• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2024
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


The last suffrage is at hand, we must hold!


He was there a millennia ago.

He awoke from a spell that had cast upon him during his encounter with a beast, now slain long after he had been victim to its fury.

A spell which had propelled himself towards the writhing chasms of time memorial. He, suspended and frozen.

Forced to watch his proud country collapsed and overgrown. He was there when Sister Moon was banished. He was there when all left for Canterlot. He watched as the surrounding withered among roots and crumbling stones.

Now He is forced to meet his peers descendants, and his returned Diarchy once more.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 4 )

I may have to change my story's vocabs and adjectives to suit better to the story entailing. Dialogues are still a fickle to counter.

My author's note is malfunctioned thus here's the alternative;
In all technicality, I've a fan of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
However, I had only previously viewed a fraction of the show's available episodes.

As such I'm trying to make a story, nonetheless I've kept in pace through watching and writing, is for my characters to live through without knowing too much of what the future entails.

I going to try to draw better, to making a better cover page. A more sophisticated kind would noticeably make a better attraction feature for future readers.
Wouldn't you agree reader?

Where thy criticism spawns none awakened.
I seek for comments that inquire the premise and what may conclude soon. However, none will deliberate showcase the lining that is my story.
Shower the comment section with insults and remarks of how my story, incompetent in giving the viewers its sense of connection.
It would soon come
It would soon...

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