Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 8: Divide and Defend

Chapter 8: Divide and Defend

As the sun rose, bathing the badlands in its scorching light, the soldiers of Dawn Shield made their final preparations.

Rarity checked her ammunition for both her rifle and a pair of pistols she added to her arsenal, while Jacob did the same for his assault rifle. Lyra checked the runes covering her arrows. Sweetie calibrated her computer's targeting systems. Everyone else checked their various blades and bludgeons.

Midnight's seal glowed, as did the core inside the pod holding his golem. A grin spread across his face as every check came back green.

“Alright, we're going to-”

Members of Dawn Shield,” a loud voice boomed from above. “Come out of your hole so we can speak like civilized ponies.

“Son of a bitch, he knew we were here?” Scootaloo asked.

“Scootaloo, language,” Sweetie said automatically.

“It would seem so,” Twilight said.

“What'cha wanna do, boss?” Applejack asked.

Midnight pondered this for a few seconds before saying, “If he knows where we are, he could have already attacked. He surrendered the element of surprise, so I think we can assume he does want to talk.”

“Who needs to talk,” Rainbow said, flipping her twin scythes in her grip. “Let's just go kick his wrinkly old butt.”

“Ah say we hear him out,” Applebloom said. “He might even surrender.”

“Or at least have an explanation for what he's doing,” Fluttershy added. “Maybe we can do this without fighting.”

“I doubt it, but we'll at least see what he has to say,” Midnight said. “Scootaloo, what do you see?”

Scootaloo's brow scrunched up as she focused, walking towards one wall. “They're right at the edge of my sight, so I can't see them too well. There's four of them, two are...floating? I don't see wings. One looks... Familiar, but I can't place from where.”

Midnight hummed. “Alright, we're going topside. Twilight, Sweetie Belle, Rainbow, you three with me. The rest of you keep your distance but stay on your guard.”

“Alright, y'all ready?” Applebloom asked as the group gathered around the young mare.

With a flash, the ground below them shot up as the rock above parted. The morning light revealed Starswirl and his escort a good distance away. With a glance behind him, Midnight marched out with his own three.

“Ah'm goin', too,” Applebloom said. “Y'all need some muscle in case they try somethin' funny.”

Midnight nodded in agreement. “Alright, but stay silent.”

As they approached, his eyes wandered from the unicorn to the two floating seaponies behind him, and landing on the strange not-diamond dog. Midnight couldn't place it, but there was something familiar about him and it sent chills down his spine.

“Well, you certainly know how to make an entrance,” The unicorn said, bringing Midnight back to the world. “I am Starswirl, Archmage of Unicornia.”

Midnight stopped a dozen feet from the elderly unicorn. “I'm Colonel Midnight Star, of Dawn Shield. I was under the impression that Unicornia fell nearly two millennia ago.”

Starswirl smiled, “Yes, it did. So, to what do I owe this visit?”

“We're here to bring you in for attempted murder and malicious wounding, and to bring in the three known as the 'sirens' for one-hundred thirty-seven counts of murder, magical coercion, and illegal use of mental magic.”

Starswirl just nodded. “Well, I must apologize, but I cannot let you take me in, not when I'm so close to fixing this world.”

Midnight glared at him. “We know all about your plan, and it won't happen. This world isn't broken, and twisting it to fit your tribalist ideals wouldn't fix it if it was.”

Starswirl smirked. “So, my son told you, did he? Well, I suppose I can understand that. You did save his life after all.”

Midnight sneered. “I take it you didn't call us here to surrender, so what do you want?”

Starswirl sighed and said. “I doubt you could be convinced of the righteousness of my cause, so I won't waste my breath. Instead, I am forced to resort to this;” His horn glowed, bringing up two squares of magic, each showing a different scene, the first was a black unicorn with a curved, red horn and sharp teeth with what looked like the city of Manehattan behind him. The other showed another seapony in front of a large iron cage filled with the terrified faces of several dozen foals. “You may both begin.”


