Applebloom: The Daughter of Mulan

by Big Imagination E

First published

Mulan adopted a girl and will promise to take care of her and make sure she doesn't get hurt.

In China a young woman named Mulan found a little girl left in the fields and decided to take her in. But with those nasty Huns out there will she protect her? Or will those fiends destroy China?

This was requested by Roxas2017

Finding a Little Girl

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One day in the village of China we see a young woman who was walking around trying to enjoy the air. She had black hair, and was quite a lovely woman. Her name is Mulan. Then suddenly she heard someone whimpering and crying. She followed the sound and in a abandoned house she found a young girl with yellow skin, red hair, a bow and yellow orange eyes. She was a little scared seeing a woman in front of her but Mulan tried to make sure she didn't scare her too much.

"Oh my. Are you alright?" Mulan asked.

The girl stopped crying and got up to face Mulan. But was still sad.

"No. I'm really upset about what happened to me." The girl answered.

"Ok calm down. Deep breath. Now tell me what's wrong." Mulan said.

The girl took a deep breath and told her. "It started when I was a baby. I had a loving family and they always loved me. But then when I reached 9 years old when I returned with my friends a saw an evil group of people in my house. I didn't know what they were but the horrible thing they did was kill my parents in cold blood and their leader told his crew to burn the house down." The girl explained.

"I was devastated and heartbroken. So me and my friends ran as fast as we can to get away from them and we did. But without my parents and my house I had no place to stay. So I took matters in my own hands and tried looking for somewhere to stay. And that's how I ended up here. Now I'm all alone. My friends snuck back to their houses and survived."
The girl finished.

Mulan gasped hearing everything she said.

"Oh dear. That's horrible. I can't imagine how tough it was for you. Hey I know what you need. How's about you come live with me and my family? We'll keep you company." Mulan suggested.

"You mean that? I would appreciate it very much." The girl smiled.

"Your welcome. By the way what's your name?" Mulan asked.

"I'm Apple Bloom."

"Nice name. I'm Mulan."

Then Mulan reached her hand out to Apple Bloom and she took it so she can gently help her up. Then the two headed in the direction of where Mulan was going to keep her company since Apple Bloom needed a home bad.

Soon they both arrived at a nice little Chinese house where they see an old man standing in front of them like he was waiting for them to arrive home.

Then the figure turned around and saw them. He was a kind man, his hair done in a bun and had a little white hair on his beard. His name is Fa Zhou. Mulan's dad.

"Mulan. I'm glad you're home. I've been waiting for you." Fa Zhou said.

"Me too father. Oh I have something I want you to meet." Mulan said showing him Apple Bloom.

"My. Who might she be?" Fa Zhou asked.

"Her name is Apple Bloom. But she's needs a home bad. She had a terrible time when she was little." Mulan answered.

"Tell me young Apple Bloom. What happened around that time. I won't judge you." Fa Zhou encouraged.

"Well when I was a baby I used to have a family. But then when I reached 9 years old my parents were killed. An evil group of people murdered them in cold blood and burned my home down. For so long I been trying to find a home but I couldn't." Apple Bloom cried.

Fa Zhou felt really sorry for her. He showed her kindness by hugging her gently and trying to calm her down. Then Mulan joined the hug and Apple Bloom relaxed. Then Fa Zhou looked her in the eyes.

"Im so sorry for your loss. Losing your parents at a young age. That's really hard on you. But in all honesty I'm like that Mulan found you and brought you here. I cannot let you continue living on your own with no one to love on you. So you will stay with us." Fa Zhou declared.

"You mean it Fa Zhou?" Apple Bloom said shedding a tear.

"Yes. You will stay with us that way you have a family. And please. You can call me grandpa." Fa Zhou replied.

Apple Bloom had more tears coming out and hugged Fa Zhou as a way of saying that she will accept that and stay with Mulan and her family.

"Now let's go get you settled in and Mulan? Promise me that you take good care of her." Fa Zhou said.

"Yes father. Since I found her I will do everything I can to make sure that she gets all the love she desperately needs." Mulan replied.

