7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

S2 Chapter 11: Sticks, Stones, and Broken Bones/Nightmare's New Name

S2 Chapter 11

Sticks, Stones, and Broken Bones

(tw: blood, injury, hilarious mood shifts)

-Jack's Recap-

Yeah, that's right. I'm doing the recap this time. Yup! Anyway, after I heroically saved Sweet Apple Acres by my best bro's amazing and hilarious prank, Applejack eased up on me and Xavier concerning the ways of our inner trolls. About time, too. Trollin is a big percentage of my life's kicks. My lil'est bro and Brianna came late to the party with Scoots and Sweets and were relieved they didn't lose a member of their lil group. And guess who they had to thank for that? You guessed it. Me, Xavier, and the big guy Jeff. Speakin of, I think Jeff's starting to finally lose the edginess. He has his moments every now and then, but he's been quietly going along with everything we drag him into and everything that goes around. Either that or he's silently bidin' his time, plottin' to overthrow the Equestrian government to make it more masculine. He'd probably build a wall around Equestrian's borders or somethin to keep the Saddle-Arabians and Zebricans away or somethin like that. I wonder how America's doing right now.

I'm getting off topic. FOCUS, Jack!

As I was saying, everything's all happy and joy. Speaking of, I've learned that Joy is an alcoholic and gets drunk pretty often. She sometimes even stops by the house requesting me to "drop 'em." And here I am like, "Psh, yeah right! I wear the pants in dis relationship. Heheh." Heh, get it? Because I literally... yeh ya'll get it. I know gender roles are sorta reversed (mostly I think) in Equestria or something. That's cool, but I still don't do drunk chicks. No thanks. Learned that lesson already (through someone else of course) in the past back on Earth. So much nope!

My other bro, the reclusive Hiroto is spending less and less time outside and more time in his room or at Twilight's library, doing nothing but reading and writing down formulas and alien speak that I cannot understand what-so-ever. I think he's starting to gain a bit of weight as well. Poor Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stopped by several times to see if he was available, but he was either not there or too busy with his "work." I guess he's surrounded by books at school, also too busy to talk to anyone else, yet he's still getting straight 'A's. The kid's 15 years old and is going through that solitude phase I guess. Hopefully it'll pass soon before his friendships dwindle. I worry about the kid and so do the two fillies. While that's been happenin, I've been overhearing that they've started picking on the crusaders again. Bri isn't quiet when talking about bullies. Again, I hope Hiroto'll get himself together soon.

The only person left to talk about is Xavier's bro, who's basically been absent from the house more. He's been staying at a DJ's house, which is understandable because they're practically collaborating partners and what not. I don't see them out often in public but when they do, that pony walks awfully close to Trae. If I didn't know any better...



Nah... I know better because this is Trae we're talkin' about.

-end of Recap-

-Xavier's POV-

(Tuesday 3/28)

I was on my way to the kitchen one morning to grab my toaster strudels out of the toaster to have a little bit of Discord's chocolate drink. To poke fun, we dubbed it the Yoohoo! Choclord. Twilight brought up that it's been in our fridge for a while now, and bro was concordant with that point. Twilight did a scan on the liquid and found out that chaos magic was keeping it going bad. Long story short, bro stopped drinking it (needless to say that he didn't drink much of it from the start) but Jack and I didn't since we remembered and brought up on a few several basis that we were resistant to magic. To say the least, we gave no fucks. T'wasn't as if we were gonna turn evil or anything.

Anyway, as I did so, there was a knock on the door. Rolling my eyes, I huffed and went to the door. Wouldn't you know it, it was my favorite pegasus, Rainbow Dash.

"Hey X! Are you busy this morning? Please don't be busy! I wanna show you something." She asked, getting closer. "I really wanna know what you think about my new moves to see if they're Wonderbolt worthy?"

I face palmed. "Dash, I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The Wonderbolts suck. They're overrated. They. Suck."

"Psh! Says you! They're the most popular fliers in Equestria!" She protested.

"Who got knocked out by a falling Rarity."

Now it was her turn to roll her eyes. "Whatever. Are you coming or not?"

"Fine. Just let me grab my breakfast." I went back to the kitchen and my toaster strudels were not there. I looked around and saw Brianna and Jonathan eating both of them. Facepalming again, I ended up leaving with nothing but a berry granola bar. "Alright. Let's get moving." It was a quick walk to the park with me pretending to listen to Rainbow's babbling about her moves and the Wonderbolts. I love ya Dash, but you can do soooo much better. When we got there, I found myself a tree to lean on while I watched her.

