• Published 9th May 2024
  • 706 Views, 45 Comments

Sunset, what do you want? - DapperLilArts

Sunset Shimmer has lived happily in exile in the human world for nearly a decade-- But now a decision must be made. Will she remain here, or return home where she could fullfill her dreams of being a Princess?

  • ...

Sunset, can you get a second opinion?

Yeah. That’s definitely what I need right now.

Especially if they can convince me not to do this.

Twilight was right. Think like a Princess. What does a Princess do when she needs help? She delegates.

First Rarity and AJ; Maybe I’ll be lucky and get Fluttershy and Rainbow at the same time, and then, the big guns, Pinkie.

You can’t blame me for leaving Twilight for last.

I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it.

I took the list of Pros and cons with me just in case– Well, just pros. They were each other’s cons nearly every time. The cons were fairly obvious to anyone that understood my situation, that much was pretty damn clear.

I also made sure to take my geode with me, just in case. Well, if the evening went as I expected, knowing exactly how my friends felt would be helpful…Ish.

I kind of rushed there, and had to park my motorbike a bit further from Rarity’s house– Kind of a rich stuffy neighborhood that doesn’t allow motorbikes on it. Honestly I will say– Rarity is surprisingly nice and generous and everything, considering how she carries herself out, and her upbringing– But I guess you could say that about all my friends, they’re pretty amazing.

A bad habit of mine was frequently checking messages from Twilight whenever I was out and about, and well, considering how stressed I was, I didn’t even realize I was doing it until the phone was already fully open in my hands.

“I thought Rarity was the one that could pull off any look, but you’re putting her to shame, Sparkles.” I had nearly forgotten I had sent that impulsively just before– And I was now checking her response.

“I accidentally ran into my door reading that message I hope you’re happy x3”


…And relatable, because I nearly tripped and fell over being distracted by her message– Certainly a deja vu, this exact thing likely had happened to us both before, on the many times I flirted through text.

Can we just take a moment to appreciate how despite how nerve wracked I was I still managed a near perfect roll that left me decently unharmed, and more importantly, my phone? Sure I might have deserved to wreck my shit on the sidewalk then and there but wow. Applause!

Either way, that was adorable, us getting distracted by each other like that.

Certainly wasn’t the first time.

…But it might be the last.


Any pretense of texting back with a witty or flirtatious retort or anything in between vanished when my mind spiraled on that thought and I couldn’t let it go.

I just reacted with a heart emoji and left it as is; Breathing uneasily walking on that fancy– ass sidewalk. At least Rarity’s place was nearby.

I suppressed my very-recently-and-yet-frequent urge to yell out curse words or maybe scream at my own circumstances. Last I needed was some assholes calling the cops on me.

…Though I’d have a pretty good excuse on why I didn’t make a decision if I was in jail…

No. nope! Images of Pinkie staging a prison break and blowing the joint to hell immediately flashed in my mind, and no matter how awesome, I don’t think I want my friend– or even friends if she got the others in on it– On a watchlist.

Hell. Even Princess Twilight would likely show up and blow up the precinct with friendship lasers. That imagery amused me, but it was certainly not time for amusement right now– I didn’t deserve it.

I just put my phone away and tried not thinking about it. Lucky me, Rarity’s house was right there, and funny enough, there was a truck parked right in front of it, and I recognized it instantly. Big Mac’s, no doubt. Through some brief scanning I could see Applejack packing several boxes into it, with Rarity supervising.

Not the first time, certainly not the last– She was likely packing dresses for an atelier, or some sort of market, and Big Mac would deliver them for her to sell and showcase in the next morning. Speaking of deja vu’s…

“Hey girls!” I hoped my stress and exhaustion couldn’t be read in the way I spoke. “Same as last time?”

Rarity perked up with a nod, hearing my voice, and immediately pointed at one of the boxes. “Sunset, darling! Just in time! Could you–”

“Of course!” I might as well make myself useful– Though no amount of community service could ever make up for the news I'd deliver in a bit. Hey, all that working out has to be for something, right? Lifting two biggass boxes at once, without struggle. Hell yeah.

Though of course, I could never match Applejack, nor would I ever try. “Thanks, partner!” She said, with that classic warm smile, passing by me carrying four boxes. And let me tell you four was little for her– She was only carrying that little because she didn’t want to risk any of them falling and damaging her girlfriend’s dresses. That’s one thing I always liked about AJ– She may be strong as hell, but she’s super gentle and kind.

And of course, Rarity was merely orchestrating, rather than lifting, but I can’t blame her, she was a fan of watching AJ work.

Okay let me take a bisexual sidebar here, and point out my friends look phenomenal. Sure, neither are really my type, but you can appreciate artwork without it being your thing! Rarity’s hair was always in an impeccable state– There’d need to be a storm happening for it to be out of place, and even the many villains we faced could hardly ever damage it– and I will refrain commenting on her awesome body out of respect. That’s for Applejack to dream of. I salute her though.

And speak of the farmer: She’s the tallest of us, and she’s somehow jacked but also super soft– Like a friendly fridge that could wrestle bears– She gives the best damn hugs, when she’s not squeezing a bit too hard out of joy. She’s got a handsome ruggedness to her that’s just fantastic– Even despite how tall I am I still have to look up, a lot of the time when talking to her– And it’s kind of funny.

Appreciation aside, I have no shame in admitting that they’re not my type. “Beautiful” and “handsome” are both good, but it’s very clear, given my history, that I’m weak for “cute”.

Hell, Flash wasn’t my first, and sure, I was only doing it for popularity at the time, but I wouldn’t have managed to stand him if he didn’t have that nice and kinda dumb demeanor about him– It made him pretty cute in my eyes, heh. I’m glad me and him are still friends– Though trying to get him to be a gamer was a bit of a challenge– he mostly prefers farming games, which is kind of a funny contrast to being the school himbo/jock.

And of course, in the subject of cute, my Twilight literally from day 1 had these big ass glasses and sopping wet eyes– Even on the friendship games I was already thinking “I need to keep this girl safe from everything” Though to be fair, the Princess is no slouch in that department either.

The first time I met the Princess of Friendship– Discovering I had been replaced by someone “Better” I obviously denied her superiority. After all, she was a klutzy nerd that had just gained wings. How in the world could she be better than me? But oh, she was, devastatingly so. Celestia replaced me with someone endlessly humble– And equally wise. And most dangerous of all… Cute as hell.

It sometimes baffled me how cute the Princess of Friendship was. Like damn. You replaced me with an adorable little nerd, and it worked with flying colors. Well played, Celestia. Twilight is incredible.

I should stop thinking about her– Both of the Twi’s– focus on the now. One problem at a time.

