To Find Home

by Selena Quintanilla

How To Save A Life




" P-p.. please, AHHH!!, it hurts!!!!"

* Silence*


* SLAM !!!* * SMACK !!!* * THUD !!! *

* Knock * * KNOCK ! * * KNOCK !!!! *


* Knock *

" Hello, Mr. ummm.... Zeca-rius, you have a visitor, says he saved you from passing out," a soft voice came.

Zecarius awoke with beads of sweat falling from his forehead. " Thank da gods !" he thought.

It was a dream, all a dream, and that's what Zecarius wanted to believe, but in reality no amount of forgetting could make it go away.

As he scoured his surroundings he noticed he was wearing a hospital's gown, while he was reclined on a bed. White, all over the room, the walls, sheets, marbled floor, everything. Everything so bland in the room, all he wanted to do was move around. However, his guests did provide some company so that he wouldn't be bored.

He glanced up and noticed the stallion from before, he was standing at the entrance of the door with the nurse. However, this time though he could actually get a good look at him, without the occasional migraine. The feature that stood out the most was his ridiculous curly mane, also accompanied by his tail, both were as dark as coffee. The stallion had a light hazel nut coat, and small little white patch of fur on the left side of his chest. For a stallion, he was extremely thin and slender, but he had height.

He tilted his head up to meet the pony at his face, and he was astonished to find graceful, comforting eyes looking at him too. The stallion had crystal blue eyes that could take your worries away.

Noticing this Curly Note blushed slightly, and coughed out of embarrassment, but still happy to see that his new friend was doing well.

" All right, I'll just leave you two alone, call if you need anything ok," the nurse said politely, leaving the zebra and stallion to their own business.

Curly Note then took the initiative to walk over tenderly, and sit on the right side of Zecarius's bedpost. " Hey, how you feeling?" Curly Note asked.

" Fine," replied Zecarius, " Maybe ah' little worn out." Curly Note chuckled softly, noting that this was his first time hearing the zebra speak in a full sentence. His voice was deep, almost like the instrument he played, and he carried a thick accent of some sort. But, could he just listen to speak like that forever.

" Ohh, that's good to hear. Would you like some food, I can call the nurse if you want, are you parch?"

Zecarius replied generously," No.. no, y- ya hav' done enough for me, and I ah' ....* sigh* I can't thank ya enough." " Please, just sit an' talk."

" Well, ok" Curly Note said, then relaxing a bit on the bedpost and scanning the face of the zebra. The zebra had a handsome face and strong jaw-line. Some stripes were streaked down from his jaw, looking like prickly little spikes. Also, for not bathing in probably weeks he maintained a neatly faded zebra Mohawk.

It was then that he looked at his eyes, and liked before he was entranced by his emerald eyes. " STOP.. stop it, you have barely met him, and he is not some sexual object !!!" Curly Note thought all of this as he was having an internal turmoil with himself.

Zecarius noticed the pony look away from him, muttering something from under his breath. As the pony was doing this, Zecarius glanced down to the pony's flank and looked at his cutie mark. He was interested in knowing what this pony's talent was. Focusing closer he saw that there was a musical note, ..... but it was odd. The musical note's end was curved around, making it go into a swirl, and around the note there were three golden stars. They were on the right side of the note, and each star went down, from largest to smallest.

Breaking himself out of his fit, Curly Note looked back to the zebra realizing he was looking down at his flank. This startled Curly Note, and he blushed a deep red , making it very noticeable. He jumped a bit out of jitteriness, this caught the zebra off guard too. Now both were immensely trying to suppress their blushes.

" I'm ah' sorry," Zecarius apologized, waving his hooves out pure guilt," I was ah' just curious, I MEAN.... about ya talent." Zecarius composed himself," I'm ah' sorry."

Curly Note sighed and looked back at the zebra and said, " No, you're fine, it's just me being jittery is all. And there is nothing wrong with being curious." Curly looked and his cutie mark and told the zebra its strange meaning.

" This cutie mark represents my musical talent, obviously, but the curliness in the note is because as a musician I improvise and interpret musical notes in a whim," Curly Note explained clearly, Zecarius was silent and listened attentively.

Curly Note continued his explanation, " Basically meaning, I can play from nothing, into something, usually relating to classical or jazz. Also, the three stars symbolize my improvement as a musician, and what I still can accomplish."

Finishing his explanation Curly looked proud of himself, because why shouldn't he be, he is the only member of his family who has exceeded in musicality. His saying was, " Not being a coach or teacher for the rest of your life."

He looked to the zebra for his reaction, and he saw that he was grinning slightly, it was cute. He then went into a full blown smile, revealing perfect white teeth. It made Curly's heart flutter.

Zecarius was indeed impressed by Curly's musical talent, but he was smiling because he admired the pony's enthusiasm and charismatic demeanor. It made Curly look bold and strong, even if.... he lacked physical strength.

" That is incredible an' ya are very confident of ya self,.... it is cute," Zecarius said the last word very silently.

" Ya are very brave too. It makes ya look strong an' committed."

" Ohh... thank you," Curly replies blushing slightly, " But HEY... who said I'm not strong , I did help carry you to that wagon, you're not light at all."

" Haha ... dat' is true, bwwhaaaha," Zecarius laughed out loud from Curly's joke, his baritone laugh was very soothing and real. This got Curly to chuckle, then into a continuous amount laughs. The next moment both of them were a bunch of laughing messes.

Slowly they their laughs began to subside into short giggles. Both of them cherished this sweet moment in time, because for either of them it hadn't been a good day.

Zecarius's smile slowly faded into a frown, remembering how he got here, and the dramatic experiences he escaped. He burrowed his muzzle into his chest, feeling sorry for himself.

Curly took notice and frowned too asking," Are you ok? Do you need to talk?" Curly Note really didn't understand how Zecarius ended up so beaten and scarred. Although, he could tell it left terrible psychological thoughts, because he was heaving very heavily.

" NO," Zecarius replied darkly. In fact, Zecarius wanted to forget everything that he went through in the past. And no one had the right to know.'

He saw that Curly looked surprised by his comment, and quickly he apologized. He didn't mean to scare him, but he'd rather not talk about it.

" I ah' didn't mean ta' startle ya, but I rather not talk about it." Zecarius said this as he returned to his casual mood.

" Alright, it's fine. It is not my place to ask anyways," Curly replied glancing to the room's clock. By now the conversation had lasted until 11:45, and he was far over due in meeting Salient Crisp.

" I'm sorry Zecarius, but I have to meet with a friend, I'm really sorry. But tomorrow we can catch up, the nurse told me you'd be free to go by tomorrow morning!" Curly note told Zecarius all of this while heading for the door.

" It is alright, go ahead, an' yah' until tomorrow," Zecarius said, looking a little displeased that Curly had to leave. But he was looking forward for the next day.

" Great!! I'll see tomorrow then, have a nice day!!!" Curly waved his final goodbye and hurried down the hallway, expecting a really pissed bi-sexual mare.

Zecarius waited in his room waving too, he felt content and calm talking to someone who could make him smile. However, he was stuck in the room for the entire day.

Suddenly he felt a pinch of pain coming from his left eye. He brought hoof to his face and touched his eye, his hoof became damp with blood.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized he had stitches on around his eye, he panicked and got out his bed and went over to the nearest mirror. All his worries confirmed what he had felt, from his eyebrow down to his eye and part of his cheek, there was a bloody scar that was stitched completely.