• Published 17th Jan 2012
  • 4,129 Views, 47 Comments

My Little Powerpuff: Teamwork Is Magic - PrinceofBrony

When a battle sends the Powerpuffs and Mojo to Equestria, what will happen?

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Chapter 2

My Little Powerpuff: Teamwork is Magic
Chapter 2: First Contact

The town of Ponyville! This quaint little town is home to peace-loving ponies from all walks of live, from the hard working Earth Ponies, to the magic wielding Unicorns and finally the Weather-Controlling Pegasi. They all help each other and everyone gets along!

But not too long ago, a great threat had nearly engulfed not just Ponyville, but all of Equestria! The entire land was almost enveloped in Eternal Night, thanks to that meanie-weenie mare Nightmare Moon!

But thanks to the efforts of a group of brave (and fun loving!) ponies, she was defeated and restored back to her Princess Luna self! Those ponies go by the name of Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie! And together, they form the one and only group, the Mane Six!

“Uh, Pinkie dear…who are you talking to?” Rarity asked, looking towards where the pretty pink party pony was looking.

“The readers, silly!” Pinkie giggled. “Just a second!”

Currently, the Mane Six were on their way back from dealing with a Dragon problem that had threatened to engulf Ponyville in smoke for goodness knows how long!

“Done!” Pinkie said with a smile, bouncing to the head of the group. Rarity just stared after the pony, before shaking her head slowly.

“I’ll never figure out what goes on in that pony’s head…”

“Eh, it’s not so bad,” Rainbow Dash said, hovering right behind the Fashionista. “I kinda like the whole ‘Mane Six’ thing. Makes us sound awesome!”

“Gotta admit, it does have a ring ta it,” Applejack replied in her southern drawl.

“It’s…nice,” Fluttershy said quietly.

“It is rather nice, but we don’t need to go calling ourselves that around everypony. It might start to catch on, and ponies would start thinking of us as supermares or something,” Twilight replied.

“That would be awesome!” Dash whooped. “Being a hero would make me a shoe-in for becoming a Wonderbolt!”

“But…everypony would want to be around you 24/7…I don’t think I could handle something like that…” Fluttershy squeaked, lightly shuddering at the thought.

The Blue Pegasus scoffed in response. “Figures that the one pony who’s able to make a full grown dragon cry like a baby would be scared of something silly like that!”

“Speaking of, that sure was somethin’, Fluttershy! I cain’t believe that ya’ll were able to tame that big ol’ dragon just by staring at ‘em!” Applejack said, smiling at the shy Pegasus. “What’s yer secret?”

The pink-maned pony shyly smiled back. “There’s no secret that I’m aware of. I just love taking care of animals…and once I got past my fear, I saw that Mr. Dragon just needed to be asked nicely before he would leave, just like almost any other animal.”

“Well, I’m just glad that the whole Dragon crisis is over with. Princess Celestia will be so proud of us!” Twilight cheered.

“Yep, yep, yep! This calls for a party!” Pinkie shouted happily, bouncing all around her friends. “This’ll be one of the best parties ev…”

All of a sudden, Pinkie’s tail began to twitch. Applejack took quick notice.

“Uh-oh!” The cowpony squeaked. “Girls, duck and cover! Pinkie’s tail is twitching!”

Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy’s eyes went wide at the proclamation. Within seconds, they were rushing underneath the debris that was left from the Avalanche that Fluttershy had caused by accident earlier, peeking out at Pinkie for any other signs of danger.

Twilight, however, was just staring at the others like they had lost their mind, especially Pinkie. “Um…why is Pinkie twitching like that? And why did you all just randomly hide?”

“It’s my tail! It’s a twitch, twitch, twitching!” Pinkie explained, as her tail went into overdrive and caused her whole body to shake. “I-I-It means t-t-that s-s-something is g-g-gonna f-f-fall from the s-s-sky!”

“She’s right, Twi! Her Pinkie Sense hasn’t been wrong yet!” Applejack said, hiding underneath a boulder. “You should hide under something ‘afore something forces you to be under it!”

Twilight just scoffed. “Really now, Pinkie Sense? That has to be the silliest thing I’ve ever heard of!”

“I’d listen to her, Twilight!” Pinkie said, holding onto a boulder with her hooves while her tail began to spin like a helicopter blade. “My tail twitch has never been this strong before! Whatever’s gonna fall from the sky must be a heck of a doozie!”