We finished loading the boxes per Rarity’s instructions, and with a friendly pat on the back of the truck, AJ signaled to her brother that he could go, an action that her brother responded with a quiet salute, before taking off.

Now their attention turned properly to me– And they were happy to see me– Something that felt alien to me at the moment. Applejack immediately gave me her trademark happy hug, lifting me off the ground, one I struggled to reciprocate. “How's It goin’, partner! We thought you were sick or somethin!”

Words were squeezed out of me. “I sort of am. Can we talk inside?” I could feel her joy seeping out of her skin, and it was such a contrast to how I felt now.

“Of course, darling. Please!” Rarity, with a friendly wave, motioned us both inside. I think I went in in a bit of a hurry, part of me wanted to disappear, the other, wanted to rip off the bandaid immediately.

I went directly towards her couch, taking a seat, and kind of stared at the floor, ignoring every little detail in her lovely living room, ignoring that her cat, Opal, was staring at me from one of the arms of the couch, judging my sins.

“Can I get you anything? Tea perhaps?” Rarity asked, in her usual host manner, an action that nearly immediately made me realize that my breakfast had been a simple granola bar, a realization that my stomach made amply clear seconds after.

“I, uh, tea’s fine, and if you have something to snack on I wouldn’t mind, I skipped breakfast.” Why did I say that? I should have just kept my mouth shut and asked for nothing.

Applejack, who was a mere second from taking a friendly seat in front of me on Rarity’s other couch, one of many, actually, immediately halted. No friend would say ‘I skipped breakfast’ When it was past lunchtime on her watch. I skipped both meals, actually. “Oh, no way, no hay. Ya ain’t skippin’ breakfast or lunch on my watch. Sugarcube! Pancake time!”

“On it, dear!” I heard Rarity say with with a smile as she walked towards the kitchen, already using her gem powers to open cupboards and ready items–

“Stop.” I said that much louder than I should have. But I guess it worked, because they both stopped, and looked at me with a justifiably concerned look.

Their kindness was misplaced. Any other day I would have gladly joined them– And enjoyed it, too– But that wasn’t why I was here.

“I, uh… I think I’m too sick to eat or drink something right now.” I spoke through gritted teeth– And it wasn’t necessarily a lie. “Besides, I need to talk to both of you, please sit.”

They exchanged quick, confused looks, as Applejack scratched the back of her head, and took a seat. And of course, despite the huge couch, Rarity decided that AJ’s lap was the best seat in the house. And yes, this was an usual occurrence.

I fidgeted a bit, as I let my hair cover my eyes. It took me a bit to formulate my thoughts. “What’s the problem, darling?” Rarity tilted her head, concerned and analytically. It didn’t take a genius to realize that I was hurting.

Scratching the side of my face, I remained leaning forward. Well, this was it. “You’re both aware that I went to a gala in Equestria yesterday, right?”

Both nodding, but Rarity even more enthusiastically. “Oh you simply must tell us the details, darling! About the dresses, the decorations–”

Oh, I was about to. “--Okay, so; Princess Twilight got me there as her plus one. The thing is, she had been expressing anxieties about her imminent rule for a while– And yesterday, in that party, she, and Princess Celestia herself, they…”

I scratched my face, maybe trying to stall? I don’t know. My friends were listening intently, like I was about to say something fun. Some trivia, something just a bit interesting.

“Yesterday… Those two Princesses both asked me to come back to Equestria– So that I can be a pupil of Celestia again, and so that I can one day rule alongside Twilight. She told me that with me there, it’d be easier– She said that–”

I tried my best not to choke on my words, as my friend’s eyes widened. “Princess Celestia herself told me that Equestria needed me. They said I am uniquely qualified, and that they miss me there… And that she would love to have me back as her pupil…”

My face hung a bit lower. “And Twilight said that she needed me there, too, because... …She said that she loves me.”

Fuck, that was hard to say. It was even harder to sit there in that silence as both of my friends stared at me in surprise and shock.

Rarity was the first one to speak up, as she fidgeted with her impeccably done nails. “...Am I correct to assume that you said no?”

“I… Didn’t say yes.” That answer told them everything they needed to know. That answer explained everything about my mental state– And about what I was considering doing.

“Oh, darling…” Rarity covered her face, I don’t know if it was shame, or second hand embarrassment, or anything in between, but whatever it was, I deserved it.

And I didn’t say anything either, I just sat there, eyes closed, waiting for something to happen. Rarity spoke again, because Applejack was scratching herself too, narrowing her eyes in confusion, or pensively? I don’t know. “Sunset. You are aware just what you would be leaving– If you actually chose to leave?”

“Painfully.” Was all I could say.

I don’t think Rarity was angry, not yet, at least, but she certainly was getting there. “And why are you telling us this– Surely you’re not asking for permission?”

That got a reaction out of me, I did panic a little bit.“N-no! No. I’m planning on telling all of you, I need your opinion– Not permission, I’m not just– I’m not just running away, okay? I need to run this by everyone, I need to– I need to know what you think, so I can decide.”

She got a bit exasperated, and I don’t blame her– The mere idea that I was ‘deciding’ seemed pretty absurd. “You do realize that you would break Twilight’s heart, if you went through with this? Shatter it, more like it?!”

There it was– that feeling of shame that crept up on me– That was exactly what I needed to balance the scales. “Y-yeah. But you do know why I’m considering it, right?”

I hoped I wouldn’t need to explain that. I heard Applejack speak softly, as her brows furrowed. “...’Cause it’s your home.”

My hands shook a bit. Even if I might not need to explain, I still did. “It’s everything– Everything I have ever even dreamed of. Going back to Equestria not as an exiled visitor– But as an Alicorn in training– I’d get to see my family again, I’d get to be with Celestia again, and this time, do it right– This is literally, an opportunity, that I never, in my WILDEST dreams, would ever thought I’d get again!”

Crossing her arms, Rarity’s gaze pierced through me. That didn’t intimidate me, but her words did get me. “Are you in love with Princess Twilight?”

Gritting my teeth in desperation, I exhaled, and pleaded. “Can we please not unpack that right now?”

“It seems rather pertinent to merely gloss over, darling!!!” She waved her hands as if to wake me up.

We both stopped. With determination, AJ picked her girlfriend up and placed her on the seat next to her, and then stood up. With only one step, she was towering over me.

Honestly? This was a fair way to go. If Applejack crushed my head like a soda can now, It’d solve all my problems, just saying– It would remove the burden of decision making.

Unfortunately for me, she picked me up and hugged me tightly. This time, I reciprocated. “Partner…! No wonder yer hurtin’. This is a big moment, its– It everythin’.”

