• Published 19th Dec 2012
  • 3,562 Views, 31 Comments

Happy Hearth's Warming Day 2012 - Rarityfan87

A short story about the mane 6 and Spike celebrating Hearts Warming day.

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Happy Hearth's Warming Day 2012

Happy Hearth's Warming Day 2012

Written by Rarityfan87

Today was a beautiful day in Ponyville, the sun was shining making the air warm enough to enjoy going outside in the snow. The trees in Ponyville were all decorated in beautiful lights of all colours. By town hall there was a tree almost as big as the building. It was covered in beautiful lights and a shiny gold star on the top made by Rarity herself. Today was also a busy day for a lot of ponies. For it was Hearth's Warming eve, everybody was busy wrapping gifts, getting last minute things at the market, and making all kinds of treats for the day to follow. It was even busy in the library. Spike, Twilight and Pinkie Pie were getting the place ready for the party they were throwing tomorrow.

“Alright Pinkie, how do you think we should go about this?”

“Well Twilight, I would recommend we put strings of lights all over the place. We also need some fluffy ‘snow’ on the shelves.”

“I’ll make the appetizers, supper and desert!” Spike said excited for Hearth's Warming day.

“Alright it sounds like a plan to me. Spike why don’t you make the deserts now, that way you won’t have too much to do tomorrow. I would like you to spend some time with us.”

“I’m on it Twilight!”

Spike ran off to the kitchen. He couldn’t wait for everyone to try his meal tomorrow.

“Hey Twilight, I’ve got a plan, but you need to keep this between us.”

“Cross my heart, hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye.” Twilight said doing the motion.

“Alright, while Spike is talking to Rarity, I’m going to place a mistletoe above them. Then they’ll HAVE to kiss each other. Won’t that be fun Twilight?” Pinkie had a huge grin on her face.

“It sounds okay to me. Just try to do it when no one is paying attention to them, I don’t think Rarity will do it otherwise. She wouldn’t want anyone to see her.”

“Alright. Now let’s get started on the decorations.”


Spike ran off to the kitchen. He couldn’t wait for everyone to try his meal tomorrow.

Alright, I better get started on the pies first. I’ll start with the apple pie first. I can’t wait to see Applejack’s reaction to my pie, I bet it will rival with her family’s apple pie!

Spike started by making the dough first. He mixed all the ingredients by hand. He then rolled it into a ball and placed in the fridge to rest. Next he started on the apple mix. He chopped the apples, and added a spice blend consisting of cinnamon, sugar, nutmeg and flour. He let the mix sit on the side so the apples and spices create a tasty natural sauce. When the dough had rested, he rolled it out and placed it in a baking dish. He filled it with the delicious apple mixture. Spike started on a blueberry pie next. This time he only mixed cinnamon, sugar and flour with the blueberries. When he finished he placed both the pies in the oven. In only a matter of minutes the entire library smelled of delicious pies. An hour later the pies were finished. As Spike pulled out the pies Twilight and Pinkie walked in.

“Spike those smell super duper yummy! What kind of pies did you make?” Pinkie said bouncing in the kitchen.

“I made a blueberry pie and an apple pie that will rival Applejack’s family recipe.” Spike said proudly.

“I can’t wait for tomorrow Spike, you always make the best party food. After me of course.”

“We’ll see what the others say tomorrow Pinkie.” Spike said in a playful voice.

“I’ve got to go now guys, I better get back to Sugar Cube Corner and help Mr. and Ms. Cake. I’m sure there are people lining up to pick up their orders. See you two tomorrow.”

“Bye Pinkie see you tomorrow.”

“Bye Pinkie, just wait till you try my food tomorrow!”

Pinkie bounced as she left towards Sugar Cube Corner. Twilight and Spike walked in the living room. The living room and dining room had been beautifully decorated.

“You guys did an amazing job on the decorations.” Spike said in awe.

“Thanks Spike, I couldn’t have done it without Pinkie. She is the queen when it comes to parties!”

“She sure is. Hey Twilight, do you want to wrap gifts with me?”

“I would love to Spike. I had completely forgotten about gift wrapping.” Twilight blushed a little, embarrassed about forgetting to wrap the gifts.

“I’ll get the gifts Twilight.”

“Alright Spike, I’ll get the supplies.”

