• Member Since 10th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 33 minutes ago


How is a raven like a writing desk? Poe wrote on both.


Over time we lose our friends; those we love, those who we share a piece of our heart with, but do we ever really lose them for good? Sometimes, true friendship and heartfelt love can transcend even death itself, and with a little magic, a shattered life can be made whole once again. Follow the after-years of Twilight Sparkle, centuries after the end of the show, and find out if a friend lost is a friend gone.... or just somepony waiting to step back into your life.

Note: If you enjoy this story, please comment on why, and if you dislike it, please specify how you would improve it. Enjoy!

Thanks to: Cream Puff for proofreading Chapters 1-7, and Golden Apple for proofreading 6-8.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 157 )

Wonderful story. Sad, but with a hint of happiness. Brought me close to shedding manly tears of friendship. Friendship is manly.

Hope you come out with another part soon.

Your wish is granted!

♫♥I look forward to reading what happens next in your story♥♪

4154 Huzzah! Alright, let's get to reading.

So, when you say dress form, I'm assuming you mean some type of mannequin?

Also, if you don't mind me saying so, this story just took a turn for the slightly creepy. We go from Twilight fondly remembering her friends and their best qualities, to considering draining the life from five ponies who happen to look like her friends.

Still, should be interesting to see where you take this. Keep it up!

Yes, dress forms are the mannequins Rarity has in her shop to display (and sew) dresses on.

In regards to the possibility of losing the ponies that are the current element bearers in exchange for the old, I wanted her hesitation despite the chance to have her friends back to show that while she loves her friends more than anything, she loves the ponies of Equestria as well, as a princess should.

As a status update: Part 3 is about a quarter complete but I'm not quite happy with it, so it might be awhile before it's posted.

4229 To be clear, I'm not complaining about the tone shift, I was just mentioning it. You've set up an interesting plot device, and depending on how you use it, this story could get either really good or really disturbing. Regardless of where you take it, however, I'm certain the story is going to be an entertaining read.

Good luck on part 3.

Man you were really close to making me cry... Bittersweet Fics are the best way to connect with someone emotionally so aslong as you keep twilights emotion at the heart of the chapter you should have in in tears starting from ch 3 onward.

♫♥I look forward to reading what happens next in your story♥♪

Oh. My. Twilight Sparkle.......that was what I was hoping for in chapter three. While I'm a little disappointed it what that chapter contained, I syllable enjoyed it. I would mabe add in twilight mentioning that she kept her promise to her friends and a little of what had happened. Also I would have loved if there was more diolouge in the dream...it just seemed to go by so quickly.
Now for some kinda wining\criticism, while it wasn't really clear how they would inherit the traits and memories, do you think you could....mabe.....fuse the two ponies together? I was just hoping to see something similar to a split personality story I read...and oh goodness....pinkie pie.......can't wait for that chapter!!! Anyways, great story and once your finished you'll have me in tears!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! And yes it did seem to slip by rather quickly, didn't it? It's nearly as long as the first chapter though! :twilightsmile: And yes I know I made it really open ended. It's supposed to be a cliffhanger. The results will be revealed later! You'll all just have to wait and see. :trollestia:

First I was like :pinkiegasp: then I was like :pinkiesad2: but then it was like :pinkiecrazy: and finally it was :pinkiehappy:

Make moar nao plz! :flutterrage: Or MOONSTONE SMASH!

Yeah...I just enjoy my long stories....anyways the main reason I wished this was longer was because it's such a great concept, In fact if you stop this at the end I have a half mind to ask if I could continue this fannon (with you approving each chapter of course)...ANYWAYS! I look forward to seeing the other reunions, I'm a bit curious as to how your going to do those (while keeping the same intensity of the other chapters). So keep up the good work and try to not let season 2 distract you!!!

You wanna know the sad thing is?
I dropped a tear or two at this.
Truly, you harnessed emotion.

