My Little Amnesia

by donceluzza

Chapter 4

If anyone has or would like to make a banner or fanart for the story that would be awesome and you will of course receive all credit for it. The reason for this is i want to try and get this posted to EquestriaDaily and would like to have some art to drape over it. So if you have a piece of fanart or a banner or would like to please either PM me or shoot me an email at with the header ART Thanks /)


“She was the last one. The last friend I had. My one connection, severed. Now I have no more friends. Only Patients.”

From the diary of Twilight Sparkle


The pink pony pranced around the table to the deceased nurse Redheart and started to mash cake against her snout. The table I’m seated at is covered in streamers and cloths scattered haphazardly around. In the middle of the table there is a large bowl of a purplish liquid. I’m guessing grape punch? At the various places set, even the ones with no pony in front of them, there is a piece of mostly melted cake oozing off of the plate and onto the cloths and streamers.

This pony is dangerous. Not forwardly so. But dangerous all the same.

Finding a way out of this isn’t going to be easy since she taped my damn mouth shut! I wriggle around trying to loosen the ropes tied around my torso and move my cheek muscles around trying to remove the tape.

The pink pony seems to take notice of this, “What’s the matter?”

You tied me up. what do you think? I wriggle in desperation trying to break free. She doesn’t look too tough, and I could probably take her on in straight fight.

The pink pony, I think she called herself Pinkie Pie, stares at me. I start sweating and trying to get free.

“You aren’t having fun are you” she pouts, I shake my head, her previously bountiful expression drops and tears start to well in her eyes.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you weren’t having any fun. You see my friends haven’t been around in a long, long time and I’ve had no pony else to talk to so when I saw miss Redheart and now you I might’ve gone a little out of hoof.”

A Little. Really? Tying me to a chair and asphyxiating some poor pony is a little out of hoof. Clearly she was as crazy and violent as the other two, albeit less outwardly so.

Still she was a dangerous pony to be around. I should go along with her crazed fantasies until an opportunity presents itself. While I’m tied to this chair there isn’t going to be an exit strategy materializing out of thin air.

The pink pony grabs a bag of flour and dumps it over her head covering her in white.“Having fun now?” I force a laugh and nod slightly so as to appease my new pink overlord. Somehow the pony’s pink mane burst and became bubblier. “Awesome, I’m glad you’re having a wonderful time!”

Pinkie Pie put a slice of cake in front of me, so as to insinuate that I should eat it. I shook my head. “Come on now, you must be hungry…”

She rips off the duct tape, pushing the cake closer to me.

“Eat” she stated, I just shook my head.

“Eat it.”. I shake my head again.

That cake is probably poisoned or something. Also, call it a hunch, but I’m willing to bet that Miss Redheart’s untimely death was probably caused by someone shoving food down her throat.

She took the cake in one hoof, “EAT THE CAKE!”

She shoves it into my face and rubs it there, smothering me. My nose and mouth are blocked by bunches of frosting and dough and a large pink hoof. I struggle in vain, my lungs hot and dry. I could feel a lack of consciousness beginning to take its place. I kicked violently until my hoof connected with something.

I was released from Pinkie’s iron grip as she looked back to the source of the noise. I had managed to stretch far enough to kick Redheart’s chair.

“Oh, nurse Redheart, of course you can have some cake as well”

She pulled her hoof away, as I spat out the cake and ejected it from my nostrils, I pulled in large gulps of air. I looked over and saw her open Redheart’s mouth revealing a large quantity of cake built up in her esophagus. She shoveled more in there and dumped some liquid down on top of the cake and closed her mouth. She looked over to see that there wasn’t any cake left.

“Oh, shucks I really thought that the cake would last longer. Oh well, I’ll just get some more then.

With that Pinkie Pie bounced off deeper into the plaza. A chance had presented itself. I wriggled and struggled against the bonds, occasionally looking over to the dead body of Miss Redheart to confirm what would happen if I stayed any longer in this mad house. With or without this Twilight Sparkle’s help I needed out of this place, and faster than lightning wasn’t fast enough. I kept struggling managing to knock myself backwards and loosen the restraints enough to slip out of it unnoticed.

I galloped as far as I could in the opposite direction of Pinkie Pie. I didn’t want to know what would happen if I stayed nor do I wish to know what will happen when she finds one of her “guests” missing. I moved as fast as possible only to find myself where I began, more specifically at the door that I had fallen asleep at before I awoke in Pinkie’s grasp. I looked left and right, panting and panicking, and finally decided to move left. I galloped and galloped, and just plain moved as fast as was possible for a pony in my condition.

