• Member Since 27th Jun, 2023
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I'm not the DJ or the guy from EastEnders. I am the brony, skater and the fanfic character one.


Rainbow Dash and Twilight, the enigmatic mares of Ponyville, stood out from the crowd with their gothic allure, their bond forged in the depths of shared darkness and intrigue. Together, they sought out adventure, delving into the mysteries that lurked in the shadows, their hearts beating as one in the embrace of their shared interests.

Rainbow Dash found herself caught in a struggle of self-expression. While toughness came naturally to her, fashion and accessories were never her strong suits. Yet, since last night, she grappled with an internal conflict, torn between maintaining her tough exterior and revealing the depths of her affection for Twilight. Would she find the courage to break free from her self-imposed constraints and express her love for Twilight in all its darkness and beauty?

I've been fighting with myself, so that this One-Shot doesn't become another Multi-Chapter-Fic. This "Saga", so to speak called "Gothic Twidash“, contains mostly gothic Horror. Not only will there be horror, there is also slice of life like this: A little of everything. :rainbowwild:

Japanese version: https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=21963437

German Version: https://www.fanfiktion.de/s/661c19b5000f4d922f18abf7/1/Unsere-chemische-Romanze

Spanish version coming soon.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

Never thought I'd see Rainbow of all ponies being a goth, and yet.....she would be an absolutely adorable one at that! :rainbowkiss:

I wonder what made Dash decide to hide her gothic side in the first place, It makes sense that revealing it now would change a lot of opinions that she values a great deal, but it feels like something happened in the past that snowballed into the "upbeat and outgoing" personality becoming a permanent mask.

Obvious answer might be childhood bullies, that's always a safe (but boring) bet. We could rule out home life considering how comically supportive her parents are at all times. Perhaps it has something to do with the expectations of a wonderbolt? Like perhaps Rainbow thought that they wouldn't take her seriously if they saw that part of her, and hid away anything that would deter her chances of joining the ranks of her idols.

But the thing that I really would like to know is how she got into the gothic scene to begin with. Wouldn't be surprised if it had to do with Gilda, but I'm all for a left-field possibility like helping Fluttershy test the waters a bit when hey were younger, but then she abandons it in favor of caring for animals while Rainbow stays fascinated by the aesthetic/culture.

And the final question of the day (not that it needs to be answered):
Does this version of Rainbow know Moonlight Raven?

Dear Author,

This isn't personally directed at you (or at least only slightly directed at you), but rather at the fandom as a whole, and I just needed a place to rant. I have no blog or page or anything, so I can't see that there's any other way to do this than to make it a comment on someone else's story. So, please don't take offense. Though, I'd welcome your replies.

What is it with these stories people write constantly and overwhelmingly all the time? Why are there so many homosexual romances? Between straight and gay, why is it better to be gay? I mean, most people from English-speaking nations are Christian, and Christianity expressly forbids homosexuality and calls it a perversion. So why does everybody just accept it like it's normal? Why does nobody out of all the people who are on this site say, "I dislike homosexuality, I don't read homosexual stories", even though that's what some of us actually do?

And what's with all these other weird things that people love to praise? Why do people like to write about characters who beat everything with no challenge? Trying to be that sort of person is no way to live. Why does everybody write stories where their self-insert marries Rainbow Dash or Twilight or Princess Celestia? Dudes, you wouldn't have a chance with them, and you know that. Instead of writing a story where some character you admire is in love with you for no reason that you give other than being awesome, wouldn't it be better to try to understand that character and what would make her love you?

And why do people make fics about being accepted for what they like, when what they like is hurting them? Why is 'tolerance' the slogan of the day? What's so great about tolerance? Isn't that word just used to make people shut up about how they actually feel and to allow the people who use it to feel good about themselves? Sure, people should respect one another's beliefs, but why does nobody respect a certain category of beliefs? Aren't people who dislike, say, tattoos allowed to write about the evils of tattoos? Everybody's an evangelist, but only for the causes that nobody will speak out against.