"That's my girl. Now Apple Bloom come with me and I will show you around the house. And while I'm at it I might as well tell you some legends that happened long ago in China." Fa Zhou smiled.

So Apple Bloom, Mulan and her father all walked together to head inside the house and get her settled. As Mulan was getting her room all ready Fa Zhou decided to share some stories about the stuff that happened in China many years ago, he also introduced her to the other family members and they loved her back. Fa Zhou even decided to take her to a place where they pray for their ancestors and tried teaching Apple Bloom how to do it in Chinese tradition. At first it was hard but Apple Bloom managed to learn very well.

Then night time came in and Apple Bloom was all tuckered out from the day she had. Her now grandpa took her to her room and smiled seeing everything was decorated nicely. There was even the pictures she saw of her and the old family as memories. Apple Bloom was about to cry but Fa Zhou rubbed her back.

"Don't be disappointed. Your parents are always in your heart. Don't forget that okay?" Fa Zhou asked.

"Ok grandpa." Apple Bloom answered.

"That's my little girl. Now get some sleep." Fa Zhou said closing her door.

Apple Bloom got all comfy in her bed which was on the floor. But she was grateful that a new family was going to take her in and care for her. But little did she know that she'll encounter the Huns. And might be the same ones that killed her parents.

Going to the Army

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The very next day when Apple Bloom woke up she and Mulan went downstairs for breakfast. But Apple Bloom was still thinking about her old family. Fa Zhou noticed her face and planned to try and help her feel happy while Mulan is out doing something.

After when Mulan left Apple Bloom went to the place that Fa Zhou showed her how to pray for her parents in hopes of seeing them. Fa Zhou came in and saw what Apple Bloom was doing.

"I see you are praying for your old family young Apple Bloom." Fa Zhou said.

"Yes Grandpa. I really miss them since the day they got killed." Apple Bloom cried.

"I understand how your feeling. Sometimes when I feel alone I like to pray to my ancestors to see how their doing. But don't let it cloud your head. Come. Lemme show you something." Fa Zhou replied.

So Fa Zhou took Apple Bloom's hand and walked with her to a blossom tree. At the same time Mulan returned home but was disappointed because the woman at her appointment thought she was a disgrace to the family. But Fa Zhou and Apple Bloom don't think so.

"What is this grandpa?" Apple Bloom asked.

"This is our lovely blossom tree. And look. This one is late. I bet that when it blooms it will be the most beautiful of all." Fa Zhou answered.

Mulan smiled knowing that her father was right. Suddenly they heard a drum playing and a man on a white horse came with scrol!s and news from the army. He was Chi-Fu.

"Attention! The Huns have attacked the Great Wall!! By order from the Emperor one member from each family must serve in the Imperial Army to defeat them." Chi-Fu replied.

As soon as those words 'the Huns' rang inside Apple Bloom's head she knew that somewhere she knew that name before. Then Fa Zhou decided to serve in the army which left Mulan and Apple Bloom in shock. Mulan tries to dissuade him from going due to his age and disability, but he protests that he must do his duty. Apple Bloom begged him not to go but Chi-Fu pushed her away. Mulan didn't like that at all.

"Hey! You can't do that! Also my father is old and he won't survive out there!" Mulan worried.

"Silence!! If anything you should teach your daughters some discipline to hold their tongues in the presence of a man." Chi-Fu snarked.

"Hey. You don't talk to Apple Bloom like that. But Mulan. You dishonored me." Fa Zhou said.

Then Chi-Fu gave him a scroll to report to the camp tomorrow morning to start training to defeat the Huns. Later that night after tea and dinner Apple Bloom and Mulan were outside in the rain worried about him. If he goes he'll die.

"Mulan. I don't want grandpa to die in front of those horrible Huns. What do we do?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Well my dearest Apple Bloom. There's only one thing we can do. We dress up like men and go to the army in my father's place so he won't die." Mulan responded.

"But I can't fight Mulan. Plus there's something I should have told you. The Huns killed my parents." Apple Bloom confessed.

Mulan gasped hearing that.