Twilight and Spike went downstairs. Spike watched as the wrapping paper, the ribbons, scissors, tape and string were being surrounded by Twilight’s signature lavender aura. Spike quickly started picking up the gifts as not to fall behind Twilight. They both walked upstairs into the living room.

“Ready to start Spike?”


Spike started by wrapping the gift he got for Applejack. He chose to wrap her gift in red wrapping paper and put an orange ribbon on it. Twilight on the other hand wrapped her gift for AJ in orange wrapping paper and put a yellow ribbon on it. Spike then wrapped Fluttershy’s gift, then Pinkie’s, then Rainbow Dash’s. Lastly he wrapped Rarity’s gift. He had gotten her three beautiful three-carrot diamonds. They resembled her cutie mark impeccably. As Spike was wrapping Rarity’s gift in a beautiful royal purple wrapping paper and put a golden ribbon, he thought about how he found them.

(A couple of months ago)

It was an ordinary day at the library. Spike and Twilight had just finished their chores. When suddenly there was a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it.” Spike yelled.

He opened the door to see the beautiful Rarity waiting to come in on the other side.

“Hello Spike, you look smashing today.”

Spike blushed at her comment.

“Thanks Rarity, please come in.”

“Aren’t we a gentleman today.” Rarity said as she walked in.

“I actually came here to ask you if you would like to go gem hunting with me. I need some gems for some dresses I am going to make for everyone for Hearth's Warming day.”

“I would love to! Let me ask Twilight if she’s fine with that. But before I ask her would you like something to drink?”

“Would you mind making me some tea?”

“Sure thing Rarity, follow me.”

Rarity followed Spike in the kitchen. Spike grabbed a kettle and filled it with water.

“What kind of tea would you like? I have Zecora’s special blend and I have a nice vanilla flavored tea.”

“Vanilla please.”

“Coming right up.”

Spike pulled out a cup and a bag of vanilla tea. The kettle started steaming. He poured the water into the cup and placed the bag of vanilla tea in the cup. He also pulled out the milk and sugar cubes.

“Here you go my lady, your tea.”

“Thank you Spike.”

“I will be right back, I’m going to go ask Twilight if I can go.”

Spike walked past the living room and climbed the stairs into the bedroom. Twilight was sitting on her bed, her focus completely taken by the book she was reading.

“Hey Twilight, Rarity is here, and…”

“Rarity is here? How come I didn’t hear her come in.”

“It couldn’t be because you were totally focused on that book.” Spike said, sarcasm in his voice.

“Ha ha Spike, very funny. Let’s go then.”

Twilight followed Spike into the kitchen.

“Why hello Rarity.”

“Hello to you Twilight.”

“Sorry I wasn’t here earlier, I was reading a book and didn’t hear you come in.”

“That’s quite alright dear, I was just asking Spike here if he could go gem hunting with me.”

“It’s fine by me.”

“Thanks Twi.”

“Just make sure he gets home before it gets too dark.”

“But of course. I shall finish my tea and then we will go. By the way this tea is excellent Spike. Where did you get this blend?”

“Thanks, I got it from the new tea shop in the market.”

“I must check it out next time I go there.”

Rarity finished her tea.

“Ready to go Spike?”

“Ready! See you later Twi.”

“Bye Rarity, bye Spike.”

“Bye Twilight.”

Spike and Rarity walked outside.

“We just need to stop by the Boutique to get the wagon.”

“Alright, lead the way Rarity.”

Spike noticed on the way to the Carousel Boutique, that the streets of Ponyville were quiet. Everypony must have been at work and school. They arrived at the Boutique.

“Wait right here Spike, I’ll run inside and get the wagon.”

“Sure thing Rarity.”

Rarity was back with the wagon in only a couple minutes.

“Alright Spike, let’s go.”

They walked to the hills near the homes of the Diamond dogs.

“We must not stay too long, the last thing I want to see are those Diamond Dogs again.”

“I agree.”

Rarity pointed the spots where the gems hid and Spike would dig them up.

“So how have you been Rarity?” Spike said as he was digging.

“I’ve been doing great, I’ve been getting a lot of orders from people to make dresses and suits for the holidays. How about you Spike?

“I’m doing good. Twilight and I have been getting a lot of work done in preparation for the holidays. Twilight has been getting as many reports done as possible; she wants to have some time off for the holidays. And we are going to throw a Hearth's Warming day party this year.”

