7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

S2 Chapter 13: Random Shorts

S2 Chapter 13:

Random Shorts

-Xavier's Recap-

Eugh! Last week was such a drag... The main cause of my problems? Brianna! Not only did she spearhead Fluttershy into the herd, and because of that I have four mares that're tied to me, but her gauding! Brianna was embarrassing both me and Fluttershy with inappropriate comments, gestures, shoving us together, one night she even set up a candle lit "dinner" for us. Fortunately, Flutters and I decided to talk to her on Friday because it had to stop. Fluttershy did most of the talking because she said I was doing more whining than explaining anything, right in front of Bri. At least she was nice about it.

With Brianna out of the way, we talked and I found out that Fluttershy has had a crush on me since last year's Nightmare Night. That and added on to how happy Rainbow was with me, she figured she wanted in. However, when I was hospitalized, she realized how fast I could be taken away from everyone and has been trying to muster up the courage to join my herd ever since. It explains why she's been acting unusual since I got out. Well, at least she's relatively normal, although she does act like a friggin school girl when I wave to her, seeing her on a regular day. It's cute though. Although, I'm thinking about drawing the line pretty soon.. A few nights with three mares in my bed at once had started triggering my claustrophobia.

-End of Recap-

-Luna's POV-

While dream walking, I found myself in a peculiar dream that gave off negative vibes. Of what I have yet to figure out. From what I can tell, this wasn't a mere pony's dream. I was in what looked like a kitchen, standing beside a table with a plate of fish bones, a cut loaf of bread, a broken jar of what seemed like strawberry jam. The chairs gave it a way that it was a minotaur's dream for they were way to high to be a pony's. Walking around, I was looking for whomever the dream belonged to, only to slip on a wheeled plank of wood. Who would leave such a contraption on the floor like this?! I could've broken my neck! And this floor is filthy! Standing back up, I noticed a slice of..... meat... surrounded by knives and ants. This would be a nightmare of any pony, if it were a pony's dream. However, I noticed there were prints on the floor. Shoe prints. This can only mean that this dream belongs to one of the-

"LET ME IN YOU FUCKING DICK!! LET ME IN!!!" My head snapped up and toward the source looking for the cause of the outburst. "I SAID LET ME IN!! ALMOST THERE!!! RRRAAAAAAAUUUGH!!!!"

Then I have witnessed it. One slice of bread that was on the toaster was spontaneously flung into the air by an unimaginable force. "NOO!!! FUUUUUUUUUCK!!! FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT TOASTER!! I WILL MURDER YOUR FUCKING FAMILY!!!" I stared at the slice of bread that was sitting on the floor, before it started flipping back towards the counter the toaster rested on, climbing up the counter and trying to get inside of the toaster. Is this seriously what's causing the negative energy coming from this dream? Rolling my eyes, I used my magic to hold the profanity-shouting bread up to my eye level. "What the f-.... oh. It's you."

"May I be of any assistance, Xavier?" I asked.

"First, I'm Jack. Second, yes please."

-Jeff's POV-

Dragons. They wanted to follow the little guy to be with dragons. Not one dragon in the mountains, no. Many dragons that lived on top of fuckin volcanoes! I broke my legs one too many goin on hikin trips with these ponies and never again! Maybe when I got other hands who got my back but pansy pony hooves aint cuttin it! Wanna know whats happened? They're callin' me to save their hides! Ponies can't do shit by themselves!

"Those mares are screwed in the head. Why the hell am I here? This is their fault and their mess to clean up, not mine!"

The ponies had dragged me yesterday morning to a trench in order protect them from fire breathing dragons. Fire breathing fucking dragons! And they just had to pick on the little guy who wanted to be seen as a man instead of an adorable joke these pansy bitches turned him into. Hearts out to the fella, but he really should've let Star-butt do the cookin and bringin' in the cookies tea and snacks. Why have a man do all that shit wearin that Barbie-doll apron? That shit's embarrassin' to us, even I was mortified by just lookin at him!

"I would've ran away too."

And here I am about to save their bacons! Three of them. I saw three. They were laughing at how utterly fuckin rediculous the pony's fighting stances were. I'm no martial artist but I know that these weak ass ponies cant fight themselves through piss, and Rainbow'll be fuckin creamed again but by a dragon this time. And then Xavier'll be on my ass again.

"Ah what the hell."

I pulled out Hank and shot in the air, gaining everyone's attention.

"Alright lizard breaths. Think you're tough takin on three girly namby pamby ponies, right?!" "Hey!!!" "Well good for you! Guess ya aint man enough to take on a real fighter eh?"

The dragons looked at him and snorted up smoke. "Oh look. You bring some weirdo monkey to fight your battles for you, Spike?"

