Panda Skies The Mechanical Mechanicist... or an Engineer for short.

by PandaVoltz

Dont...Dont Cross The Wires

I gently grab the red cable, of which is attached to the main power cell, and connect it to the corresponding red node. The problem being is that I have to simultaneously purge the excess energy from the cable itself or the entire thing could explode, possibly causing the area around me to essentially cease to exist. Did I mention that the power cell is nuclear? And that the cell has the explosive equivalent of 72 tones of Equestrian grade military TNT? Or the fact that Uranium is highly illegal, and so illegal that if one is caught with it they are to be sentenced to life in a maximum security prison, all due to how destructive the material is? No? Well now you know.

You might be wondering who I am, what am I doing, and why. Those questions are easy to answer, my name is Panda Skies, and no I'm not a pegasus, nor am I a unicorn. I am an earth pony, the name is ironic i know, and unfortunately for me I never knew my parents because if I did I would've asked them why they would name an earth pony with a pegasus name. Although I'm pretty sure it's because I was a bastard child, and/or because they wanted a pegasus. Which one is true, the world may never know. As for what I'm doing, at least that would include using very hazardous and illegal materials, I am building/modifying a mining drill engine to run on nuclear energy for a private contractor in the Minotaur provenances. As for why? The pay was just too good to pass up, the contractor offered twenty six million bits, and to top it all off he paid half up front. So here I am finally finished with what amounted to three months of hard work, without being disintegrated, exploded, electrocuted, and or irradiated. At least I think I'm not irradiated, I hope not. That would be bad for my health. Not to mention my brand new house, what would the townsfolk think if suddenly that hill way outside of town just vanished in a blinding explosion?

Though just as I was about to get up to grab a drink, I hear the tell-tale sound of the door bell to my house. Of course, just as I was about to relax. And who could it be anyway? I don't know anyone in this town, I didn't even go into the town other than when I had to buy the house. I didn't even go down to buy groceries because I stockpiled about a years worth of military rations, that are actually pretty good in my opinion. So instead of getting a well deserved drink, I walk over to the elevator and press the ground floor button. In case you were wondering, I was in my workshop that is situated five hundred feet below ground. You didn't think I was working with such hazardous materials in my basement do you? Once I reach the ground floor I hastily walk towards my front door that is positioned in my living room. The house itself was on the smaller side, just the way i liked it, it keeps the heating bills to a minimum, not that I really need to worry now that I'm well off.

You could probably imagine my face when I see who is standing there on my front porch; Princess Twilight, Princess Celestia, a multitude of guards, gleaming in their golden armor, and Barb. The unofficial daughter of Celestia and the adoptive sister to Twilight, and to make matters worse for me, other than the fact that I am currently in possession of an extremely illegal substance, Barb was gorgeous. And I am horrible around women, not saying that the two royal figures aren't beautiful, it's just that something about female dragons that makes me all nervous. This is going to be fun. So I kindly invite them in before they had the opportunity to ask, and when they do walk inside, the guards take positions next to the door way. By the time I close the door and turn to my guests, I find them all seated around my coffee table with my recliner being the only seat open. Princess Celestia gestures for me to sit down, so I oblige and take a seat. After about five minutes pass Princess Celestia breaks the silence.

"Panda Skies, do you know why we are here?" She asks in a calm, authoritative tone. I shake my head, "I'm afraid I don't know why, though can I ask why royalty is paying me a visit?" I ask politely, on the outside I (hopefully) look calm, collected, and somewhat questioning, but on the inside I'm freaking out in almost all ways possible. And I swear my answer caused a frown to appear on Celestia's face for a fraction of a second, but it could have been my eyes playing tricks on me. "That is an appropriate question to ask in this instance Mr. Skies, and I think the answer you will find will not be of your liking. The reason for our visit is because a rumor, a very specific one with your name in it, has come to our attention. The rumor being that you are in possession of an highly illegal substance known as uranium, and that you have the knowledge to fabricate a weapon out of it to sell to the highest bidder. Now you can see why we acted solely on a rumor, because if it is true that means you are a threat to our national security, and the safety of those around you. Now, would you kindly explain if these rumors are true? And please, do tell the whole truth, I can tell a half-truth from a full one." When Celestia finished her face had kept the calm demeanor, but her words had an edge to them.

Now I don't know what to do, should I say the truth and take the punishment, try to lie my way out and hope for the best, or try to run for it even though I know I'll be caught eventually? I look down at my hands and sigh, I was just starting to do well, and this was going to be my last contract before I retired. So the question still rattles within my mind, what do I do?