“Y-yeah.” Not gonna lie, I got a bit closer to crying there, in a friend’s warm embrace, but I haven't cried since the fall formal, it’s not something I do normally. She felt profound pity and concern for me– I didn't even need powers to know that.

I felt everything she felt– She was sad. Sad because she knew I might go. But also, somehow, she was almost happy for me…? All of that, wrapped in a concerned package.

She put me back down, and took her seat again, adjusting her hat with a look of pity. “Sunset, it’s just– I think I understand. It’s yer home. Yer family. It’s somethin’ ya wanted all yer life, and now…”

“Y-yeah.” I hung my head low.

With an understanding nod, it at least looked like AJ’s sentiment was calming Rarity down. “...Dear, you may be going a bit easy on her…”

Scratching her face nervously, Applejack looked at me with pity– Certainly deserved. “Look, it’s not like I want ya gone. But… Yer parents, they don’t even know yer alive, do they?”

I shook my head quietly. This made her lean back in her chair. “That’s… Ya can fix that, if you go, can't ya? Even with Celestia…?”

I nodded quietly. “...Bridges I thought I had burnt.”

She fidgeted with her hat, but Rarity shook her head, commanding the conversation again. “I know this would be good for you, darling. But you realize the cost, don’t you? Twilight, our Twilight, her life has revolved entirely around you since the friendship games! You took her in, you gave her everything– The way she smiles now? All of it! It's because of you!! The consequences of you leaving her– for another version of her, no less– You MUST understand how dire they are.”

It was true.

Immensely true.

I wanted to chock it up to “Twilight can find someone better!” But I’m not a stick of gum. She wasn’t going to spit me out and start chewing another; And above everything, I didn't even need to ask her what she wanted.

No matter what, Twilight wanted to be with me– She had made that clear for a long, long time. In fact, I was pretty sure she wanted to be with me for the rest of her life. And it was what I wanted too, for a really long time.

And I still wanted it too, but…

“Preaching to the Quoir, Rarity. It’s why I was considering acting business as usual– just… Saying no to the princess, and just… Going to… College.”

The way I said that betrayed me, it showed how agonizing trading my dream for a simple human education would be. And also, a career in nothing at all– I still had no idea what I wanted to do– And in fact, I wanted to find out even less, now that I had an Princess alternative.

Fuck, I hate this feeling.

Applejack said something that surprised the both of us; Both our eyes went wide, and we turned to her.

“I think you should go.”

She said that, in full earnestness, and that stupefied me.

I never even considered that ONE of my friends would say that.

Ah, shit.

“A-Applejack!?” Her girlfriend questioned, and she sure was right to be finding that weird– My jaw was open in the same confusion.

The Farmer raised her hands as if surrendering, and yet, explaining herself. “D-don’t get me wrong– I don’t want ya to go– Hell, we’d all miss the hell outta ya, and Twilight– She’d be inconsolable. But…”


There’s a but?!?!?!


“But ya said it yerself– This ain’t just yer dream. It ain’t just all ya ever wanted– It’s yer second chance at family. I don’t want to do a disservice to us, but… Ya need that. Even more than ya need us.”

I leaned back on the couch, stupefied. “...Are you fucking serious?” Was all that I could ask, completely, entirely confused. Rarity exhaled, pursing her lips, crossing her arms– It was a rare occasion, nowadays, where she and AJ didn’t agree on something– And I never thought this would be one one of them.

“Yeah. Again. We’d all miss ya, it’d hurt like hell, and I’m real scared of what this could do to Twilight… But if ya ask my vote… I vote that you go. But ya better visit.” She said that last part as if I had already made my decision– As if the stakes were light. Did I explain this well enough?! Did she just not follow me right?!

Oh my god.

With a sigh, Rarity blew a strand of hair away from her face. “Well I vote no. You should stay. However big your dream is, it couldn't possibly justify hurting someone you love.” And then her gaze pierced through me again– But her words hurt more. “You do still love her, don’t you?”

“Yes!!!!” I said instantly, almost offended– But frankly, I shouldn’t have been. My actions definitely didn’t inspire a lot of confidence in the statement.

“Well then you better show it, before you shatter her heart.” She stated plainly, and yeah, I deserved that.

With a friendly and very frisky hand, Applejack reached out to her girlfriend, definitely a normal gesture to them, even in these circumstances. “Sugarcube, go a bit easy on her, will ya? She’s obviously hurtin’ about this more than anybody ever could.”

Rarity immediately climbed on her girl’s lap again, even if still pouting. “Ugh... Yes dear, you have a point, I understand what you mean… but my vote stands. And I am not wrong to presume that neither of us are giving permission for her to break Twilight’s heart, yes?” She raised an eyebrow and placed a finger on Applejack’s cheek, making her comply instantly.

“Of course!” A classic flustered nod from AJ, who I was surprised didn’t fold on her vote immediately. “What she said–” She turned her head to me. “Whatever ya decide, ya should absolutely make it as easy as possible for Twilight. I mean it partner– This is serious stuff.”

“Preaching to the Quoir, AJ…!!” Was all I could mutter, desperately, before I leaned forward and cupped my face with my hands– And of course, cursed. “Fuck. We’re tied. How the hell are we tied…?!”

I never, in a million years, expected any of them to say anything but no.

I came here so that they could convince me NOT to go through with this.

“When are you telling Twilight?” Rarity questioned, with a justifiably accusatory tone.

“I-I don’t know– But I am telling her. I promise. I think I want to decide first.” I had no fucking idea if that was a good or bad idea– Honestly, any consideration for that conversation made me shudder.

Exasperated, I fished my phone out of my pocket, immediately going to my dms, hastingly searching for Rainbow Dash.

I ignored the long strings of texts of our conversations about the Daring Do movies– I had this whole tangent of defending the second movie, that despite its many flaws, it had some incredibly compelling action scenes that clearly influenced the entire blockbuster industry in really interesting ways, and not just that, but a pretty engaging set of stakes, with Daring Do being pushed to her absolute limit–

No, no, don’t get distracted, FOCUS!

“Dash, are you with Fluttershy right now? Where are you?”

I fidgeted nervously, waiting for their response. As I did that, Rarity, always the clever one, could tell exactly what I was doing. “Looking for your second opinion, Sunset?”

“Fourth, actually. And hopefully fifth too.” I answered quickly. Whatever coldness she was giving me, I deserved in full.

The moment I saw the little dots of her response, I tensed up. “That’s a really weird way to start a convo, dude. You feeling ok?” Of course she’d reply relaxed like that.

And my tension stayed. “Are you with Fluttershy? I need to see the both of you.”

“Sure man! I’m practicing with Toby right now– Our picnic spot! Flutters is here with me, I’m not about to play ball with a bear without a translator⚽⚽⚽

“Stay there. I’m on my way.” Yeah, I guess the way I was typing seemed pretty ominous, but can you blame me?!