“That sounds exciting! I can’t wait! Are you going to make to food?”

“Of course!”

“You always make excellent party food Spike.”

“Thanks Rarity, I’m also making the main course and desert.”

“Ooh what are you going to make?”

“I can’t tell you Rarity, it’s a surprise to everyone, even Twilight.”

“But Spike, I want to know nowwwww.” Rarity said whining slightly.

“Sorry Rarity, whining doesn’t affect me.”

“Oh fiddlesticks!”

Before they knew it the wagon was full.

“Looks like were full. Let’s head home.”

“Sure thing Rarity.”

Just then something shiny in the corner of Spike’s eye caught his attention. He waked towards it. They were three diamonds.

WOW! These diamonds are beautiful. They look just like Rarity’s cutie mark. These must be at least three-carrots. These would make the perfect gift for Rarity.

Spike quickly grabbed the diamonds and put them in his ‘pocket’. He ran back towards Rarity, not wanting to cause any suspicion. Spike walked Rarity home, and helped her bring the gems in her sewing room.

“Thank you Spike, now I can get started on the dresses for our friends.”

“No problem Rarity, it was my pleasure. But I better get going, it’s starting to get dark.”

“Of course Spike.”

Rarity hugged Spike.

“Good night, Spike.”

“Good night, Rarity.”

Spike walked back to the library with a smile on his face. He had been hugged by his love.

“Twilight, do you mind leaving the room for a minute while I wrap your gift?”

“Sure thing Spike, I’ll be reading my book in the kitchen, call me when you’re done.”

“Will do.”

Spike walked to their bedroom and grabbed Twilight’s gift he kept hidden under his pillow. He walked back into the living room. He wrapped her gift as neatly as possible. He couldn’t wait to see her face when she opened it.

“I’m done, Twilight!”

Twilight walked back into the living room with her book in her hoof.

“That was fast, Spike! Alright your turn to leave while I wrap your gift.”

“Alright I’ll get the salad ready for tomorrow while you wrap my gift.”

Spike walked into the kitchen. He took out a bowl and put some fresh lettuce in it. He pulled out some beautiful red tomatoes, some crisp celery and some crunchy cucumbers. He chopped the tomatoes in the shape of stars. He chopped the celery finely and chopped the cucumber in the shape of various snowflakes. Each slice had a different shape. He put the salad in the fridge just as Twilight walked in.

“Your gift has been wrapped. We are finally done. What say you and I have some hot chocolate and sit by the fireplace?”

“That sounds great Twilight, but first I need to cook the eggs so the centers will be ready to use tomorrow.”

“Would you like some help with that, Spike?”

“That would be great, Twilight. Could you please fill a pot with water and put it on the heat?”

“Coming up! I’ve got to say it feels strange being the assistant in this case.”

“Now you know what it feels like to be me.”

Spike got the dozen eggs ready. He added the eggs to the water and waited for it to start boiling. It only took a minute before the water to start boiling (with the help of Spike’s flame breath). Twelve minutes later they were done.

“Twilight, can you please remove the eggs from the pot and place them in a bowl with ice water.”

“I’m on it.”

Twilight filled a bowl up with cold water and ice. She carefully levitated the eggs into the bowl with her magic.

“You did a good job number one assistant.” Spike said in his best Twilight impersonation.

Twilight giggled a little.

“Not bad Spike, seems like you’ve been practicing.”

“It helps when I’m around you all the time.” Spike said laughing.

When the eggs were cool enough he put them on the side and emptied the bowl of water. He put the eggs back and put them in the fridge.

“Alright, I prepared everything I could ahead of time. I’m ready for some hot chocolate.”

“So am I.”

Spike prepared the hot cocoa mix and added boiling water to it. He also added cream to make it nice and rich. He poured two cups for the both of them.

“Alright, let’s sit by the fireplace.”

They made their way to the fireplace and sat next to it.

“I don’t know about you Spike, but I’m exhausted. Decorating this place is a lot of work, even with Pinkie’s help.”

“I’m exhausted as well from preparing those dishes and from wrapping the presents. But I won’t have much to make tomorrow so that helps.”

“I can’t wait to for tomorrow, seeing everyone’s faces when they open their gifts. We got them the perfect gifts.”

“We sure did. I’m looking forward to the look on your face tomorrow, Twi, when you open your gift. And I can’t wait for Rarity to open hers.”