I fired Hank again, this time at the ground right in front of their feet. One of the bullets grazed the red one's toe, making him jump back. "Oi. Spike's a tough trooper and a friend. I have a sayin' when it comes to friends, and I'll only say it once." I took a step towards the three. "Ya fuck with my friends, you fuck with me. And you do not want to fuck with me!" He raised his weapon again and shot the big one's spikeball tail off. It didn't take long for them to get the message and run off, tail between their legs while leaving a little trail of blood. "Yeah ya better run!"

It also didn't take long for one of the ponies to open their mouths. "Jeff, I appreciate you rescuing us, but did you really have to go that far? You shot his tail off!"

"Aw bullshit, they're lizards. The big one's tail will grow back." I collected my new trophy and left.

A week later

-Brianna's POV-

"Now remember, Angel. Brianna is in charge while I'm away, but I expect you to help her take care of the others too, okay?" Fluttershy said talking to her bunny. Angel saluted before hopping to another room cutely. It was still an early Saturday morning. I'm usually hear later than this but Fluttershy needed my help really early because she needed to be somewhere away from her animals for a while. She didn't tell me this, but she wrote on the chart my brothers use. I'm curious though.

"Where are ya goin' Flutternee-chan?" I asked.

She looked over her shoulder and smiled at the new nickname I gave her since she started lovin' kissin' smoochie smoochie-ing seeing my brother. "Oh, I just need to get ready to help Rainbow Dash and the other pegasi in Ponyville with something imporant. She and your brother will meet me there."

"Oh. Well be careful Flutternee-chan!" I yelled, waving.

"I will. You be good now, and hold down the fort for me, okay?" She said in a sweet tone. "We'll do something very special for you when this is all over."

"Sweeeeet!! I WON'T LET YOU DOWN!" I said giving a salute like Angel.

She giggled. "See you soon, Brianna." She said before leaving.

I waved one last time before dashing straight to he kitchen where a list and a bunny waits for me. I look at the very long long...long......long... list of stuff to do. Gee... this is a lotta stuff... Angel looks at me worried-like when he sees me looking at the list. Angel and I have gotten close over the years. At first he was like, ish, because he was sorta mean to me. One time on his special day, Fluttershy asked me and Pinkie to help her make a carrot cupcake for him. I think that's when we started getting along because Fluttershy and Pinkie gave me all the credit. He's been like another brother to me since, but more cuddly. I came to understand that he felt Fluttershy needed a some sort of guardian to keep the bullies away that's not a bear and felt he fit that role. Even though sometimes Angel was bein the bully, that naughty bunny. Sometimes I had to keep him in check, but we're good friends that care about each other.

Angel snapped me out of my thoughts and pointed to the first thing on the list. The first thing that was on the list was egg collecting. That sounds too easy... I looked at the list, skimming the rest of it and found the worst most frown-uponable task there was to imagine that could ever possibly be on any list ever! Cleaning Harry's pen... Angel looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"My bros said it's always good to get the worst task out of the way first..." This was going to be a long day indeed..

It was tough... Angel and I had cleared the entire list in three hours. Since he didn't want to go near Harry's pen, he moved on to the second worst task and got that and a few others done by the time I was finished. After that we were working together on lesser and lesser chores Fluttershy left for us and it became a breeze. The last thing we did was number one on the list, egg collecting. Since Angel's been such a cutie and a big help, I let him sleep. He gave me a hug and a few bunny kisses before he hopped off. SO KAWAII~!! I had to do something for the cute bunny buddy. I went to the kitchen and made him a big bowl of carrot salad and set it right beside his cute snoring self.

I yawned. I was tired after doing so much work. Hopefully Flutternee-chan will be back soon so we can do some fun. I lied down on the couch and closed my eyes, going off to Dreamland to see my favorite pink star warrior.

-Xavier's POV-

"Oh, Fluttershy... That was disappointing." I said, shaking my head. "I don't expect you to be Rainbow Dash, but you really gotta do better than that. You can do better than that."

Fluttershy was shaking, hiding behind her mane like a terrified child. "I'm trying but I just... I... I can't!"

"Fluttershy, you socked me in the face once, you can do this." I wasn't letting up on her. Rainbow Dash told me that I had to because I was the only one that could. I asked if Jeff could be her coach, but Rainbow was deterred from even thinking about letting that happen, saying something about him shooting a dragon's tail off. I guess he'd go too far. So there I was.

"I know and I'm sorry! I just... Everypony will laugh at me because I can't fly good.." she whimpered.

"Well fuck those guys then. This ain't about them. This is about you. See those feathered limbs ya got there? Those are your wings, not theirs!"

"But... but..."

"DO IT!!!!" I shouted. "JUST! DO IT!!!"

"What if-" Not taking it.