I stood up– Not with determination, but sweating, actually– And the two on the couch in front of me watched me the whole way. I completely understood why Rarity would be pissed at me for this– She really, really cared about me and Twilight, and our happiness together; Having helped me and her process our feelings a long time ago.

I started making my way to the door, shamelessly muttering “I’m gonna go see Dash and Fluttershy.” Trying almost to be casual. Of course, they weren’t going to let me go that easily.

They both stood, and Rarity commanded me to stop, which I hesitantly obeyed. But surprisingly, she pulled me into a hug, which Applejack added to, embracing us both.

“Just in case this may really be one of the last times we are together, darling.” She muttered, and I could feel what she felt… She wasn’t angry. She was just sad.

Now this was an efficient way to balance my bias. Not only was I feeling guilty as hell already, but their sadness was rubbing off on me– Making me want to stay even more.

But duty called, and I still had a couple of friends to visit. “Thanks for everything… I mean it.” I said to the both of them– Which felt weird, I sure as hell wasn’t saying goodbye now. But it needed to be said.

I hated to have to go out of there in a hurry.

But that sadness made me smile.

Meeting with Fluttershy and Rainbow in between their dates and hangouts is always a bit strange– Like I mentioned earlier, they’re not open about their relationship with anybody except their close friends, meaning us.

So whenever they were together, it’d be sometimes these absurdly hidden or unexpected places, like the top of a building, tuckered away at a bridge in a park, in a hidden corner of CHS few students ever thread, or even, like today, in the middle of the goddamn woods– I would not be surprised at all, if their dates took them to smack dab in the middle of the Everfree forest at some point. …Which honestly is probably pretty damn romantic, especially for Fluttershy. Damn Dash, you got game.

I don’t fault them for sneaking around, it does have a certain spark to it– Me and Twi definitely kept it on the down low when we first started, before she introduced me to her family, and she had this giddy excitement for sneaking around that only a sheltered nerd would have– The first time I showed her how shoplifting was, she nearly had a heart attack, but was incredibly attracted to my rogueness, which was frankly adorable.

Lucky for me, there was a specific spot in the woods I already knew, that we had all taken a couple of picnics on, that Fluttershy often visited, and with Rainbow too, no big surprise. I had lucked out on not barging in on Rarity and Applejack making out furiously, so I hoped I’d have the same luck with these two.

I had to park my bike outside of the forest, and just let it take me, really. This time, I forced myself to not check my messages– No doubt full of Twilight cuteness, and maybe even Pinkie wondering why the hell I hadn’t told her how the party went yet.-- I tried, really damn hard, to enjoy the quiet of nature.

The sun was a bit lower in the sky, but I still had plenty of daylight to burn. I stepped into that forest without fear, I had plenty of other reasons to feel stress, and I knew that nothing here could hurt me.

It wasn’t the same as Equestria, but it did have a certain respite to it. When you’re surrounded by concrete and bricks so much, the absence of all of that feels like a gift.

The path was narrow, and I followed it easily, ignoring my stomach complaining at me that I still hadn’t properly eaten anything today, and frankly, it was an act of protest for me to deny it sustenance.

I stopped, leaning on a tree, and let myself listen to the sounds around me. Birds, insects, the very distant echoes of the city… And there, the sound I was looking for, the sound of a certain someone kicking a ball. I was on the right track.

Stepping out of the path, It wasn’t long before I was at a pretty lovely and familiar glade; and could already see Rainbow, doing tricks with a football, and Fluttershy, giddily watching from a park bench– One me and Rainbow had moved there, not exactly legally, many months before.

A Squirrel whispered at Fluttershy, and she turned to greet me with a smile and a wave, no doubt her animal friends had warned them of my arrival.

I have to admit, on another bisexual sidebar, that both of them looked pretty good nowadays. Fluttershy has this accidental beauty– Contrasting Rarity’s purposeful beauty, that is quite endearing. Soft spoken, almost taller than me, and comically skinny, it feels like any one of us could carry her bridal style easily, or even that a stiff breeze could topple her over– In the past, she always looked so damn fragile– But nowadays, she looked like she could withstand a lot more, and it even added to her beauty, to be honest. It was no wonder animals were often flocking to her– She felt and looked magical.

Rainbow, however, was certainly an interesting case. I have to admit to having no attraction to her whatsoever, but I also completely understand what Flutters saw in her. She had a certain cocky confidence that was surprisingly admirable– I hardly ever saw her falter. Not to mention the athletic build; Which was self explanatory, but comically enough, she couldn’t beat either me or AJ in arm wrestling, and she even struggled against Pinkie, which is fucking hilarious. (Also she would be the shortest of us, if not for Pinkie and Twilight, heh.) I have to say something about the smell too– that girl smells like she’s in a 24/7 game of soccer– And I’m not surprised Fluttershy doesn’t mind it at all, since she’s surrounded by animals on a daily basis.

“Yo, Sunset!” Rainbow stated, in the middle of a sick ball trick where she balanced it on her forehead, without even looking at me. “What’s up, man! How was that big horse party you went to?”

Wow, nearly immediately the subject was addressed, and I had barely made my way inside the glade.

“It was something.” Quietly, I walked in, and studied my surroundings. There were Two sticks that made up a makeshift goal, and before them, stood Toby, Fluttershy’s bear friend. Rainbow often practiced with him, (always with Fluttershy’s supervision!) because he was a pretty effective goalie, and if she could score with him on defense, it was fantastic practice for human goalkeepers. Meanwhile, Fluttershy sat, surrounded by critters, and even butterflies, who all watched her girlfriend play peacefully. Including but not exclusive to a bunny, a turtle, a handful of birds, squirrels, and other furry beasts I couldn’t decipher, maybe even a hedgehog?

Honestly, I’d love to say I was surprised to see Rainbow playing football with a bear. But that’s just the kinda nonsense that happened with Fluttershy around, and I love it.

Rainbow took a crackshot, kicking in a way that made the ball swerve around the bear, and fly through the goal. “YES!” She proclaimed, throwing her fists in the air, and her girlfriend cheered and clapped as loudly as she could, which was incredibly quiet. I mustered a cheer, barely, before taking a seat near Fluttershy.

Merely seconds later, a fox showed up, pushing the ball forward, and Rainbow gladly picked it up. “Thanks, lil buddy!” The bear, however, groaned loudly, which Fluttershy was quick to note on. “Don’t be a sore loser, Toby!”

Then and only then did she turn to me, with that trademark peaceful smile of hers. “So what brings you here, Sunset? It’s nice to see you’re out and about getting fresh air, it’s good for when someone is sick…!”