"So they killed your parents. Which is why I'm gonna help you train hard and guess what? I'll be with you the whole time and together we will bring down the Huns. That okay?" Mulan asked.

Apple Bloom looked down. But she knew to avenge her old parents she have to take the risk and defend China from the Huns.

"I'll do it." Apple Bloom answered.

Mulan smiled and decided to put her plan in motion. So later that night they snuck into the place and Mulan cuts her hair, steals her father's sword and armor, and disguises herself as a man so that she can enlist instead of him.

She even disguises her daughter as a man too. If she was going to kill the Huns and end them for good she'll definitely need to look the part. Then they started training for a while to make sure they know how to use the weapons and understand the importance of kung fu. After a few hours they got it all down and the two left home, and when their family discovers Mulan's plan, Mulan's grandmother prays to the family's ancestors, telling them to keep Mulan and her daughter safe. Then the ancestors rised from the grave, awoken a dragon and ordered him to awaken the Stone Dragon to find them. But things didn't well and instantly destroyed him.

Then the red dragon disguised himself as the Stone Dragon and decided to head off to find the girls and bring them back home. Let's hope they are safe and able to stop the Huns.

Meeting Mushu, Training and Fighting

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Far the two traveled to the army to face the Huns. Now Apple Bloom would normally stay home and not get involved in any war like stuff. But considering that she knew that Huns especially the leader Shan Yu killed her parents she had to avenge them somehow. Anywho as they travelled along the path they were spooked by a shadow. Turns out a red small dragon named Mushu was the one that spooked them as he came out of the rock.

"My ancestors sent a little lizard to protect me?" Mulan asked.

"That makes no sense." Apple Bloom replied.

"Hey! Dragon. Dragon! Not lizard. I don't do that tongue thing." Mushu spoke loud.

To emphasize, Mushu stuck out his forked tongue which flickered a bit before huffing and crossing his arms.

"Oh I'm sorry. I thought dragons were a bit bigger than that." Apple Bloom apologized.

"It's fine. We're cool. Though I've never seen you before. What's your name?" Mushu asked.

"I'm Apple Bloom. Listen. Were trying to act like men so that way we can help them stop the Huns and keep my grandpa alive. I already lost my parents and I don't want the same thing happening to my grandpa." Apple Bloom answered.

"Is that so? I hope this doesn't bring bad memories but why is that?" Mushu wondered.

"Because. She lost her family to them. They killed her parents in cold blood when she was nine. And I promised to never leave her side. Mulan answered.

Mushu gasped and so did the cricket after hearing that.

"Oh they are so heartless and cold. I totally get it now. You wanted to avenge them. Understandable. Well maybe we should team up and together we can stop them for good! Come on y'all! Let's get this show on the road!" Mushu spoke loudly.

Reporting to the training camp, Mulan passes as a man named Fa Ping and Apple Bloom passes as a man named Ala-Yu. Under the command of Captain Li Shang, she and her fellow recruits gradually become trained soldiers.

But they weren't really fully trained just yet. See first day was actually a cleaning day when some men spilled a load of rice on the ground. That angered Shang. So he told them that today they would clean it all up and tomorrow the real work starts. Yeah first day for Mulan and Apple Bloom was not good.

The next morning everyone got up super early cause it was time for the training to begin. First they started with climbing a very tall pole to reach an arrow with two heavy weights on their rists. But none of them and reach it. Not even Mulan and Apple Bloom. Shanghai sighed seeing that.

"We got a long way to go." Shang said.

Then he decided to up the training as he began to sing a song.

They tried to keep up but no matter how hard they tried they can't reach Shang's level. But Mulan managed to reach the arrow and ended the song. After some embarrassments during the training, the Emperor's belligerent councilor, Chi-Fu, threatens to dissuade the Emperor from allowing Shang's men to fight. Then Mushu crafts a fake letter from Shang's father, General Li, ordering Shang to follow the main imperial army into the mountains.

But once they arrived at a village that has burned down, they all discovered that the Huns have murdered General Li and his troops.

