• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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A Pin Drop

With a mechanical whirr, an aluminum panel rotated down from the left hoof side of Roarke's cockpit. She slapped her forelimb against a knob, and a sheathe of metal retracted, revealing a rectangular pool of vertically placed brass needles.

Turning around, the bounty hunter spoke over her armored shoulder. "This is my main navigation conduit. I use it to scale the landscape from here to the western desolation."

"So, it's a map?" Crimson remarked.

Tweak grumbled, "Looks like a rusted cooking sheet."

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat and stepped closer to Roarke's seat in the cockpit. "Uhm, Roarke? Is there any reason you've brought us here to... look at a rusted cooking sheet?"

Roarke's nostrils flared. Without looking, she slapped a lever. With a shower of sparks, the console came to life, and each individual brass needle lifted up in a rattling pattern, creating a scale three-dimensional mockup of Aurum, the adjacent ravine, and the rigid topography of Sapphire Valley beyond.

Tweak whistled. "I wouldn't mind baking some bread on that..."

"It zooms out as well," Roarke said. She rotated a handle, and the needles shrunk as the mountains became smaller. The rough splotch of Foxtaur appeared to the northwest, across the ravine. "What's more, I can triangulate various signals. For example, those flea-ridden Killas you crystal farmers are so bent out of shape about?" She entered in a few figures on an aluminum keypad. Several needles clustered to the east of the Aurum settlement burned, their brown tips turning to hot orange as they moved ever so slightly, inching back and forth within a cluster. "There they are, a lot closer than you probably thought they were."

"Sonuvagun..." Tweak grumbled.

"You might wanna spread your glow a little bit more so you can drive them off before they think of anything in the next week or so." She entered in another figure. The "Killas" faded, and instead needles began glowing in orange pinstreaks that floated across the landscape at random. "Here, we have zeppelins, all bearing the Ledomaritan signature." She flipped a switch and one wayward pinstreak could be seen streaking towards the south. "Xonan signature..."

"You can pick up on Xonans?!" Crimson stammered, his jaw agape. "Th-there're Xonans south of Aurum?!"

"Three-legs, there are Xonans everywhere," Roarke droned, her lenses pistoning out as she gestured at the map. "The only reason they haven't dropped the hammer on you or your Ledomaritan neighbors is that they're too busy trying to reclaim their lands in east. Good luck with that, by the way."

Crimson grumbled, "It's hardly my war anymore..."

"At least you're not a sore loser."

"Huh? But I didn't say that—!"

"Anyways..." Roarke slapped the machine and forced it to zoom out at a dramatic rate. Aurum, Foxtaur, and Green Slope became tiny specks bordering the south end of a massive valley with mountains running east and west along the northern edge. "The reason why I brought you here is to show you this. When I did my flyby's of Foxtaur after..." She took a shuddering breath. "...I was severely beaten."

"You weren't beaten, girl," Rainbow Dash said. "You were owned!" She spat.

"After I was beaten, I performed a scan of forest. Since it was catching fire, I knew that I would lose track of everypony I ran into. I had no sure-fire way of tracking Rainbow Dash, but I knew one thing: she had a zebra with a rune-charged manasphere in her possession. Now, runic energy isn't easy to come by, especially with such a strong, isolated energy signature. So, I scanned for it, and then I programmed a frequency for it. Lo and behold..." Roarke fumbled with the keypad and struck a button. The map of raised pins remained the same.

"Nothing happened," Rainbow Dash droned.

"You think?" Roarke grumbled. "But, if I trace the system's memory..." She rolled a lever back. A hot streak of energy suddenly formed along the northern face of Foxtaur."

The other ponies murmured.

"So... it's like a log," Crimson said, thinking aloud. "You can see where Pilate has been?"

"Not the zebra," Roarke said, raising a hoof. "Just the manasphere. For all we know, the zebra could be dead meat by now."

"Don't say that," Rainbow Dash grumbled. "I can forgive most of the cow cookies that roll out of your mouth, but don't ever say that."

"The soul-seller has a point, Miss Dash," Tweak said with a bland expression. "It's been days since all the crap you went through. We know you care about your friends, but what are the odds that Queen Ledo and her 'infinite mercy' actually spared them?"

"Please, Tweak..." Crimson sighed. "We could use some hope to go on here..."

"I'm just trying to be realistic!"

"No way..." Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Those bums wanted me. And they totally nabbed my friends and shipped them off to Celestia-knows-where all because of me! So long as I'm not around, they're gonna keep Belle and Pilate around! It's how they want to bait me and stuff!"

