Seasons of the Heart

by RoyalBardofCanterlot

Springtime-Late Morning

The brown desk Twilight was sitting at was covered in books. This was not an unusual state for the young librarian. All around her were bookshelves, immaculately ordered bookshelves. Not a speck of dust could be found on any of the books upon them. Probably hundreds of books were surrounding her, rising nearly to the ceiling of her home, which was carved from the heart of a living oak.

She sighed as she tossed another book, a light travel brochure featuring a sandy white island on its cover. Spike sighed, picked up the book and laid it on the neat pile which had developed. Twilight picked up another brochure, this one featuring a step pyramid surrounded by dancers covered in brightly colored scarlet and blue feathers. She opened the brochure up and perused it. There was a picture of a dazzling blue river coursing through a rocky canyon. There was a little blurb informing her that Celestia had visited there in ancient days and a temple was dedicated to where she had slain the last cipactali king, a race of crocodile demons who had once held the Atzlatl people in the bonds of the worst forms of slavery imaginable.

Twilight would love to see it, yet she laid this brochure on the piles with the others.

Spike jumped up on the table. "So what's wrong with Atzlatn?"

Twilight shook her mane. "Nothing's wrong with Atzlatn! I love Atzlatn! The problem is Celestia's already been there! The travel guides always include places where Celestia has gone. Its great for tourism. Celestia...she's been everywhere on Equus. Griffhalla, Prance, Bittania, all over Europa, Neighpon, Saddle Arabia, Dream Valley, Unicornia, she once ruled Donkeya and had her summer home there. Seriously, we'd have to go to another planet just so she could see something new."

Spike scratched his chin. "Hmm...what about the mirror world?"

Twilight looked up to the ceiling. "It is a thought. Huh. And we wouldn't have to pay any travel fare. Of course, she already gets a discount." She slumped in her chair. "No, no, there's too many variables. I'd prefer this dimension."

The sunlight streamed through the sparkling clear windows, creating pools of light on the wooden floor. Twilight trotted over and stood in the warmth. The rays warmed her coat, relaxed a kink in her neck. Spike walked over to join her. She shuffled a hoof. "Spike, I just want to give her the vacation she deserves. This isn't like when I was trying to win her heart. I already have that. She really needs a vacation. To see something new. A place where she can just be herself and rest for a while. Because that's what she deserves and that's what I want to give her."

Spike nodded. He went back to the table, hopping on top of it. He searched through the books and found what Twilight had found. "Well, the Princess has been around for thousands of years. She probably has seen everything. What about the Crystal Empire?"

Twilight's ears perked up. "The Crystal Empire? Actually, I think she had a lover that was Crystallish."

Spike grinned. "Jealous?"

Twilight glared at him. "Don't be ridiculous. Though, it was that book of love poems by a Crystallish poet that brought us together." She lit her horn and levitated a volume of love poetry, translated by her and Celestia into modern Equestrian. Thanks to this work, the lost poetry of the Crystal Empire was regaining popularity, at least among Equestrian academia. Although, Rarity had requested a copy recently. She flipped through the book of poems, coming to one of her favorites. She read it again. It was a poem she had sent to Celestia.

"You are the goddess of my heart, at secret altars I have knelt to you, I long to drink with you the wine of desire..." She hugged the book to her chest as she recalled the caress of Celestia's feathers running down her back, the soft tickle of those lips upon her own.

Spike gagged and Twilight was thrown out of her daydream. She playfully noogied him. "Hey now, I don't gag when you start flirting with Rarity."

Spike blushed and glanced down at the floor. Twilight rubbed his spines, drawing forth a satisfied smile. "I think the Crystal Empire would make a good vacation spot. We'll put that into the good idea category."

She laid the book back onto the shelf and sat back down at her workbench. She took an empty yellow parchment from her drawer and laid it on the table. After dipping her owl feather into a golden inkstand she wrote "vacation ideas" and then "Crystal Empire." She chewed on the feather.

Her draconic companion jumped on the desk and sat on the edge, swinging his clawed feet back and forth. "Oh, I know! What about Tenochtitlan?"

Twilight glanced at the brochure which featured long stretches of orange mesas and golden sands. "It doesn't mention if she's ever been there."