"Don't let your dreams be dreams!" I said, cutting her off. "Yesterday, you said tomorrow, SO JUST DO IT!!! MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE!!!"

"Yes sir..." She started flapping her wings again. She was carrying weights and rocks that were tied to her hooves as she was flying so she could help with her wing strength and balance.


"Yes sir!"

"Some people dream success! Well you're gonna wake up and work HARD at it! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!" I yelled. As she was focused on trying harder, I thought of an idea. "You should get to the point where everyone else would quit, and YOU'RE NOT GONNA STOP THERE! NO!" I lept up and grabbed onto Fluttershy's hind legs, adding weight as I got on her back. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? DO IT!!!"

"Y-Yes sir!!!"

"Just... DO IT!!!"

"I can't!" she cried.


"Okay!" Regardless of me being flown around, plus all of the near crashes, she managed to keep in the air and started flying straight. Her wings straightened out as the flight became smooth. After a while of flying around for a bit and showing great improvement, she landed us both on the ground.

"If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up."

"Yes sir." She said in between pants. "I think I've finally got it!"

-A few hours later...-

And that's how Fluttershy became half as fast and powerful a flier as Rainbow Dash with 8.25 wingpower (says Twilight).

"Woah! Fluttershy! That was awesome! You've outdone yourself by a long shot! How'd you do it?!" Rainbow said, hugging Flutters.

"I had some words of encouragement from Xavier."

Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy looked at me. "You helped Fluttershy?" Twilight asked. "What did you say to her?"


A few days later...

-Hiroto's POV-

I am in my room, and by my room, I mean the Roberts' guest room. I've been working on a way to create new technology using ideas I remember from Earth and applying them to this world and it's magical energy. Twilight was nice enough to let me borrow a few of her books that would help. She's been a big help in my research. Several of my projects have caught her interest, one of them being the metallic cylinders she saw me putting them into the TV remote.

One thing I realized during my studies was that there is a certain magic that fills the air, and that magic has energy. There is magic all around us in the atmosphere, and I may have an explanation as to why. It will also explain why and how Celestia and Luna can move the sun and the moon. My theory is, unlike our Sun, this one is a star completely made up of "magical energy" in which this world depends on, and Luna is able to move the moon because it has been basked in said sun's radiation for so long that it too is influenced by magic. This means that if the sun were to be replaced by, say, Earth's, Celestia will not be able to move it. Same thing for if the moon were switched for Luna, and said magical energy would decline, rendering magic users useless after a long period of time.

Thankfully, we're resistant to this energy so there are low chances of it ever effecting us negatively. With that said, but I've noticed Unicorns have been able to use this magical energy to strengthen their own if they know how, thus thinking of an idea on how to utilize it. I looked over to where dark purple ore were. Some parts of each piece of ore had glowing purple spots on them. These are ores that seem to have the same resistance to magic that we have, and have been recorded in history to have been used by being forged into armor as a military defense against unicorns by deflecting magical attacks against the forces that equips them. They have been outlawed in Canterlot and in various other places here in Equestria.

However, I have found great use for them in helping to maintain stored magical energy within these magical batteries. It took a half a year of research and experimentation, but I've finaly done it! I, Hiroto Talia Wilson, have not only created a way to use and store a renewable source of energy, but I've found a way to-

*knock knock knock*

"Hey Hiroto. Sorry to bother ya, but I know my lil bro isn't makin any doomsday weapons in here. It's all over the papers. Your pal Gabby Gums sold you out!"

It seems I am a victim of slander. I will have to relocate and continue my projects elsewhere. My older brother isn't the brightest tool in the shed and will probably believe anything he reads. Twilight is the only one I can trust to understand my urge for knowledge and my thirst for scientific inventive ventures, and I'm sure she trusts me to not create any bizarre weapon of sorts.

-Traevon's POV-

I was on my way home after a long day. I had my laptop in my bag which had the new beats Vinny and I had made. It's a good tune that even Octavia was impressed with how we remixed her cello playing. She said it wasn't anything she thought would be possible, combining the three of our opposing talents into one sweet jam. Something that hadn't ever occurred to either of them, I've made possible. It was an idea I've had for a while, but Octavia spent most of her time in Canterlot with her family and playing for the upper classed. That sucked for both of us. We were able to do it now because she was off, and she was pretty interested when Vinny and I asked her to play for us. I was glad to have been able to make it worth her while.

On the way home, I passed Hiroto who was carrying a large cart of something that was covered. Where's that kid headed? Paying him no mind, I was finally home. The first thing I was greeted to were the two wide grins from my little brother and his best friend. I didn't like the way they looked. Not one bit.

"What?" I asked.

"Brooooo." Xavier started. "Gotta say bro, glad you've finally loosened up. I'm happy for ya."

