• Published 15th Mar 2024
  • 1,325 Views, 28 Comments

Potted Plant - RunicTreetops

Anon finds a strange mare in his garden.

  • ...

Sowing the Seeds

Anon adjusts his sun hat before stepping outside with a smile. He takes a deep breath, appreciating the fresh air and the warm summer sun. There’s a gentle breeze in Ponyville this morning, and it’s looking to be a pleasant day. With his overalls secured and a trowel in his hand he steps off of his back porch, ready to spend a long morning tending to his meticulously-cared-for garden.

He’s got plants of every shape and size back here. There are a few shrubs and ferns along the fence, as well as a healthy-looking lemon tree growing in the corner of the yard. However, the most notable aspect of the garden are the countless vegetables being grown in rows across the sizable plot of land.

Eggplants, onions, peppers, cucumbers, cabbages, potatoes, tomatoes, even a few cauliflower plants each have a section all to themselves. They’re all at varying stages of growth, of course, but they look to be coming in well. This is due in no small part to Anon’s dedication. He always has had a bit of a green thumb, and learning that crops grow way easier in Equestria than his old world (and that the growing seasons aren’t quite the same) came as a pleasant surprise.

On top of the assortment of veggies, there’s one plant in particular he’s extremely proud of. Against the back fence, right there at its center, is a massive rose bush. The roses themselves haven’t fully bloomed yet, but it’s a sight that he’s been anticipating all year. Still, compared to the countless other plants in the yard, the bush doesn’t stand out much at the moment.

He glances towards the right side of the fence, where a large, unlocked gate hangs partially open. He sighs, but a gentle smile creeps along his face. He keeps that gate unlocked on purpose. As far as he’s concerned, if his vegetables are making someone happy, he’s doing a darn fine job as a gardener. He welcomes anyone who wants some fresh veggies to come on in and pick what they want, so long as they don’t harm any of the other plants.

Of course, Anon does have some limits he places upon himself. He doesn’t grow certain crops that might compete with Sweet Apple Acres, for example, nor does he allow anyone to pick the flowers. They’re simple enough rules, and those geared towards everyone else are written on a wooden sign hanging on the outside of the short fence.

He just wishes that whoever came in last would have shut the gate behind them. Rabbits are no joke, regardless of what Fluttershy may tell you. He gently shuts the somewhat-rusty gate before turning back towards his garden, ready to get to work pulling weeds and planting some new carrot seeds he bought yesterday.

However, before he can start, something strange catches his eye.

“Uhh… hello?”

A small mare rests under the shade of the lemon tree. She’s not doing anything in particular, apart from perhaps enjoying the shade. When he calls out to her, she looks right at him. Her face looks distant, almost bored. However, as soon as she locks eyes with him, those eyes go wide.

She actually blends in with the garden fairly well. Her coat is a light green, with her mane being a darker shade of green. It’s wavy and somewhat unkempt, not unlike some of the shrubs growing around her. Freckles dot her cheeks, and her brown eyes look gentle and unassuming. Her cutie mark looks to be a small, somewhat stifled and droopy potted plant.

“Are you okay?”

A light “eep!” escapes the mare and without missing a beat, she leaps over the nearby fence and runs around the side of the house, directly out of his line of sight.

“Well, that was strange.”

Anon shrugs. He’s never seen the mare around before, so maybe she’s new in town? Oh, well. She’s definitely the timid type, that’s for sure. If she doesn’t want to speak, so be it. As far as he’s concerned, this garden is public property that he just takes care of. Nothing wrong with her taking a rest here if she enjoys the environment. After all, he naps under that tree sometimes, too.

Now, it’s time to plant some carrots!

“Ow ow ow ow ow.”

Anon tries to straighten out his back, only to be greeted with several loud popping sounds and some searing pain. He really needs to work on his posture when he’s gardening.

Speaking of, it’s been a few hours since he started. All the seeds are in the ground, all of the weeds have been pulled, everything has received an adequate amount of water, and he even caught a couple of his tomato plants with diseased leaves. A bit of trimming and some vinegar later and they should be good to go.

He glances to the sky. The sun hangs directly above him. It’s right around noon, and the breeze has more or less disappeared. It’s gotten a lot hotter, and while he could just go back inside, he wants to appreciate the garden that he spent all morning tending to. Deciding to take a page out of that mysterious mare’s book, he takes a seat in the shade beneath the lemon tree, leaning his back against its sturdy trunk and removing his hat before resting his hands behind his head.

In the cool shade of the tree, it’s much more pleasant outside. He’s still quite sweaty and has soil in every nook and cranny, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t content and comfortable. The satisfaction of a job well done is all he needs on days like this, and he dreams of the day that every single plant in the garden is fully grown and beautiful.