"Alright X! Stay right there, monkey boy, and try not to blink too much."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure."

"Prepare to see something awesome!" Dash said before taking off to the skies.

She wasn't doing bad at first. Started off with simple dashes inbetween a couple of clouds without touching them, A few loops here and there, a couple of twirls. However, after a while of that, she started speeding up. Her loops were tighter and that rainbow trail started getting longer. She started making the skies devoid of clouds and occasionally sending a few winks and a kiss my way. Although she was showing off, I was actually stating to become impressed. In my two years of being here, I've yet to see any pegasus move like that. I'd like to see if the Wonderbolts can do that.

Unfortunately, she started going a bit too fast. She started messing up a lot. I noticed her turns started getting sloppy, and she started losing control after her twirls and loops. Uh oh. This will not end well. She was beginning to spiral out of control after a last helix twirl and started spinning towards the ground. I started to run towards her area to try to catch her aaaaand..

INTERCEPTED!!! The crowd goes wild for the interception made by number 64 from the human team! I had the strongest urge to do a dance and spike the ball to the ground if said ball wasn't my fillyfriend. She flew up and gave my head a hug and a kiss. I could've sworn I tasted iron in her mouth. Must've knocked a tooth loose on impact. I shrugged it off.

"Xavier! You are so awesome! You saved my life!" She said, shaking my torso.

"No problem Skittles." I said, before feeling water dropping over my face. Looking up, I noticed that the clouds were blocking out the sun and it was raining. My chest was still hurting from the impact, and Rainbow could see it.

"Uh, Xavier? Are you okay?" She asked,shoutingin front of me.

I waved at her. "I'm fine. It's nothing."

"IT'S NOT NOTHING!!!" I flinched at the sudden shouting.

I raised an eyebrow at Rainbow. "Woah Skittles. Chill. Probably just a bruise, that's all."

Rainbow looked at me. "I didn't say anything. Are you sure you're okay?"

I looked around for a moment. I heard what sounded like a balloon losing it's air. I turned towards the noise and saw a crying Twilight little filly with a deflated balloon next to her parent. I shook my head and returned my attention to Dash.

"Nah, it's fine." It was raining more.

"Here. I'll carry you home." Dash offered, latching onto my back. I could feel myself being lifted up as I was flown to my house. It was a short ride, and I could still hear that kid crying over a balloon. It's just a damn balloon, kid. Not the last one you'll see. One thing that was concerning me was tha I was starting to taste more iron in my mouth even by the time I got home. Dash didn't even let me go until I was upstairs in my room. She took off my shirt and t-shirt to reveal a massive caving in bruise in the hilarious shape of Rainbow's head on my chest.

I smiled at Rainbow. "Looks like now everyone'll know I'm yours. They just gotta look at your face on me." I joked.

Dash smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving. I could hear beeping sounds coming from my bro's room. Must be making music again. It was getting a bit annoying considering he had headphones he could plug in, but the beeping kept on in a steady motion.

"I love you." Dash whispered back to me.

"You too."

As Dash left, I felt another presence in my room. One that I did not expect. Not until another couple of hours atleast while healing.

"*yawn* 'Tis pretty early for thou to be asleep, is it not?" Said Nightmaid, walking out of the closet. I blinked and stared at her.

"What're you doing here?" I asked, cutting to the chase.

"I understand not what you ask. Tis thy dream is it not?" She asked.

"No. I'm awake. What're you doing in my closet?" I really wanted to know what was going on. Why is Nightmaid here? Why can I still hear that kid's crying? And why do I still taste metal? And can someone please tell bro to turn his music down?!

Luna came into view, materializing out of nowhere. "Forgive our intrusion, but we bear bad news. Tia and I have received a letter from her student explaining what happened. You are not awake because you have a major injury. You are unconscious. The crying you hear is not of a child, but of your friends. The blood you taste isn't Rainbows, but yours. The melody you hear is coming from a heart monitor. You currently reside on a hospital bed."

I was stunned as Luna continued.

"When you tried to catch Rainbow, her impact left most of your ribs broken and your lungs punctured. We can't heal it with magic because you're immune... You will have to undergo surgery, but afterwards, you will be bedridden for a while." She gave a weak smile. "You gave your friends quite a scare. They're still worried about you."

