• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 8,366 Views, 902 Comments

This Story Did Not Explode - PseudoBob Delightus

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Chapter 12

Author's Note:

If the images don't work, try this offsite file: Chapter 12

Applejack saw them approach and asked, "No luck?"

Rarity shook her head. Pinkie Pie was bouncing along with her usual pep, but Fluttershy dragged her hooves behind her.

Between Applejack and Rainbow Dash sat Twilight, who wiped her eyes dry. "That's fine. That's okay."


She waved their hugs away and stood up. "No. It's okay. I'm - I'm just hungry. Haven't eaten. Sweet Celestia, what time is it?"

Spike looked at his watch. "About eight o'clock."

"Huh, it seems earlier than - ah!" Twilight jumped. "Hey, where have you been?"

Spike shrugged. "I dunno. Hangin' out?"

"Oh, nevermind. Eight o' clock... why is it so bright out?"

The ponies looked up towards the sun - not directly at it, mind you - and noticed that it was fixed directly overhead, right where it shouldn't have been this late in the evening.

Twilight voiced her thoughts aloud: "I wonder if anything is happening in Canterlot."

Twilight voiced her thoughts aloud: "I can see that something is happening in Canterlot."

Phalanxes of disorganized rioters marched the streets. Fires burned on rooftops, hedge rows, and water fountains. Even the trains were running late. What was once a great city of order and convenient public transit had become a wasteland.

The gang (including Spike this time) managed to push through to the palace gardens, where only Twilight was let through - something about matters of public security. In the palace proper, she found the throne room apparently abandoned.

"Hello?" she called out. "Is anyone here?"

"Pssst," said the diurnal throne.


"Psssssst!" it insisted further.

Twilight walked around the throne and found Princesses Celestia and Luna hiding behind it.

"Hey!" she shouted, though both alicorns held a hoof in front of their mouths in a plea for silence. Twilight was uncowed. "What the hay are you two doing back there? Do you have any idea what a mess things are!?"

"Yes!" Celestia hissed. "Yes, we do. That's why we're hiding right here!"

Luna added, "Do you have any idea what that rabble will do to us now that we're no longer immortal?"

"But-" Twilight's head spun. "But if you do something about it, then- Wait, what?"

Celestia pointed up. "Look!"

"Our hours are numbered!" They both added, "literally!"

"Oh for crying out loud." Twilight turned around and marched back the way she came.

"Don't tell them we were here!" one of them called out after her.


As she stomped out of the palace, there seemed to be less and less light coming through the windows. She managed to unset her jaw by the time she returned to the gardens, where the rest of the gang (not including Spike) was playing Euchre with the royal guards under a night sky. She asked, "Where's Spike?" but was only answered by shrugs. "Whatever. Let's get out of here."

"Hey, we're six up!" Rainbow Dash objected. "We can't just stop the game now!"

"Yes you can," Twilight said, just as she turned and cast a spell that transmuted all the cards into 9s.

"Augh!" Rainbow groaned. "Whatever. Guess I'll come by later with some beers. Say, next Friday? Eh?"

A few ponies rubbed their heads, not sure how to break the news, before Pinkie Pie cocked her head and said, "Wait a minute, there's not even gonna be a Friday next Friday! The story's exploding!"

"Oh, right," Rainbow's smile faltered. "Well, next next Friday, then."

Pinkie Pie nodded. "I see no problem with that!"

"COME ON!" Twilight shouted, and the rest of the gang quickly scrambled back to her side as they made to leave Canterlot.