• Published 29th Apr 2024
  • 2,721 Views, 481 Comments

Universal Language - David Silver

First Contact. It was all over the news, how could it not be? A station could be heard, if one tuned into the right AM station. It played on repeat. It came from outside this world. Was it in peace? What did it mean?

  • ...

2 - First Contact

Cindy stood in silence, alone, waiting in a wide grassy field, surrounded by tall trees. It was a warm, clear day. She knew she wouldn't be alone for long, but her nerves were shot. She took in slow breaths, held them, and let them out in steady streams, doing all she could to reach that stillness of mind she was searching for. She had no idea how busy a lot of the rest of the world was becoming.

She had told not a single soul what she had seen. Who would she tell? Her five followers on TwixBook? Nah, that was a special moment she could keep to herself. So far, the only proof was her memory. They had surely arrived though, and she was eager to see them for real. Would they be giant? Smaller? Round like puffy marshmallows? What color? Did they have arms or tentacles? She giggled as her imagination ran wild with possibilities. "I don't think they're mean." Would mean ones just peek like that? And not respond to the angry bird attack? No, probably alright as aliens went, even if they preferred a nice lunch of two rocks and a poem to finish it off.

Cindy snorted at her thoughts, but her stomach churned with unease all the same, especially when she looked up and could see a plane soaring past, a military one raising higher and higher into the sky on engines that screamed out of sync with the actual image of it. "Life is changing."

"This is the picture." The soldier waved to an image on the wall of the spacecraft leisurely floating there with stars for a background. "Since the first satellite caught a picture of it, entirely by accident, we've been monitoring it. It has been hovering steadily. Readings say it's keeping itself there intentionally, though what uses for propulsion, unknown. We've ruled out radiation, chemical propellants, and light."

The higher-ranked officer raised a brow. "Light?"

"Only feasible for light craft, Sir, but light is usable as a propulsion, especially away from large gravity sources." He tapped at the spaceship with his ruler. "We couldn't immediately rule out a ship of alien origin may be using it better than we would."

The ranking commander steepled his fingers. "How can we be sure this isn't something from China, or Russia? Both have been making noises about increasing their space game. I'd hate to think they've raced this far ahead of us."

"Sir, every telescope, radio array, radar and satellite is pointing at it, and it hasn't moved a single inch." The soldier pulled out some papers, laying them out on the table so both men could see them. "Every reading implies whatever it is, it's not made using any technique we have on this good green planet." He sighed gently. "I hate to say this, Sir, but, for once, it is aliens."

The commander turned his head and regarded the photo with a stoic eye. "Goddamn it. Aliens." He blinked a few times and turned to the other man. "This is already out of my hands. I'm putting it into your hands to get that ship, whatever it is, landed and contained. This is a hell of a first real mission, but we've been paying for you to be prepared. Are you ready?"

The third man saluted sharply. "The USSF is ready, Sir. I'll get this briefing to the CO immediately." He stood sharply. "Thank you for the briefing, Sir." He marched from the room with purpose.

Fluttershy cleared her throat softly. "My name is Fluttershy, and I am very happy to meet you, um. Can we be friends?" She paused a moment, and a voice repeated back to her. It wasn't hers, and it wasn't in Ponish either. She nodded along with each word and clapped her hooves at the final syllable. "Perfect!" She slapped a hoof down, getting the terminal glowing and humming.

With her ear folded back, she concentrated on her work, typing and adjusting with the touchpad and various switches as needed, one hoof on the microphone, ready to repeat her lines to the device. Each time she spoke, the recording picked up on her voice patterns and adjusted itself, making her job easier. Soon enough, she had it parsing English to the alien language.

An hour passed before she had it working to her satisfaction. She pressed the intercom button. "Captain, Sir. I think we're ready."

"Wooey!" Applejack could be heard moving around. "That's the best news ah heard all week! Any idea how bulky it'll be to carry 'round? We'll look kinda funny if we have to lug a big ole' thin' around."

Fluttershy had a blush on her face as she shifted in place. "Oh, it should only be an implant, Captain."

