7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

S2 Chapter 12: Fluttershy Grows a Pair.

S2 Chapter 12: Fluttershy Grows a Pair

-Xavier's Recap-

The party was short lived to say the least. It really only lasted a few hours. I'm guessing someone told Pinkie that I probably wanted to be in my own bed as soon as I got home, but neglected to tell her, Derpy, Lyra, and remind Dash that I wasn't necessarily in the condition to be dog piled yet. What did I tell you, Luna? What did I tell you? Thankfully, I didn't really had to clean up any of the mess from the party. Pinkie had some Cat-in-the-hat doodad that did everything from her. I will never understand that crazy chick. Soon enough, everyone had left but Twilight, Dash, and Fluttershy.

Speaking of Fluttershy, ever since the accident I had, she's been acting weird around me. Well, she acts weird around me anyway, but she's been acting even weirder. And what makes it worse, is how more aggressive Brianna is getting with her shipping. It's like she's been drinking the red bull of ship juice or something. She's just been on and on, while Fluttershy's been trying to get my attention in very very very subtle ways it seemed. I guess she was a bit more worked up about me being badly injured than I originally thought. I made sure to make it clear to her that I was going to be alright so long as I didn't do anything else stupid like forget about ponies' amazing healing factors, while trying to catch a speeding Rainbow Dash that was coming towards me at ludicrous speed.

That didn't help, not even with Brianna.

-End of Recap-

(Monday, 4/17)

Jack, Joy Stick, and I were headed towards the market near town square to help carry the hopefully not many things she'd end up buying. Because Jack'll be carrying all of your shit, lady, not me. One thing that I did notice however was her cutie mark. Unlike other ponies, she seems to be the only one I've met whose name doesn't match with it. While this thought was going through my mind, to my embarrassment, she saw me staring at her flanks.

"I don't know how to feel about my stallion's best friend staring at me." she said, smirking back at me.

Jack was glaring daggers at me. "Got somethin ya wanna talk about, man?"

"Yeah. Joy, your name is Joy Stick, yet your cutie mark doesn't have anything to do with it." I said, pointing to her flank. "Everypony else's name usually have some sort of relevance with their special talents."

My buddy raised an eyebrow at Joy. "Yeah... That's a good question.." And that, my friends, is how you get away with staring at your best friend's girlfriend's ass in front of him with no consequences.

"Well, most ponies are named after birth. They're named after what their cutiemarks will be based on what their passion lie or are magically fated to be." Great... Magical coincidences.... "This doesn't apply to all ponies. Some ponies are named by their parents before they're born. However, only a few of us, like myself, go through changes in our lives in which our passions change." She looked at her cutie mark with a sad smile. "My cutie mark used to look like a joystick controller, but it changed when I became a single mother. I had no time for video games anymore." She sighed. "My passion changed to making sure I'm a good mother to Button Mash."

"And that's where I come in!" Jack yelled, proudly.

Joy giggled. "Yes, that's where you come in."

When we made it to the market, I accompanied the couple while they did their grocery shopping. Anything Joy bought, she carried it until Jack volunteered to hold it for her. She felt pretty awkward about having a stallion do things for her. He offered to take all of her bags so she wouldn't have to carry any of it, being the gentleman he is, but Joy didn't really like that very much. Instead, I had them both carry equal amounts of groceries so they wouldn't start bickering over who's more humble.

I did notice Fluttershy at an asparagus stall behind an old beige stallion who just grabbed his goods and left. However, I raised an eyebrow when I noticed two mares inconsiderately cut in front of her, and rather rudely at that. Fluttershy tried to get their attention, but only got the response:

"Would you mind moving back? You're in my personal space."

"Seriously? Like, do you need your asparagus so badly? Get a life." said her friend.

Oh... that fucking valley girl accent..

"Hey, uh, Jack? Joy? mind pardoning me for a moment?" I said, going over to the two, passing Fluttershy. I picked up Fluttershy, causing her to 'eep', and placed her in between the two twats.

"Like, excuse me? I totally thought we said-" Before she could finish, I grabbed them both by the tail and dragged them behind Fluttershy.

"What the hay?!" The other whined.

"My friend was in line ahead of you before you two so rudely cut in front of her." I said in a monotonous yet calm manner. "Wait in line like everyone else."

"You're pulling on my tail you freak!" The blonde screamed.

"TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN, MOTHAFUCKA! I DARE YOU! I DOUBLE DARE YOU! TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN ONE MORE GOT-DAMN TIME!" I yelled, getting 'hype,' scaring the shit out of them. Oh look. They're running off, tail between their legs.

"Oh... um.. thank you Xavier."

Turning to a blushing Fluttershy, I shook my head. "Fluttershy, I don't mean to sound rude, but ya need a backbone. Not gonna always be followin' you around to stop ya from bein' a door mat." I patted Fluttershy's head before going back to my group. I also noticed Pinkie and Rarity watching and waved. I wonder why they didn't do anything.

"What was that all about?" Joy asked.

I shrugged. "One of my friend's a pushover."

"Yeah, Flutters couldn't fight through a wet tissue paper." Jack laughed.

"Wow.. Things must be tough for her." Joy said. "I hope she'll be okay. I feel bad."

"I suppose I should start tagging along with her to make sure no one takes advantage of her."

"Yeah. She so needs it." Jack said.

"Honey, be nice." Joy said, hitting him lightly.

We went on to continue with shopping, unaware of a shy yellow pegasus mare tearing up.

The next day was a busy one. Jeff, Jack and I were called in to fix holes in walls, cracks, and even more broken furniture, a few of which might've required magic to fix. These ponies can be scary reckless. We were on our way to the next house when I heard something quite peculiar.

"Cut in line, I'll take what's mine!"

A grey stallion was thrown out of a taxi buggy by.. Fluttershy?

"Nopony pushes New Fluttershy around! NOPONY!!!!"

Jeff and I stared at the buggy as it pulled off, our mouths hung open. What the-

"What in the hell was that?!" Jeff asked, saying just what I was about to think.

"My guess is that Fluttershy woke up on the wrong side of the bed, snapped and is now having a really off day."

"Either that or the bitch is on her period. HAHAHA!!!" Period jokes? Really? You're scraping the bottom of the barrel there, buddy.

"Bruh..." Jack shook his head.

"Jeff, leave the jokes to me and Jack."

We were right by Sugarcube Corner when we saw Rarity and a drenched Pinkie walk out.

Grinning, I walked up to them. "Ey Pinkie. Who made you wet?"

"New Fluttershy! She dumped punch on me." She whined.

"So Fluttershy makes you wet?" I grinned.

"I guess Fluttershy made me wet. Why?" She asked, tilting her head.

I was so done. Jack was on the floor laughing, leaving a confused Rarity and an anxious Pinkie.

"What? I don't get it.." She whined. And that's what makes the joke all the more funnier, Pinks.

"It's an inside joke, Pinkie." Jack said, standing up.

It was about time that Brianna and Jack's lil brothers got out of school, and I remembered telling Brianna that I would drop her off at Fluttershy's so they could hang out. And more goading from Brianna that Fluttershy should be in the herd. I mentally facepalmed. I had Luna, Twilight, and Rainbow, and Starla if you can count her, seeing she's only available in my own dreams. Four girls is enough, no, more than enough for me. I don't know if I can handle five six and seven girls at once. Everyone wants the human diugh. And seeing my reaction from Brianna's constant pestering, Rainbow started doing it too, probably only to get on my nerves. Love 'em both though.

"Rambling in your head again?" Pinkie asked, having shaken off the punch out of her mane.

"Yes, Pinkie Punch, I am rambling in my head."


Things were pretty normal on my way to the school, besides Pinkie and Rarity tagging along. Pinkie was probably going to be tasting like punch for the rest of the day, which is something she didn't really mind. She said she "enjoys tasting herself." Needless to say, Jack needed another moment, with Rarity being the only pony to know why.

"Jack dear, we seriously need to work on your poor taste in humor."

"Shut up, Meg."

When we arrived at the school, Jack had told Hiroto to take Jonathan home. I wish I had a little sibling old enough to take Brianna home instead of lugging her around in the afternoons. I also saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon being picked up by Filthy Rich. They looked like they had a bad day. One thing I noticed is that ever since Hiroto became a recluse, DT started turning sour. I did say back then that she could come to me if there are issues. I'll have to see if I can talk to her about that later. Looking back at the school, I saw Cheerilee talking to Brianna about something before waving her off as my little sis approached.

"Hey sis. Ready to bail?"

She was grinning widely. "Yeah! To Fluttershy's we go!"

"Yeah, you're excited to go, aren't ya?"

"You should be since she's your future waifu." To my chagrin, Jack, Rarity and Pinkie were all snickering. "I keep tellin you, you two'd be a couple o cuties! Big bro and Fluttershy!"

