Seasons of the Heart

by RoyalBardofCanterlot


Twilight sank into the depths of the bubbling pool. High above her and her lover was a ceiling of solid stone. Cracks ran across its surface. They were surrounded by grey stone soaring up all around them. Bubbling pools filled the cavern, steam swirling up from the surface and covering the room deep beneath the earth. Other Ponies milled around, resting or frolicking in the pool. Twilight nuzzled into her lover. Celestia's eyes were closed as she relaxed into the waters flowing around her ivory form. Her wings sank into the depths. Twilight gently placed her muzzle into the wing, brushing them.

Celestia sighed in deep contentment and nuzzled her marefriend. "Twilight, I love you."

"I love you too."

Celestia opened her eyes. "It's been a long time since I loved like this." She spread her wing, drew it around Twilight, pulled her close.

Twilight rested her head on Celestia's shoulder. Celestia rested her head against Twilight. Torches lined the walls, crackling flames casting a soft, orange light over the pool, the light shimmering and shattering as the Ponies in the pools moved and caused small waves in their wake. The light illuminated Twilight and Celestia as they snuggled closer. Waves rolled and crashed around them, the lights dancing on the surface. Twilight planted a kiss on Celestia's neck and Celestia responded in kind, planting a kiss on Twilight's forehead. Twilight giggled as Celestisa's lips grazed the ticklish spot just beneath her horn.

Twilight moved closer, as close as she could get to Celestia and wrapped her forelegs around her middle. Celestia responded in kind, wrapping both wings around the unicorn. Twilight felt safe in the embrace of those alabaster wings and released a content sigh. Feelings sparked in her heart, moved down to her belly, blossomed like the unfolding of a flower between her loins.

Her face heated as she felt familiar longings. Quickly, she broke the embrace. Celestia's wings opened to her squirming as Twilight swam back. "Twilight? Whatever is the matter?"

Twilight panted and smiled. "I'm fine. Just...I'm fine."

Celestia reached out a hoof and laid it on Twilight's shoulder. "Twilight, are you alright? You look flushed."

Despite the dim light, Celestia could make out Twilight's face. Beads of sweat dripped down her forehead which could be the result of the heat or something else. Her pupils were dilated and her lips were parted. Celestia urged her out of the pool and they stepped onto the rocky floor. "You could be getting overheated. Let's get you outside."

Twilight did not object at Celestia's fussing over her as the alicorn placed a wing over her back and led her into the sunlight. Their hooves sank into the tall, green grass and the yellow heads of dandelions wrapped around their legs. A clear river ran through the great valley just outside the cave that led to the pools.

Twilight stared into the river. Pure, white stones glittered beneath the surface. The water was clearer, purer than any that she'd ever seen with the exception of the rivers she'd seen in the Everfree or the White Tail Woods. She dipped her head. "When in Roan..." Cool liquid tickled her muzzle. She opened her mouth and drank, shivering as the cold water flowed around her teeth and tongue and made its way down her throat. Her breathing returned to normal as the water quenched her thirst and purified the heat in her lower regions.

Body and soul cooled, she lifted her head from the river. Celestia took several liberal gulps from the water. "So, do you want to go back in?"

Twilight stretched. "Sure."

Celestia flapped her wings several times, water droplets dripping from her feathers. Twilight looked away, wondering why those urges were hitting her so hard lately. She had shared a bed with Celestia multiple times and those urges had never been so strong as they were right now. She looked around her at the rolling, seemingly endless meadows, the broad blue sky arching into eternity and resting upon the snowcapped mountains.

Ponies were all around her, grazing on the fresh grass, running after each other, rearing and playing with wild abandon that one would only see back in Equestria at one of Pinkie's parties or after the consumption of copious amounts of alcohol. Perhaps both. It felt so free. Celestia patted her back, stroking her withers. "Let's go."

They trotted back towards the caves. A rush of playfulness came over Twilight and she galloped ahead, swiping her tail across Celestia's muzzle. Celestia laughed, a wondrous, tinkling sound that floated on the air. Rearing up, she took off after Twilight. Their hooves beat upon the rough floor of the cavern as they chased after each other.

Celestia jumped ahead into the lead. Twilight bounced ahead by a few inches and leaped into the air. She came down with a mighty splash, the warm water enveloping her. Celestia guffawed, a thick belly laugh rising from her lips as the water splashed over her. Too big to jump into the pool, she merely slid into it instead.

