• Published 10th Mar 2024
  • 356 Views, 5 Comments

Godzilla x My Little Pony: -0.1/C - Horror Pro5555

The greatest evil in Equestria has been defeated but something has disturbed the peace and it may be the greatest foe they have ever encountered.

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Chapter One: Not The End Yet…..


It was a lovely day in Maretime Bay and everything was right, currently Sunny and Izzy were heading back to HQ as their new friend Discord had something to show them something which was back in ancient Equestria.

(Sunny) “You think that Discord has something from ancient Equestria?”

(Izzy) “Well, I think that he does, especially with us knowing Discord more, he rarely lies.”

They reached the place finally and were instantly greeted by Discord at the Door.

(Discord) “Ah girls, eh- where are the others?”

(Sunny) “Yeah, they're busy for the day dealing with their stuff.”

(Discord) “Oh, that's a shame, I was hoping to share all these treats with you all but oh well more for us huh?”

(Discord) “But still I'm glad you all came, I have an old tape in black in white by the way, of how there was one more threat that nearly destroyed Equestria when dear Twilight Sparkle ascended to the throne, and it was certainly the most powerful beast I have seen in eons.”

The news shocked Sunny, she had of course for a while wanted to learn more about Twilight, and to be honest she hadn't heard much about them having an encounter with a beast nearly destroying the kingdom after everything was getting settled. But what made her mind jumble around was the beast itself, what was it? She had to know what it was.

(Sunny) "Beast? A beast, almost took down Equestria and it attacked just as Twilight's kingdom began?"

(Discord) "Indeed, Sunny it was a wild time but hey I shouldn't be telling you this I should be showing you! So, let's begin shall we?"

They smiled nodding agreement as they got settled while Discord struggled with the projector messing up and getting entangled in the film before finally turning on with the film as a mess.

(Discord) "Now girls before we get into Twilight and others I think I must show you the origins of the creature in question and what to call him you may ask, well after a while I learned his name.... Godzilla.”


(Discord) "Its origin comes from another dimension on a planet called Earth, it was the end of a great war and everything was settling down until the grounds were attacked by a creature that originated from the past and killed many before going into the sea. But then they tested powerful weapons testing them out in the sea which was quite unfortunate because the creature was in the area in one of these tests and this led to mutating it and making it grow in size and begin attacking ships, they tried to stop him but he was unstoppable and while he was swimming away he was swallowed by a portal! What happened after you may ask? Well, this is where me and my old friends come in....."


Peace. That was something that was not known for a while but yet there has been peace. Years ago the Legion of Doom was defeated once and for all by the two princesses and Discord, putting them in stone. Now the two princesses have retired and Twilight has risen to the throne, finally ready to become their ruler. Not only that but as everyone aged things really began to change around, but luckily didn't change too much. Twilight and Spike, who was now her friendship ambassador, stayed mostly in Canterlot but visited her friends from time to time. Not only that but Twilight had herself a protege named Luster Dawn who was the child of Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst. At first, she didn't get the concept of friendship too much but eventually after a story from Twilight and meeting the others and how after so long they stayed together she welcomed it and moved to Ponyville.

So now everything went back to peace and Discord himself was never so happy. He was finally at peace and mind, he knew the others like the back of his hand and he of course had a new way to release his chaos without anyone complaining. Of course, while it is true that he is more careful, he is sometimes a little careless at those times however one of those times is now.

He has been for the first time since he was a young draconequus, he has been training with what he was able to do. While it was true that most of the evil was gone, Discord while quite enjoying it knew that something or someone would come out of the shadows and attack Equestria and his friends and he had to be prepared if that moment ever came. After practicing for a while he began to notice something about his magic. When he used his magic magical energy would sparkle from his hands, and after a while, it began to go around his arms. He looked at his arms puzzled as magic-like electricity sparked on his arms.

(Discord) "Hm, something is going on with my magic, I hope it's not something bad because if it is then I have to tell Twilight immediately! "But if not then oh well, nothing to worry about in the slightest but perhaps I should continue."

And so he did he continued to practice and practice before it began to go around his body as he continued to get warped in this energy his face was that of worry as he continued snapping and thinking, using his magic over and over before he felt something click in his brain before being consumed by the energy his head arching backward and his arms and hands shooting out straight as he began yelling in pain as cracks began to appear on his body. All around him, his home began to crack as well before suddenly blasting out a beam of magic that went out of the dimension and shot into the ocean outside of Manhattan. Before stopping everything turned back to how it was before. Discord out of his state was more worried than ever.

(Discord) "I-I have to tell Twilight right away no distractions!"

He snapped away out of the dimension to Canterlot to tell Twilight and Spike what just happened. Meanwhile, onlookers looked on as the beam fired into the ocean for a bit before a portal opened up underneath and just as suddenly the beam stopped and the portal was left there. Others continued to look on before seeing a shape approach the portal and burst out of it before standing up on two legs and growing to full height many looked on in horror as they the creature before them before it let out a roar.


To be continued.......


Author's Note:

A new version of the Godzilla Minus One story is here and I hope you all enjoyed it so far because this story might get epic up in here!!