Will Discord make an appearance? :o

It's not like Twilight-as-an-immortal alicorn hasn't been done before, but I love your twist on the concept. I just wish this story would update again XD.

i started crying when i read this... great story well written but its too damn sad!:fluttercry:

Fillies and gentlecolts! I wanted to announce that I've picked up my quill and will soon be continuing this story. COMING SOON!

About time you updated; thought the fic died.

Download the personality files from the elements of harmony into the fresh new bodies and it's happy post-singularity immortality fun!

Well, except for the original host body personalities, of course. But being young and underdeveloped identities, they can easily be subsumed when the host body and downloaded identities are file merged. Twilight is smart to install her friends into the hosts while the bodies are so very young; the dominant, complex adult personalities will be hardly even affected by merging with the immature, brief consciousnesses of mere children.

This is either incredibly grim, or intensely happy, depending on how much one values the tiny individuality of the barely established consciousness of very young children.

The children are far too young and undeveloped to make any kind of rational, sapient choice about such weighty matters of personal identity; they will be easily convinced of the benefits of being merged (and inevitably subsumed) with exciting, powerful, intense and superior personalities; what child wouldn't want to be Superman, or Spiderman, or some other kind of superhero - which is what the Mane Six really are, in Equestrian terms. It's like taking the soul from a baby; which actually, it literally is.

What an incredible, strongly inhuman posthumanism story in pony disguise! AWESOME!

131984 I think you're sort of missing the entire point here. Like Applejack said, and what was just repeated, the Elements only help, never hurt. The way I understand it is they're all given this choice to make of their own free will, and I really doubt you can honestly say you think that the girls would actually try and coerce these fillies into making decisions that would harm them. If you do honestly think that, however, then you just do not understand Friendship is Magic.

131984 Oh, and I think you're reading way too much into this if you got 'transhumanist propaganda' from the whole thing.


Wow Chat... That's... not what I was going for at all... In fact it's a little depressing to think of it that way. Alta is more on the mark. The Elements of Harmony are meant to help ponies and, in the case of Fluttershy and Silver Chalice, I have something special planned that I think will make more sense. In fact, the big wakeup will come in another few chapters. Coming up next, Loyalty, Generosity, and Laughter. After that, a wrap-up chapter, and an epilogue. If there are still questions I might add an FAQ :twilightsmile:

Proimses To Keep is perhaps 25-30% complete. I'm looking forward to seeing how it's recieved.

So let me guess the deceased members of the main six will become some sort of guide role to the new wielders of the elements. (Think like Fi from skyward sword).


Maaaaybe :P Part 5 is almost done. It might shed a bit more light... Or it might just raise more questions! Stay tuned :twilightsmile:

A wonderful story! I hope that the next chappie will be coming soon

This story made me cry. I think that's a good thing. :pinkiesad2:

I'm loving this story, and I can't wait to read more. And Kleenex sales might spike after the next chapter's published...

That's right! There's 4 chapters left in the story! I'm still recovering from churning out two long chapters in as many days (took like, 8 or 9 hours for Promises To Keep) so Meaningful Gifts is probably gonna be a few days. I think after this fic is done, I'll take some questions if there are any left and answer them in a psuedo-IC FAQ. I may also continue in the same universe here or there, I'm undecided. Still! Still got Meaningful Gifts, Good Laughs, Wake-Up, and the Epilogue to do.

You have been tracked, my good sir.:pinkiehappy::yay:

It's official, this is my favourite story. :pinkiehappy: And no, I'm not just saying that. I'm a man of my word. :ajsmug:

There is no amount of upvotes or favourites big enough. :fluttershysad: So, you'll just have to deal with the obligatory one of each.

Keep up the superb work! :pinkiehappy:

Hoo boy. The current chapter has been blinking at me tauntingly for the past FOREVER :flutterrage:

I'm not dead everypony, and my next update will feature the rest of the story in quick succession. The biggest problem is writers block. And yes I'm aware of the events of season two but other than editing for grammar there wont' be a rewrite. It's one of the reasons I decided to label this Alternate-Universe.

