What's in The Box?

by Silver Inkwell



The whole entire world was gone, all except for Pinkie Pie of course, but even she wasn’t the same anymore, because now her madness had finally gotten to her driving her completely insane and turning her into the very dreaded, hated, and feared pony known as Pinkamena. But she still struggled with her positive side of herself each and every day for each and every single time that she would look into a mirror because there she would be, happy Pinkie Pie trying to cheer up Pinkamena, but no matter what she tried to do or how hard she did it nothing ever seemed to work as Pinkamena continued to ignore Pinkie Pie.

“Hey there, let’s put a smile on that face,” Pinkie Pie said to Pinkamena in the mirror. Pinkamena frowned, it was just fine when she used that phrase on all of her victims before she finally killed them, but Pinkie Pie still tried to continue using it against her to remind herself of what she once had been a very long time ago. “Give it up Pinkie Pie, they’ll never really truly accept us for who we are, and even if they did declare us sane I couldn’t stand or bear live with you anymore, not any longer after all the time that we’ve already spent together.”

“Ah, come on, don’t you want to have any kind of fun? Even some fun?”

“Only if it means death and pain, strife and agony, because I want to spread my sorrow and despair Pinkie Pie, and not even you can stop me.”

“Nope, but I can certainly try holding you back at the very least,” she said.

“You’re so annoying, you know that, right?” Pinkamena said. “Yep, I already know that because I’m part of you silly,” she said smiling. Pinkamena frowned and then went back to her regular normal ordinary things and stuff as well too.

“How is she doctor?” Twilight and her friends said. “Not well, I’m just glad that you took her to us before any real true harm was done, but it seems like that in her mind not only has she killed you, her parents, any and all of her friends including the citizens of Ponyville and even the princesses themselves, but it also seems that her mind keeps taking it to completely new levels, for example, she now believes that she has killed the whole entire world by herself.”

“Isn’t that kind of sort of impossible?” Rarity said.

“Well no, not exactly because time works out very differently in the mind and head, and she does mostly ignore everything else of course.”

“Will she ever be normal again?” Twilight said. “No, maybe she can go back to her normal old self again, be regular, but she will always be different.”

And with that said they stared at her. “She ignores everything around her, she doesn’t even ever really truly see or hear us at all, ever, just watch…”

The doctor went inside to greet Pinkamena.

“Well hello there Pinkamena, I have something for you today, but it’s in a cardboard box so first you’re going to have to wake up and say hello…”

“Wait, did you say a cardboard box? Not metal or wood?” she suddenly said.

“Why yes, why do you ask though exactly?” the doctor said.

“Oh, no reason at all, but it’s probably because I really like cardboard.

“Oh, well then I suppose you can open it up then now,” the doctor said.

Pinkamena delightfully tore the box open and saw nothing, but she knew that at any moment a knife of some kind would probably be returning to it by magical means. “It’s empty,” she said, “I got nothing because no pony else cares about me enough to give me anything at all, I’m all alone in this empty world.”

“No Pinkie Pie, you are not alone, you do have other ponies who care about you.”

“Well name one of them,” she said. “I can name at least nine, including your friends and some of the staff here at the hospital,” the doctor said.

“You and the hospital staff don’t count, and neither do my friends either as well too,” she said. “Well perhaps maybe you should give them the chance and opportunity to prove themselves of being ready and worthy to be your friends.”

“Well maybe, but right now I’ve got a completely different new world to visit, see you next time, doc,” she said as the box suddenly glowed purple and sucked her inside it. “What the hell just happened? What the hell was that?” he said glancing around at all thee nurse ponies hoping to get an answer.

But there would be no easy answers for him or any pony else, not for a very long time. After all, inter-dimensional travel is rather very hard tricky stuff.