And what's with HiE fics? Do you really think that randomly turning up in Equestria will solve all your problems? The only place you can truly find happiness is in yourself and your actions. If you were in Equestria, you'd still be miserable. Face your problems, don't run from them: that's the only way to be happy.

And what's with all these random adventure stories that go on and on and on for hours and say absolutely nothing? I don't care about your artifacts and your imposing villains and your heroes who have everything fall out for them perfectly just because. And you people who write those stories, you don't care, either, do you? You're just copying what other people do. There's no truth or heart or passion in your words. Speak to me from your heart, and I will listen, Show me who you are, and I will understand. What other use is there in writing? Even if we are imperfect and contradictory, and I the most imperfect of all, shouldn't we speak our heart, rather than pretending to be something we're not?

That's all. I'm not better than you. I know you might hate me for this. I know it might be inappropriate to put it here. That's alright. I don't blame you. But, I'm done being fake. I hate living in a world where everybody is fake. The above is a story about coming out as who you truly are, and that's what I'm doing here.

Now gird up your loins and be real, too.

Super cute 1 shot :twilightsmile:

I think you need to understand that I had this story in mind to be simple and short, more than anything, to practice my skills at telling short stories with a satisfying ending.

I didn't want to go into too much detail, because then I would end up with more than 10,000 words, as usually happens to me.,:facehoof:

Also, I think Rainbow Dash explained within the story why she hides her gothic side. Remember that Rainbow Dash, when it comes to fashion and stuff, is not her thing. You will tell me that in the show she wears dresses without any problem, like at the Grand Galloping Gala, but the situation required it, and it's not because she really liked it.

The fact that Rainbow Dash was dressed in a gothic way because she likes it would be something totally unexpected for all of Mane 6, well, except Twilight, because in this story she is gothic too, but Twilight, unlike Rainbow Dash, is not ashamed to show it because she feels confident in herself. I may be wrong in what I said, my memory is very terrible, I have seen MLP several times, but I can still forget details, I even forget my age sometimes. :twilightblush:

About Moonlight. I'm not sure, but I would really like to add Moonlight Raven; she is beautiful. I didn't really have this saga planned too much; I'm working on a much bigger project than this.

Hell's bells :twilightoops: I did not expect a comment like this. If you wanted to talk about these topics, you would have made a forum in the shipping groups or in the romance is magic group. People generally do not comment on my stories, so it is difficult for them to read what you wrote, but I still appreciate that you took the trouble, and I will make sure that your long comment was not written in vain.

That depends on who you ask; in my case, I do it because I like lesbian romances, not to follow "trends" or anything like that. (I also enjoy Yuri, which also inspires me to write these stories.) I'm straight, and seeing two girls being a couple is something that I really love to write about. I don't know how to describe it in words; it's something that's just about taste, and that's it. I'm not trying to say that being gay is better; no, not at all; those are simply tastes.

What I do not like are romance stories between two male characters. I mean, a story can have homosexual male characters, but if that is the main focus, most likely, I am not going to read it; it has to have an interesting story behind it so that it is enjoyable for someone like me to read it, and I don't say anything about those stories because easily, if you don't like it, you ignore it. If I were to comment, "I don't like this story, simply because it has Big Mac and Shining Armor Fucking," I would not be contributing anything to the author.

You mean the Mary Sues/Gary Stu stories? Those stories are mostly written for the author to satisfy his fantasies; that's one reason why I don't read stories that have "OC" tags in them. For people like me, it can be too cringeworthy or enjoyable; it depends on how it is presented in the history.
I admit that I have also written stories like those where I insert myself, and I have a romance with some of the ponies. For some, it may be cringeworthy, but for me, it is to "fulfill a fantasy" and share it with the world. You have every right to say that those stories can be cringeworthy, and I understand it perfectly. In my Chronicles, where I am the protagonist, I am trying to make it less cringe-worthy as possible and create an interesting plot. I have learned during these months that I have been writing that I have I made a lot of mistakes when writing that story, and it felt too much like some elements were only there to be the "author's fantasy." When I take that story again, I will make sure to fix it so that not all the female characters I meet will fall in love with me.
I have been in three relationships with girls in real life; one abandoned me, another lied to me, and another also abandoned me to go with another guy. I suffered a lot during those times. I'm not saying this to make you feel sorry for me, it's just one of the influential reasons that led me to write that story. That is why writing my chronicles was like a way to escape from cruel reality, and surely many other authors write auto-inserts of this kind for similar reasons. It is a way to escape from reality, a break from the cruel world outside. But now that I've overcome those times, I now focus more on not just putting my fantasies there just because, but rather that they are complemented with a good story.

