• Member Since 25th Oct, 2014
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After an unfortunate turn of events, Spike is turned into an earth pony. However, it soon becomes apparent that this turn of events was staged.

Inspired by Curse of the Werepony by dlazerous, but, goes in a different direction.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 94 )

Pretty good so far.

Guessing this is what Spike looks like as a pony (minus the horn and cutie mark of course):


Between this and you mentioning a Moonrise Dazzle special coming during season 4, will there be a special after every season (whether it be in the pony world or even the human world after season 4)?

Certainly a interesting idea.
Shame the actual franchise only did this concept in some foreign book

This looks neat. And interesting to see Spike adapt to his new form. Since he's been around ponies his whole life he knows their behaviors and such. But now he has to learn about being one physically.

And with fangs and his draconic eyes.

Not sure on the second question.

VERY little I can say other than really good job on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up here. Definitely understood Spike being clumsier as a pony than he is as a dragon as well as appreciated the mention of the dart, the discussions of courses of action and Twilight deciding to help out even when she's sick because Spike's well-being is more important than her own.

I am most certainly going to be looking forward to more of this.

This is interesting, a nice filler story until S3 comes out. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for this

Great chapter. I guess Spike will adapted new form. Which season where Trixie become main character?

Trixie will be a main character in season six onwards.

Thanks. Do you think Mr. Jinshu will be do as Ember's counselor?

Jinshu and Ember live in different regions.

Have we already met whoever did this to Spike in one of the previous seasons?

Understandable, thank you.

I have some theories, hehe

Here’s a hint: it’s a character that Spike and all six Guardians hold in contempt.

Yeah Spike's going through a whole lot shifting between forms the pain has got to be unbearable

That’s an understatement.

“A dart?” Luna gasped. “Then, this wasn’t an accident. Another creature planned this!”

Who was the one firing the dart?

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that Prince Blueblood was the one who fired the dart that turned Spike into a werepony. Considering he probably blames Spike for causing him to lose his nobility status and thrown in a dungeon, it does add up.

Do you think Mane Six and Spike meet Longma?

Another really well-done chapter. Definitely appreciated the effort going into the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Luna's description of the werepony curse was great stuff as was how protective the group in general was regarding Spike. Also liked Shining Armor and Cadance being willing to help out too. The realization concerning the dart containing the pony pox was also downright emotional, as was Luna commenting on the "two days thinking time". Of course, now we're going to work on finding out who injected Spike.

Definitely looking forward to the remaining chapters as well as more of this series in general.

Seeing that Spike's constant switching is basically killing him, whoever shot that dart at him is basically intending on him dying(and in a slow agonizing way since its straining his body with the painful transformations constantly).
That's pretty terrifying.

If it's Blueblood, I would not be surprised.

You're welcome.

A possible one for the very end:

Rarity: Twilight! Calm down! This creep is already beaten. I don't blame you for being furious about what was done to Spike. I am too. I would wager ALL OF US are. But this creep DOES NOT deserve the satisfaction of dragging you down to becoming a murderer over it.

Twilight: This is one of the few times I'm going to hate admitting that you're right. But you're right. Killing an already beaten enemy in cold blood - no matter what was attempted - would be murder. Which would force Celestia to send me to Tartarus, no matter how much she sympathized with me. And this scumbag does NOT deserve that satisfaction. Even if I kept it down to extremely painful, but survivable attacks, it would still be assault. Though I WILL say that I hope a very, VERY secure dungeon is either found or built to hold this piece of garbage for a life-sentence! Because next time, I WILL NOT be so merciful.

I’ll talk to my co-writer.

I really hope others in Canterlot start treating Spike better

One unicorn guard stepped up to the princess and saluted. “Your highness,” he said. “We’ve found the criminal responsible for the shadow government creating the bank account scam.”

Also... what is this a reference to?

It’s nice seeing Rarity keeping a close eye on Spike during this time. And what a great alteration to the story behind the Fire Ruby.

Hello there. Another great job on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. REALLY liked the gang reflecting on possible suspects on who would dislike Spike enough to pull something like this and how it actually IS possible that Blueblood could have escaped again while Shining was on his honeymoon - given Flash IS the only OTHER competent guard. Did like that Hazbin reference. Have to wonder if there is going to be somebody caught filming a couple later on - I could definitely see the coltfriend of one of the Guardians screaming "ARE YOU FREAKING FILMING US RIGHT NOW?!" in a few years. Also liked Spike's confession about the "Fire Heart Ruby" as well as the observation that the hugs are even warmer as a pony, but he's definitely still going to be glad to be a dragon again.

I am most assuredly looking forward to the rest of the story.

That was established for a while.

“Maybe it was Blueblood,” Pinkie suggested. “We’ve all seen how much he hates Spike.”

No Garble, no Blueblood. Still a mystery, but I agree with Pinkie Pie, Blueblood or better known as Bluebutt is the suspect number 1.

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