"Belle is the mare, right?" Roarke remarked. "The weakling with a coat the color of urine?"

Rainbow turned to glare at her. "Yes. Bellesmith. Pilate's beloved."

"If she was taken away, I very much doubt the zebra was taken with her."

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash blinked. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"Namely this." Roarke rotated a lever. One burning pin rested to the north edge of Foxtaur. "This is where the manasphere was located at the precise moment I swooped past the Steel Wing to pick you up."

Rainbow's jaw dropped.

"It's..." Crimson stammered. "It's right there!" He turned towards Rainbow Dash. "Was Pilate there when you butted heads with the Prime Enforcer?"

"No friggin' way!" Rainbow Dash's voice cracked. "They were taken away! Someplace up north!"

"You saw them fly off?" Tweak asked?"

"No! But Shell said—" Rainbow Dash froze. Slowly, her teeth grit together, nearly cracking. "Why, that cat huffing... snot slurping... plot pancake!"

"Whew!" Tweak smirked at Crimson. "I gotta use that last one on Lucky."

Crimson turned towards Roarke. "Move the log forward a bit in time. Can you do that?"

Silently, Roarke complied, rotating the lever until the hot pinstreak moved. It took a slow northerly course, winding east and west as it approached the edge of Foxtaur.

Rainbow Dash leaned in. "Uhm... m-maybe Pilate was on the Steel Wing? Could it have been carrying him away? That ship isn't exactly fast."

"Maybe if you cross-referenced with where the Ledomaritan zeppelins were at the time?" Crimson uttered.

Roarke entered a figure in the keypad. Several bright orange spots smoked to life, and none of them were anywhere near the original signature.

"Unless Pilate's manasphere can roll around on its own volition..." Crimson began.

Rainbow Dash said, "He somehow got away and trotted north." She gulped. "Or was carried north."

"Then what about Belle?" Crimson asked. "If Shell lied to you, then what could have happened to her? We're totally in the dark!"

"Maybe..." Rainbow Dash rubbed her chin. "If we can find Pilate, then maybe he will know. He had to have been with her on the Steel Wing at some point." She slapped a metal bulkhead. "Yeah! If we just find Pilate, then we can find my other friend as well!" She turned towards Roarke. "Move it even further in time!"

Roarke shrugged and rotated the lever.

The manasphere's signal blipped north, blipped north again, and went cold. The needles turned utterly cold and blank.

Rainbow Dash's eyebrow raised. She turned towards the metal mare. "I-I don't get it. What happened to him?"

"I wouldn't be able to say," Roarke droned. "What I can tell you is that his sphere's signal escaped the range of my vessel."

"Then what are we waiting for?!" Rainbow Dash's hooves danced in place as she stared breathlessly at everypony. "Let's go after him, already!"

"Rainbow, that was days ago," Crimson said. "We can't just 'go after him.'" He turned towards Roarke. "If we flew with this tracking device on, we could perform an aerial sweep of the continent, couldn't we?"

"Most definitely," Roarke said with a nod. "Though, I'm not sure I have enough energy reserves to afford it. Covering Ledomare is no easy task."

"Perhaps if y'all just focused on an area up north," Tweak suggested. "That seems to be where you're convinced the enforcers would have taken her friends."

"But we wouldn't know that for certain!" Crimson exclaimed. "Rainbow Dash, I want to believe that this will be a simple task, but we need to know more!"

"But we do know more!" Rainbow Dash cackled. "They're somewhere north in the mountains!"

"You only think that because Shell told you that! But he was lying! Even if there really was a facility in the north, how would we know where to search for it?"

A voice rang coldly from the ship's entrance, "Because it's located in the heart of the Ivory Mountains, in a hidden excavation known by the Ledomaritan military as Pale Shelf."

Everypony turned to look, except for Roarke.

Imre stood in the doorway, her face long.

The ponies exchanged glances. At last, Rainbow Dash trotted forward. "How do you know that, Doc?"

"Because..." Imre fidgeted. She looked at Roarke, sighed, and looked back at the others. "Because before I was a prisoner of the Searonese, I was a prisoner of the Ledomaritans." She gulped. "There are ponies, held against their will. Pale Shelf is where you'll likely find your friends."

"Do you..." Crimson narrowed his eyes. "Do you know how we could get there?"

"Maybe..." Imre looked over at Rainbow as she ultimately muttered, "It would be a lot easier if... if I-I just took you there..."

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