I do not hate you, and I have no reason to delete your comment or block you. From everything I have read, you are only expressing yourself, and if my story in some way influenced you to be yourself, I am glad that my story has been "helpful" for someone.

Ah, sorry if this came across the wrong way, I was more wondering aloud than anything. It's the mark of a good story if it leaves the audience thinking about it after. I didn't mean to imply that you should make it longer than you wanted to or add details that don't pertain to what you wanted to write.

As for the "why she hides it" bit, the better way for me to ask aloud would have been: When did she decide to start hiding her gothic side to the point nopony knew about it? (again, wondering aloud, this story doesn't need to answer that question as it stands well without it)

Comment posted by Box-Corner deleted April 15th

Thanks for being nice.

That comment really hardly had anything to do with you; it was just three years worth of pent up frustration and self-repression being let off in the span of a page. But my God, I needed to get that off my chest.

I had kind of suspected that most of the people who write gay romances don't do it because they're gay themselves. I don't know why people would like that stuff. No, I know why. People think way too much about sex and how they can play around with it, and far too little about love- and I know that that makes you miserable from experience. I hardly have a right to give you advice when it comes to romance, but, maybe try to find someone who values love very highly. Somebody who's less interested in what she can get out of it and more interested in what the both of you can get out of it.

I've never been one for self-inserts. But I can't say they're bad exactly. It's just that most people who write them are unskilled, and make things too easy on themselves. It kinda reminds me of something I used to do. I would read terrible stories just to feel good about myself because I could write better than that. What a loser move! But it was easier than facing the fact that I wasn't the great author I thought I had to be. There are two ways to escape your problems using stories. One is to pretend that things are different than they actually are in way that makes everything okay. The other is to use the story to confront and overcome your problems. Many people choose the former. And it doesn't help. That's what I meant.

You're a pretty good writer. I got frustrated by the title and description, but when I actually read your story I was surprised by how eloquent you are. There were moments where I could nod along and say, "Yeah, I've been there." So, I'll give you one piece of advice: You can only write a story with an effective moral/theme if you believe in that moral enough to live it. It's the easiest thing in the world to write a hero's journey, but few are actually willing to take those lessons to heart, and that's why their stories feel shallow. So, go be your own hero. And thank you.

I get it, I mean, I could definitely make a story answering that question, although, to be completely honest, I just made Rainbow Dash and Twilight goths in this story because I REALLY love goth/emo girls/mares and I wanted to make two of them, my favorite mane 6 that way, I needed a conflict for this story, as I explained before, Rainbow Dash is known for her competitive and often strong attitude, fashion has never been her thing.

I could do a backstory, I have no problems, it is a good suggestion that I will take into account. (I'm terrible at organizing my time, so I don't know when I feel like writing it, plus I'm working on other stories)

And thanks to you for commenting and express how you feel about, every comment I receive I am very grateful, specially if it is about the story, people don't comment on my stories because, they think I'm going to bite them or something? I don't know, I have a hard time understanding people sometimes.

Hope to see you around here again. :pinkiehappy:

If that's something you want to do I support it! and that also goes for any stories you are writing/planning on even if you change your mind.

I'm sure you already know this but it goes out to anyone else reading this who's in a creative field or hobby:

Make sure it's something you WANT to create, not something that you feel obligated to simply because others want you to create something for them (I understand that commissions and jobs are different, I am referring to non-paying requests)

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