Spike and the mail quest


Delivery of dust and fire

The journey continues, the adventure drags on and the readers keep on down voting this poor excuse of a story. After reading that letter, Spike rides onto the sunset in his mighty steed Lana Blanca, a beautiful and majestic horse that he got on the market flea for 40 bits. The rides proves challenging, wind and dust scorches violently, heat like that of a exploding sun melts the desert, flies appears from all sides, truly a nightmarish travel. This goes on for what it seems for days, there no sign of ever ending, hopes vanish and dreams go away, the situation is just plain ugly. Step after step the rides gets heavier, Spike feels his life going away after each drop of sweat falls to the ground, Lana Blanca also is at his last breaths, tired from the cruel sun, the slippery sand, the weight, just everything. Without warning Lana collapses to the ground, a blunt sound is heard across the indifferent dessert, Spike rolls down too, sand and rocks greet him on his way down, he gets scratched and bruised by the impact but nevertheless to tired to get up, to tired to continue, too tired to care.

My last moments will be here in this hell for land- Mutter Spike under his breath

Lana just grunts, like he understood that they were doomed to die

I am sorry that you had to perish like this, I though that this travel would be easy but I was proved wrong- replied sadly Spike

Lana didn’t grunt this time, but looked at the small dragon, with dried eyes he understood that it was luck that had abandoned both of them.

Silence is made for several minutes and no more words are said. Time passes until finally with last dying breaths both heroes expire, victims to a quest in a forsaken land, left to be forgotten there. Such a tragic end


Twilight looks at Spike with a puzzled look, makes a long pause and says: I don’t know if I should be angry at you or amazed by that story, I mean is just ridiculous but very dramatic too.

Twilight is not a story! That could happen if go to Hay Town in my own – replies Spikes very worried

Ok, ok, look I was going to make some friendship reports but if is so important for you that I go with you to retrieve the scrolls, which I still can`t understand why you didn’t just told me to teleport in the first place instead of sending to the mail, then I will accompany to see them – Said Twilight a bit annoyed

Excellent! I`m going to make the preparations and we can go on in about 20 minutes – Replied Spike as he went downstairs to prepare everything for the oncoming trip

Twilight sighted, her peaceful day arranging scroll reports had been cancelled and now she had to explain to Celestia the tardiness of her assistant, it was going to be a long day.