“Come on! The sky is completely clear now that all of the smoke is gone!” Twilight said, rolling her eyes. “What could possibly fall from the…”

But before she could finish, a sudden explosion of energy happened right in the sky, knocking Twilight for a loop as she rolled backwards in surprise.

“What the heck was that?-!” Twilight gasped.

“Ah warned ya!” Applejack said.

Another burst of energy resonated through the sky, causing the Bookworm Pony to latch onto a boulder of her own to keep from being blown away. “What’s going on?-! This isn’t like any Magic that I’ve felt before!”

“That’s probably because it isn’t magic!” Pinkie shouted over the huge gust of wind. “Hang on! These things usually come in threes!”

“What are you talking abo…”

Twilight didn’t get a chance to finish as, just like Pinkie said, another huge burst of energy went through the sky. But unlike the last two, this one went on for a while and began to push the confused ponies deep against the ground.

“Ahhh! What the hay is happening?-!” Rainbow Dash shouted, feeling herself begin to slowly get crushed by the rock she was underneath. She had to use all of her strength to keep it from happening, but she couldn’t escape from under it.

“I don’t want to get this close to the dirt!’ Rarity whined as she used her magic to keep her rock from crushing her as well.

“Ugh…we jus’ hafta hold out ‘till it passes, girls!” Applejack struggled to say, her muscles from Applebucking coming in handy at holding back the boulder.

“It’s so scary!” Fluttershy whimpered, Twilight’s magic the only thing keeping her safe as well.

“Everypony, look up!” Pinkie said, pointing to something in the sky.

It took everypony every ounce of their strength to look upwards towards where Pinkie was pointing, and what they saw shocked them to the core.

“It’s a…BLACK HOLE!” Twilight shouted in fear.

Indeed, a fair amount of distance away, there was a black hole in the sky. But instead of sucking up everything in its path, it was instead pushing everypony and everything as close to the ground as possible.

“I don’t get it! Why would a black hole pop up HERE of all places?-! And why the hay is it pushing us to the ground instead of sucking us up?-!” Dash shouted.

“I have no idea! I’ve never heard of such a thing happening!” Twilight shouted back.

“Hey…there’s something coming out of the black hole!” Rarity shouted.

Everypony looked closer at the hole, and saw that Rarity was right. It was too far away to make out clearly, but they could barely see some shapes being shot out of the hole.

“How…how is that possible? It’s impossible to escape a black hole once it sucks you up!” Twilight said, her mind nearly blown.

All of a sudden, the Mane Six watched in surprise as one of the shapes was forced away from the others, streaming a long distance into the Everfree Forest. The rest of them quickly fell close to the entrance of Ponyville. Afterwards, the black hole finally vanished as quickly as it had appeared, allowing all of the ponies to escape their rocks at long last.

“Phew…that was a little too close for comfort,” Dash sighed, stretching out the kicks in her legs.

“Shoot, ya’ll are tellin’ me! Haven’t had a workout like that since last Applebuckin’ Season!” Applejack replied.

“What on earth do you think caused that dreadful black hole to appear like that?” Rarity huffed, using her magic to dust herself off.

“I’m…I’m more concerned about those things that fell from the hole,” Fluttershy said timidly.

“They must be…mareliens!” Pinkie gasped. “It makes perfect sense! The Black Hole was their way of traveling into Equestria, and now they’ve split apart so that they can begin conquering it from two sides!”

“I know it’ll surprise you to hear me say this after what just happened, but I’m not willing to believe that just yet,” Twilight said. “I’m sure that there is an explanation for this…somehow. Since most of the shapes landed near Ponyville, we should go and see what they are first.”

“Well…all right, jus’ so long as we keep our distance,” Applejack gulped. “We don’t know if’n they’re friendly or not.”

“Agreed. But I think that one of us should stop by Twilight’s house and collect dear Spike, just in case we need to inform the Princess of anything,” Rarity said.

“I’m on it! Just make sure to save some marelien flank kicking for me if it comes to that!” Dash replied, saluting briefly before zooming towards Ponyville.

“Okay, let’s go everypony. Make sure to not make too much noise when we get close,” Twilight said. The rest nodded as they began to trot towards where the strange shapes had fallen.