Rainbow, somehow, paid attention, while continuing to practice with the bear. “Yeah man– You said something about needing to see us for something?”

Despite having done this just an hour ago with Applejack and Rarity, it wasn’t any easier now. “Yeah, I need uh… I need your opinions on a problem.” Understatement of the century. “It's… About the party, actually.”

Fluttershy leaned forward attentively, and the critters that surrounded her did too. Meanwhile, Rainbow stopped practicing, and started doing tricks, but I knew her well enough to know she was paying attention.

“Well, I uh,” once again I shriveled into myself, feeling that shame creep up. Good. ”So I was invited as Princess Twilight’s plus one. But I soon found out that it wasn’t just a friendly gesture. They wanted me there so they could personally invite me to stay in Equestria again.”

I took a brief pause, and with a side eye, I noticed Fluttershy flinch in surprise. “The thing is– Twilight is really scared about ruling alone. Me and her talked about it all the time, and I always tried comforting her, telling her she could absolutely do it. I guess she took a different lesson from it, because she asked me to rule alongside her.”

I tried my best avoiding eye contact until I was done. “And that’s not all. Celestia personally invited me to be her pupil again– They both expressed how happy they would be if I was back, and if I could try again… Try again at being a Princess. An Alicorn, even.”

Rainbow stopped doing tricks. The forest was really, really quiet. And I continued. “See, the thing is– They’re giving me a chance to go back to Equestria and try again. They said I’m uniquely qualified, having been Celestia’s first pupil, but…” I took a deep breath. “...That's not all. Princess Twilight said she loves me. It’s one of her reasons for suggesting this, even…”

There was the bombshell, the multiple bombshells, even. Fluttershy brought a hand to her lips, with a look of staggered, sad surprise, and pity, even. Rainbow Dash got awfully quiet, staring at the floor, swerving the ball beneath her feet.

I waited. I closed my eyes and waited, and surprisingly, Fluttershy was the first one to speak up, with sympathy, no less. “Oh my goodness, Sunset, I am so sorry… Saying no to that must have hurt you so much…!”

My eyes widened, it was hard to formulate a response to that, especially considering the unwavering faith that Fluttershy was putting on me. Lucky for me, I didn’t have to. Without moving, Rainbow spoke. “Flutters. She didn’t say no.”

Her gaze fell on her girlfriend, then fell on me– And despite her assumptions, she could now see on my face what was happening. “I… Didn’t say yes. I’m here to have your opinions on this before I decide.”

Fluttershy fell awfully quiet, as her eyes narrowed, looking at the floor, and some critter friends comforted her.

There was a bit of silence, before Rainbow, scratching the back of her own head, looked at me intently. “Dude… Are you in love with Princess Twi, or what?”

I exhaled, and gave a quick and predictable response. “Can we please not unpack that right now…”

Blowing raspberries, she groaned. “Dude… Look, I… I don't want to say something stupid here, so let me just… think of what I want to say, okay…?” That showed uncharacteristic restraint of her, but I appreciated that she seemed to take this situation with the necessary weight. She looked at her girlfriend, before resuming ball tricks, this time with a pensive frown– I’m not used to seeing Rainbow think this hard, it’s actually kind of nuts. “Hey babe… you wanna take this one? What are your thoughts?” She said, doing a quiet dribble.

I looked at Fluttershy expectantly, and with no surprise, she was near tears, gripping her cute dress while pursing her lips. I waited, as long as it was necessary for her to speak.

“H-how…” She started, before shaking her head. “H-how could you even consider doing this…?”

And there it was. That shame, incredibly well directed at me. I sat and listened.

“How could you even consider doing this to us… To Twilight…?” She continued, her voice cracking.

My face was blank, I just waited for her to finish, I needed to hear all of it– I needed to feel that shame. I even considered offering her my hand, so I could truly feel just how disappointed she was in me.

“Sunset, y-you– Isn’t this your home…? Aren't you happy with us…?” It was a genuine question, one worth asking; And a heavy one, coming from her.

“Yeah. I’ve been happier than ever, but… I hate to say this, but… It almost feels like complacency, now that I've been offered this.” That was incredibly, insanely selfish of me to say. It was twisted, even. It also wasn’t a lie.

“H-how could you say that!! After everything…!!” Her voice rose a little, but still not much. She shook her head intently, and her animal friends were quick to comfort her.

I fidgeted, feeling what she felt, even from a distance, my face twisting into a grimace– It almost felt good, to feel that shame. The scales balanced even more. “Look– I’m so, so fucking sorry to be even considering this. I am…” I wanted to say ‘but’, but it didn’t come out of me, which might have been a good thing.

One of her animal friends, a bunny, hopped to me and started trying to attack me and maybe bite me? Honestly it was more amusing than threatening– Clearly he was mad that I was upsetting Fluttershy– I just kind of watched this little guy viciously attack my jeans, trying not to laugh at him.

“L-let her go, Angel.” She said, still suppressing tears. The little bunny blew raspberries at me, before joining her. “Y-you shouldn’t do this, Sunset. It’s not right. After everything we’ve all done together… Especially Twilight, my goodness, she… She would be heartbroken…!”

She was right. How could this world, these friendships, not be enough for me, after everything?

It was selfish, it was awful, it was despicable that I was even considering it.

All I could do was nod quietly, pensively, processing it.

“I think I know what I want to say now.” Rainbow spoke, crossing her arms, with a foot still on the ball.

There was a few seconds before she actually spoke, where she fidgeted a bit– But for all intents and purposes, this was the most pensive I had ever seen Rainbow Dash. We both waited for her to continue.

“Sometimes…” She stood incredibly still, looking at the floor, then our eyes met. “...Sometimes… If you want to be happy… You have to be selfish.”

Both of our eyes widened, mine specially.


She tapped her arm with her finger, thinking, and continued. “You said it yourself. Not just that, but we all know it. This is everything you ever wanted. You stayed with us because that was the best possible thing that could have happened, after all the messes and blunders you did–” She quickly raised a hand as if to apologize. “But the thing is? You changed. You deserve this. And after how crappy your life had been up until this point, too…!

She turned, and started doing ball tricks again, but kept the same tone. “So I can’t blame you. I can’t blame you for considering us a pit stop– I can’t blame you for wanting to ditch this world at all, really…!”

Shaking her head vividly, Fluttershy gasped. “D-dashie!! How could you think that…?!”

“Because sometimes, if you want to be happy, you have to be selfish.” She spoke that, almost as if she had rehearsed it. And oh my god, I hated that it was actually getting through to me.

With a few quick kicks to her ball, she pointed at me. “Dude. You convinced your girl to ditch Everton University for a community college– Because you didn’t think you could have gotten into that University, right?”