“What did you get me that’s making you so excited, Spike?”

“You’ve gotta wait until tomorrow to find out.”

“But I want to know now!” Twilight said giving Spike the ‘sad puppy’ look.

“You know that doesn’t work. Besides, it’s more fun if you don’t know what it is.”

“Fineeeeee.” Twilight said impatience in her voice.

Twilight grabbed a blanket for her and Spike to lie under. They finished their hot chocolate and eventually fell asleep by the fireplace.

The sun rose and woke Twilight with its brightness. Twilight checked the time.

It’s ten am. Good timing. I’d better wake Spike up.

“Spike, wake up it’s morning.”

Spike slowly woke up. He rubbed his eyes and noticed Twilight sitting next to him.

“Happy Hearth's Warming day, Twilight.”

“Happy Hearth's Warming day, Spike.”

“I’ll get breakfast started, care to help me, Twi? You were a good assistant last night.”

“Sure thing, Spike.”

They were deciding what to have for breakfast as they were walking to the kitchen.

“What should we have for breakfast today, Twi?”

“How about toast and waffles?”

“Sounds great.”

They arrived in the kitchen, Twilight made the waffles while Spike made the toast and prepared the table. It only took a few minutes to make the waffles. Spike prepared a plate for the two and brought them to the table along with the maple syrup and strawberry jam.

“These waffles are awesome, Twilight!”

“Thanks. How do you think we should plan the today’s events?”

“I think we should serve appetizers as the group arrives. When everybody arrives, we should then open gifts. After we should have supper, then we’ll have desert as we enjoy the night.”

“Sounds like the perfect plan.”

They finished their breakfasts. They washed the dishes and put them away. It was now noon.

“I’m going to get washed up and then I’m going to get the food ready for tonight.”

“Sounds good, I’m going to write my Happy Hearth's Warming day letter to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and start to clean up for tonight. I’ll get cleaned up after you’re done.”

Spike walked upstairs to the bathroom. He took a bath, making sure to use his vanilla scented soap. After he finished, he brushed and flossed his teeth. He then combed his spines. Spike walked downstairs and saw Twilight was still cleaning.

“Would you like some help, Twilight?”

“No thanks Spike, I’m almost done and you should get your food ready. It’s two thirty.”

“Oh geez I didn’t realize it was that late. I better get going.”

Spike walked into the kitchen. He pulled out the eggs from the fridge. He cut them in half and took the middles out and put them in a bowl with mayonnaise and spices. He mixed it up and put it back center of the eggs. He placed those back in the fridge. He took out the carrots and cleaned them in water. He took out a roasting pan and placed the carrots in it. He poured a butter glaze over them and put them in the oven.

Meanwhile Twilight finished cleaning by three. She walked upstairs into the bathroom and got cleaned up. She cleaned up the bathroom after she finished. She walked downstairs and was greeted by Spike.

“It’s five to five, the guests should be arriving soon.”

“Spike, can you quickly send this letter to, Princess Celestia?”

“Sure thing, Twilight.”

Spike engulfed the letter with his green flames. Only a few moments later he felt something in his chest. He spat out a letter. Twilight quickly grabbed the letter and read.

To my number one student Twilight Sparkle

Thank you for the holiday wishes. May you and friends have a Happy Hearts Warming day as well.


Princess Celestia and Princess Luna

Twilight was interrupted by a knocking at the door.


Twilight opened the door. On the other side were Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

“Hey guys Happy Hearth's Warming day!”

“Same to you, Twilight.” They each replied.

“Please come in guys.”

While Twilight was letting the guests in, Spike took out the deviled eggs, he gave them a quick warm up with his flame breath and brought them out into the living room offering one to each of them.

“These are amazing kiddo!”

“Thanks, Applejack. And Happy Hearth's Warming day!”

“Same to you, Spike.”

“Spike this is awesome!”

“Thanks, Rainbow Dash, Happy Hearth's Warming day!”

“Same to you bud.”

There was another knock at the door, the other three were there.

“Happy Hearth's Warming day guys!”

“Thanks, Twilight, same to you.” The three replied.

Spike offered them the deviled eggs.

“Thanks, Spike, these are super duperly awesome Spike.”

“Thanks, Pinkie.”

“These are nice, Spike.”

“Thanks, Fluttershy.”