...Okay. I looked at Nightmaid who was looking at me, eyes wide open in shock. "What?" I thought you'd be happy to hear about me being vulnerable.

She instantly grabbed me by my shirt and started shaking me. "HAS THOU LOST THY MIND?!? THOU COULD'VE GOTTEN THYSELF SLAIN!!!" Both Luna and I looked at her in surprise, not expecting her to have this type of reaction.

"Well gee, Nightmare. Didn't think you really cared about me this much." I said, smirking.

Nightmaid Moon blushed and looked away while letting me go. "I-It's the fact that if thou were to perish, we would perish with thee. T-That's all..."

Yeah, I'm not buyin it. You totally care about me.

"'TIS NOT TRUE!!!" Nightmaid yelled, her face a dark red. Hm....

I looked at her. "Well, that's too bad. Punctured lungs for human beings means death. As soon as the blood touches the lungs, that's it. the blood dries and keeps other air and cells from coming through and kills us." I explained. I looked to Luna whose eyes were growing. "There's no chance of me surviving, so Luna, you can take Nightmare back. I think she'll be on her best behavior from now on."

"You jest! The doctors said you'd be-" I cut her off with a wink and cut my eyes to Nightmare, who was shaking, trying to keep up her aloof attitude, but visually failing.

Soon enough, she snapped and wrapped her arms around me. "NAY! I'LL GO WITH THEE TO THE AFTERLIFE! THOU CANNOT LEAVE ME!!"

I chuckled. "Gotcha."


"We see why Tia's student is weary of thy pranks." said a giggling Luna.

Looking at Nightmaid, I couldn't help but ask. "Why would you wanna die with me?"

"Because thou hast been the only one to give me a fair chance of kindness in over a thousand years! Evenafter everything I said and tried to do to thee!" I could've sworn I was beginning to see tears in her eyes. "Thou art the only being that sees me nay as a villain but as a friend!"

"And the only one who even likes you." Luna chipped.

"Everypony else hates and despises me, even the one who spawned me!" Nightmare said, pointing to Luna, who was taken back a bit by her sudden mention. "Xavier, thou art the only creature, nay, person to ever give me a chance. I cannot bare to see thee hurt, let alone severely on the brink of death.." Just then, I saw someone who only wanted what anyone would want. To be wanted, loved, to be happy and liked. Not some villain that everyone saw her as. Nightmare let go of me and sunk to her knees, sobbing. I looked at Luna who looked back at me with the same, if not more feelings of discomfort than me.

"Well... We think we hear Tia calling. We'll let your friends and family know that you're okay. Farewell!" She said before disappearing, leaving me with a sobbing Nightmare Moon.

I patted her head gently, my discomfort level reaching OVER 9000! "There there.. I'm sorry for joking like that. It was in poor taste."

"'Tis not thou jesting..." She explained. After a moment of silence, something came across her mind and her cheeks started to flush again. "Can I ask thou a question, Xavier?"

I shrugged. "Shoot."

"If I were not trapped in thoust mind, but instead in the waking world, would thou consider... mating with me as well?" She asked, fidgeting with her fingers.

"Maybe, but I would've had to find a way to render ya powerless first, because that's sorta what it took for ya to not be evil and to learn your lesson." I teased. "Other than that, I would've been happy to. Ya look pretty hot in your anthro form, and even more so in that cute maid uniform."

Nightmare blushed, now having a sultry smile. "Well, if thou hast felt that way all this time, thou should've brought it up sooner." She stood up on her knees, pulling me to an embrace, my head going in between her boobs. I wrapped my arms around her as well.

"We're gonna have to do something about your name though." I said, looking up at her.

"Tis wrong with Nightmare Moon?" She said, cocking her head.

"Well, for starters, you're not trying to strike fear into anyone, thus you aren't a nightmare." Technically you are. "Well, you are a mare of the night, but you know what I mean."

She nodded her head. "Well. Since thou hast enlightened me to a new way, thou can have the honor of choosing thy new name."

"Am I gonna have to come up with a weird pony name?" She nodded her head. Dammit...

-3rd person POV-

A week later, Rainbow Dash had yet to leave the hospital, even though her wing had made a full recovery. She was curled up on her unconscious boyfriend's lap with a book titled 'Daring Doo and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone.' She's been reading it to him while she waited for him to wake up from his long sleep. Twilight often came to visit them, but only for moments. Both missed their favorite troll of a human. They missed his pranks, his jokes, his human references that they never got.