Grimacing, I nodded slowly, and she continued. “And that decision led to all of us being in the same college together, even if Twilight has to settle for less. And we’re all happy, right? That came from you being selfish, am I wrong?”

I honestly didn’t know anymore, this was getting to my head, I was feeling a bit dizzy, and extremely torn.

Fluttershy, however, shook her head. “S-sweetie, this isn’t the same–”

But Rainbow quickly shook her head too, disagreeing. “Flutters, you and me have never told either of our families about us being together– Because you were scared of what they might say, especially your asshole brother. Not sharing the truth is selfish– Something you and me are both incredibly okay with, and we’re both happy, right? I’m bouncing off the walls with you, even if we have to be hiding!”

She didn’t respond, instead looked away, lost in thought. Clearly Rainbow’s words were affecting her, just like me.

“Selfishness,” Rainbow gestured with one hand; a gesture that led to her other hand. “Happiness.” She completed.

“...Fuck.” Was all I could say. Honestly, I would have rather shouted it.

Blowing raspberries, Rainbow fidgeted some more, looking at me. “Dude, it’s not like I want you to go– We all love you, y’know? This is fucking sad, and I’m just. Bummed as hell that it might happen. Especially Twilight, dang, I have no idea how she’ll react to this, But…” Of course there was a ‘but.’ Goddamnit. “...But what kind of friends would we be if we just stopped you from being happy…?”

I facepalmed, it was still selfish!! Incredibly selfish!! Damnit Rainbow, how DARE you rationalize this?!

“So if you wanna go… My vote is you go. But don’t tell Twilight. She’d kill me, heh.” She finished saying that with a light chuckle.

With a big exhale, Fluttershy looked at me. She had held back tears through this whole thing, it was incredibly admirable. “Sunset… Y-you can’t. You shouldn’t. You know it’s wrong…”

“...Yeah. I know.”

“I-if we’re just doing this by vote then… I vote for you to stay… It’s not worth it, Sunset… think about what this would do to Twilight…!” That was all I had been thinking for nearly a whole day now.

Not just Twilight– There’d be a hole in this group that was shaped like me.

I wanted to chock it up to me being easily replaceable– Or just easily ignorable– After all, Princess Twilight didn’t have a me in her crew.

…But she wanted me.

And my friends would lose me.

I really wanted to imagine my absence wouldn’t damage this group, and it probably wouldn't, but… it’d hurt them. Deeply.

I cupped my face in my hands and shouted. “FUCK, HOW ARE WE STILL TIED?!!?! HOW?!!”

Served me fucking right for thinking my friends could make this decision for me.

With a quick chuckle, Rainbow pointed at me, somehow deducing correctly. “Wow, hah, AJ agreed with me? That’s a first!”

I groaned, gritting my teeth, and handed a quick apology to Fluttershy’s critter friends.

Holy shit this felt like I was making negative progress.

And not just that. How low was I fucking willing to sink over this?

I’m supposed to be the new and improved Sunset Shimmer, but Fluttershy is absolutely right. What I’m considering here is immensely selfish. It’s heartless.

…And Rainbow managed to perfectly explain why I should go with it.

“That’s it.” I snarled, fishing out my phone, searching my contacts. “Time for the big guns.”

The phone rang for only two seconds, before Pinkie Pie picked up. “HIYA PARTY GIRL!! You gonna tell me about that gala or what?? Wanna meet up?!” She bombarded me with her classic Pinkie demeanor, and it involuntarily made me smile.

Before I knew it, she turned on her video camera with a smile as big as they come, holding it like a selfie– There were stickers on her cheek and forehead, a normal thing for Pinkie– Showing me a kid who giggled next to her, no doubt one of the ones she babysat; She was really damn good at that. “Say bye bye to sunsun!” She gleefully egged the kid on, who giggly attempted to repeat that, with questionable success, and they both waved.

With a quick glance, she was leaving her babysitting job, waving at the parents that had arrived, and somehow, incredibly skillfully, she managed to put on her coat and grab her backpack all with one hand and bolt out of the door, all while holding her phone and smiling at me. “C’monnnnn Sunsun, spill the beans! I wanna know everything!!”

“You will.” I assured her, somehow smiling– Pinkie had that effect on me– “Want to meet up? Usual spot?”

She nodded emphatically, with a grin ear to ear. “YEAHYEAH! Ohhh I can't wait!! This is gonna be so much fun!!”

I shook my head, suppressing a chuckle. “Actually, this won't be fun at all, Pink.”

“THEN WHY THE FUCK AM I EVEN GOING?!” She spoke, joking with fake outrage, which got immediate laughter out of me. I shook my head, and answered quickly. “Look, I’ve gotta get going, I’m pretty far, I’ll see you there, okay?”

Demeanor immediately changing to the usual peppy, she gave me that trademark Pinkie smile. “Okidokey on a chockey, Sunsun!” Which prompted me to shut off the call.

Quiet fell on the forest once more, and with it, I exhaled, not even Pinkie could lift my spirits today. I turned to my two friends, and found them both hugging– Rainbow was comforting Fluttershy, speaking to her softly and caressing her hair.

“I… I have to go.” I spoke plainly, putting my phone away.

“Sunset.” Rainbow stopped me, looking me eye to eye. “If it helps, I think you might want to see this decision as…” She fidgeted a bit, considering her words. “...Which Twilight do you want to hurt the least…?”

Oh that doesn’t help at all, thanks a lot, Rainbow Dash. Thanks a million, bud.

“G-good luck. I hope you stay…” Was all Fluttershy could mutter before her girl hugged her again, much to her comfort.

With an exhale, I forced myself to turn and leave.

That pain of separation, I needed it.

Pinkie was my best friend in this group after Twilight– She had been, for a really long time.

The thing is… I never would have expected that, either. Back when I was the #1 bitch of CHS, Pinkie was one of the humans that annoyed me the most here. Hyperactive, imposing, always peppy, it was just utterly frustrating to be around. But the thing is, when you’re at your lowest, and a peppy, cute, friendly girl actually greets you with a genuine smile…?

Yeah. Pinkie was the first one to really forgive me, and to give me a chance at that school, and it wasn’t just a ploy. She got me closer with the whole group, and we had a lot of fun together. A very unlikely duo, but I suppose our group was full of those.

I hoped that she would be exactly what I needed before having to inevitably talk to Twilight about this. After all– Above else, Pinkie liked having me around. Maybe the potential of breaking that dork’s heart would be a good convincer for me, and what's more, a tie breaker.

But as I walked to our favorite spot, a shiver went up my spine.