"Winsome Falls?"

Twilight shook her head. "I don't want anywhere in Equestria though it is a beautiful spot."

Spike scratched his chin. "Twilight?"


He stared at his adoptive mother. "Have you considered just asking Celestia where she wants to go?"

Twilight growled. "Then it wouldn't be a surprise!" She waved her forelegs. "I want it to be a surprise!" She looked back down at the sheet. "Wait. The Crystal Empire won't work. She doesn't like cold places."

Spike perused the travel books. "Mustangia?"

Twilight took a look at the book. The pictures in the book showed strong, hearty-looking Ponies galloping through wide, flower-carpeted meadows ringed by rugged, snow peaked mountains. One picture showed a circle of white, jagged mountains around a calm, sapphire lake. Other sights were vast forests of oak, birch and willow where a reclusive deer tribe dwelt. They were hospitable to visitors and one picture was of a magnificent, wide horned buck peeking out from between leafy trees.

It was the wildflowers that finally sold her. Wild roses and daffodils and innumerable other kinds covered the whole land. Vibrant purple heather clung to the side of rocky slopes. She imagined herself walking with Celestia among the flowers, plucking them, braiding her hair with violets. Celestia could braid her own hair and they could graze on sweet grass and roll around on the soft floor of the valleys. She could see them frolicking and chasing each other.

She also felt her cheeks heat up as her mind went to other places. She closed the travel book. They were going to Mustangia.

Luna trotted down the ivory halls of the palace, a letter held in her magic. She turned a corner and approached her sister's door. Two golden-clad guards moved out of her way as she knocked twice.

Celestia opened the door. "Good afternoon, Sister. Tea?"

Luna followed her inside, her hooves nearly sinking into the plush violet carpet. All around her were bookshelves. A fire crackled away in the black and gold inlaid fireplace, casting a warm glow in the room. A red cushion was in the center of the room, just across from a mahogany writing desk covered in scrolls. Her sister's phoenix quill pen (donated by Philomena last molting season) laid beside a half-written letter to some dignitary or other. A white teacup laid atop a silver plate next to the cushion.

Celestia settled herself atop the cushion and invited Luna over. Luna laid beside her. "I have a most vexing dilemma, mine sister. I require thine aid in solving this puzzle."

Celestia took the letter in her golden aura. "Let me see it..." She blinked. As she read she sipped from her teacup. Luna took a cup for herself and inhaled the soft scent of chamomile.

"Let's see hear. 'Dearest Princess of the Night...though my holy faith forbids it, last night I gazed upon the moon made me think of your beauty. Sister, this is a love letter. Why are you showing me this?"

Luna shifted and placed the cup back on the platter. "Could it be a trick which the wily Arabians are playing? Getting me to drop my defenses and seducing me in order to get national secrets?"

Celestia put aside the letter. "I understand why you would think that. The Arabians of one-thousand years ago were very different. They had only gotten the first taste of civilization and had just dragged themselves from the depths of barbarism. Moohamed was a brilliant leader, a great tactician and a social reformer par excellence. When he died, the unity he created by the force of his personality alone shattered. They chose to create unity through conquest. Did we not do something similar when we built our own empire?"

Luna picked up the kettle in her magic and poured the steaming tea into her cup. The steam swirled in tendrils from the liquid. She raised it to her lips and drank, the warmth of the beverage soothing her. "Of course. Imperial rule and conquest were necessary for imposing order and peace after the madness of Discord's reign. I do not resent the Arabians for their natural desire to expand."

Celestia stretched. "They have changed, as we have. Our last war with Saddle Arabia concluded eight-hundred years ago. Since then, they have been our allies and have sought the paths of peace."

Luna took the letter back and read over it. "So, I should presume this young stallion is sincere?"

Celestia took a long sip from her cup. "I see no reason to believe otherwise. Also, I seem to recall an agreement that if Twilight successfully wooed me-and she has-then you would seek out a partner for yourself."

Luna drummed a hoof. "It has been so long, though. And he lives all the way in Arabia. Surely I should seek somepony closer to home?"

Celestia stared into her drink. "You and Akbear spoke to each other for four hours did you not? Despite the fact that the meeting was only supposed to be for half-an-hour?"

