• Member Since 15th Aug, 2012
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Hi. I'm Ficta. I enjoy writing silly comedies and soul-shattering tragedies. There is no in between. :)


Tonight on Brass Pony. Cloppers. Where did they come from? Why do they exist? How should the brony community deal with them? Are they the red-headed step-children with a face like a slapped otter or are they just misunderstood puppy dogs with an innocent love for all things pony and poony? Read on and you might actually find out.

Co-produced by Judy Lehewuttwohen and Gypsum Fantastic.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 42 )

I'm sure this breaks one of the rules... Mehh whatever, good story, keep it up!

I kinda Hate Cloppers
They kinda give Bronies a bad name in my books, they re inforce Brony stereotypes that say we ALL 'clop' to ponies when we don't y'know

No offence guys

Wait no there's some offence in there

Patrick Pele Peterson was reportedly pounding his parson over pictures of Pinkie Pie parading her privates passionately and popping ping pong balls in Prague.

Best line :rainbowlaugh:

Holy crap, I never thought I'd see a "Brass Eye" crossover with MLP. Instafaved.


That's actually not fair. Just because there is a stereo type about us doesn't mean we should harbor hate for the people who enjoy what they do. Don't bronies spout "Love and tolerance"? I believe in the song Atomizer it even states "A community that's spreading love and unity"

What would you rather have, a stereotype that's obviously false to anyone looking, or be a hypocrite? It's no different with trekies, they had these kinds of stereotypes that they were 30 year old virgins in their parents basement. Not all of them were, but still, you can't say just because some guy may not have the money, skills, or whatever to leave that he's a burden on your community. Same thing with gamers, there are people who take gaming seriously, and the stereotype says we're all a bunch of horny teenagers with nothing to do. Well, we're not. And even if a gamer is a horny teen, you can't say he's the reason we have a bad rap, he's just living his life. No more than you or I.

I didn't want to laugh at this...but I did. Half because of how ridiculous it was and half because I was foolish enough to expect something serious. Though I thought this was breaking the rule about meta writing, you saved it at the end. You're very clever and also out of your mind. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go in the corner and cry because of the image of Lyra puppets being used as boxing gloves. I'll probably have nightmares for weeks.

1517369 I have no idea what you just said :derpyderp2:

I just said my opinion Deal with it :rainbowdetermined2: um that is if you want to

but i liek ze pony porn... It's okay. I'll find a corner and sit there for awhile.

While I did get a laugh out of this fic, I think how people view cloppers is a little bit extreme. Some people talk about wanting to kill or hurt people that clop, and this saddens me because this is a community that is all about love and tolerance, and some people just lash out at these people. I don't clop, nor do I assosiate myself with clopfics or of the such, but I tolerate those who clop, because I believe in true love and tolerance, and acceptance to everybody, and no anger or hate to anyone. I think I'm one of the only bronies that follows the morals of the show, and loves everyone around me, no matter what they have done in the past, or what they may do in the future. But I think I may be going too in-depth with this, so overall: Treat people the way you would want to be treated, and you will be okay :twilightsmile: great fic by the way, really enjoyed it :pinkiehappy:

This was damn hilarious. More please. :rainbowlaugh:

YES! Another Brass Eye fan! Chris Morris is a genius! :pinkiehappy: I'm so happy my little in-jokes haven't been for nothing. I'm still wondering whether it's possible to do 'The Pony Today' or 'Jam Pony'. I reckon 'Four Ponies' would be far too controversial...

There are two types of bronies
1. Cloppers
2. Bronies who clop, but lie about it.

Any pony fanfiction based on Chris Morris's work is guaranteed to be awesome. :pinkiehappy:

This story was awesome too - the "this is the one thing we didn't want to happen" spokesperson reference made me laugh my coffee all over my keyboard. :rainbowlaugh:

Holy meta. How the hell did this pass moderation?

Finally! Someone puts up a clopper hate fic! God, those people are disgusting. :pinkiesick:

I mean, how could they take an innocent face like this...
And make it into a slut?!

Protip: It's satirical. Not an actual hate fic.

At least, I think.

Well, someone needs to make a clopper hate fic. Most people that I talk to about being a brony think that we're the same thing as cloppers. Someone HAS to make a distinction between us.

It's not that big of a deal, dude. I don't get it, but I wouldn't ever stop people doing it or write a "hate fic" about it.

Also I'm pretty sure the majority of bronies ARE cloppers. Clopfics always seem to pick up the most views on this site.

Wow. I finally know what it feels like to be a minority.

Which minority is that? Non-cloppers or people who really hate cloppers? :derpytongue2:

Both? :rainbowlaugh:
But, seriously, I'm not that big a fan of cloppers. Plain and simple. And so, this ends my rant. Good day to, sir.