Rainbow's eyes were puffy, her face having dried tear stains on them as she began wondering how long it would take for him to wake up. The possibility of him staying asleep forever crossed her mind multiple times. Twilight and their friends had told her not to give up hope, but everyone knew how impatient she could be.

"Xavier, I don't know if you can hear me, but please wake up already..." She then opened up the book and started reading the book to him again.

-Xavier's POV-

"Oh geez, here we go again!" I groaned, sitting beside the two dream mares on a giant beanbag chair as the magic floating television started replaying the ponified version of Indiana Jones, the narrator chick sounding like someone just died. "Jesus... How long has this thing been floating around here?" I asked Starla Moon, who was formerly known as Nightmare/Nightmaid Moon. Ever since I allowed her to use magic again, she had changed her attire. Usually, she wore casual wear. Now, she was wearing purple booty shorts and a short black top that showed ample cleavage and exposed her belly. Ever since I told her how hot she was a week ago, she's been trying every now and then. It was flattering to say the least. This also, however, caused the Princess of the Night jealousy and had her step up her game. On the other side of me, she was wearing a tight tanktop, a wavy miniskirt, and blue and black striped thigh highs. I'm so glad Jack and the others aren't seeing this. You two look like hookers.

"'Tis this 'hooker' thou speak of?" Starla asked. Shit! How do I keep forgetting?!

"I-It's nothing.. Just uh... nothing." The answer was enough for Starla, but not enough for Luna. She narrowed her eyes at me, having played GTA with me before.

"Hookers hm? Well, if thou wants hookers, we'll-" I cut Luna off right there.

"I'm good. Just keep being yourselves." They both giggled as they scooted closer to me, nuzzling. Their hands were rubbing my chest and my cheek as they were practically all on me. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at the imaginary fourth wall. The Next Episode started playing in the back as pixel sunglasses fell out of nowhere and landed on my face. Thug Life.

You can use your imagination on what happened next.


Fluttershy trotted into the hospital room in attempt to help her depressed Rainbow-maned friend, only to find her curled up fast asleep on her comatose lover's lap with the book Twilight had left her (unaware of the boner it was resting on). She had looked around to find something to cover her with. Looking over at the bed Rainbow Dash was resting in while she was healing, it was currently unoccupied. She used those covers to cover her. While doing so, she nuzzled Rainbow and looked at the human she slept on.

"Oh please wake up soon, Xavier. We miss you. Your family misses you. Brianna misses you. Twilight and Rainbow misses you. I miss you." She said quietly, tears streaming own her cheeks. She hugged and nuzzled his head before leaving.

-Xavier's POV-

"...I thought I was in a hospital, not a vet. Rarity's cat just licked my face!" I had just felt something wet rubbing against my face, and considering it was only my cheek that was licked instead of my entire face being slobbered on, I assumed it was a cat. There's only one cat in Ponyville and that cat belongs to fucking Rarity!

"Relax, my favorite human." Luna said, still naked from a little moment ago. "Tis probably your friends pets wanting to show how much they care."

"Or Pinkie getting revenge after the loopholes I found in her Pinkie Promises."

"We're surprised you remain unscarred for breaking a Pinkie Promise. Nopony breaks a Pinkie Promise." Luna giggled.

"Haha, yeah." I said, chuckling. "But knowing you ponies, as soon as I wake up, I'll probably end up dog piled, smothered by Rainbow and Twiilight, maybe even Pinkie and Fluttershy too."

Luna was giggling. "Thou are the most popular human."

"How much do you wanna bet that they're gonna forget about my temporarily fragile chest? I'm already not looking forward to waking up." Now Luna was flat out laughing.

"Tis your fault for being well liked." Starla said.

"Think I should move to Canterlot where I'm not well liked? May end up needing constant window replacements from all the nobles I'll end up throwing through 'em." I joked.

Luna was on the floor, cackling. "OH STOP IT PLEASE! I CANNOT BREAHE!"

"Heh, fine. I'll stop before I kill you with my sense of humor."

-3rd Person POV-

Twilight came rushing into the room the very next day, the door bursting open, waking Rainbow. She was in tears and her mane was a mess.


If Dash wasn't fully awake, she was fully awake then."WHAT?! NOO!!!"

"We're sorry Miss Dash, Miss Sparkle, but he's been in this state for over a week." Doctor Horse said, walking through the door along with a unicorn doctor and Nurse Sweetheart. Rainbow glared at him, wings spread ferociously ready to pounce on him. "I'm sorry. We thought he'd heal soon after the surgery, and we're limited on resources to keep him stable. I'm sorry, but I think it's time to pull the plug."