"What're you talkin about?"

Now it was Jack's turn. "Oh, you know. You're probably just coming back from seeing them. Welcome to our side."

"I still have no idea what you-"

"TRAEVON! IN HERE, NOW!" I heard Jeff's voice booming from another room. What the hell? I thought, walking to the dining room where he was sitting. Jeff was staring at me. I could only look at him with a raised brow. After what seemed to be hours, he finally spoke.


"What are you-"

"WHY?!" He said, looking and sounding genuinely upset. Nearly heartbroken. "WHY DID YOU GIVE IN?!? I THOUGHT WE WERE THE ONLY PURE ONES LEFT, AND NOW IT'S JUST ME AND ME ALONE!!!"

"Alright, Jeff, what's all this about? You and those other two have been actin strange when I got home and I want some explanations now, or I'm heading straight to my room!" He didn't say anything, but instead he threw a newspaper at me. One of the stories on there was titled 'Local DJ and Gala Cello Player Herding with Oldest Alien Resident! - written by Gabby Gums' with the picture of the two cuddling me. I knew then what was going on.


"Please!" Jeff begged. "Please say it ain't so! Please tell me you're not a horse fucker! Please tell me you aren't into bestiality like those two!"

"It's not bestiality because they aren't beasts!" Xavier called out from the other room. "They're capable of intelligence and verbal communication just like we are. The word you're looking for is xenophilia!"

I sighed. "Sorry to say Jeff, but the DJ and I have been at it for about a year now, along with her roommate and Miss Heartstrings. You've been the last 'pure one' left for a while. Sorry." Ignoring his wails of disbelief, I headed up to my room and closed the door to listen to my herd's new tunes.

A few days later...

-3rd Person-

"Wake up, boy. Tis time to fess up to your crimes."

Jonathan was woken up by not a hand, or a hoof, but a claw. "Five more minutes.." The 8 year old mumbled

"Gustav, the lil fella aint guilty of eatin your eclairs." His brother's fillyfriend said. "Ya'll can trust me on that."

"And what makes you so sure?" replied the European-accented griffin. "Kids cannot seem to help zemselves zese days, can zey."

"But I didn't do it!" The kid whined.

Jonathan did not want to be on the trip. However, since he was still in trouble for being a part of Gabby Gums' scandals, he was forced by his older brother to stay with Applejack. Jonathan always thought the farm life was boring, so he let Jonathan stay with the Apples, but away from Applebloom. Applebloom stayed with Rarity, whereas Sweetie Belle stayed with the humans. Jonathan didn't know what happened to Scootaloo, but the little pegasus wore a skirt to hide her embarrassment and avoided sitting for a while. It was decided that Jonathan would tag along with Applejack in whatever she was doing. He wasn't having fun one bit, and she wasn't making it fun for him either. Punishment, not Funishment. Which means, if Applejack went apple bucking, he went with her. Applejack went to sell apples, he went with her. Applejack goes on a train to Canterlot to help Pinkie deliver a cake, he went with her.

And now he was being blamed for eating everyone's baked entries.

"Who else could it be?"

"Now you listen here, ya ol' bird! Ah know this youngin' enough to know he ain't do it. Now leave lil Johnny alone."

"Stop it." Twilight interrupted. "Gustav, look at him. It doesn't take a genius to see he didn't do it. Look at his hands. His face! It's clean."

"And he is a messy eater." Rarity chipped.

Jonathan, still a little grumpy about how he was rudely woken up from a nap, went to the girls' car and slept on Applejack's bed. He was still tired for attempting to stay up all night with Pinkie to help her watch. That didn't happen. He fell asleep thirty minutes into the night. So Pinkie ended up moving him to a corner out of the way while keeping an eye on the goods she was guarding. Needless to say, he missed out on most of the drama during his entire trip.

When the train arrived to Canterlot, everyone had gotten over themselves as they found the culprits behind the snackery, the culprits being almost everyone but Jonathan, the conductor, Pinkie, Applejack and Twilight on that train. They end up merging their baked goods together and boy did Gustav feel stupid for trying to blame it on the kid. To make up for it, he offered him one of his eclairs.

"Woah now! Hold on, Gustav!" Applejack warned, but it was too late. Jonathan had already taken a bite. The boy's eyes dilated before he broke into song. Or what one would assume would be if he wasn't just screaming while trying to sing Back in Black, if he knew the words, while playing air guitar. Not even Celestia had seen anything like this in a foal.


AJ couldn't help but give the cringing Gustav a smug look. "So zis is why you were so certain of ze boy's innocence?"


Pinkie joined the kid in his rush, thus adding more to the cringe. Twilight turned to the rest of her friends.

"Girls, we need to keep those two separated."