• Member Since 15th Jan, 2012
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" The eyes are useless when the mind is blind." (Mark Venturini)


Something strange is going on in Canterlot. During a visit with her friends, Twilight is mysteriously murdered, but is given a chance to prevent it when a mysterious helper grants her the power to travel through time. Now Twilight must make use of this new power to prevent her death as well as uncover the identity of her killer. But who is her mysterious helper? Is her first death the only one she'll have to worry about? And can she keep this a secret from her friends and family so that they don't end up as targets too?

A crossover with Konami's "Shadow of Destiny/Memories".

Chapters (24)
Comments ( 61 )

Seems like an interesting rehash of the plot so far, looking forward to seeing where you go with this. Tracked.

Hello readers. I've decided to post in the comments whenever I have some interesting to mention bout my chapters, so be sure to check here before asking me anything.

For this chapter... I know in the actual game, the killer is hiding behind the tree, but I've often wondered why there's a camera shot looking down from the tree branches during that moment. So that's kind of what inspired the different death scenario here.

If you were annoyed by how I described the ponies in the past rather than named them, I apologize. Sadly, those same characters in the game aren't given names and, except for one part, only appear near the beginning of the story. So I figured it wasn't worth it to give them names here. As for Red Shield, he takes on the role of the watchman here, but he'll have more appearances in the future, especially in the next chapter.

I think that's about it. Don't be afraid to ask if I'm not being clear on something. It'll only help me improve.

It's certainly interesting, I'll say that much.

As you can all probably guess, the pony planting the tree in the Canterlot square was based off of Posey, Fluttershy's G1 counterpart. I'm not implying that Posey is an ancestor of Fluttershy's, especially since I didn't have anypony refer to the pony by name. I just noticed a similarity and thought it would be a nice little thing to throw in this story for any fans of the first MLP series.

I don't even remember the first MLP series and I still liked it. Nicely done, and thank you. Following this... Well, as closely as I can anyways. Highly interested.

Oh. Will you be ending it with multiple choices, or one true ending? Just curious.


In answer to your question, I will be leading up to one particular ending, but it is likely that afterwards, I will include several alternate endings.

:twilightsmile: love that game. got all the endings including the depressing one where the main character does something stupid for someone of his intelligence. fortunately, for Twilight, there doesn't seem to be any motor vehicles in the city...

If I might make a simple request, it's that everybody keep any comments that involve "Lesson Zero" to themselves. I did not dislike that episode; I thought it was a good episode. But I dislike how it's been blown out of proportion since its first airing. So unless it's something positive, please keep any comments on Twilight's breakdown to yourselves.

Eckart's son went missing as a foal and a few minutes later, a pony who can travel through time admits that he had trouble lifting a baby up the other day. Hmmm... :applejackunsure:

164979 Could be said time traveller was trying to save the son... or steal him....

Just to let you all know, I'm not too proud of this chapter. It doesn't seem to flow right to me, but it's kind of essential to the story, so there's not much I can do about it.

I will do my best to make the next chapter better. I promise.

Ugh... No matter how I try, I can't recall name of the game this story is based on. So I have to ask. Please, tell me. It's driving me crazy! :pinkiecrazy:


It's called either "Shadow of Destiny" (North America) or "Shadow of Memories" (everywhere else).


Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

Oh! And by the way. Love this fic :pinkiesmile:

Um, I'm not much of a romance writer, so I thought this chapter would've been tricky to write. I was wrong; it was surprisingly easy and I'm satisfied with the overall result. I hope everyone else thinks so too.

The whole 'Winter Moon Celebration' is an idea I've heard being tossed around for names for a Winter Solstice celebration. It makes sense, considering the 'Summer Sun Celebration' is on the same day as the Summer Solstice. Just an idea I felt like throwing in there.

This is going great. I'm just curious as to what tipped Twilight off as to Lucian being her ancestor. I think I missed it.


I made a slight alteration to Chapter 10 as I was writing this. I originally had Homunculus say that one of Dr. Wagner's two children was a significant figure to Twilight. I changed it so that instead he says that the younger of the two is a significant figure to her. The whole ancestor thing is her taking what she was told and trying to put two and two together.

Twilight x Lucian? Wincest, several times removed! :pinkiegasp: this.. is just about to be BRILLIANT! :pinkiehappy:

This is probably the most gruesome death for Twilight so far (yeah I know, like the other ones weren't?). I'm sure they don't have motor vehicles in Equestria, so I had to come up with something else. Basically what happened off-screen was the killer came running with the carriage at Twilight. When he was close enough, he blinded her with a flash and took off, using his magic to aim the carriage at her. By the time Twilight could see again, it was too late to teleport to safety, so she screamed seconds before being smashed.

I also had to change up the murder scene near the end. I remember seeing another user's comment on another story about the use of weaponry in Equestria, and they made a good point. It seems like they know how to make propellant firearms (if Pinkie Pie's party cannon is any indication), but it's true; they probably don't have handguns or anything. So I asked myself, what else makes a loud noise? The only thing I could come up with was a crossbow. I know it's probably unlikely that Twilight could hear it from far away, but sound really does travel better in cold air. That's as best as I can do.