“Spike, these are delightful, you must give me the recipe.”

“Thanks, Rarity. I’ll give you the recipe tonight.”

With that Spike brought the empty tray back to the kitchen. He walked back into the living room. Everybody had taken a seat. Twilight broke the chatter.

“Alright everypony let’s start opening gifts!”

Spike and Twilight handed everyone their gifts and made a pile near the tree for each other.

“Hey Rarity, open mine first, I got that especially for you.” Spike said with the biggest smile on his face.

“Alright Spike, let’s see what you got me…”

Rarity’s eyes were the widest Spike had ever seen. Tears were running down her eyes. She had the biggest smile she’d ever worn. She screamed in joy.


“I found them when we were gem hunting. I saw them in the corner of my eyes and I hid them in my pocket quickly before you saw them.”

“Thank you so much, Spike!”

Rarity ran up to Spike and hugged him as tight as she could. She let go and gave him a kiss on the cheek, not far from his mouth.

“Now open my gift, Spike!”

“Alright Rarity, what did you get me?”

Spike opened the box, inside was a custom made tuxedo with a matching bowtie crusted with diamonds and rubies.

“This…is…beautiful, Rarity!”

This time Spike hugged Rarity as tight as possible. Caught in the moment he gave her a kiss on the cheek. Rarity immediately blushed.

Spike returned to his spot by his gifts.

“Twilight, open mine, you’re going to love it!” Spike said giggling.

“Alright let’s see this ‘amazing’ gift.”

Twilight opened the gift. It was a book titled The egg head’s guide on organization.

“Very funny, Spike.” Twilight started to giggle.

Everyone else in the room saw the book and started to laugh.

“You couldn’t get a better book for her, Spike!” Rainbow Dash said unable to stop laughing.

“I know right!” Spike couldn’t control his laughter either.

Everypony took their turn opening their gifts. Spike saved his gift from Twilight last.

“Okay, Twilight let’s see what you got me.”

Twilight started to giggle, knowing what was to come. Spike opened his gift and what was inside was a book titled Dragon’s Anatomy everything you need to know.

“Thanks Twilight, this will come in handy in the future.”

“Darn it, I thought you were going react the same way I did to your gift.”

“I’m going to finish preparing dinner, you guys can start sitting at the table now.”

Spike walked into the kitchen while the others slowly started seating themselves at the table. He pulled out some celery and sliced it and sautéed in a pan with butter for a few minutes. He then added some vegetable broth and cooked it for five minutes. He then let it reduce into a nice sauce. He put it aside and took the carrots out of the oven. They were perfectly cooked. Spike took out the salad and got started on a pomegranate seed vinaigrette. He poured it over the salad. He put the celery and carrots on a beautiful white plate. He brought out the food to the table.

“Wow Spike, that looks delectable.” Rarity said.

“Wait until you try it.”

Spike took his seat between Twilight and Rarity.

“This is perfect Spike, the best supper I’ve had yet.” Rarity said.

“Thanks Rarity, I’m glad you enjoy it.”

The group each took their turn telling Spike how much they enjoyed the meal.

It was now time for desert. Spike took everypony’s dirty dishes and brought them back into the kitchen. He put the pies in the oven to warm them up. Spike took out some small plates and took out some vanilla ice cream to let it soften a bit. A few minutes later Spike pulled out the pies. He brought the plates and utensils over to the table. He went to the kitchen and brought out the pies. Everyone looked at them in awe. Spike sliced the pies giving them which ever they picked. Most of them took a slice of each. Spike took a slice of each at sat back in his spot.

“So Applejack, what do you think of the apple pie?”

“It’s very good, but not as good as Granny Smith’s apple pie.”

“Well I think it’s extraordinary, Spike.” Twilight told him.

“Thanks, Twilight.”

After they finished desert, they walked back into the living room and started talking to each other about the day’s events. Spike spotted Rarity.

“Rarity, can I talk to you for a moment in private?”

“Of course, Spike.”

They walked over next to the fireplace. Pinkie Pie noticed them. Pinkie grabbed the mistletoe and quietly walked upstairs and hung it over the fireplace.

“I wanted to thank you for the gift Rarity. It was really nice of you, and I love it. You always make the best tuxedos and dresses.”

“Thank you, Spike. And I wanted to thank you for your gift, that is the best gift anypony has ever given me.”