If both Applejack and Rainbow could have chosen what I didn’t expect…


Me and Pinkie’s favorite spot is this little fair that always took place above a boardwalk at the beach– We’re still close to the city, so it’s easy to get to, plus we can either get no sand at all on us, coming from the sidewalks, or visit during a beach day! There’s always all sorts of games and fun snacks– In fact, this was where less than a week ago, I won that bizarre Manticore plushie for my girlfriend.

The fair was over, everyone was packing up– The boardwalk was near empty now. Fine by me.

And the sun was covered in clouds– But the light broke through, in the ocean, I could see those rays bathing the coast, and reaching far into the horizon, even if I was covered in shadow.

As I walked by that boardwalk, I just distracted myself by watching seagulls, observing the dimming number of people still at the beach on a saturday, all the vendors packing up and leaving, and, in the distance, ships traveling across the water.

For a brief moment, my mind went back to that disastrous spring break, long ago. That brief moment where two Twilights– The most important people in my life– met.

I exhaled.

There really wasn’t any way to finish this without hurting one of them.

Sometimes I missed Equestrian magic problems. It’s so much easier when you can face something head on, punch it or just blast it with friendship magic.

But what was I going to do, blast myself? There was nothing to break, nothing to fight.

It was just me.

My eyes widened a little, and hearing was just fine; My senses were ready. In a mere split second, I turned my body, opened my arms, and took in the full force of a Pinkie Pie hug.

Yeah that’s right. I’ve trained for many reasons, but a skill that I have learned to master, above many, is Pinkie detection. I can practically smell that girl trying to sneak up on me.

“Hey, Pink!” I tried saying, with a mouthful of her hair in my face.

“HI SUNSUN! I missed you!! I got us ice cream, here you go!!” She said, with the widest smile, handing me a multicolored popsicle, one my stomach immediately begged me to digest. And begrudgingly, I accepted, because I knew it’d make Pinkie sad if I didn’t.

We walked together on that boardwalk, and I ate that ice cream a bit too desperately. I didn’t even process the taste, I just let it fuel me.

For a moment, it was almost like any of our hangouts. I could have easily pretended it was one, too.

But no.

“Follow me!” I started leading the way to the end of the boardwalk, and she followed, despite wanting to be distracted by our surroundings. One thing I’ve learned about Pinkie, especially after being stuck in a time loop with her, is that she’s like a puppy– If you want her to follow, you have to lead.

As I took a much needed bite of that ice cream, she intertwined one of her arms with mine, and happily gushed about her day, and I just listened– Well, fairly, I was a bit distracted.

Allow me to indulge myself on one final Bisexual sidebar. Pinkie Pie is incredibly soft; And yet, incredibly agile. She’s the best hugger you’ll ever meet, and she is more than aware of that fact, and quite willing to prove you wrong if you attempt to challenge her on it. Not only can she pull off a surprising amount of looks by sheer confidence alone, I dare say her cuteness uplifts them. And most important of all: Her tummy is really, really kissable. I have contained myself an insurmountable amount of times on doing so– But I have no doubt she’d let me, we’re just close friends like that.

One thing that’s really important about her: Remember when I mentioned that touching Twilight is like being near a fireplace, considering the way she feels when she’s near me?

Touching Pinkie, to me, is akin to touching a massage chair. That’s the best I can explain on how her emotions are always bursting to the surface, and they’re all usually joy-adjacent.

We made it to the end of the boardwalk, far from the beach, far from the city, and most importantly at this hour; Private. The sound of waves crashing softly nearby was the main thing we heard, outside of the occasional laughter of the beach, or the sounds of traffic in the city.

I took a seat on one of the benches there, still devouring my ice cream, and she sat right next to me, delighting herself in the same way.

“And then I told the guy; ‘hey buddy, I don’t work here– But I’m pretty sure that’s a soap dispenser!!”

I suppressed a chuckle so as to not choke on what I was eating. “Did he keep slapping it?!”

Giggling, she waved her arms around. “YEAH!! HE BROKE IT! Soap just went flying everywhere! A couple of people slipped on it, I had to grab a mop and help out–”

I shook my head, still smiling. The moment I finished that ice cream, it was go time. “---And you didn’t even work there– Wow Pink, you’re too good. I woulda bolted.”

She dramatically flipped her hair around, almost in an impression of Rarity. “I am simply too caring for my own good!!”

I nodded, consuming the last bite of that ice cream, time was up, and I needed to spill the beans.

“Pink.” I said, finishing licking the ice cream stick, and motioning for her to stop. “I want to tell you about the party.”

Naturally, she didn’t calm down, she brought her fists closer, with a toothy smile, and nodded emphatically, looking at me intently. “Oh my gosh it must have been so good!!! Tell me everything!!”

Nodding, I kept holding the now dry Popsicle stick in my hand. Pinkie had already devoured her ice cream, so she had no distraction, Scratching the back of my head, I tried placing my thoughts in the correct order, tried once again organizing what I’d say.

Here goes nothing. For all the marbles. “The party was fine. Honestly at this point I barely remember any of it. Celestia invited me there personally to go with Princess Twilight as her plus one.”

Of course, she went “Ohhhh” doing funny pensive faces. I stayed on track.

“But there was a reason for them inviting me. Celestia wanted to see me personally, to be able to tell me… Princess Twilight had been really anxious about her upcoming solo rule in Equestria, and because of it, she was looking to find someone else to rule alongside her.”

Pinkie’s eyes widened, and for once, she wasn’t smiling. She looked at the floor, and muttered words I wasn’t expecting. “She wants you… Doesn’t she?”

I was surprised; Not that much, but still surprised. Pinkie was the first one that pieced it together before I explained it. “...Yeah. She said I’m uniquely qualified, not only because I was the first pupil of Celestia, not only because of how much I grew since, but because–”

“--Because she loves you...” My pink friend let out a sad smile, looking back at me, and this time I was surprised. Who was the mind reader here?

That look of shock stayed in my face, I wanted to ask “How’d you guess?” but…

Pinkie started fidgeting with her fingers while pensively looking at the boardwalk, letting out a sigh. “It just makes a lot of sense, you know? You already love a Twilight, and you were talking to the Princess nearly everyday, and not just that, much like us, she got to see you change so much in real time… Of course she’d fall for you. I’m not surprised at all, you’re the cool punk chick of friendship! A-and gosh, going through so much responsibility alone…!”

I felt a lump on my throat and nodded. “Yeah, she… She said it was perfect. Like destiny. And I can’t help but agree– The successful pupil redeeming and uplifting the failed pupil, and then…”

“...Two Princesses?” Pinkie tilted her head, completing my thoughts.

All I could do was nod silently. She kept fidgeting, with a tensed up jaw, and I could tell her brain was working overdrive. It took a little bit before she spoke.