I know that, in the actual game, the Oleg scene at the end of this chapter happens after what's going to happen in the next chapter, but I wanted to move it. It just seemed to fit better at the end of a chapter rather than being scrunched in before a time travel sequence. Besides, he was probably there after the first time it happened, so why not?

Also, in case anyone was wondering, I've never read 'Cupcakes' before.

warning: do not EVER tempt fate like that, it will lead to your death

I thought Twilight can't use magic in the tower, am I missing something?


Right. She can't use it inside the tower. Standing on top of the tower does not count as being inside it. She's technically outside of the museum, as in she's not surrounded by its walls, so the anti-magic ward doesn't affect her.

Ugh, I don't like how fast I handled this chapter and the previous one. They both just went so fast. I'm amazed that I managed to break 1,500 words with both of them. Please don't be angry with me for how they turned out.

That whole thing with the rope is, I think, the worst part of this chapter. I had to find a way to make it work for a pony that would be believable, and even though I manged it, it still sounds ridiculous. The part about Twilight dying by a whiplash stop was meant to reference the accidental death of Gwen Stacey in "The Amazing Spider-Man" comics. It just kind of struck me. Also, Twilight finally has a breakdown... that sucked.

Yes, Miriam is still alive thanks to Twilight's actions. I figured that if everything happened the same in the ten years that passed between Twilight saving her and the present, Miriam would know Twilight from her younger days, but wouldn't connect the little filly to the mare that saved her until she had grown up. Again, farfetched and bad.

We're coming up on the end soon and I'll do my best to make it good while hopefully sticking to my usual 2,000-3,000 words per chapter. Just give me a chance to redeem myself. Please?

Wait, this is based on a game? Whoa, what game? Not knowing what it's based on sure changes the story up. Very well written

Huh, twi knows a pony named Dante and a baby got foalnapped who's name is Dante, hmm... They couldn't have anything to do with each other.


The game is called "Shadow of Memories" ("Shadow of Destiny" in North America). It was released by Konami in 2002 for the Playstation 2 and later re-released for the PSP a few years ago.

I think it's pretty good. Nice work you're doing here

For anyone confused about what Dante's cutie mark looks like, I think this will answer all of your questions: http://www.fredsmith.com/philosophy2.htm#agyin

i still think Dante is the baby that was foalnapped.


Felt like the moment needed something... the pieces might have just clicked together, late perhaps, but they did.

I am confused... This is written too well.... AUGH I HOPE THIS GETS SORTED OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER

its official, this is the second most confusing story ive read

Originally, I was going to end the chapter with a scene at the Canterlot castle garden showing Luna's return and having her reveal to Celestia and Twilight's friends what's going on, but I thought it would be too much of a cliffhanger. So instead, I'm putting it at the beginning of the next chapter, along with a short scene showing Hugo's first attempt to bring his grandmother back. It just seems like the Luna scene would work better near the beginning of the chapter rather than at the end. I hope you all understand.

This deservers a TON more views than its getting :pinkiehappy:

I shall do my best to spread the word

i wonder how :trollestia:, :applejackunsure:, :pinkiesmile:, :rainbowhuh:, :raritywink:, and :fluttershysad: will react

For anyone wondering what Spike is referring to, it's meant to be a reference to the upcoming episode "It's About Time", which may or may not feature time travel. Seeing as I started writing this before that episode was announced, this story may end up getting the "Alternate Universe" tag, depending on what happens in that episode.

And so ends my first MLP fanfiction. I hope everybody enjoyed the story as a whole and this ending. I also hope nobody minds me using part of "Anywhere Is" there at the end. For some reason, it just seemed to fit.

The scene with Dr. Wagner is to explain what happened to her. I mainly included it because I wanted everyone who's familiar with the actual game to know that Wagner's fate here is different compared to what happened in the game. Basically, I wanted to make sure nobody gets the wrong idea that Twilight is an eternally young Dr. Wagner like the character in the game is believed to be.

Now I'm considering including some alternate endings to this story to show what might've happened if Twilight had made some different choices in the end. If you like the sound of that, let me know. It'll help motivate me.

You did a great job, especially considering this is your first fic. Congratulations on finally finishing it. :pinkiesmile:

Hmm... this looks good ... i will put it on my to read list!! now to finish up my 30 unread chapters .......... lets hope i last the night :moustache:

244533That would make sense considering the game has alot of alternative endings. This was your first fiction? It was very good if you don't mind me saying :twilightsmile: Hope to see more from you mate.

Very well done! I have thoroughly enjoyed this story! :pinkiehappy:

Holy crap, your first fic?!?! you should totally continue writing.... :pinkiehappy:

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Well, it's not the first time I've ever written a story before. I've been doing some other stuff for several years now, but I've never written for MLP: FiM until now. That's more what I meant. Honestly, though, I was worried that I wasn't getting the characters down correctly. That was my major concern throughout all of this.

245239It's kind of hard using characters from a T.V show, isn't it? There are certain holes in places that the show doesn't fill, or contradicts itself on. Canon constantly changes, etc. Still, I didn't see any problems here. I would give you my stars, but they took them all away, so have my thumb instead. One moment.(revs chainsaw)

Could you make a sequel with Lucian and twilight?

Or are you planning to write something else?


I don't know. I'd have to think about what I would do if I wrote a sequel.


Well there is the mentioning that they maybe would try to go dating.
You could write a small shipping fic :)

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