Twilight splashed her again, the wave crashing into her face. Celestia's horn glowed and a ball of water appeared over Twilight's head. Twilight noticed it too late and it cashed over her, completely soaking her mane. She shook her head. "Thanks Tia! I needed to wash my mane anyway!" She brought both hooves down and Celestia put up a hasty shield that sent the water back into Twilight's face. Twilight pouted. "No fair!"

Celestia snorted at Twilight's adorable expression. "Life's not fair, my faithful marefriend." She squealed as a ball of water landed on her head. Twilight doubled over laughing. Celestia grinned. "Oh, you just asked for it."

Three water bombs, held aloft by golden magic, landed on her head in rapid succession. Twilight ducked under the water and Celestia followed her. They swam after each other, occasionally surfacing. Twilight stuck her tongue out at Celestia and ducked back down. Celestia shot forward and swiped her wings over her sides.

Twilight gasped and rocketed out. Celestia grinned and both breathed heavily. Twilight reclined against the shore, kicking her back hooves. "Alright. You win."

Celestia nibbled her ear. "What did I win?"

Twilight pressed her lips to the alicorn's. "Me."

"The best prize in the world, then."

They snuggled close. Celestia caught a scent. It was sweet, nearly intoxicating, familiar though it had been a long time. "Twilight, this has been delightful. There's wild strawberries near here and I'm getting hungry. Are you?"

"I am."

They rose from the pool and left the cavern, stepping out into the meadow. Twilight let Celestia lead her. She had clearly been here before. An old dirt hoof-path ran deep into the forest. Old, gnarled roots lifted up from the ground. Ancient pines and oaks towered above them, the long, green hair of the pine and sturdy branches of the oak twining together to form a canopy.

The sunlight came in slants through the canopy. Beneath them was a floor carpeted in fallen leaves and orange needles. They were crushed as the two Ponies tread over them and a rich, earthy scent rose up. Hare darted from a hole in a rotting oak and scampered beneath a fallen log. Twilight could almost swear she saw a flash of antlers, but looked again and they were gone.

They veered away from the road. "Go a few more feet and you'll enter into the Deer Kingdom. I had lunch with the Deer King here around fifty years ago. I suggested we meet in the pools, but he never left the forest. Very few of them do."

"How come?"

Celestia shrugged. "They get uncomfortable outside the forest. Too much exposure. Their kinfolk in the north are much more adventurous."

Further ahead, there was a clearing. Vines ran up and down, twisting into each other. Juicy, red strawberries grew from them. Celestia levitated several over, plucking them off. Twilight sat next to her as they laid in the grass. The juice of the fruit exploded on their tongues, tantalizing their taste buds.

Juice dripped down Twilight's lips, staining them red. Celestia shook her head. "Messy filly." She licked away the juice, running her tongue along Twilight's chin and tasting the sweetness of the fruit.

Twilight returned the favor, slowly lapping at the red juice staining the white fur of Celestia's chin. "You're pretty messy too."

Celestia lifted up a strawberry, the red flesh poking at Twilight's lips. Twilight nibbled into it, savoring the flavor as she bit into the strawberry. She lit up her horn and offered a strawberry to Celestia. Celestia took it between her teeth, squeezed it so it burst in her mouth.

She lit her horn and Twilight let her place a strawberry in her mouth.

They lost count of how many strawberries they ate as they fed each other. Once they were both sated, they lay side by side, the grass cushioning them. Celestia felt her eyes growing heavy. Twilight rested in her forelegs and used her spread wings like a blanket.



"...Nothing, Twilight."

Twilight lifted up. "It's something."

"Just a thought I had."

Twilight stroked her mane. "You can tell me anything."

"I know. I can be vulnerable with you. Open. Honest. And you feel that way around me too, right?"

Twilight hugged her, a gesture Celestia returned. "Of course! I..know I used to be so scared of disappointing you. I've gotten over that. I can share anything with you. Like, hmm, that time Ponyville got destroyed by parasprites. I never told you about that, but I want to now."

"I knew, Twilight. I wanted to spare your dignity."


Celestia stirred. "I'd like to be...intimate with a new way."

Twilight's face heated up. "Oh?"

Celestia looked away, suddenly becoming very interested in a spot in the distance. "We don't have to. If you don't want to, that's fine."

Twilight rested her face in the grass, trying to cool down. "I feel like I'm going to be ready for that very soon. Perhaps, tonight. How about you? I brought it up a while ago and you said you wanted to wait."

Celestia caressed her side. "I did want to wait. But now feels right."

"I just want to make sure you're ready. It's a big step." Twilight lifted up, pressed her horn to Celestia's. "Are you ready?"

