Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 1: Identity

Chapter 1: Identity

Rainbow Dash met up with others, sans Applebloom who was excused to run a few errands, as soon as word reached her about the attack. Worried for her friends and daughter, she rushed over to the palace. Now, she and the others were gathered in one of the many meeting rooms to discuss the event.

“Any idea who the victim is?” Midnight asked, kicking off the discussion.

“I have an idea, but without evidence to support it, I am hesitant to say,” Celestia chimed in, her face reflecting the deeply troubled tone in her voice.

“Let's hold on that, then, until we sort out the facts,” Sweetie Belle suggested.

“Agreed, what do we know?” Celestia continued.

“We know the attack happened at the base of what used to be the statue of Discord,” Twilight offered.

“Which, may I add, is a foolish place to keep one of the most dangerous beings in the world,” Midnight admonished.

“Midnight,” Twilight chided. “Later. We also know the pony that attacked him had a long white beard.”

Celestia continued, “And according to the surgeon, something had been removed from the victim's body. My guess, it was that green gem.”

Twilight sighed. “The poor pony. Will he survive?”

For the first time since the attack, Celestia let herself smile. “Yes, thanks to Storm's quick actions.”

“Yes, you did good, today, Storm,” Midnight praised the young changeling. “Though, we still have to determine the victim's identity. If no pony has any ideas, we'd hear yours, princess.”

The sun princess took a deep breath and released it slowly. “Considering where he was found, the remains of Discord's statue, and his appearance, it may be possible that this pony in fact is Discord.”

All but Midnight reacted with shock and alarm, gasping and muttering in worry.

“I've heard plenty about this Discord to know he poses a threat, but he's supposed to be a... what's the word, draconaclese?”

“Draconeqqus, yes,” Celestia corrected. “I am unsure, but it could have been something the bearded stallion did to him. Perhaps whatever was removed from his body has something to do with it.”

“Well, until it can be confirmed, we treat him as a victim to a crime. No one is to treat him as if he actually is Discord,” Midnight declared. “However, we cannot ignore the possibility, nor can we assume his attacker is finished. Princess, could you send a message to Spike, asking him to send a couple of our guys.”

“Of course.” Celestia magic'd a quill and parchment, and began writing.

“We need round-the-clock observation. Rainbow Dash, go to the hospital and have them move the victim to a secure room; no windows, one entry.”

“Sir!” The pegasus saluted and quickly ran out the door.

“Sweetie, Scootaloo, go to the scene. I want to know if you see anything out of the ordinary.”

“Yes sir.”


“Storm, talk to anyone that might have seen anything.”

“Yes sir.”

“The rest of us will head to the hospital.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

By the time the group arrived at the hospital, the victim was already moved. Being a major city, they had secure rooms specifically meant for criminals or VIPs. It was a central room, no windows, and a thick, magic resistant door.

They had just arrived when the doctor approached them.

“Ah, your highness, I'm glad you're here.” The doctor aproached them at a quick trot.

“Doctor, how is the patient?” Celestia asked, bluntly.

“He has been stabilized and should see a full recovery. I've heard of the... 'healing magic' of the changeling prince, but to see its effects first hoof is truly a treat. I would very much like to see it in action, someday.”

“Perhaps,” Celestia said. “For now, take us to the patient's room.”

“Of course, this way, your highness.”

The doctor led the group further into the hospital, to the upper floors. It was here the most severely injured were kept, as well as the secure wing for those in need of guard. They passed through the gate to the secure wing, and were lead toward a room in the back, framed by a quartet of guards.

“He's in here,” the doctor stated as he started opening the door. “We've been keeping him in a magically induced-”

“Come to gloat, have you,” came a voice that all but Midnight recognized.

The doctor stared in shock. “H-how-”

“Discord,” Celestia acknowledged neutrally, cutting off the doctor. “I see nothing to gloat over. However, I do need to know what happened. How is a being as powerful as you, fall before a mere unicorn?”

The stallion now confirmed to be Discord laughed. “'Mere unicorn', she says. Ha!” his false mirth vanished in a blink, leaving a sneer behind. “Believe me, my father is no 'mere unicorn'.”

“Father?!” Twilight exclaimed. “You have a father?!”

“Is that really a question?” Discord snarked. “And here I thought you worshiped the guy. You did have that shrine in your closet.”

“Sh-Shrine? I don’t have a...” Twilight began to deny, but as she realized what he was saying, her eyes widened in disbelief. “B-But... There's no way. He died even before the unification of the tribes.”

