'characters' call their home.
But today or tonight; however, was going to be different. Within this city, as the night sky overheads the integrity of the metropolitan, there lays an alleyway that glimmers with only the chuckling moonlight as the cobblestone walls are greased with a thick, green, moss. There lay many garbage bins along the cobble-corridor, and are littered with filth such as rats, chewing away at the sickening garbage.
There is only one lantern, dimly lighting up the eerie-way, and there is a snarling sound echoing within the alley. It bellows, and it increases. The sound of saliva drips from the growls and phlegm seems to hack out of the origins of said sound. The thing or 'creature' that is emanating this sound is standing over a woman, licking the lips under the mask that hides its hideous face.
It's build is monster-like with an elongated body accompanied by disproportionately long skinny arms and legs, and a strangely profound pot-belly. It stands in a crouched position, similar to a predatory animal and has a line of small bumps in his skin going down his spine. The 'monster' has grey skin and wears a strange-looking outfit similar to that of bondage gear, made up of a few scant straps going across his torso and waist. On the strap around its waist, a black jagged shadow-like plume is attached to either side of his waist.
The monster's face is obscured by a mask that looks like it is stitched onto his face, with a pointed conical orange nose, dark angry-looking eyeholes (with one eye more narrow than the other) and a wide mouth with razor sharp teeth, complimented with a long drooling tongue, and the ends of its mouth appear to be stitched.
It is shown that its eyes glow red at some intervals. The beast has a strange-looking symbol on his forehead and has a tuft of wild black hair on each side of his head; as well as a long lock of hair hanging down on both sides of his face.
The most prominent feature of this disgraceful oddity is its hands that seem completely replaced by mechanical claw-like appendages. Each metal hand has five long razor-sharp blades that he uses as his primary weapon. These metal hands are attached to thin metal bars that run along his arms and connect to a metal ring around his neck.
It truly is a monster, and is be feared by many. The woman underneath it is clearly displaying the fear of the atrocity is capable of instilling; by quivering and sobbing. The beast grinds its claws against the cobble, making sparks rise and fall. It raises them a few feet in the air, ready to swing, when a voice calls out to it.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The beast stops, as the woman underneath it runs away.
It turns to face its new victim to only be met by a boy who is sitting on a case of cobble-stairs. The boy has white hair swept to one side, and red eyes. He naturally sports a lazy, droopy, and somewhat uninterested expression on his face. The boy wears a yellow and black jacket with buttons going down the front. Around his head is a prominent sweatband that has a sticker with the word 'SOUL' on it and a round logo featuring a red-lipped mouth bearing pointed fangs surrounded with the letters 'E-A-T.' He wears a pair of maroon pants, and yellow and black sneakers with a pattern on the soles resembling fanged-teeth.

"Hsssss!", The creature responds to the boy, and the boy retorts with a laugh, standing up on the stairs.
A girl then appears from behind him with a look of determination on her face. She is fairly petite, being about twelve to thirteen years of age. Her primary outfit is a typical schoolgirl outfit and a trench coat with a cloak-like end, a white blouse with a yellow sweater vest, a red plaid skirt, and black boots with white buckles. Her hair is ash blonde and in pigtails and she has large olive green eyes.

"Jack the Ripper. Didn't think someone else would take that name", she laughs along with the boy next to her.
"My name is to honour him. I will honour Jack. The beautiful murderer!", 'Jack the Ripper' yells with a growl in his voice, as phlegm seems to spit out from a small hole in his mask.
"Funny... We'll see about that, and how your soul enjoys the depths of his stomach. Soul?", the girl looks to the boy named 'Soul', and he nods.
"Let's do this, Maka." He puts a fang-like grin on his face as his body glows blue for a moment, and turns into something else.

His body morphs into a large scythe with a red and black teeth-like design on the blade. At the top, near the back of the scythe's blade is an eyeball with a white colour to its cornea, red to its iris and a regular black pupil. The rest of the scythe is a silver-steel like coloured pole (and most likely a steel material), in which is held in the hands of Maka.
Jack the Ripper hisses from below and grinds his talons against the ground, running up the stairs. He immediately slices at Maka in which she jumps back. The metal claws just miss her as she grinds her feet against the cobblestone ground. Maka grins, and watches Jack forward himself, flailing his right arm towards her. She laughs as she swings her scythe upward at a speed unknown to Jack, slicing off his right claw.

"Graaaahg!", he yells, as he bounces back. Blood pours from his wrist as the metal bar that attached to his back hangs loosely.
He falls to the ground as a pool of crimson forms underneath him. Jack's left claw moves, but is immobilized by the lack of support from the other metallic appendage. He lays there, unable to move.

"Too easy, eh Soul?", Maka looks at her scythe, and it's eye moves to her.
"Definitely. C'mon, I'm hungry." Maka laughs as she raises Soul into the air, swinging his blade towards Jack's head.
Unfortunately she is stopped, and shot backwards. Jack stands up and laughs as it bellows through the air.

"Foolish girl... I am much stronger than the original Jack. I will beat you. Maybe not with melee...", he glares at her as she lays on the ground, Soul's scythe form in her left hand.
"But I will beat you with magic", Jack's body contorts as he yells in pain.
His body moves and cracks, bones moving out of place as the mask bursts off from his face, and blood pours from the sewn holes. His eyes are a beet red, and his teeth hang loosely from his lipless mouth. But he is not done there, as Jack's body turns and cracks further.
The sound is sickening, echoing further and further. His once skinny arms grow into a bulging sickness, jutting out the previous appendages on his left, but no claw on the right. Jack chuckles loudly, glaring at Maka.

"I will feast on your bones, girl. Then, I will eat your partner. I don't have fetishes for boys, but you will be delicious never the less" As if on cue, the moon lets out a loud chuckle, and blood pours from its teeth.
Jack moves dangerously close. He crawls over the top of her, laughing. His lipless mouth pours blood from it, and it seeps onto her sweater vest, leaving a stain of yellow-crimson.

"You're mine..." He raises his left arm, ready to strike.
"Now!", Soul's voice echoes from the scythe, and Maka darts forward, swinging the scythe at Jack.
She is now behind him and with Soul by her side in human form. Jack laughs lightly, but then collapses in half, blood spurting out of his lifeless body, and then it spins in a dark spiral. It morphs into a small red ball; with hexagonal stone like features around it.

"Finally. I was starving." Soul walks up to it, grasping it in his hand and then tossing it in his mouth.
He chews for a moment as some saliva seeps from his lips, then he swallows. A large 'gulping' noise is heard, and then he sighs as he pats his stomach.

"God, I thought that would never end." Soul looks back at Maka, laughing lightly.
"Yeah. Glad he's gone. C'mon, let's head back. I'm tired." Maka smiles, and then starts walking behind Soul.
Soul glares at the back of her head for a moment then proceeds to follow her, whistling a quiet tune.

And so it begins... Foolish kids... I will see you soon, Soul... I will indeed...