“Thank the gods.”

“Sombra?” Twilight exclaimed in shock. “But, he's dead!”

“And now he leads an army of my mutant ponies into Manehattan with orders to slaughter everything in sight. The other, my eldest child, is in the ruins of the Everfree Castle and has orders to begin executing the foals gathered from your home, one every five minutes.”

“I'll rip your spine out!” Rainbow screamed and surged forward, only to be caught by a large ethereal hand.

“Rainbow!” Midnight said, bringing her in front of him. “Get to the Everfree and get the foals, Twilight, take Sweetie and Applebloom and get to Manehattan.”

“But, Aurora-” Twilight began, only to be cut off.

“Is out of range of your teleport, but Manehattan isn't. Go!”

Rainbow exploded into action, taking off with such force that she nearly pulled Midnight off his hooves. He maintained his balance, though and summoned a mageform sword and swung at Starswirl as a flash of purple and a bang resonated behind him.

The electric clink of magic on metal sounded as the dog stopped Midnight's blade with a wicked looking black claw on his left paw. Before he could follow up, the four vanished in a flash of silver.

“Let's go!” Midnight called behind him as he activated his seal and charged.

Slash leaped up from underground, the cat-like golem charging alongside the others.

The enemy fortress came alive, mutant ponies surged from the mountain like ants, pouring from every hole and crevice.

The first shot came from Lyra, three arrows zipping past Midnight before splitting into ten arrows each, raining down on the approaching enemy. This was followed by the crack of Rarity's and Jacob's rifles. Next came spells; Midnight flinging ice spears, Applejack throwing fireballs, Pinkie shooting lightning bolts, and Fluttershy hurling arrows of light.

As the enemy fell by the dozens, their bodies dissolved into light and shot off toward some place in the distance. Despite how many they killed, it barely seemed to even dent their numbers.

Midnight drew his sword and shield from their place on his back. A pink blur shot ahead, latching onto the nearest mutant and digging her daggers into its chest. Midnight followed suit, slamming his shield into one foe before separating another's head from its shoulders. Soon enough, Applejack's axe and Slash's claws joined the fray.

As the battle began in earnest, a smile crossed his face as a shadow with nothing to cast it crept past.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

A flash of light caused several ponies to jump, startled by the sudden appearance. A few were about to tell the trio exactly what they thought about the sudden interruption of their day, but thought better of it when they caught sight of the massive weapons wielded by two of them and the strange, inequine look to the third.

“Where are they?” Applebloom asked, ready to crush the ex-tyrant's legs.

“Based on what we saw in that image, I would say on the south-east side, near the marina,” Sweetie Belle deduced.

“Let's go!” Twilight ordered, rage in her eyes.

As the three ran on, Sweetie kept pace alongside her fellow unicorn. “Twilight, I think you should calm down. It won't do us any favors to go into battle angry.”

“I'll calm down when I tear off Sombra's horn and slit Starswirl's throat with it!” replied Twilight. “Then I'll bring him back, and skin him alive!”

Sweetie recoiled. She had never seen Twilight like that.

“Twilight, Aurora'll be okay,” Applebloom assured. “Rainbow Dash'll get there, kick that pony's rear end and have the foals tucked in safe and sound in less than five minutes.”

“I hope so,” Twilight said, trying to convince herself it was true.

A part of her knew, though, that even at her fastest, it would take Rainbow Dash at least ten minutes to reach Castle Everfree.

No matter what they did, two foals were going to die.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---


“Yes, Sonata?”

Sonata settled beside Starswirl, a concerned look on her face.

“What is wrong, angel?” Starswirl asked.

Sonata fidgeted a little before asking, “I was thinking... What if Dissy's right? What if you really can't control that magic?”

Starswirl gave her a warm, reassuring smile. “Do not worry, my dear. I can control it. Your brother simply lacked the resolve and conviction.”

“B-but...” Sonata began.