He doesn’t even realize that he’s tired until the sound of quiet trotting rouses him from a light slumber. Hooves gently and rhythmically strike the dirt road along the side of his house before coming to a sudden stop. From the ground, Anon can just barely see a familiar green mane poking out from over the fence before the gate slowly creaks open.

The unnamed mare from before carefully peers around the opened gate, slowly scanning the garden before locking eyes with Anon. He looks back at her for a moment before giving her a gentle smile and wave, causing those brown eyes of hers to widen.

“Hello again!”

“...” She looks behind herself, just to confirm that she’s the only pony he could possibly be referring to. “Uh… hi?”

“I don’t know if you saw the sign, but it’s perfectly fine for you to enter the garden. I know I look a bit strange, but I don’t bite.”

“...Right. Right.” She repeats that word quietly as if trying to convince herself to believe him. She slowly steps into the garden while using one of her back legs to close the gate behind her. “Um…”

Anon chuckles as he slowly sits upright, adjusting his hat along the way.

“My name is Douglas, but everyone just calls me Anon.”

“...” The mare tilts her head and raises an eyebrow. “Why?”

“Er, that was what the papers called me when I showed up one day. No one knew what I was yet, so I figured I would just stick with what ponies were already calling me. Besides, I’ve been told Douglas isn’t exactly a common name around here.”

“Neither is Anon.”

“...Hehe, true.”

The mare sighs.

“Alright, ‘Anon.’ We’ve got a bit of a problem.”

“Oh?” He straightens his back in an effort to show that he’s taking her seriously. “What kind of problem?”

“The kind of problem that involves us having this conversation at all. You’re… you’re not supposed to be able to do that.”

Anon blinks.

“That’s a strange thing to say.”

The mare stares at him for a moment before sighing yet again, something she seems to do often.

“Look, my whole thing is passing under everypony’s radar. I blend in so well that I have to make a concentrated effort for someone to notice that I’m even there. It’s my cutie mark and everything.” She turns somewhat to show off the potted plant decorating her flank. “So how in the world did you see me earlier?”

“Well…” Anon grumbles as he rubs his chin. “I’m not sure. I didn’t really think anything of it, I guess. I like my garden, and there was a mysterious mare over in the corner. It just seemed polite to say ‘hello.’”

“Gardens are, like, the most difficult place to identify me, though! It’s in my name!”

“Which is?”

“O-oh.” A slight blush spreads across the mare’s cheeks. “S-sorry, I’m not very used to introducing myself.” She sheepishly clears her throat before continuing. “Wallflower Blush. I’m an artist.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you properly, Miss Blush.”

“...” She awkwardly shuffles in place for a moment before continuing. “I-I’m just not really sure what to do about this.”

“I think I’m still a bit lost. You’re concerned because I was able to see you?”

“Well, yeah!”

“How is that a bad thing?”

“I’ve… ugh.” She rubs her temple with a hoof as she tries to think of how to explain her situation. “I’ve made a habit of ponies not noticing me. It grants me a lot of privileges others don’t have.”

“Such as?”

“I never get needlessly bothered by ponies I don’t like, I can go wherever I want without fear of getting judged or tossed out, I can get away with just about anything–”

“Er, not to interrupt, but that sounds a lot like you’re doing something illegal.”

“N-no!” She stomps a hoof on the ground as she looks at him with wide, genuinely pleading eyes. “W-well, maybe I trespass every so often. But I never take anything or do something wrong! I just…”

“Nap in gardens?”

“Yes, actually.” She lets out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding in. “So, I was a little freaked out when you noticed me this morning.”

“Hm.” He does his best to give her a reassuring smile. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, you’re always welcome here.”

“That’s not the problem. You being able to see me is weird, and I’m kind of uncomfortable with it.”

“I can’t help the fact that I can see you, Miss Blush.”

“Do you think you could like, I don’t know, try to ignore me from now on or something?”

Anon tilts his head as he quietly thinks for a moment.

“I guess I could, but I’d be missing out on a potential friend.”


“Anypony that can appreciate a nice garden is fine in my book. And I’ve seen you looking around since you got here.” He motions towards the garden around them, causing the sense of pride he felt after finishing his work to return. “I’m happy to share this with others. Especially those that can understand how much work goes into it.”

“A friend, huh?” Her voice is a mumble, and Anon can’t quite make out what she’s saying. “That’d be a new one.”

“I’m sorry, what was that?”

“It’s nothing.” With a shake of her head, Wallflower turns around and starts walking towards the gate. “I’m sorry for bothering you.”

“It was really no trouble. Come back any time!” Anon shouts as she walks back through the gate. “Hmhm. She seems like a nice mare.” He grunts as he finally brings himself to his feet. “If only ponies would remember to close the darn gate when they leave.”