The Princess and the Plumber

by DaiAtlas2016


When they got to the park, Braveheart and Twilight sat on a bench, while the twins and Spike ran off to play.
"Peace at last....", was all Braveheart could say before Twilight's friends surrounded them, "Dang it."
Sunset looked at Twilight, "Why'd you let him quit? He was the World's Greatest Plumber!"
"Yeah! You can't just let him quit like that! He's a super hero!!!", put in Starlight.
"But I don't want that. I want my girls to see me as their personal their father.", Braveheart explained, "I don't want them growing up thinking I'm some super important pony that has no time for them."
"Well, I personally respect Braveheart's decision. It's his career, or rather, pastime, his decision.", Applejack smiled, putting her hoof around Braveheart.
Rarity chimed in, "As do I, but Braveheart? What will you do in your free time? While the girls are at school?"
Braveheart grinned, "I'll go back to my first craft. Carpentry!"
"Carpentry? That sounds boring!!! You're just hammering nails into a wooden board all day!", Dashie frowned.
Fluttershy gasped, "Ummm....excuse me, Braveheart....if you don't mind....could you make some birdhouses? If that's alright with you?"
The plumber turned hobbyist carpenter smiled, "Of course. After...we get back from our vacation! Which reminds me...we better start packing! We've been here for a while. Girls! Spike! It's time to start packing!"
"Okay, Dad!", they shouted, running towards him and launching a full scale assault consisting of hugs.

They got back home, and started packing. To Rick Astley. You know the song I'm talking about....
"Hey, Mom? Do you think I should bring my swimsuit Aunt Rarity made me? Or my suit Cousin Antonia made me?", Drainiana asked walking into the master bedroom.
Twilight Sparkle thought, looking at the purple and pink swimsuit Rarity made, and the red, white, and green one Antonia made, "It's whatever you want, dear! Braveheart, what do you think?"
Braveheart smiled, "I think they both cute. But Antonia will like to see something she didn't design. You know how her and Aunt Rarity admire each other's handiwork!"
"Dad! I don't know what to pack!!!", Twilight Clogger groaned from down the hall.
"What do you mean you don't know what to pack? You pack clothes and a couple of things to do.", he sighed, heading towards her room.
Twilight Sparkle laughed, "Your father is really eager to go on this vacation..."
Drainiana replied, "'s been awhile since we all spent some quality time together! So that's probably why."
Braveheart came back as Drainiana left and sat on the bed next to Twilight.
"The only thing she had in her suitcase was candy from Nightmare Night....that filly...", he laughed, kissing his wife.
"Yes, she has your stomach, you know that....", she smiled, nuzzling him.
"I know.....I know..."