Starswirl placed a hoof on her head. “Trust me, my dear. Have I ever steered you wrong?”

“No...” Sonata dragged a hoof in little circles on the floor.

“Do not worry, my little angel,” Starswirl lifted her chin and smiled. “All will be made right soon.”

“Okay, daddy.”

Starswirl gave her one last smile before heading back to his work room.

When he was out of sight, Sonata made her way downstairs. She tried her best to avoid those creepy pony things. Thankfully, they left her alone as she made her way to the dungeon.

She flew up to the cell at the end and tapped on the bars.

“Knock, knock,” she said, trying to sound cheerful.

“What do you want?” Discord snapped, laying in the corner, facing away.

Sonata recoiled at the pure anger and hatred in his voice. “Um... I was just... wanting to talk.”

Discord lifted his head and turned to face her. “About what?”

“What you said to daddy.”

Discord gave her a calculating gaze before speaking. “What else is there to say? You can't control chaos, no matter how powerful or determined you are. Father doesn't understand a thing about it.”

“Why won't it work, though?”

Discord looked at his 'big sister', seeing the genuine concern and sighed. “Chaos magic isn't like pony magic. The more specific you get, the weaker it becomes until it vanishes altogether. What father wants to do... All he sees is a powerful magic. He doesn't realize its limitations.”

“But...” Sonata began, trying to think of anything. “If anypony could do it, daddy,”

“Even if father, Twilight, and the princesses all got together and tried, it still wouldn't work.”

“B-but...” Sonata began trembling, breathing heavily. “I... I... k-killed ponies... if daddy can't bring them back...”

Discord got to his hooves and went to his cell door. “Sonata, sis... he used you. He convinced you that what you were doing was going to just disappear. It's his fault more than yours.”

“Wh-what am I going to do?”

Discord looked her in the eye and said. “Help us save the world.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Starswirl shut the door to the vault behind him as he left.

“How much longer?” Nag-Ta leaned against the wall, waiting for him.

“Not long,” Starswirl replied. “The Chaos Stone will continue to absorb energy from the battle outside until it is ready for my spell to be cast.”

Nag-Ta nodded. “That is good.” The demon dog matched pace with Starswirl as the ancient wizard headed back toward his observation deck. “It means I can finally clear up a couple loose ends.”

“What-” Pain exploded in Starswirl's back as blood erupted from his chest as a black blade sprouted from behind.

“I do apologize, but you won't be casting any spells,” Nag-Ta mocked.

Starswirl's world twisted and distorted. He could feel his essence being ripped from his body.

And then, all was darkness and agony.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Rainbow Dash grit her teeth. Any other day, she would have reveled at the thrill of flying at such high speeds, but at that moment, all she could think about was the foals. It had to have been at least five minutes already, and that meant...

Rainbow Dash squeezed her eyes shut, willing the thoughts away. It would do her no good to dwell on it. All she could do was get there as fast as she could.

The image of Aurora entered her mind, pleading for her to help as her throat was slit.

Rainbow let out a cry of anger, pushing herself even faster. At this rate, she would likely hurt herself, but if it would save those foals, she cut her own wings off herself.

Finally, after what seemed like far too long, the old castle came into view. Rainbow made straight for it, feeling the muscles in her wings starting to tear. Pain lanced through her back, nearly making her lose control, but she made it to the bridge, hitting the ground running.

She rushed through the door, rising to her hind hooves and drawing her scythes. She ran through the castle, looking for any sign of the foals.

A distant scream drew her toward a staircase heading down. She ran down, four steps at a time. A boom echoed through the halls just one more flight down. She rushed through the door, dread filling her as she expected to find the body of some poor foal.

Instead, she found a seapony dragging herself along the floor, a look of pure terror on her face.

“P-please!” the seapony cried. “Help me!”

“What's going on? Where are the foals?” Rainbow demanded.

The seapony opened her mouth as the wall behind her exploded.