Also, thank you all for leaving comments, thoughts, and praise. I truly appreciate it.

You have no idea how happy I was looking at that last post about the next update. After just reading through what's currently posted of this story, I decided to see when it last updated. You have no idea how utterly horrified I was to see that the last update was in January. My first thought was:

"B..But I want to see what happens! Noooo!"

That being said, obviously you can tell I'm REALLY enjoying this story. Not an idea I've ever really seen before, and you're pulling it off amazingly well. the explanations are also very believable in my opinion.

I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it! And I'm grateful for the feedback. The laughter chapter is practically going to write itself (Pinkie's offered me some very good insight into how she thinks it should go, and the ending is, if I can do it justice, going to be worth the wait I hope. My biggest block point is hammering out a beleivable personality for the newest incarnation of Generosity. I kinda thought Loyalty would be the most difficult but that chapter wrotei tself.

So once again I am *so* sorry for taking so long. Goodness knows how I feel when waiting for Paradise to update.:pinkiesad2:


It's better to take the time to write out something wonderful and making not only others, but yourself satisfied and happy than it is to toss this and that in there to hammer out a chapter so people don't need to wait anymore. It makes quality suffer, and is one reason why my old story is stuck on only one chapter that I wrote in December.

Basically what I'm saying is. You've done an awesome job so far, and it's disappointing to see this story with such little attention as it stands. You haven't failed once with the personality of any of the new elements. Their personalities are justified and believable. I was honestly thrown for a loop with Loyalty, and was expecting exactly what Twilight was. It was a pleasant surprise to have such a stark contrast. I'm sure you'll do an awesome job with Generosity.

(Also, Oh god, a Pegasus. Rarity's gonna have a field day with that one considering how much she loved those butterfly wings in Sonic Rainboom)

Seriously? This... Damn. You, uh.

I mean.... I can't seem to find the words necessary to describe the feelings I have while reading this. It's just so good! I mean, your characterisations are just spectacular! Keep it up!

Can't wait to see what happens next :D

You sir(or madam) have almost brought me to tears with this. (if this was a movie about a dog dying I would be crying my eyes out)

You do a good job of pacing this story in a way that allows events to move quickly while at the same time not rushing the dialog and the character development. You do a good job making twilights emotions believable and I think that's one of the most important parts of this story. I think I noticed some formatting errors or spots where words seemed to be missing letters "te" instead of "the" and little things like that. Overall you don't have many issues here and I am looking forward to the next chapter which if your recent posting is to be believed will pop up pretty soon:twilightsheepish:.

Thanks for writing a great story. It's people like you who keep this fandom alive with creative talent.


Pinkie Pie. As a unicorn.


Can't wait for the next chapter! This is one of my favourite fics (no, I'm not just saying that), so can I have an estimate as to when the next chapter will be out? I'm guessing a month or so?

I'm too scared to read on, before I actually cry.
I think I will go to sleep and read on tomorrow.

Very well written by the way.


Aaaactually. Chapter 7 is going to write itself. I need some sleep and to get some cleaning done, then I'm planning on sitting right he hay down and typetypetyping till I have something I'm happy with. So... Later today? Tomorrow? Ish? My personal goal is to be finished by the end of the week. Then comes the "fun" task of editing.

And yes I'm aware most people edit before publishing if they're going to at all. I also notice those people advertise the story being done for a week (or more!) before it's ever actually seen by the public. :twilightsmile:

Wait, really? Most excellent.

I'm part of a Website that reviews pony FanFiction. If you want, we could review this and maybe get it some extra fame. Well, one of the others will. I only write negative reviews, and this one does not deserve that.


I'd appreciate it! Quite a bit even! But I'd very much like if you'd wait till after editing to do so. It'll be announced since I'm gonna do a little bonus chapter after editing that's just Twilight answering questions, both from readers and things glanced over in the story.

Alright, if that's how you want it, that's how it'll roll.

Here's the site. Comment if you like a review, especially on mine.


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