"I'm ready."

They rested there a few seconds longer, lingering as the afternoon light streamed against the meadow, staring into the azure heavens. Twilight sought Celestia's hoof, grasped it. "I'm a little unsure."

"About what?"

"The mechanics I guess. Like how it works between two mares. I've seen some artistic renderings, but I don't quite get it."

"It's one of those things you have to do yourself." She squeezed Twilight's hoof. "You've never...I was almost certain you had a thing with that one filly."

"Moon Dancer? We kissed. Never got too far. Nice filly."

Celestia rubbed Twilight's hoof. "If you're even a little scared, a little unsure, I won't go through with it. This is something for both of us too enjoy. No pressure. You have to be one-hundred percent certain."

Twilight thought for a few moments. Thought about all the things she'd gone through by Celestia's side. The study sessions late into the night. The conversations and shared kisses over cups of tea. The walks through the garden.

"Celestia? I'm ready too."

Tails entwined, they walked back towards their tent.
Twilight laid out on her back, the mattress cushioning her. Celestia swayed her hips as she approached the bed, climbed onto it and brought her lips down to Twilight's throat. Twilight moaned as Celestia suckled at her skin. The alicorn moved further down, tracing her collarbone with her lips, trailing her tongue across her neck, pausing to lightly bite Twilight's throat.

Twilight writhed against the purple bed sheets as sensations ran through her body. Little jolts of pleasure emanated down from her neck, tingled through her flesh. When Celestia paused to bite her throat, she felt her nerves light on fire. The sharp pinch of Celestia's teeth was soothed away by Celestia's kiss.

The princess's lips left a trail of pleasure from her neck down to her chest. Celestia pressed down on Twilight's barrel, kissing the place where her heart was. For a few moments she let her lips hover over the heartbeat, feeling the vibrations of Twilight's heart pounding against her ribcage. She moved on, ghosting her belly with the lightest of kisses, teasing her bellybutton.

Twilight's marehood was dripping wet now, fluids leaking out onto the bed, filling the room with the scent of her. Celestia slowly, tantalizingly lowered herself, so close that her breath tickled Twilight's lavender pubic hair.

She ran her tongue on the outer regions of the unicorn's vulva. Twilight jerked and moaned in ecstasy. Ecstasy was filling her body, bliss overcoming her rational mind. There was only her and Celestia and overpowering bliss. Celestia traced the outline of her vulva. Jolts of pleasure shook the unicorn as Celestia kept going, licking Twilight's left thigh. The lick turned into a kiss and Celestia drew her tongue down her inner thigh until she reached Twilight's hoof.

Twilight giggled and drew back as Celestia discovered a ticklish part of her hoof. Celestia grinned and gave an exploratory nuzzle to Twilight's frog. Twilight eeped. Celestia kissed her left hoof then kissed Twilight's right hoof, working her way up Twilight's right thigh.

For Twilight, the world was slowly fading away as pleasure tingled through her. Then Celestia brushed her muzzle across Twilight's mound and the world simply vanished. There was nothing but pleasure, one-thousand waves of pure joy, joy brought to her by Celestia. Joy she longed to return so they could both share in it.

Twilight squirmed as Celestia's tongue explored unexplored regions, regions that before had only known Twilight's own hoof or magic and what a poor substitute that had been. This was pleasure she had never known before, realms of sublime ecstasy she felt her soul lifting towards. Celestia's tongue crossed her slit and Twilight cried out as delight rolled through her body, leaving her shivering in its wake.

Celestia wrapped her mouth around Twilight's clit and Twilight kicked her legs, squirming and writhing as the orgasm shook her, inflamed every nerve ending, pleasure pushing her soul to soar towards a carnal paradise.

Celestia lifted her head from between Twilight's legs and rolled over onto her back. Twilight pounced onto her, giving a sloppy kiss to her lips, tasting herself on the older Pony. She brushed her muzzle into Celestia's feathers. Celestia jerked as she felt Twilight's hot breath on her wing. Twilight carefully brushed each feather, biting and teasing the sensitive areas of a wing. Celestia bit her lip as the first tingles of pleasure moved through her body.

Twilight buried her muzzle into the white cloud of feathers, pulling out a few broken ones and laying them on the sheets. She brushed her muzzle through, carefully arranging each one. Celestia sank into the bed, lightly moaning at her lover's ministrations.