"YOU STAY THE BUCK AWAY FROM HIM!" Rainbow screamed. The doctor went towards the machine that was keeping him alive. When Rainbow lunged at the doctor, she was caught by the unicorn doctor's magic. "Let me go!"

Dr. Horse put his hoof on the plug beside Xavier's bed and looked around. Twilight was looking pleadingly at the doctor, unsure what else to do. Rainbow was trying to reach him with murderous intent, screaming language more colorful than her mane. "We've done all we can with it being our first time operating on his species. I'm sorry, but unless he shows any signs of recovery, there's nothing else we can do."


"UGH!!" was all the noise Dr. Horse could say as a hard fist struck him across the face, sending him stumbling into the wall. Said fist belonging to the displeased looking human lying in the bed.

"You've interrupted our game of RISK, trying to pull the plug on me?" He said. "You kept me from winning the best board game humankind has ever made! This is a great insult!"

-Xavier's POV-

I was not happy. I was this close to capturing Starla's capital and winning the game, already having defeated Luna and Celestia, who also decided to take a nap during the day to join us. At first she was uneasy about Starla to say the least, thus resulting in magic blasts at Star's face, but after proving herself to be reformed, they got along quickly. Celestia had also morphed into an anthro pony as well, proving to having a more voluptuous form than Luna and Starla. And that's saying something. When I brought it up, Luna claimed it to be fat from her cake-eating habits. That was Luna's downfall in game. The Lunar Republic was the first to be annihilated. Celly had her revenge even at the cost of New Equestria.

Needless to say, we had overheard the commotion from the waking world and begrudgingly and unanimously agreed that for my own good, I needed to wake my ass up before I died, but someone, or somepony needed to pay. And that pony was unfortunate to be within range, right beside my bed as he tried to pull the plug. Now, everyone was staring at me. Nurse Sweetheart was staring with a hoof over her mouth, Twilight still in tears, had her mouth open, the unnamed unicorn doctor was also in shock. The doctor I punched was sporting a bruised cheek while Rainbow was by far most wearing a face I'd never in all my time of knowing her, wore.

Her pupils were dilated while watery, tears trailing down her smiling face. The face that screamed 'I'm going to tackle hug you now whether you like it or not.' I'd gladly do so if my chest wasn't still healing. I turned to the doctor.

"I'm still alive, but I'm slowly healing. What have you been giving me, Dr..." I looked at is name. "Dr. Horse?" Seriously? This guy is NO Dr. House.

"I've been giving you the same treatment as everypony else who's a patient here. Sure, we had to liquefy your meals but-"

"Can you repeat that?" I asked.

"We've had to liquefy your meals?"

"No. The other thing. Right before that."

"I've been giving you the same treatment as everypony else who's a patient here." As he repeated, Twilight covered her hoof with her hoof in realization, which caused me to smile. Someone really is smart.

"Doctor?" Twilight raised a hoof.

"Yes Miss Sparkle?"

"I think I know what he needs." She said, looking unsure.

"And just what would that be, Dr. Sparkle?" Asked the Dr. Snark.

-5 seconds later-

Once again, everypony was staring at me. Well, everypony but Twilight who knew from the start of the human diet, and even more so after I gave her a book on human physiology some time ago. Dash was still looking at me the same way she was before. Unfortunately the recent news to them had shocked the unicorn doctor to the point where he lost focus, which meant Dash flew straight into me. Luckily, she only wrapped her forelegs around my neck while remaining airborne. Everypony else were staring in shock and fear.


Patting Rainbow's back, I looked at the others. "Haven't anyone ever told you that it's rude to stare?"

"Y-you're carnivorous!!" Doctor Horse shouted, pointing a shaking hoof at me.

"He's an omnivore actually.."

"YOU EAT POOR ANIMALS!!" Nurse Sweetheart was hiding behind the unicorn doctor who's horn was glowing towards me.

"The Princesses know this already, and they're cool with me." Heh, in fact, they love me. "And you sir," I said pointing at the unicorn. "Put that away. You'll hurt someone that's not magic resistant." I gestured to Rainbow who was still clung to my neck, crying. "And then we'll have a real problem."

"He's been my friend ever since I moved here and he hasn't eaten anypony so far!" Twilight said, stepping in the doctor's way. "He, along with the other humans, have been relying on fish and chicken every now and then! Not ponies!"