“Are you girls alright?” Utonium asked.

“Yeah, we’re just fine, Professor,” Blossom said, shaking her head. “Nicely done, girls!”

“Piece of cake!” Buttercup declared, as she and Bubbles each lowered their respective metal wings to the ground. They had managed to rip them off of the Drago Robo just as they were shot out of the black hole, and Utonium and Blossom punched the machine away from them afterwards so that they could regroup.

“That was crazy! I can’t believe a black hole of all things sucked us in!” Bubbles exclaimed, taking a quick look around their surroundings. “And something tells me that we’re not in Townsville anymore…”

“We can worry about that later. Right now, we need to see if Mayor and Miss Bellum are alright!” Blossom said.

“Um…define ‘alright’,” Buttercup said, looking at the two with a strange expression on her face. It looked somewhere between ‘absolute shock’, and ‘struggling not to laugh’.

“Just what are you talking about, Butter…cup…?” Blossom trailed off as she caught sight of the two herself.

Mayor and Miss Bellum were no longer human. Instead, they had somehow been transformed into…ponies, of all things! Mayor had turned into a short stallion with a grey coat and white mane. He still had his mustache and hat, and was still dressed in his clothes as well. Miss Bellum went through the same thing, and she had a pale yellow coat with a fuzzy red mane that hid her face from view... but it couldn’t hide the sharp horn on top of her forehead.

“Ponies!” Bubbles screamed in glee, hugging each one in turn and waking them up in the process. “They are sooooooo cute!”

“Don’t go, Mr. Pickles…” Mayor mumbled as his eyes slowly opened up to get a face full of Bubbles. “AHHH! Oh, it’s only you, Bubbles. Thanks for saving Miss Bellum and I!”

“That’s just it, Mayor. Considering the…state that the two of you are in, I’m not sure that we can say we’ve really rescued you…so to speak.” Utonium replied; bafflement clear in his voice as he looked upon the humans-turned-ponies.

“…I don’t get it. Miss Bellum, can you translate what the Professor just said?” Mayor said, turning towards Bellum. He blinked when he saw a pony staring back at him. “Who’s the pony?”

“It’s me, Mayor. Somehow, we were turned into ponies!” Bellum replied.

“We were?” Mayor replied, before looking down at his hands…or lack thereof. He saw some hooves instead. “Huh. So we are. …Neat! I’ve always loved ponies!”

“I know, right!” Bubbles cheered, as the two shared a laugh. Bellum just shook her head and turned towards the Professor.

“Do you have any idea what could have caused this?”

Utonium rubbed his chin in thought. “To be quite honest, I’m not sure. Perhaps it has something to do with the black hole that teleported us to our present location…but if that’s the case, then why didn’t it affect the girls or I?”

“Whatever happened, I’m glad it didn’t happen to me. Ponies are the last lame thing that I’d want to turn into!” Buttercup scoffed. She quickly looked into the air as she was sure that she felt a quick glare in her direction, but she didn’t see anything.

“Ponies are awesome, Buttercup!” Bubbles defended.

“Yeah, awesome at being lame!” Buttercup retorted.

“That’s enough, girls!” Blossom shouted, giving her sisters a stern look. “We don’t have time for this. We have to figure out where we are, and then we need to find Mojo and Princess and bring them to justice before they cause any more trouble!”

Before they could reply though, a snap of a twig alerted them to a presence behind the bushes.

“Alright, come on out! We know you’re there!” Buttercup growled.


Then a sigh. “Nice going, Pinkie.”


All at once, the Mane Six minus Rainbow Dash exited the bushes. Bubbles and Mayor had sparkles in their eyes at seeing more ponies, Buttercup scoffed at the same thing, and the rest just stared at the group.

After a few seconds passed with both groups staring at each other, Applejack asked one simple question.

“Are ya’ll mareliens?”

And that’s it for this chapter. I would have had it up sooner, but I had a cold that refused to go away. I’ll try my best to update this fic one every two weeks, but don’t worry if I slip in the future.

Next chapter, introductions are made, plans are formed, and the main plot moves along. Hope you look forward to it! Catch you Next Continue!

P.S: Quite a Cliffhanger, huh?

P.S.S: On the Pony side of things, this story takes place after Dragonshy.