Luna shuffled her hoof. "Yes."

"And did you not get along rather well?"

"I did enjoy his company."

Celestia refilled her empty cup. "I'm not seeing the problem, Sister."

Luna held out her cup. Celestia filled it. "The problem is I don't know where to start!"

The younger princess smiled at the touch of the elder's wing. "This is where you should start. Take a letter and write what your heart tells you to."

Luna leaned against her. "Thank you."

Celestia frowned. "I too am having troubles in matters of the heart."

"Oh? What's wrong?"

Celestia hung her head. "I think Twilight's mad at me. She said everything was okay, but she was sending me a letter every day and I haven't gotten one in a week since I forgot to make a reservation at her favorite restauraunt."

"Tis only been a week! Mayhap she has gotten caught up in some research. Have you written her a letter?"

"It is what I was doing when you came in my room."

Luna stretched and rose. "I'll let you get back to it."

"Couldn't you stay a bit longer?"

Luna smiled and returned to her previous position. "Oh, alright."
Spike was a good and faithful scribe, but his services were less and less needed by Twilight. Ever since she had started dating Celestia, she wanted to use her own magic to write letters to her. It was so much more romantic, she said.

So she sat at her desk, her horn alight as its magic held a brown quill over a piece of parchment.

To the Princess of my Heart,
I have been spent a great deal of time thinking about our last conversation and have decided that you need a vacation and we need some time together as a couple. So, I ask that you set aside some time for us. I will make all the arrangements. You won't have to worry about anything. I will take care of it all. As for where we will be going, all I will say is that I'm sure you will love it.
With love,

She called Spike away from his task of rearranging the shelves. A jet of green flame from his mouth sent the letter off.
The letter appeared in Celestia's chambers in a burst of magic. Celestia grabbed it up. Luna stood from where she'd been sitting on the cushion as Celestia took it in her magic. The elder sister briefly hugged it to her chest. "It's from Twilight!"

Luna chuckled. "Don't keep me in suspense. What's it say?"

Celestia read over it. "Luna? Can you handle governing the country for a month? Remember to let Parliament handle most things, but don't let them get away with everything. No raising their own salaries. Again."

Luna raised an eyebrow. "Certainly, I can. Where art thou going?"

A wide grin spread across her face. "I'm going on vacation."
They met at the train station early. The line of black tracks crisscrossed the land, leading off into infinity. Celestia stood among the crowd, searching. Behind her were the towers of Canterlot, its white spires shining in the golden sunlight. The heart flags snapped and waved in a light breeze that washed over her.

The cool of the breeze and droplets of dew against her hooves caused her to shiver. She lit up her horn and caused a warming spell to cover her. Twilight had written her back, telling her that she'd be here. The crowd of Ponies surged around her, ignoring their disguised sovereign. It was mostly Unicorn mares and stallions, though a few Earth Ponies and Pegasii wandered through. Some Pegasii flew into the air, just above the herd.

One young, blue Pegasus mare had her filly upon her back. The filly had fallen asleep, her forelegs around her neck and her face in her purple mane. Other fillies and colts milled around the station, some scampering and playing with newly found friends or their siblings. Others leaned up against their parents.

Celestia had always loved children. She wondered...then she shook the thought away. It was something to think about later. She saw a flash of purple, but it was an Earth Pony stallion. Her eyes scanned the station and she tapped her hoof impatiently. A whistle shattered the peace of the morning, drowning out the the rhythm of the bird song and chattering of Ponies. The train zoomed by, an explosion of steam shooting from its engine.

The power of the vehicle shook the ground as its wheels drove along the tracks. It kept going and was soon out of sight. Celestia yawned and stretched. She looked around again and then felt something warm nuzzle into her side. She closed her eyes, her beloved's scent wrapping around her. Celestia stretched out a foreleg and laid it over Twilight who leaned into her.

"Good morning, Tia."

She crossed her horn with Twilight's. "Good morning, Twily."

Twilight blushed crimson at the show of intimacy and Celestia took a few moments to enjoy Twilight's warmth. "So, where are we going?"

Twilight shook her head. "Uh-uh. That's a secret."

Celestia looked to the emerald hills that rolled along to the grassy expanse surrounding Equestria. "Very well."