"Cmon sis.. Let's just go." I was already starting to get a headache.

From then, we were on our way to visit Fluttershy when we saw a tourist stallion asking the mare we were trying to visit, interacting. She had basically blamed the poor guy for her own clumsiness and literally tossed the stallion miles away. Yeah, something's definitely up with her.

"Yo Fluttershy, what's up?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Fluttershy, what are you doing?!? That's no way to behave!"

"Didn't you see what he did to new Fluttershy? He thought new Fluttershy was a pushover!"

"No, sweetie, he didn't. We saw the whole thing."

"Yeah. That guy just asked for directions. He didn't do shit. What's your deal?" I asked.

"I see what's going on." Fluttershy said, glaring at us. She started hovering around us. "You want the new Fluttershy to be a doormat like old Fluttershy, but old Fluttershy is gone!!!"

"Atleast old Fluttershy wasn't a bitch. What the hell is your malfunction?" I said. She got in my face trying to use her stare on me. I raised an eyebrow.

"Fluttershy, Xavier, chill!" Jack said.

Rarity looked at me. "Fluttershy went to this monster's assertiveness program and she's been like this ever since."

"He's a minotaur!"

"A mini minotaur?"

"Deathly allergic to tar tar sauce?" Did Pinkie...?

Brianna was frightened by Fluttershy's display. "Xavier's right. Where's the nice Fluttershy? I want her back. This one's mean!"

"No, you want the wimp Fluttershy. The pushover Fluttershy! The do-anything-to-her-and-she-won't-complain Fluttershy."

"The Fluttershy that ain't a bitch!"

She got in my face. "You were the one who wanted me to stick up for myself so you wouldn't have to! And your 'best friend' made fun of old Fluttershy!"

"Get. The fuck. Out of my face." I said through my teeth. "Yeah. I'm not a pushover either."

We had a stare off for a moment until she finally turned around and slowly hovered away, mumbling something.

"What was that?"

"When somepony tries to block, show them that you ROCK!!!" she said before I felt a hoof to my face. Multiple gasps were heard before I blacked out.

The next moment, I found myself on the ground with a bloody nose.

"Xavier darling, can you hear me?" Rarity and Pinkie was looking down on me.

"EGGSY! YOU'RE AWAKE! HOW MANY HOOVES AM I HOLDING UP?!" Pinkie yelled, holding up a hoof.

"What the hell just happened?!" I asked, sitting up

Jack helped me up. "Shit dude. You got sucker punched by Fluttershy." I looked around to see my attacker, but she was nowhere in sight. "She sorta bounced after hittin' ya. Ohoho boy! Wait til I tell Jeff about this one."

"Shut the fuck up, Jack." I started walking towards Fluttershy with payback front most in my mind. Yeah, you don't sucker punch a brotha and decide you gonna bounce with no repercussions. Not paying attention to the whispering behind me, I saw the cottage far ahead. There was a tug on the back of my shirt.

"D-Don't you think we should get that nose checked out first, darling?" I turned and looked down at Rarity with an eyebrow raised.

"I'll be fine. I want her to see what she did while I'm doing the same thing to her."

"You gonna beat up Fluttershy?" Jack said, furrowing his brows. Brianna stayed silent, looking away.

"But Eggsy, your nose is really really reeeeeaaallyy bloody and its uh.. really freaky to your sister!"

"Fine.. but Fluttershy's still gonna take her medicine." I looked back at the cottage before Rarity and Pinkie hastefully tugged me away from it. I was taken to Rarity's since she had an access amount of discard-able cloth to clean my nose with. I had to lie down on a 'familiar piece of furniture' to make her job easier. I had to make sure I had my head elevated so I didn't drown in my own blood.

"Xavier, you need to rest up, dear." Rarity said. "You shouldn't be out and about in this condition." It's just a nosebleed.

"Yeah! We'll talk to Nasty Fluttershy for you. We'll make sure she's sorry!" Pinkie said before dashing out the door.

"Yes, we'll sort matters from here. Wouldn't want things to get worse now would we?" I knew what they were doing. They were keeping me here for Fluttershy's sake. Before they could leave, I spoke up.

"You know, the funny thing is, I know you're playin me." I said, stopping everyone in their tracks, closing my eyes. "But you're right." I assumed they were wondering if they should say anything else, but they didn't and left me alone in the boutique.