"Oh my goodness. Those monsters. They killed Shang's dad. How could they?" Apple Bloom cried.

"They don't care about anyone but themselves. Must have sent us a message knowing that we were coming. We must stop them!" Shang replied.

So all the soldiers headed to the mountains to try and stop them. As the soldiers march up a mountain pass, they are ambushed by the Huns. Then everyone began fighting those brutes. Mulan and Apple Bloom took all their training to good use and helped out the others defeat them. But then all of a sudden the leader Shan Yu landed in front of them. Apple Bloom was scared seeing him.

"Well well. What have we here? Two soldiers trying to stop me." Shan Yu snarked. Then he looked at Apple Bloom. "Don't think you can fool me. You may look like a man but there's no mistaking that look."

"Shan Yu. I knew it was you." Apple Bloom said with hatred.

"Nice of you to remember me. But I'm afraid your life is coming to an end. Just like your parents." Shan Yu said.

As soon as she heard those words she took out her sword and prepared to fight him along with Mulan.

"You took everything from me when you and the Huns killed my original family. But now....I'm taking everything from you. You psychopath." Apple Bloom said.

Shan Yu could only laugh.

"You really think that a puny girl like you can defeat me? You're nothing." Shan Yu mocked.

"Don't you dare speak about my daughter that way." Mulan replied.

"Or what? It doesn't matter now. Soon all of China will be destroyed and you will never see the light of another day. Now let's fight. I can't wait to see you try." Shan Yu said preparing.

Soon they were all ready to fight. Can Apple Bloom stop Shan Yu and avenge her real parents? Or will he be victorious? Only time will tell.

Battle on the Mountain and Reunion

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Apple Bloom stared at Shan Yu with hate for a long while. Then she charged into battle with Mulan helping her stop him. But he was too strong to handle. But the girls wouldn't give in that easy. They continued fighting him til he was down. With the other soldiers they tried their best to bring the Huns down for good. They even saved Shang's life before he fell to his demise.

Back with Mulan and Apple Bloom they were still having trouble beating up Shan Yu. Eventually he gained the upper hand and Apple Bloom fell to the ground.

"You still don't get it do you? You're a weak pathetic excuse for a fighter! Just like your parents! Now say goodbye!!" Shan Yu shouted.

But when he was about to deliver the final blow a hooded figure came out and kicked him in the face and cut his arm! He yelled in pain from that. Then Mulan cleverly uses a Huolongchushui cannon to cause an avalanche; Shan Yu wounds her, but he and his army are buried in the snow. Like that the battle was over. Apple Bloom turned to face the figure and smiled.

"Hey. Thank you. I really needed your help so bad. Thanks." Apple Bloom smiled.

"You're welcome. I wasn't going to let......Apple Bloom? Is this really you?" The figure asked.

"Yes that's me. Wait how do you know my name?" Apple Bloom wondered.

"You might not remember me. But I could never forget you sugarcube." The figure replied.

The figure took off the hood and showed us a girl that Apple Bloom thought she never see again after so many years. The girl was orange skinned and has blonde hair and emerald eyes. She was Applejack.

"Oh my goodness. Is it really you?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yes sugarcube. I'm your long lost sister. It feels so good seeing you again after so many years." Applejack answered.

"But I thought the Huns killed you! I mean I'm happy to see you but how are you alive?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Well after they came to our house I thought I was done for. But luckily for me I was able to escape through the attic window before it burned down. But the same can't be said for our parents. But I'm happy you're alive. Now we gotta get your friend some help." Applejack explained.

"Ok. But she ain't just a friend. She's my mother. After we help her I'm sure she won't mind having you in the family." Apple Bloom said.

The two nodded in agreement and headed towards Mulan to heal her. They informed Shang about it and had to get her medical attention. The soldiers discover Mulan's deception after a doctor attends to her wounds. Instead of executing Mulan as the law requires, Shang, having been saved by Mulan during the battle, spares her life, but expels her from the army. So he now knows that Apple Bloom and Applejack were actually women with Mulan. But decided to spare them too. He ordered the soldiers to move out leaving the girls behind but the three people who did not leave them were Yao, Ling, and Chien Po.