Rainbow chuckled at her captain. "Can I get mine as an earring, 'Shy?"

Fluttershy inclined her head. "That would be fine." A chorus chimed up with other ponies also opting for the earring, which seemed to be all of them. "Well, alright. I'll, um, give me a moment and I'll get it ready."

Applejack smiled gently as she pushed from the control panel to let Fluttershy do her work, calling into the intercom, "Alright y'all, let's be civilized 'bout this. Flutters needs her space ta work, so let's stay clear till she tells us we can come back. But now's a fine time to be ready! We're gonna be the first Equestrians these aliens will be layin' their peepers on! They may be scared, or excited, or both! Ah know ah'm feelin' some of each. Be strong for them. Don't be pushin'. Don't be yellin', but we are the representatives of Equestria! Show 'em a good pony welcome."

"Ya got me? When that hatch opens, it's all on us. Now's a good time to be meditatin'." With that, she settled with a small smile and did just that, reaching to turn off the intercom on her side. Her peaceful thoughts were interrupted with the ship jostled, sending her drifting out into the hallway as if it were empty, the door swinging shut behind her. "Whoops. Looks like Pinkie was payin' attention too."

Pinkie shrugged, apparently also casually tossed into the hallway. "Wasn't me!" She swam to a button. "Anypony know what happened?"

Fluttershy called out a shaky response, "There is a small vessel attached to the port side. I think we were, um, boarded?"

Rainbow called out. "We weren't expecting company this fast, so be careful everypony! If it's dangerous, they don't know we're friendly yet and they probably aren't visiting for the fun of it."

Fortunately, the astronauts climbing aboard the ship were a mix of civilian and military purposes. The civilians were gawking in amazement at every little blinking light they could see. "Sir, this is—This is amazing! Please put away your gun, Sir."

"I'll put this away when we know it's safe, which we do not." The ranking officer glared around, cut off by his thick spacesuit with only his rifle to feel comfort with.

A hand settled on his shoulder. "Sir." Another soldier. "We don't know how thick or tough these walls are. Putting a hole in them could end up throwing us into the void, Sir."

The commanding officer weighed his options and slowly lowered his gun, instead reaching for his combat knife, so rarely used in any real battle. "Stay frosty. We don't know what's in there."

"We don't know what's in there," repeated a civilian with far more enthusiasm. "We should be friendly, and hope they are in return."

Another civilian nodded. "If they came to pick a fight, we're probably already dead. Forcing a dock with them has them storming here, ready to do terrible things." Despite their dark words, they pushed against the walls, floating down the hallway. "Let's meet them."

The armed soldier scowled to himself in his helmet, glancing over to another as they went. "Don't let them out of your sight. If one moves suspiciously, stop them. They may get us all killed, the way they're acting. Keep to the plan." His partner nodded silently, turning her body towards the way they were moving instead of just turning her head as the others had been.

He was glad to have one he trusted so close. The others were clearly enjoying themselves.

A strange note, alien words spoken in alien ways reached them from around a corner. There was a moment of quiet, then a faintly artificial human voice, if lyrical in tone, "Hello, we are just as scared as you probably are. We would like to be friends."

One of the military burst into laughter when he heard the call for peace, his tension defeated by the musical plea for harmony. "I'd like that too."

As if she heard that and was responding, Fluttershy peeked out from around the corner, her equine ears quivering at the strange aliens before her. "Hello," she muttered in Ponish, just for that artificial voice to repeat it in English. "You understand me?"

"I don't," said one of the humans, but they quickly threw up their hands and gave an awkward smile as if apologizing.

Fluttershy understood the meaning and smiled at the playful banter. "You don't appear like any of the creatures we scanned. Um, no offense. I'm sure you're all wonderful examples of your species."

The head military man pushed to the front. "You will tell us why you're here, floating over us. What are your intentions?"

"I'm just here to talk to the new neighbors and see if we can be friendly," replied Fluttershy with a pleasant tone and a warm, almost dreamy expression. "We've come from very far away in the hopes of not being alone anymore." She offered a hoof towards all the humans. "Did we, um, succeed?"