I used to be bothered by it (something to do with the whole "innocence" of the show being ruined) but then I remembered that people make Rule 34 of everything and I stopped caring. :eeyup:

Good day. :moustache:

1517830 That's the same way I got over my hate for cloppers. I thought, who'd make porn of ponies? And then I remembered rule 34, and realized that every fandom has porn.


"Clopfics always seem to pick up the most views on this site"

Hmmm... :trixieshiftleft:

So off I go to the main browse page and see which fics have the most views. Tum tee tum... Oh... The one with 'sex' in the title and the one with a 'sex' label have the most views... :ajbemused: Oh, horse apples.

:pinkiegasp: EVERYONE WHO HAS EVER HAD SEX IS A SLUT :pinkiegasp:

Really though, "disgusting"? Chill out a little. :coolphoto:

Just shove a "Sex" tag on your story and say it's referring to the part where the kid put his penis through the screen at Applejack :rainbowwild:

1517196 1517209 I doublechecked the rules, and told him what would be a violation, and with the addition at the end, the story now fully complies with the posting regulations.

Now, why is it I read this story in the voice of Jeremey Clarkson from Top Gear? lol

1517487 I feel your pain. I have a friend... He went clopper 15 days ago. Now before everybodys like 'wheres you're proof Dumbass' My proof is that I turned on my computer to find pinkies vagina with the :pinkiehappy: smile on her face

1517358 Goris? Well, shit.
Also, isn't this on FanFiction.net?

1520399 I'm pretty sure I would throw my computer across the room at that sight. I mean, damn... :pinkiesick: some people have a sick mind, and you have to try and accept it. If I was in your shoes, I would just try and tolerate your friend for who he is, and tolerate his decision. That's just me though :twilightsmile:

You'd... you'd throw your computer across the room at the sight of a vagina?

I don't get how you can say "SOME PEOPLE HAVE A SICK MIND" just because they draw Pinkie Pie with a vagina. Yeah, it's weird, and it's kinda creepy due to the fact that it's pornography of a kid's cartoon, but when did everything related to sex become a sign of a "sick mind"?

1521376 Whoah, when did I say that everything related to sex became a sign of a sick mind? lol, I meant that if I turned on my computer, and something like that immediately popped up on my screen, then I would throw my computer, out of surprise xD the sight of a vagina doesn't disgust me, the sight of a character's vagina from a good show does. It ruins the good image I have for the ponies, that's all. No problem with regular pornography though :raritywink: xD

Ah, sorry if I overreacted to your comment - I thought you meant you'd throw the computer in anger :derpytongue2:

I agree that it's weird that people would draw pornography of a character from a kid's show, but I still don't think it's fair to call anyone who draws/views such images as sick-minded. It's such a big thing that it's got it's own name - Rule 34. "Clopping" is just some weird thing that people choose to do in the privacy of their own homes, so really, I don't see any problem with it at all.

Kind of like a few years ago where everyone on the entire internet suddenly decided to hate on furries - I never understood all the hate there, either. :derpyderp1:

1521416 Damn, I am such a hypocrite xD I don't hate cloppers, I tolerate their existince, and I don't know enough about furries to make a judgement about them, or even care in the first place :twilightsheepish: Bottom line, I accept Rule 34, and while I may not like it, there is nothing I can do about it, so all I can do is accept it :twilightsmile: Maybe calling them sick-minded is crossing a line, and I may be hypocritical again, but I do think people that enjoy writing or drawing extreme grimdark are a little messed up. It makes me want to cry when I hear about what some people talk about doing to ponies :fluttercry:

Agreed, I've always kind of hated extreme grimdark too - I always suck at dealing with something that doesn't have a happy ending :twistnerd:

But I do kind of get why some people might like grimdark, and I try not to judge people for liking it - it's a legitimate genre of writing, even if I personally feel sick from reading it :derpytongue2:

1520757 thats what I did, I loved and tolerated. I deleted his history, left a sticky note asking him kindly to reflect on what he's doing, And walked away.


I have to be honest - I was skeptical when I first saw the title of this "story," and then when I saw it was more like an article. But I read it anyway.

You have won this skeptic over. Your humor literally had me laughing out loud a couple of times. I especially liked the part about the kid who stuck his john through a computer monitor.

Please tell me you'll do more stories like this.

Comment posted by Ficta_Scriptor deleted Jul 25th, 2014

Okay, you got a few laughs out of me there, good job. :rainbowlaugh:

Now all I can think of is the idea of them corralling all the OCs into stadiums for safety.

Top work, didn't expect to see a Brass Eye fic.


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