“...You’re in love with both Twilights… aren't you…?”

“...Well of course I am.” I confessed implicitly, clutching that dry popsicle stick while I explained. “I already loved a Twilight completely. I’ve never been happier than with my girl, it’s just so perfect, you know…? It’s only natural that I’d love the other– And that's not all, she… The Princess saved me. She changed me– She changed everything about my life. I’m only here now because of her. I only got to fall in love with my Twilight… Because of her. I always thought about somehow repaying her… It felt impossible. But it isn’t. This would be everything. Going with her… It would be everything to me. Just… Me and her, eternal.”

Confession is meant to relieve a burden, but it sure as hell didn’t. I hated that I felt this way so definitively. “And now, well… If I leave this world, not only do I hurt you girls, but… Twilight, she… I haven’t told her yet. But it’s a pretty easy guess that she would be devastated…” I feared, with every fiber of my being, hurting her.

She quietly nodded, still fidgeting a bunch, I could tell that she was torn about it, but clearly trying to maintain her Pinkie composure. Her voice failed a little. “So… What are you going to do?” There was a bit of… Hope in her voice? Or maybe trust? I don’t know.

“I don’t fucking know!” I chuckled nervously, covering my face with one hand. “I’ve been trying my best to think this over for the entire day– I visited the other girls too– Both Rarity and Fluttershy think I should stay, while AJ and Rainbow think I should go. I’m fucked! I have no idea what the hell I should do!!”

“O-oh gosh, I’m the tiebreaker?!” Pinkie got clearly a bit more stressed, fidgeting with her own hair.

“Yeah!! But honestly I don’t think this voting thing was a good idea at ALL. I just wanted to not have to make this decision myself– I’m clearly unfit for it, I’m a MESS– but if not me, what the fuck, right?!” I waved my hands nervously, completely unsure.

She got really quiet, turned to the floor, and I just continued. “And god, right before college, too; All of you were so excited, I was so excited, but now all I can think of is how I’d be leaving this incredible opportunity pass me by, I’m so FUCKED! AGH!”

Slumping forward, I felt all those frustrations from the past day in every corner of my body.

And I just waited for Pinkie to say anything.

I just wanted her to convince me to stay.

“Sunset… What do you want…?”

That question was heavy. It hurt. I remained slumped forward, shaking my head. “I don’t want to hurt Twilight. I couldn’t, she– She doesn’t deserve it. She deserves so much better than this.” Even the vaguest imagery popping in my mind of my girlfriend crying was grounds to send me into hysterics, berzerk, even. More than once, before and during our relationship, if anything threatened to upset her, I dealt with it immediately, with extreme prejudice. But considering that I would hurt her like this? I was devastated.

Shaking her head, her voice felt a little stuttery– I couldn’t remember if I had ever heard Pinkie like this. She was probably suppressing tears.

“That’s what you don’t want. Sunset, what do you want? Really?”

With a defeated sigh, I leaned back on the bench, grimacing, nearly cracking that popsicle stick with my grip. I waved my hands with every word.

“I… I want… I want to be a princess so bad…! I want to have wings! I want to have magic again, real Equestrian magic, I want to live a thousand years with the Princess of Friendship, and I want to do it right– I want to have Celestia in my life again, I want to have my parents in my life again!!” Saying all that felt like vomiting, or like bursting a hole in the wall of a dam.

I didn’t even know how much I wanted all of those things until I said them.

“But– But I don’t want to hurt Twilight. Either of them.” I shook my head, gritting my teeth.

Pinkie spoke softly, almost like she was tiptoeing around the words– And it garnered my attention immediately. “...And I want you to be happy.”

My eyes widened, almost with anger, as I looked at her directly. “No. don’t say it.”

“Sunset… I think maybe–” She fidgeted, looking away.

“Don’t say it!” I got closer, begging her not to go there.

But she did. “I think maybe you should go!”

“H-how– Why– How could you say that?!?! WHY?!!” It was almost like she wanted me gone– Pinkie, of all people, I was justifiably upset.

“I--I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY, OKAY?!!” She shouted that almost apologetically– And I couldn’t blame her, Pinkie wanted all of her friends to be happy, above everything. Even me.
Especially me.

I did speak a bit too loudly, confrontationally, as I waved my hands at the city. “I would be happy here!!!”

“--But you’d be happier there, wouldn’t you…?” She spoke that softly, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I leaned back on the chair, pointing my head at the sky in defeat, and god, did I feel awful. I felt awful because she was right. “I… I don't know.” I lied.

“Yes you do.” She saw through it, of course.

“I… I haven't decided yet.” I lied again.

“Yes you have.” She saw through it, easily, again.

I let out a groan, as I sat back up, immensely frustrated. She shook her head, her eyes were tearing up, but she leaned on me and touched my arm.

And she did it on purpose, so I could feel how she felt. She felt incredibly sad to see me go– She was so, so frustrated that this had to happen.

…But she accepted it.

“L-look, it’s not like I want my best friend to go away– To leave me and my other friends. That’s the last thing I want!!” She was apologetic, shaking a little bit. But there was a ‘but’ incoming, I could tell.

“B-but I want you to be happy!! You deserve to be happy!!” She finished.


No I fucking don’t.

“S-so if my bestie wants to go back home and be a Princess, t-that's what she should do. A-and she is going to be G-GREAT at it!!” Her words failed her, and she pulled me into a hug.

Embracing her felt incredibly strange. How the hell was she endorsing this? How could she? This was awful. I was awful. What I was considering doing was awful.

And she was okay with it.

God fucking damnit.

That Ice cream turned on my stomach.

“No.” I said, pushing her away gently, but keeping the closeness. “This isn’t right.” I completed.

I fished out my phone, stammering a little bit. “I-I… I need a couple more opinions, I think–” The words were failing me, and Pinkie just regarded me with pity– Pinkie Pie, of all people was looking at me with PITY. How the hell did this happen?

“I should ask what Flash thinks about this– Maybe call Vignette Valencia too– Oh and Trixie! Trixie would definitely want to give her two scents on this. Maybe I should even call Maud!! She always has unbiased takes–”

“--Sunset. The longer you stall, the worse it’ll be.” Pinkie said that, with a definitive tone, and I stopped.

Painfully, excruciatingly painfully, she was right.

I let out a frail exhale…

…And called Twilight.

“H-hey, Twi… Can we meet up? I want to talk.”

Author's Note:

What, did you think I'd write a slowburn?

Nah that's not my thing. move forward, incredibly forward, no seatbelt. Two chapters left!

But I think I'll take a break, even if i know exactly what I want to make the ending, I want to write some more of the other fic I'm working on, Across the Shimmerverse :)

I hope you enjoyed so far though!