Twilight surprised her when, after the preening, she moved down. At first, Celestia thought Twilight was going to give her oral directly. But, instead, Twilight began to nuzzle her hooves. The soft, furry sensation was like heaven against the sensitive appendages. The nuzzles turned into languorous licks and soft kisses. There were a few bites that only heightened the sensations. Throwing away all self-restraint, Twilight began lavishing her hooves with kisses.

Celestia jerked up. "Oh!"

Twilight stopped. "Did I hurt you?"

"N-no...quite the opposite."

She laid back down. It had been such a long time since she'd been made love to. It had escaped her mind what it felt like.

Twilight looked up. "Are you...are you enjoying this? Please, I want to make you happy."

"Y-yes, Twilight. I'm very, very-oh-happy!"

A sweet smile spread across the studious Unicorn's face. "I'm glad. Very glad. It makes me happy to make you happy."

She kissed her pasterns, her thighs, inched closer to her vulva. Celestia shivered in anticipation. Twilight went over her vulva, laying a kiss on her belly button, circling her tongue across the skin of her belly. A squeak escaped Celestia's lips. "Are...are you quite sure you've never done this before?"

Twilight looked up at her. "I'm a quick learner and I have a great teacher."

Celestia gasped as Twilight drew her tongue across her nipples. She played with her teats, teasing and gently biting them. Celestia helplessly squirmed, surges of pure pleasure rushing through her. "I'm close, Twilight. S-so close."

Twilight's tongue slipped inside of her slit. Celestia panted and cried out as she was overwhelmed by the sensation. Her juices flowed onto the bed, lapped up by Twilight's tongue. Twilight, almost tortuously slowly, wrapped her tongue around her clitoris before bringing her mouth down on it and sucking.

Celestia arched her back, her great white wings stiffening. Every nerve ending in her body was alive with bliss as she cried out. Her consciousness dissolved in joyful sensations, her whole soul shuddering with delight.

Twilight laid kiss after kiss across every inch of her vulva, taking joy in the joy her mentor was feeling. Celestia, in the throes of her orgasm, was arousing Twilight again. She reached her hoof down and began to stimulate herself.

Celestia, through the orgasm induced haze, noticed what her lover was doing. Her horn lit and her magic explored Twilight's folds, the warmth caressing and pulling open the dripping wet petals of the Unicorn's flower. As a sort of thanks, Twilight redoubled her efforts, crushing her lips against Celestia's vulva.

As Twilight stimulated her, Celestia stroked her innermost parts with the warm glow of her aura. Twilight bucked and moaned as she felt an orgasm building up inside of her.

As one, both mares reached the heights of sensation, their bodies shaking with happiness. They collapsed in a pile on top of each other, meeting each other in a kiss. They tasted themselves on the other's lips and began to furiously kiss.

Celestia pulled back. "Twilight, you liked orgasming with me, didn't you?"

Twilight nodded. "Y-yes. Being able to share it with you."

Celestia stroked her mane. "Lay on my stomach so your rump is out."

Twilight wasn't quite sure where Celestia was going with this, but she trusted her mentor. So, she laid on the alicorn's chest. Celestia spread her legs. "Can you reach my vulva?"

"No, not really."

"Size difference. Use your horn."

Twilight lit it up and began to rub and massage the folds of Celestia's marehood with her violet magic. Celestia shivered. Twilight nearly toppled as a new wave of delight shook her body when Celestia thrust her tongue inside of Twilight. Twilight's whole body quivered as Celestia's tongue moved in and out of her, the slick wetness of the organ stimulating her.

She sent a wave of energy that washed through Celestia's body, a wave of pure sensation. Celestia's breath came out in quick gasps as she came closer to her peak for the second time that day. She was pushed over the edge just as Twilight was. They collapsed next to each other, Celestia pulling her close with a wing. Twilight embraced her, nuzzling her beneath her chin. "I love you, I love you, I love you so freaking much."

Celestia kissed her atop her nose. "I love you too, Twilight." She kissed her horn. "Every part of you."

Twilight reached up and kissed her horn, lingering on its fluted surface. "I got three orgasms, you got two. That's not fair."

Celestia panted. "Well, that needs to be rectified, doesn't it?"

Twilight's grin turned flat out predatory. Her magic rubbed and massaged the sensitive regions beneath Celestia's wings. Celestia squeaked and writhed again as a tickling sensation spread through her. Twilight increased the pace of the caresses and her senses sang as sensations surged through her.

With several shuddering gasps, the orgasm rocked her. She snuggled into the blankets, cuddling Twilight into her wings. Twilight cuddled into her side, both feeling safe and happy and, most of all, loved.