The soldier's commanding officer opened his mouth to reply, but found he had no answer to that, because Fluttershy had left him without words. Her eyes were so captivating, so intense that he could only stare into them. Not to mention what she was offering was an end of an age, and a start of a new one.

A civilian brushed past him, gently grasping the offered hoof between his gloved hands and shaking gently. "It is a delight to meet you. What is your name?" From that angle, he could see that Fluttershy had wings, a clear surprise by how he jumped. "Are you an avian? Silly question, I bet your world has wildly different taxonomies."

Fluttershy froze a moment, nodding her head along to words she could hear. "I'm sorry, but I didn't understand all of that. Um." She spread her wings out. "I can fly, if that's what you were asking."

Applejack's voice whispered in Fluttershy's ear, "You okay over there? Want us to come help? We're here for ya!"

"I'm doing very well, Captain," Fluttershy said with a smile, stepping out and away from the corner she was hiding behind. "The others are very nice, but I, uh, I think we should all talk together. Maybe in the lounge? I'll bring them to the lounge. They want to be friends too. Oh! I was supposed to ask." She cleared her throat, a strange noise. "Would you like to meet all of us in the lounge, for a friendly, um, breakfast? I can't promise our diets are entirely compatible, but please accept in the good will it is offered."

The commanding officer finally remembered his duty. "Hold on, that sounds like a bad idea. We need to get answers." He held up a hand for patience and being still. "You spend countless billions of dollars zooming through space, just to say hello?" He stared hard at her with a firm grimace. "What are you going to do? Land and say hello? Pick apples? Ride horses? Have some tea and biscuits and giggle about our similarities? Do you really have nothing else in your ship but aliens who want to be nice?"

Fluttershy inclined her head at the nervous human in a spacesuit. "Most of those sound lovely. Ride what?" She rubbed her ear with a hoof, as if to get her translator to work better. "We really are here to be nice. Hopefully, our people can exchange cultural and scientific advancements to help one another. That would be, um, wonderful." She clapped her hooves together with a smile, taking care not to show off her teeth, flat as most of them were. "So, do you want to go to the lounge for breakfast?"

The commanding officer made an annoyed growl deep in his chest, only held back by the suit he had on. "Alright, I'm coming in and you're going to start talking." He waved for the others to proceed, though he need only cease his attempts to slow them down as they swarmed ahead to marvel at the friendly alien that was inviting them further inside the vessel.

One of them, a civilian, was gently petting along her leg, which Fluttershy was allowing. "We are not, naturally, this bulbous. We're wearing suits to protect us from unknown and hostile environments. We don't know if your air is safe. We don't know what sorts of microbes you may be carrying. Even if you don't mean to hurt us, being careless could get us both seriously hurt, or killed."

"Oh my." Flutteshy backed a step, wings flapping. "Am I in danger?" She gasped quietly as a small screen on her wrist lit up. "Ah! Um, please, wait just a moment while I fetch my suit. I'm sorry, but I should have realized. I'm so thoughtless." She turned to hurry away.

"Wait." Another one, a military one, was shaking his head. "Not much point now. You're already past the danger point. The suits are as clean as we can get them until we put them on. You're probably okay?" He didn't sound sure, but how could he be? "Tell your friends to suit up though."

"Good idea." Fluttershy flicked an ear, turning it on. "Applejack, everypony, you should get into your suits. We don't know if our friends have any nasty bugs that could hurt them, or us. For everycreature's safety, please, suits." She turned back to the group with an uneasy smile. "Please excuse the delay." She pointed. "I'll be right back!"

She turned to walk, and promptly smacked into a wall and fell onto her haunches with a quiet cry, rubbing her head with a wince. "I miss gravity." She pushed off the wall, soaring down the hallway properly that time.

Author's Note:

Welcome, Equestrians. You've established a basic first contact. It's all smooth sailing from here! Yep, don't see a typo in sight.

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