"Yeah, I've been here for about a year or two and all I've done was help repair broken shit and be dragged on adventures against my will by Hot Purple Butt and Sexy Thunder here." I chuckled, causing Twilight to grit her teeth, blushing. "Now, Twilight, if you can get Jeff and bro to go cockatrice hunting, Hiroto can make me some chicken broth or chicken soup or something."

Twilight nodded her head and turned to the doctors and walked up to them. She went up to the doctors, specifically the unicorn. "If anything happens to him, I will write to the Princesses myself." She said through her teeth, before leaving. I love that girl.

Rainbow, finally getting herself together, looked me straight in the eyes as her teary eyes narrowed. "I know you try to be cool trying to rescue me and all, but do not do this to me again!"

"I'll try not to, unless I feel I have to." I stroked her mane, looking to my side. I saw a huge pile of cards, gifts, and several balloons saying 'Get well soon.'

"Oh yeah.. Your family and our friends left you those."

"Think it's fair that we read 'em?" I asked. Rainbow nodded her head. I looked at the doctors. "If you don't mind." The doctors took their leave as Rainbow and I started opening letters.

Dear Xavier,

We miss you and hope you get well soon, darling.
from Rarity.

Get well soon, bro.
Your bro.

Hey Xavier,

When you get up, we need to catch up on some trollin' man.
Your best friend Jack.


Wake your ass up and shake it off like a man!
-Jeff Clifton

Dear Xavier
We sincerely miss you. It's been different with you gone. Please get well soon.
Fromyourlove Fluttershy andfrom Brianna

That one I knew that, based on how close the words were together, it was "edited" by Brianna behind Fluttershy's back. Even in comatose, I'm still being shipped with Fluttershy.

Everyone but Twilight and Rainbow, even the crusaders and Lyra had left 'Get Well Soon' cards. Twilight said she'd been giving me gifts every visit. When I asked where hers were, she gave me a peck on the lips. Rainbow, trying not to be upstaged, said that her gift was her never leaving me. That made me ask:

"Uh, Dash, but what about your job?"

"Oh, I let my boss know what happened. She gave me time off, as long as I make up for it after you wake up. It's no problem at all."

Twilight giggled. "It should be no problem at all if you can manage to not slack off on a daily basis."

"I totally can! I just don't wanna take the jobs away from other ponies!" Dash protested.

Later that day, one of the staff brought in a container of warm yellow liquid that wasn't pee, but chicken soup, which was something I had not tasted in a while. Much to Twilight's and Rainbow's dismay, I savored every sip, and every chunk of chicken. Compliments to Jeff and the chef. Afterwards, it started getting dark. Rainbow and Twilight decided to spend the night keeping me company.

With both ponies snuggling against me, it was the warmest night I've ever had in that cold hospital.

A couple of days later, I was surprisingly well enough to leave the hospital. I couldn't tell yet if I was actually good to go or if they were just kicking me out because they didn't like me. I didn't throw a fuss about it, but I made it clear that if one of my family ended up in here, Jeff and I were gonna have a field day with them. I was pretty sure that would never happen though. Did Dash and Twilight walk out with me? No, they didn't. when I woke up, Dash felt I was safe enough to leave alone and went to catch back up with her work. "I still need the bits." she said. Twilight had gracefully kicked her schedules and to-do lists to the side a few times to visit and stay with me a few times during my hospital stays, so I really couldn't say much to Twilight besides "Thank You." She didn't even call any of them favors. It was a lonely walk back home. When I had opened the door to my house for the first time in almost two weeks-

"You're welcome." Jeff said, sitting on the couch while watching the five crusaders play. "Ready to be a man again?"

"Oi. At least I wasn't the first one to get put in that hospital, Mr. Broken Legs."

"Hey. Even soldiers get crippled every now and then, right?" He tried to reason.

"But none of them got fixed up by turning into a hot chick." I laughed.


I laughed on the way upstairs to my room, but when I opened the door..

"SURPRISE!!!" The six girls, Spike, Lyra, and to my surprise, Derpy Doo, were in my room with balloons, and streamers. The little papers were everywhere, all over the floor, my desk, my bed, everywhere.

I turned my head. "Hey Jeff! Are we uh, expecting any company?"

"Nope!" He shouted from downstairs. "Only your sister's friends!"

Of course.I looked at the window and noticed it was open before looking back at the ponies. "I'm not cleaning this up."