• Published 18th Dec 2012
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My Little Dragon - Metal Pony Fan

Many years ago, shortly before the birth of one Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, ruler of Equestria, found a small item in a forest. That item? An egg. Around the same time, Celestia, ruler of Draconica found something small in a forest. A pony.

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Last of the Wilds

Spike walked stiffly back to the library. It was the middle of the night and his shoulders were sore from helping Rarity. The main component of Rinjin’s armor was metal plates, but not just any metal, a special mithril-zanac alloy that cancelled out any weak magic directed against it. Unfortunately, that included telekinesis, meaning Spike had to hammer out the new plates by hoof. On top of that, opalescence tried to take his head off the moment he walked through the boutique’s door. Thank goodness he still had the protection spell on from when he took the hash-browns out of the oven. Spike looked ahead of him.

In the pale moonlight, he could see Rarity walking ahead of him. She was walking much faster than he was despite being nearly exhausted from magical exertion and carrying a sleeping Twilight on her back. The little hatchling had finished her book within the first hour and had tried to help by carting materials back and forth, but ended up playing with opal most of the time. Unfortunately that meant that the tiger got her claws on some of the fabric. Rarity ended up having to buy a sofa and rip all the cloth from it.

Spike let out a happy sigh. Despite all the problems, Rarity really seemed to enjoy her work. When she really got into it, she even broke into song. He was sure he would be humming that tune for the next few days. He found himself wondering if she would be singing again tomorrow, since they still had a lot of work to do on the armor.

When they reached the library, Rarity went in with Twilight. Spike didn’t follow. He walked around the side of the library, checking to make sure that Pinkie, the local military liaison, took custody of Fire Flash and the other dragon. As he rounded the corner, he noticed that Fire Flash was gone, no doubt shipped off to face whatever punishment his superiors deemed necessary. As he continued around the tree, he noticed something else, a familiar smell. Something smelled like Sugarcube Corner.

It wasn’t long before a table full of cupcakes came into view. It was placed a short distance away from the library, right in front of the dragon that was glued to the trunk. A sign that said, “free cupcakes,” hung from the table. A smaller table was placed in front of the tan and brown dragon. It was tall enough that the dragon could reach the dishes on its surface, but it held no cupcakes. All the small table held was a loaf of bread and a bowl of water.

The dragon appeared to be asleep, so Spike turned around and walked back to the library’s door. He entered the library quietly so he wouldn’t wake Twilight. He expected Rarity to be in the main room, but when he looked around, he didn’t see any sign of either dragin. Assuming she went home, he headed for the bookshelves and started looking for the craft section. There was a lot of leather work to do tomorrow, and he would be able to help better if he read up on tooling and stitching techniques. He knew the basics; stitching wheel, sewing awl, stamps, and such, but knowing the patterns and advanced techniques, even in theory, would be useful.

When he found what he was looking for, he reached a hoof for it without thinking. Pain shot through his shoulder as he stretched muscles worked stiff by repeated use of the mallet. He hissed in pain as he drew his hoof back. He moved slowly as to not cause any more stress to his pained physique. He rubbed his other hoof against the one he had overexerted and looked back at the book. He always preferred to hold the books he read, something about the feeling the paper against his hooves just felt right, but it looked like that wasn’t practical at the moment. He grabbed the book in his magic and pulled it from the shelf. He flipped through a few pages to make sure he had the right one and turned around to set it on the table. He looked back at the bookshelf and picked out three more books, setting them on the table beside the first. Satisfied that he had enough reading material, he lit one of the candles that sat near the table’s center.

He used a spell, of course, but it was one that he was quite proud of. It was a combination of a simple spark, an illusion, and the light-bringing spell, and made it look like he was breathing fire. It couldn’t do much more than light a candle, and the illusionary flames were about as menacing as gently flowing water, but he was still proud of it and it brought a smile to his face every time he used it. It was the first spell he came up with on his own, and he could even change the color of the “flame.”

Halfway up the staircase, unnoticed by the preoccupied pony, an uneasy Dragoness watched as two more wisps of flame were called forth, each lighting another candle. The first puff was sky blue in color, and the second was a pleasant purple hue. Until she saw the shift in color, she hadn’t realized that the flame was an illusion. He really was alone, isn’t he? He told her that he knew nothing of his kind, but seeing him putting effort into making his spell seem dragon-like really drove it home for her. He was alone, in a land of strangers, and trying to fit in. That was why he was making such an effort to be nice, to be accepted, even to the point of causing himself pain.

Rarity watched as Spike lifted the three lit candles and placed them a little closer to where he was reading. She couldn’t make out the words on the book’s covers, but once he opened the first book, she could make out the pictures of various leatherworking tools. Even now, he was thinking about what else he could do to make himself useful, to make himself seem wanted. Rarity sat down quietly on the steps, watching as he read. He was so focused on his reading that she doubted he would even notice if she walked past him and out the door, but she just sat there and watched, being quiet so she wouldn’t break his concentration.

Spike finished the book about leather tooling rather quickly. That didn’t surprise Rarity; it was mostly pictures after all. The next book Spike opened was on stonecutting and jewelry. Given his level of concentration when he was reading the other book, it surprised the dragoness when he suddenly jumped up and headed for the kitchen. She let her gaze linger on the candle-lit table, on the books that lay spread out on its surface, on the books he was reading for her benefit.

She started down the stairs.

Spike was in the kitchen pouring some sugar onto a small plate when the door opened. He looked up to see Rarity slowly walk in. She shut the door carefully, reinforcing Spike’s assumption that Twilight was asleep. But what is she doing here? Shouldn’t be headed home to try and get some rest for tomorrow? Spike stopped pouring the sugar and folded up the bag. He took some wooden skewers out of a drawer and wet them down in the sink. After that, he took one and rolled it in the sugar. He looked over and noticed that Rarity was watching and offered her half of the skewers. She tried to take them with her magic, but the purple glow that formed around the wooden sticks merely sputtered and flickered before dying out. She really overdid it today.

Spike motioned her over with a hoof. She walked over and sat beside him. He lifted her claw and gave her all but one of the skewers. Then he took that one skewer and rolled it in the sugar. He held it up so the dragoness could see it and set it on the counter. He then left Rarity to finish coating the skewers and started searching for something. He found a pan and started filling it with water. After that, he used his magic to dig out a piece of cheese cloth and several jars of various dried herbs. He set the pan on the stove and turned the heat up, then he started looking through the various herbs, picking out the ones he needed and returning the others to their place in the cabinet.

By the time Rarity finished sugarcoating the skewers, Spike had finished blending the herbs and wrapped them in the cheesecloth. The scent of mint, chamomile, and a dozen other herbs filled the kitchen as soon as he started steeping the herbs in the hot water. He looked over at her and saw that she had finished with the skewers, so he lifted them in his magic and floated them over to the top of the refrigerator and set them in the various jars of sugar water he prepared earlier. He then returned his attention to the pot on the stove. He lifted the bag of sugar and started to open it, but stopped and set it down. He took a jar of honey out of a nearby cabinet instead and poured some into the pan. Rarity took two cups out of a cabinet as he lifted the pan from the stove, stirring it constantly. Spike walked over and poured the tea into the two cups and set the pan on the counter. He offered her a smile as he took one of the cups, and she offered one of her own as she took other.

Rarity looked down at the amber liquid, contemplating a decision she had to make. She took a sip, letting the smooth, warming, tea wash away her indecision. She came to a realization and a decision at that moment. “So what if he’s not a dragon.

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