"So you really are girls." Yao said.

"Yes. I'm so sorry for all of this. We only came here because I didn't want my grandpa dying to those Huns. But I feel like I embarrassed you all and screwed up. I just didn't want the same faith happening to him like my parents." Apple Bloom responded.

Apple Bloom cried and Applejack hugged her. Along with Mushu who decided to make her feel better. The trio felt sorry for them and decided to make her feel like she's not alone.

"Hey listen. You didn't screw up." Ling said.

"Yeah. We totally understand why you did what you did. You didn't want another family member dying. That proves you really care about your grandpa." Po replied.

"He's right. And plus I once had a father too. But during that time he passed away from an illness. Even though I'm rough and tough on the outside I'm also upset on the inside. And if you didn't do what you did maybe things would have been different. But I respect you and your mother and sister for your bravery. Anyone who is tough to stand up to the Huns is a strong soldier anyday." Yao finished.

The girls smiled at his words and knew he was right. But suddenly Shan Yu and a few Hun warriors have survived; Mulan and Mushu spot them heading towards the Forbidden City. Along with the others.

"Oh no! The Huns are still alive!! We gotta warn Shang about this!!" Mulan said.

"Your right! Come on guys!" Apple Bloom agreed.

So everyone headed out to the Forbidden City to warn Shang. Can they truly stop the Huns? Or will all of China be destroyed? Let's hope they can stop them.

Final Fight and a New Family

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Soon Mulan and her friends enter the city and warns Shang, who does not believe her. And no matter how hard they try to convince him that they are still alive he refused. The Huns then capture the Emperor and seize the palace. Mulan convinces three fellow recruits - Yao, Ling, and Chien-Po – to dress up as concubines and distract the Hun guards, allowing Shang to stop Shan Yu from killing the Emperor.

With the girls they went to the top of the tower and confronted Shan Yu. Then they got in a battle position.

"Let him go you creep!! Or face our wrath!" Apple Bloom shouted.

Shan Yu saw them and growled taking out his sword and stood in front of the girls.

"You really are a pain in the neck. But it doesn't matter now. Soon the Emperor will die. And all of China will bow to me!! Then you will perish." Shan Yu threatened.

"Not happening Shan Yu. You may have killed my parents but you didn't get my sister or me." Apple Bloom said angry.

"Is that so? Well then I guess I'll just kill you all then!" Shan Yu shouted.

And like that the battle began. Like the last one the girls tried everything they can to stop him but he was too strong. Then Mulan had an idea. She and the other girls lures Shan Yu onto the palace roof, where she pins him there with his own sword. Then Apple Bloom and Mushu fires a large skyrocket, which strikes and propels Shan Yu into a fireworks launching tower, causing it to explode.

Fireworks exploded everywhere and everyone cheered for the death of Shan Yu and the Huns. Then to their surprise The Emperor praises Mulan for her heroics and bows to honor her, prompting everyone else to do the same. Mulan declines the Emperor's offer of a seat on the Royal Council, but she accepts the Emperor's crest and Shan Yu's sword as gifts. After that they decided to head home.

"Hey Mulan?" Applejack said.

"Yes Applejack?" Mulan asked.

"Listen. I really appreciate you looking after my little sister and caring for her. But I haven't seen her in many years since my parents died. Would it be okay if I can be in your family?" Applejack asked.

"Of course you can Applejack. You helped us so yes you can." Mulan answered.

"Thank you Mulan. Your very generous." Applejack said.

And so it was that Mulan had another daughter to care for but she knew that Apple Bloom was happy to be reunited with her sister.

Soon everyone returns home and Mulan presents the gifts to her father, but he ignores them in his joy at having her back. Having become enamored with Mulan and has also accepted Applejack as part of the family, Shang also arrives and accepts her invitation to stay for dinner. The ancestors celebrate, and Mushu is reinstated as a Fa family guardian.

And that my friends is how sweet Apple Bloom helped out Mulan defeat the Huns and earned a new family in the process. Along with new friends too.

The End.