"You'll love it, I know you will!"

A second train drove up and stopped. Twilight bounced ahead and Celestia followed her to two cushioned seats near a window. Celestia reclined on one cushion, Twilight on the other. The train began to move and the land blurred by in a patchwork of greens and browns. Celestia drew on her knowledge of the landscape.

Humble, brownstone cottages with thatched roofs rose up as if from the soil itself as the train went through the town of Ponyville. Many of the cottages had simple gardens filled with flowers or vegetables. Bumblebees danced among soft blue morning glories who had unfurled their petals to the rising sun. Blackberry vines curled around a fence, mingling with strawberry vines.

The train sped by and the town receded. The soft green hills rose up on both sides of the railway. An oceanic grassland spread out in all directions, waves of green cresting and falling in the strong wind stirred up by the roaring train. This was the Great Grass Sea. Stone ruins peaked out from weeds, vines obscuring ancient inscriptions that praised the glory of a ruler that thought herself great.

Celestia turned away. They played in her sister's day...

"Celestia?" Twilight was staring at her. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, my love. I have a lot of memories in this old head of mine. Sometimes things stir them up."


"I'm fine."

Twilight stood up and Celestia felt her warmth as she nuzzled her. "Wanna talk about it?"

Celestia smiled. "A city used to be here."

"Oh, yeah! Heliopolis! It was destroyed in the First Civil War during the Republic Era..."

"I was there, Twilight."

"Did you want to explore it?"

Celestia looked out the window again. "Please tell me this trip isn't about anything from mt past."

Twilight rested her head atop hers. "No."

Celestia pressed her cheek against Twilight's. "Thank you. For the trip and so many other things."

Twilight stayed by her side. The ruins of Heliopolis receded and other ruins appeared from still more ancient cities. Carved pillars that had once been attached to grand palaces. Standing stones that cast strange shadows. Golden pyramids rising up above the plains, remnants of the Dream Valley civilization that had passed by here ten millennia ago and from whom all Ponies claimed cultural descent.

Twilight had laid back down. Celestia felt herself growing sleepy from the rocking of the train. It had been at least four hours and they were still deep in the heart of Equestria's wildland. A few scattered forest popped up in places, thin woodlands made up of pine and oak. The train, which could go at quite the fast speed to thaumurgic engineering, had not left the plains despite having traveled four-thousand miles.

The train could have turned down a different track at any time. It could have gone east to Baltimare, west to the white tail woods. Yet, it had gone south and then west. Not the desert, but forests. Just as she thought this, the train entered into a vast forest. Her sight was obscured by rows and rows of fir trees.

A broad smile broke out on her face. "Ah, I know where we are going."

Twilight's ears perked up. "You do?"

"To Mustangia."

Twilight's jaw dropped. Celestia pranced up from her seat and swept Twilight up into a hug that her stunned marefried returned. The ring of tall, silvery mountains confirmed her suspicions. "Oh, Twilight, thank you! I've been wanting to try their hot springs for decades, but when I go there its always some diplomacy or other and I never get to!"

Twilight beamed as she was set down. She gave a happy jump, her hooves tapping on the wooden train floor. "I knew you'd love it! We can do the hotsprings first thing! Ooh, let's get our itinerary started right now!"

Two mountains stood, like grim, grey guardians at the borders of Mustangia. The train entered through them and was greeted by a symphony of colorful wildflowers. Orange blossoms and yellow butterflies waltzed around each other. Celestia and Twilight plopped down in the middle of the floor, Twilight's notebook opened. Twilight hummed to herself as she held a quill. "Alright, the hot springs first. And I want to walk among the wildflowers."

"You ever been part of a stampede? It's fun."

"I'll put that on the list. Do you sign up?"

Celestia chuckled. "Mustangs have stampedes whenever they feel like it and anypony can join. Anyhorse, really. Mustangs are delightfully primal. That's not an insult. Their primitiveness is deliberately cultivated."

Twilight scribbled on the notebook. "And I want to hear a storyteller!"

"Of course."

The train continued along its course, stopping in the middle of a a settlement composed of tents. The passengers stood and began trotting from the train. Twilight and Celestia walked side by side as they stepped onto the ground of Mustangia.