Just then both Spike and Rarity noticed the mistletoe.

Rarity hesitated for a minute but since it was the holidays gave Spike a quick kiss on the lips. They both blushed at the same time.

“I love you, Rarity… Oops I mean…”

“Don’t worry about it Spike, I love you to.”

They kissed each other one last time.

“Let’s go back and join the others before they suspect anything.”

With that they walked back to the living room. They talked to each other for the rest of the night.

The End

Link: http://www.posterdistrict.com/archives/7197

Sparity mistletoe images:

by: ss2sonic

Hope you enjoyed this story! I felt like writing a short Christmas story to help everybody get in the christmas mood. I wanted to apologize if you found that certain parts sounded like a recipe/cooking show, I always think like a chef and am going to go to Culinary School once they have room. I also somewhat wrote this in how I spend my Christmas day, excluding the Sparity parts because I don't have a girlfriend. Anyhow have a Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year!


Patrick (a.k.a. Rarityfan87)

Comments ( 31 )

is it already?:rainbowderp:
dear Celestia i thought i had more time... crud! I lack gifts for everypony!:fluttercry:


this well have to do.
:heart:happy hearths warming everypony:heart:


It was now time for desert. Spike took everybody’s dirty dishes

who is this everybody that tou speak of? i believe you mean everypony

Oops. Thanks for pointing that out. I shall change that immediately.

shameless promo comment work in progress: beast story being co written by six beast authors to be released soon

? what i said shamrless

Trust me you'll get no promotion here, I'm not very popular on Fim Fiction.

didnt say it was aimed at anyone i just enjoy confusion

Well sir you succeeded. I hope it was worth your while.

nice sparity, then i'm there!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::moustache::raritywink:

just one thing, though... i can't imagine Rarity saying something lie "darn it", remember she's a Lady! :raritywink:

It was sweet and there were little to no grammar or spelling errors. It's biggest flaw is that it was bogged down with lengthy descriptions of mundane procedures: discussing plans, wrapping gifts, and especially preparing food. The whole fanfic could have been cut down to 2K words. Other than those passages that I had to skim, I really enjoyed it.

Merry Christmas!

Awesome picture. But why does she seem (dare I say it) fat.

Nooooooooooo, now if she ever becomes a human she won't marry me. :fluttercry:

Oh well, good luck Spike with a fat Rarity (she'll always ask you if she's fat)

She's not fat! :twilightangry2:
And besides: You don't want to marry a skeleton, now do you?
And besides (again): Chubby ponies are cute! :yay:

Well, that's future Spike's problem, he'll have to break the news to her that she's fat. :raritycry:

This was really awkward to read. I agree with swashbucklist, there is too much description of the mundane. I think you should pull away from the step-by-step action, and add more depth to the world. I hardly remember the gift-giving sequence. Try to give the group scenes as much detail and weight as you do the cooking scenes. There is definitely something here, but it needs refinement.

Nice. Good for the data.

I really enjoyed the story, especially the cooking parts inspired me about, what to have for lunch :-)

Thank you

This story was excellent, No Comma Patrick!

Comment posted by rarityxspike deleted Feb 19th, 2013

Well, I said I was going to read more of your work. Normally, I skip past winter holiday-themed stories. (Halloween...oops...I mean, Nighmare Night is my fave holiday.) I like this. It's very cute and sweet without being smarmy. I'm glad I read it, so it gets an upvote. Take care.

Thanks, I'm glad you like it! :pinkiehappy:

I really liked your story it was very interesting. i found the bit at the end very sweet :heart:

Thank you! :twilightsmile:
I'm glad you enjoyed it! :pinkiehappy:

This was a beautiful, touching, and heartwarming story. :heart::twilightsmile::pinkiehappy::raritywink: The perfect mix of comedy and touching moments made this awesome! :rainbowkiss: I love how Spike was appreciated for the hard work he put in the food, and I am so proud of Twilight in telling him that she wanted him to spend time with them. :twilightsmile:

Too many times Spike gets used. That's why I write him, the way he should be treated (unless it's a sad, dark story).

I must have overlooked this story before, and I'm sorry that I did, because this was a beautiful piece.

Unlike some other commentators, I actually liked the descriptive step-by-step preparations. These really added to the Slice-of-Life feel of the story. It brought memories of my own holiday preparations to mind while reading this work.
Good job.


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