To Find Home

by Selena Quintanilla

Like a Flower

It couldn't be, could it, has Curly Note witnessed a beaten up zebra fall down from fatigue, but WHY!!

Curly Note could not comprehend this, much less say a single syllable out of his mouth. Words weren't lost from him, they were stolen out of thin air. Yet he muttered these four simple words," How.. could this be." The truth was, he had no darn idea, but he'd be damned if he did not at least attempt to help this injured zebra.

" Hold on, I'm going to help you," Curly said as he gently tried to push the zebra onto his hooves. Curly asked," Can you move?" All the zebra could merely do was cough out blood everywhere, his battered cape, his unwashed fur, and even the train station's boards were matted with blood. Curly Note seized the urge to vomit then and there.

The ill-stained zebra tilted his head and spoke," N-n.. no, please help me!!!" This made Curly Note even more nervous than before, but he knew he could not carry this massive zebra who was twice his size to the hospital. Although, Curly was determined, and he would not stand around and do nothing.

He asked the zebra what his name was, in which the zebra replied," Zecarius." " All right Zecarius, please hold tight I'll right back," Curly Note said, he then got up and sprinted to the train station's ticket booth, where there was bound to be somepony who could help. He saw a stallion inside, he thought maybe he could help. He stopped abruptly at the booth and exclaimed at the stallion inside," Please sir, there is a pon-, I mean zebra who is badly injured, can you help me take him to the nearest hospital !?"

" Whoa.. WHOAH, slow down there son, alright I'm not supposed to leave my station, but a zebra is injured?" the train master asked. " Alright, I have a wagon in the back of the station, can you bring him around back, and I'll carry him over for medical assistants."

Curly Note nodded politely and gave his thanks. He trotted back over again to the groaning mess that was supposed to be a zebra. Curly Note says to the zebra," Zecarius am I right.... I'm going to need you to get up, so I can take you around back." He continued, " The train master will take you to the hospital, ok," Curly Note said in a sweet motherly tone.

Zecarius measly said, " Alright." Curly Note was happy to hear this, he got next to the zebra and applied of his weight, so he can balance him evenly. Curly Note felt a strange sensation buzzing through as a was next to the zebra, it felt weird as the fur on Zecarius bristled along side him. Curly quickly discarded these thoughts, as now was not the time.

It was then that he glanced up at Zecarius and noticed he was also staring at him, but he was probably waiting for them to start moving. Curly noticed something about him, that was it, his eyes. Sweet Celestia, did he have beautiful eyes, emerald green eyes that were vibrant and yet soothing.

Curly spoke, " Alright, ..... let's go." Both of them trudge as fast as they could, but at a pace that would not hurt Zecarius. Step by step, they walked on. Zecarius would stop momentarily sometimes to catch his breath, and he would heave massive breaths, probably from lack of energy Curly thought.

They finally made it around the corner and saw the ticket master straddled up on a wooden wagon that looked decent enough to carry a full grown zebra. " Alright, fellas just come on in and I'll take ya to town!!!" the ticket master exclaimed. "Come on," said Curly", let's go."

Curly Note and Zecarius walked up to the wagon, Curly made sure that Zecarius got on securely. " You good?" Curly asked Zecarius, Zecarius nodded, Curly climbed on and said," Okay we are good to go!"

The ticket master gave a slight nod and started running towards Ponyville's town square where the hospital would be. " OHH, dear Luna, Salient is going to kill me for not meeting her today," Curly silently thought to himself. But, inside he knew it was for a good reason, he was saving a zebra's life.

Speaking of which, he looked towards his new acquaintance, Zecarius, who was looking down shading his head with the hood of his cape. He did not say a word, he just simply waited patiently, even if everything in his body hurt like crap. He glanced up and saw the pony who helped him, he did not know why he would help him, but he was intrigued non-the less.

Curly noticed that Zecarius was watching him, he felt that strange feeling from before, but this time he did not relinquish the fuzzy feeling. He actually rather liked it, as those emerald babbles watched him, certainly no pony he has ever met had eyes like that.

Then Zecarius hesitantly said," T-t... thank you, for everything," calmly giving his best smile he could muster. Curly replied," No problem."

The wagon roughly came to a halt indicating that they had arrived," Whoops, sorry guys but we are here," they ticket master apologized.
Curly Note got out of the wagon and made his way into the Ponyville hospital. He found a mare receptionist at the front desk and told her the situation. The mare professionally called in some nurses to bring a stretcher and medical equipment.

As if on standby, nurses exited the building to where the wagon was, strapped in Zecarius on a stretcher and hurried him into an emergency room.

............. " What's going to happen," Curly said. ................" P-p.. please b-be okay."

There in the hospital's waiting room, a curly stallion waited anxiously for his new found friend that he just saved.

Outside the hospital, in no pure significance, in a patch of flowers there lay a single flower that was late and was starting to blossom, most likely waiting for the right moment to be free.