I looked around for a building of some kind that I could hide in so I could catch my breath I looked and saw a disused photo booth, as good a hiding spot as any I’ll wager. I wandered inside only to feel a chill go down my back and hear small distant rustling I turn but I see nothing. Oh well probably rats or the wind or…



When I awake, again, I find myself in a weird corset and dress with my hair styled back. I look in front of me and there is a knife staring back. Behind it a mare in eccentric clothing and red goggles.

“You vill be a vantastic subject for the vone, ze only, Photo Finish!”

Another crazy pony. Fantastic. Where is Pinkie Pie when you need her?

I see I’m standing on a runway of sorts with my hooves in a kind of blunt bear-trap to keep me in one place. I try to move my hooves only to be met with a knife being pressed against my cheek.

“Now, Now, there iz no need for any of zat” She pulled the knife away and began taking photos with a camera. I try to use my horn to undo the restraints, but can’t. I feel sick whenever I try to use my magic. What’s going on?

Magic Repressors. Pinkie probably slipped some into that cake. That would explain why she was so adamant that I eat it.

Wait. How do I know about something like that? why would I know that? Why would I think she slipped something in my cake? Flashes of light interrupt my train of thought as Photo Finish continues to take photos of me in the strange dress.

“Nein, Nein, Nein, Nein, Nein, Nein, vhy aren’t any ov these usable. If she vas still, these vould be perfect”

She takes out the roll of film from the camera and throws it against the wall stomping on it a few times afterwards so as to really finish it off.

Now’s my only chance. I tug and tug on my hooves trying to dislodge them from the trap, I manage to pull my front right hoof out and hear a tear, a decent chunk of my coat was torn off leaving a large bloody cut along my hoof. I ignore the pain and use the newly dislodged hoof to undo the other legs of the trap only to have Photo Finish to notice as the last trap was opened. I was freed from the trap, but was now faced with a knife-wielding pony blocking my way to the exit.

“You are not going anyvere, until I finish my album. It shall be the glorious comeback of Photo Finish.” I blacked out.


I find I’m somewhere else. It seems like a concert of some kind. I see myself wandering around the concert hall. The other me takes her place at a small bar and orders something, she then looks out into the crowd, scanning the place. Looking for something.

I look out but can’t seem to see what she’s looking for, or what I’m looking for. She gets up, having finished her drink and begins moving towards the center of the crowd. She finds a stallion there, someone I don’t recognize. I can’t hear them speak, no matter how close I am.

She begins to lead him out of the concert, and throws a large hood over her head, hiding her face from onlookers. When she and the stallion arrive outside, he begins talking. I still can’t hear what he’s saying, she, me I guess just starts smiling and the stallion whips out a knife, screaming at her. She just laughs and the stallion lunges at her, she sidesteps the blow and plants a kick of her forehoofs into his abdomen.

The stallion looks winded from the blow but by no means out of the fight. He adjusts the knife in his hoof and lunges out to strike again only to switch the knife’s position mid-lunge, tucking it inward and swinging to the side trying to catch her, me, from the initial dodge, but she, I, just lifts up the hoof out of reach of the knife and brings it down on the man’s hoof pinning him. She head butts him and kicks repeatedly at his stomach with her free fore hoof. Using his back legs he’s able to sweep her, my, fore hoofs away and regain his composure readying the knife once again.

He speaks again, which I respond to, his eyes suddenly go white and sweat begins dribbling down his neck. He readies the knife but his hoof is shaking, he’s scared.

But why?

He makes his lunge but the other me catches his knife hoof in between her own hooves and takes the knife from his, switching it upwards and jamming it under his chin. Blood rushes out of his wound, and she plants the knife into his neck once again. She takes out a handkerchief and rubs the blood off of her own hooves before running in the other direction a smug grin worn on her face like a trophy.

Tonight was good, that’s what I was thinking that night.


I wake up from my dream and see blood on my hooves. The wound must have gotten worse while I slept. I looked over to it and found that the wound was actually bandaged and felt closed enough to move on it.

Had Photo Finish done this? She didn’t seem to have medical expertise.

I tried to push magic through my horn and found a slight nausea resulted from it. Clearly the repressor was wearing off somewhat. I use as little magic as possible to light up the dark room and nearly vomit for real after what I saw.

Photo Finish, lying on the floor in a heap, blood rushing out of at least seven different wounds placed around her abdomen, knife wounds. I try to stand up only to hear and feel a metal clanging against the ground, next to my hoof was Photo Finish’s knife and it was stained with blood.

Her blood

Oh Celestia, I killed her, I killed another pony, I killed her.