Discord laughed, this time genuinely, before wincing in pain. “If there's one thing I know better than anyone else, it's that nothing in this world can kill Starswirl the Bearded. He’s too smart.”

Celestia's gaze snapped back to Discord, brow furrowed in disbelief.

Twilight insisted, “Starswirl is a hero. He saved the world numerous times. There's no way he could be the father of something like you!”

Discord gave Twilight a disgusted glare.

Celestia's hoof on Twilight's withers calmed the smaller mare as the princess spoke to Discord. “Why don't you tell us what happened, why, and what that green gem was. We can determine your past later.”

Discord contemplated this for a moment before just shrugging and saying, “Might as well. It's not like it matters to me. All I know about that gem is that it is what gave me my power, but I have a feeling you already knew that. As for what happened...”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

In a flood of sensory input, the world returned to the lord of chaos. Once again, he was free!

“I live, again... Again!” Discord announced loudly.

This time, however, he was greeted by another. It was a face he rarely saw, only three times since he was unleashed upon the world the first time.

“Daddy!” he cheered, sweeping up the old stallion in a tight hug. “I missed you! How have you been? Did you bring birthday presents?”

Starswirl smiled warmly. “It is good to see you, my son. You have done well in your mission, and have made me proud.”

Discord beamed, metaphorically and literally, his smile lighting up like a spotlight.

“Of all my children, you are the only one to have succeeded in a task so vital to our goals. Your place in the new world is assured, my son.”

Discord wiped a tear from his eye. “So... I won?”

Starswirl gave a fatherly smile to his little colt. “Yes. You've won. There is only one last thing to do.”

“Oh?” Discord leaped up, giving his father an eager smile. “What is it?”

The unicorn's smile filled with sadness. “I must harvest what has been sown.”

Discord found himself at a loss, not understanding what his father meant. What had been sown? His confusion became panicked fear when Starswirl struck him with a spell, paralyzing him completely.

The old wizard stood over his son, a long knife in his magical grasp as he said, “Forgive me, my son.” and cut his child's heart out.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Everypony in the room held an expression of some degree of disgust, anger, or disbelief.

“I... That can't be true,” Twilight denied. “Starswirl the Bearded did too much good to do something like that.”

“Yes, but we cannot discount the possibility that Discord is telling the truth. Little is truly known of Starswirl.” reasoned Celestia. “Regardless of this pony's identity, we must consider him extremely dangerous.”

“I think we should give the guy a medal,” Rainbow Dash said. “I mean, if he really took Discord's powers, then that means he can't cause any more trouble. No more 'spirit of chaos' nonsense.”

“If only it were that simple,” Celestia said. “Discord, you mentioned a 'new world'. What did you mean?”

Discord looked at the solar diarch and snorted aggressively. “It's a new world, obviously. It isn't hard to figure out.”

“Tell us about this new world,” Celestia clarified.

Discord stared at the princess in contemplation before letting out a sigh. “I don't really know anything about it other than it's supposed to be paradise.”

Celestia took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. “Every time I hear of ponies promise 'paradise', it is anything but. Do you know where he might be found?”

Discord gave Celestia a deadpanned gaze. “I haven't seen him since before you and your sister defeated me.”

“I had guessed as much,” the princess sighed.

“I think we should let Discord rest, for now,” Midnight suggested. “He can't do any harm in his state, but neither can he be of any real help.”

“I agree, we should retire to discuss what we've found,” Twilight added.

“Rainbow,” Midnight called.

“Yes, sir!”

“You have first watch,” he ordered. “I'll brief the others when they arrive and send one of them to relieve you.”

“Got'cha. Don't worry, he won't be going anywhere,” Rainbow assured.

Midnight glanced back to the former draconequus with concern. “I'm not worried about him. I'm worried this 'Starswirl' will return to finish the job.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Tis a shame,” mused a cloaked stallion as he watched his army of deformed pony-monsters tirelessly work to erect his soon to be fortress. “It was a needed sacrifice, but he was truly my most worthy of children.”

He turned to glare at a trio of figures behind him, also hiding from the desert sun under cloaks.

“It is a rare thing for me to show mercy to my treasonous children, much less give a second chance. However, I find myself in need of your assistance. Fail me again, and you will learn how pleasant your banishment truly was. Serve me well, however, and in the new world, you shall be reborn as goddesses. Then, you shall have the adoration you so desire.”

The lead hooded figure’s scaled snout twisted into a malicious grin.