-Jack's POV-

When we left Xavier to rest up, we quietly left for Fluttershy's. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I wanted to give her a bitch slap for randomly sockin' my best friend like that, but I knew that if I did, I'd never hear the end of it. It was mostly a quiet walk. Brianna was silent as if still processing everything that's happening. Pinkie, every now and then, would look behind u s and whisper something to Rarity. I wasn't really paying attention to what they were whispering about, but I guess they were talking about some plan or coming up with ideas to settle whatever this was. Doesn't take a genius to know we were all uncomfortable.

When we got there, it didn't make us feel any easier. It looked like Fluttershy was hiding from zombies with the way she had boarded her house on this windy evening.

"Oh dear. What in Equestria happened here?!"

"Is Fluttershy moving away?" Brianna said, tearing up.

I shook my head. "Nah, she probably boarded her house to keep Xavier out." I said as we walked up to the door.

Rarity started knocking. "Fluttershy? Are you in there? It's us."

"Don't worry. Xavier's not here right now, so you're safe." I added.

"No! Go away before Nasty Fluttershy hurts anypony else!" Fluttershy sounded like she's been doing some crying.

"Oh sweetie, we've all done some things that we've regret."

"We did?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah, what did we do?"

After being glared at by Rarity, Flutters started talking again. "They're right. I'm the only one to blame! But don't worry. I'm never coming out of my house again!"

"Jack and Pinkie are not blaming you, and either am I. You just received some bad advice from that 'Iron Will' character."

"Well, I'm blaming her. She had control of herself in that situation."

"Jack, I'm sure Fluttershy already feels horrible about what she did."

"Yeah, but as much as I like making people feel good, she needs to take responsibility for her actions, ya dig?" I turned to the door. "And hiding from them'll probably make things worse." I said aloud. I was pretty sure Fluttershy could hear. "You can give a person a screwdriver, but he or she can use it as a tool for fixing, or use it as a weapon to shank someone."

The girls flinched at my violent analogy but I feel like I drove the point across well.

"Are you finished?" Rarity asked. I just shrugged. She snorted and turned to the door. "Fluttershy, you can stand up for yourself without being unpleasant about it."

"Shank!" Saying that earned me a jab in the leg.

"Jack, please!" I let the girls talk since I wasn't helping. Besides, I stopped listening as soon as I heard Fluttershy say "I'm too far gone." I felt like making siren noises for her cop-out response, but decided to use that for a later episode.

Then, out of nowhere, this large blue minotaur was walking up the road with a few goats following him. This guy was huge! He walked up to me and gave a snort. Man, I was intimidated by that guy's size.

"Who the hell are you?"

"IRON WILL'S MY NAME, TRAINING PONIES'S MY GAME!" Shit this guy is loud, and his breath be kickin...

Needless to say, I backed off if only to spare my nostrils and kept walking, waving goodbye to my pals. "Later Rarity, Later Pinkie. Bye Fluttershy! See ya at home, Bri." I'm not dealing with that guy. So I started walking back home when I came face to face with someone I'd least expect to see.

"What the-"

-Xavier's POV-

"flyin fuck are you doin here, man? I thought you'd be sleep still!" Jack said, getting in my nose-covered face. I looked over his shoulder and saw a large muscular blue minotaur tearing off boards that was covering Fluttershy's house.

"Who the hell is he?"

Jack looked back at minotaur. "Some Iron Will guy." He chuckled. "His breath got iron will of its own though."

"Nice one. What's he doing here?"

"Apparently he got business with Flutters." He shrugged. "The real question is, and I ask again, what are you doin here?"

"Oh wouldn't you like to know, Mr. Jack." I heard a splash and turned to see Pinkie and Rarity in a mud puddle. "If you must know, I have my own business to settle."

Jack stood right in my way. "Yo, you're really gonna hit Fluttershy? Cmon man, ya better than this."

I spun around him like a football player. "She wasn't above nearly breaking my nose. She drew blood."

Then, I saw my target come out of hiding to confront the minotaur. "Target sighted." Before I could reach her, Pinkie and Rarity stood in my way.

"Xavier, what're you doing here! You're supposed to be resting!"

"Yeah! Why don't you go on home and let your good ol' Auntie Pinkie handle this." Pinkie said, grabbing my hand and attempting to lead me away.

Not having any of it. I yanked my hand out of her grip and kept strolling towards the minotaur and Fluttershy.


Fluttershy took a quick glance at me and her friends before looking back at him. "I guess I'm the first. And since I'm not satisfied, I'm not paying."

