Fuzzy Fluffy Fables

by Fuzzyfurvert

64. SciTwi Trying to Flirt 4: FlirtMEGEDDON



"Is your shirt cotton?"


"Then these must be felt! Honk honk!"

"L-let goooo!"

"But Sunset, you look so innocent. You look so sweet. So long as I have a face, you'll always have a seat!"

"Twilight, stop it, you're embarrassing me."


"Wanna try an Australian Kiss, Sunset?"

"A what?"

"It's like a French Kiss, but down undah! Hnnnnggggg!"

"No, Twi!"

"Oh c'mon."


"Lemme smash?"


"Sunset, come back!"


"I just made you come over with one finger. Imagine what I can do with my whole hand! Uuuuuuuuhh!"

"...for Celestia's sake..."