"So you're the one who encouraged her to be a flat out bitch to everyone?" I said. "You're the one who told her to sucker punch me?"

"Told her to what? NO!" Iron Will crossed her arms. "I teach ponies not to be a door mat and stop them from being pushover!"

"And he guaranteed 100% that we'd be satisfied or we pay nothing. I'm not paying." Fluttershy said.

I looked back up at the minotaur. "Is that true?"

"Well.. That's what I said, but.."

"Then you have no further business with her. Take yo stank breath and get the fuq out." I said bluntly, pointing at the road.

Breathing into his hand and sniffing, he gagged and took a hike. His goats followed.

"Um... Xavier?"

I slowly turned to the yellow pegasus who was hiding her face behind her mane. Good. She knows why I'm here. "What?"

"I'm.. sorry for hurting you. I never meant to injure you.." She said in a sad tone. She's gonna fuckin cry her way out of this? "I just.. I don't know what came over me." She looked up at me, but I saw no tears, but strange enough a smile. "But Jack is right, and I'm willing to take responsibility for my actions. Iron Will gave me a tool and I used it as a weapon and 'shanked' you with it." I turned my head to Jack, mouthing the words 'what the fuck'. He simply shrugged as Fluttershy continued. "That's why I would like to make it up to you. I'll do anything."

"Well that's good to hear." I said, turning back to her. "Because there's a saying of my world. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

Fluttershy's ears folded backwards as she looked down at her hooves. Being the white knight he is, Jack didn't keep his mouth shut and got in my face. "Woah woah woah! You fuckin serious?! You're seriously gonna hurt Fluttershy?! Are you-"

"No Jack. If it'll make up for me hurting him, I suppose it's right." Fluttershy was looking at me, smiling. I could see Brianna judging me. No. I could see everyone judging me, Jack judging me up close. "I'm ready." I balled my hand into a fist, looked at her for a while. There was heavy tension in the air, and I was right in the middle of it.

Finally, I manned up and took a swing, but stopped not even half way. Fluttershy didn't even flinch. Cmon, Xavier, she gave you a bloody fuckin nose! I took another swing, but looking at her made me stop, again. Looking at her, the way she was smiling. I couldn't do it. She nearly broke my nose, but I still couldn't do it.

Jack smirked. "Can't do it, ca-" I swung one last time with an open palm, making contact.

A high pitched feminine scream was heard from distances away.

Author's note:
Alright guys. That's it for S2 Chapter 12. Sorry about the month long update, but writer's block and Pokemon Moon have been acting as brick walls for the chapter's progress and yeah, it's been a bother (okay not really).

Anyway, it sounds like Fluttershy got the shit slapped out of her. Wonder how that's gonna turn out in the next chapt-

*A Pink Pony appeared behind the writer scaring the living shit out of him*

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"

Ending the chapter?

"It can be soooo much better! And did Xavier really hit Fluttershy? That sounds so unlike what would happen."

Not really. Just spoiled it for the readers. Fine, I'll keep working.

Xavier was walking home followed by everyone and pony, Brianna still giggling. We all agreed we'd hang out at our place for a while to relax from the tension that passed. Since Rarity Brianna and Pinkie took the couch, and 'redneck' Jack took the chair holding a bag of ice over the back of his neck, that left me and everyone else on the floor. And by everyone else, I mean Rainbow, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Jack's brothers. I had just finished filling Rainbow in on everything that happened recently. She wasn't too happy with Fluttershy socking me, but she forgave her this time, so long as it never happened again.

"Never ever again. Okay? No matter who tells you to. Got it?"

"Okay..." Fluttershy was looking down, ears flat on her head. I lifted her head forcing to look at me and smiled, letting her know that I forgive her. This time. She smiled back in return. However, one thing I didn't notice was my sneaky ship-happy sister who had snuck up behind us both and took advantage of how close my lips were to Fluttershy's. Needless to say, Fluttershy's head went from butter yellow to fire red in seconds.

"Brianna!" I yelled after my sister who ran up the stairs giggling. "Wait 'til I get my hands on that girl and-" I was interrupted when a yellow hoof pulled me into another kiss. For a brief moment, I had forgotten all of what was troubling me. It felt like it was just me and her there. However when the kiss was broken, I looked around and much to Fluttershy's embarrassment, all attention were on us with Twilight and Rainbow giving nods of approval which could only mean one thing...

I have four mares now...

Goddammit Brianna....