• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 275 Views, 3 Comments

Two Fillies - TheKing2001

After losing her family in a fire, Sunset wanders the streets of Canterlot, doing what she has to do to survive. She finds a fellow filly on the street and the two work survive together.

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Chapter I

Sunset ignored her stomach telling her to eat as she continued to trot down the alleyway. The best part about Canterlot she learned was it’s easy to be invisible.

It was surprisingly easy, she found out. Canterlot had more orphans than most ponies were willing to admit. She had managed to sneak out of the orphanage she was placed in after deciding she wanted to take care of herself. No rules, no older ponies trying to boss you around. She may be only twelve but she’s quite confident in her abilities to look after her self.

She narrowly avoided getting knocked over by some stallion as Sunset rolled her eyes.

“Watch it!” Sunset snapped as she glared up at the stallion. “Fucking blind ponies. Freaking worst.”

She ignored his startled look and subsequent grumbling as Sunset continued trotting down the street, dodging older ponies.

Sunset stared at the busy market and shrugged. Might as well “buy” some food while she was here.

“How much for some bread?” Sunset asked as she propped her head up on the stand, staring up at a mare.

“Uh six bits,”the mare answered as Sunset made a show of looking around for bits before sighing.

“I’m all out and my sister is hungry back at home. Can’t you just give a young filly some bread for free?” Sunset asked and gave the mare a sad smile with puppy dog eyes.

“I’m sympathetic but I really can’t. I’m sorry,” the mare as Sunset nodded with a sigh.

“Hey, what’s going on over there?” Sunset pointed behind the mare as her horn flashed, shoving a stallion into a stall.

“Oh my stars. Are you okay?” The mare asked as Sunset levitated several bags of bread off the table, galloping away. “Hey! Come back here, thief!”

“In your dreams!”

Sunset trotted down an alley way with a smirk, before setting her stolen items in her saddlebags she had managed to save.

She paused and her ear flicked before her eyes focused on a green unicorn filly crying as Sunset raised an eyebrow. Against her better judgment, she trotted up to the pony and tapped her on the shoulder.

“This alley isn’t the place for a kid,” Sunset commented as the filly spun around. “What are you doing here?”

“I can’t find my parents. Something about me being too much of a hassle with the family name and left,” the filly answered as she looked up at her. “Can you help me find them?”

“Depends. What’s your name?”

“Lyra Heartstrings.”

Sunset tilted her head and bit the inside of her mouth. Everypony knew of the Heartstrings family. They were mainly politicians and business ponies with influence damn near everywhere.

“I have a better idea,” Sunset shrugged and sat down next to the filly. “Are you hungry, Lyra?”

“I was always told to never take food from strangers,” Lyra said warily as Sunset rolled her eyes and wiped Lyra’s tears.

“You asked me for help finding your parents. If I really wanted to hurt you, I would have done so by now. There, you look better with no tears on your face,” Sunset gave a faint smile as Lyra nodded.


“But we’re not gonna stay here. I have a place but it’s kinda rough and pretty poorly made but it’s home. Come on,” Sunset stood up and waved a hoof. “Are ya coming?”

Lyra paused and looked down to where Sunset waited impatiently before galloping to the bigger unicorn as fast as her tiny hooves could make her.

Smart kid, Sunset mused to herself as she levitated Lyra onto her back.

“How old are you anyway?”

“Seven,” Lyra answered and Sunset grimaced slightly.

“Only a few years younger than me, I see.”

“How old are you?” Lyra asked as she wrapped her hooves around Sunset’s neck, the older pony continuing her trot.

“I just turned twelve. I’ve only been living here on the streets for about a month or so. Left the orphanage to make my own rules and life. There’s so many fillies and colts there, I easily slipped away. Celestia knows if they’re looking for me,” Sunset explained as Lyra nodded. “How about you?”

“Mom and dad said they’d be back in a bit but that was at least several hours ago. I tried looking for them but I found nopony that matched them. I did overhear them arguing about me one night. There’s never a Royal Guard when you need one,” Lyra muttered as Sunset gave a dry laugh.

“Got that right. We’re here,” Sunset said as she looked both ways before slipping through a doorway into a rundown, abandoned house.

“Woah,” Lyra whispered and looked around with wide eyes. “So cool. There has gotta be so many places to hide around here!”

“There is but don’t. I don’t know what shit could be in here,” Sunset warned and set Lyra down before trotting to a make shift kitchen. “Like peanut butter?”

“Love it. It’s the best thing since oxygen. Maybe not since we need that to live but ya know,” Lyra watched as Sunset set down a jar of peanut butter. “How did you buy it?”

“I stole it,” Sunset said bluntly as Lyra gasped.

“Stealing is wrong I was told.”

“It’s how we are gonna survive now. We’re too young to get jobs so I have to steal stuff I need. Food, blankets, wood for the winter when it comes. You get the idea,” Sunset spread some peanut butter on the bread she had stolen. “Idiots never shut off the power here but don’t turn the lights on. We don’t want to bring attention to ourselves. Grape or strawberry jelly?”

“Strawberry please,” Lyra watched as Sunset nodded. “Where are your parents at?”

Sunset paused and squeezed her eyes shut before bitting her lip hard enough to draw blood.

“None of your damn business, that’s where,” Sunset snapped finally and Lyra flinched, folding her ears against her head.

“I’m sorry,” Lyra muttered as she scuffed a hoof on the ground. “Please don’t yell at me again.”

“Sorry, lost my temper for a moment. But to answer your question, they’re gone. I don’t wanna talk about it more Lyra,” Sunset answered as she slid a plate to Lyra. “Eat and I’ll show you where we are gonna sleep tonight.”

“You’re really letting me sleep here?” Lyra asked after taking a bit of her sandwich. “You’re the best at making these sandwiches.”

“Yeah, I am. I’m gonna teach you everything I know. You’re be as self reliant as I can make you,” Sunset answered as Lyra flung her forelegs around her neck and hugged her.

“You’re the best in general Sunny,” Lyra commented and nuzzled Sunset as the older unicorn froze. She hadn’t been called Sunny since her mom and dad had their accident.

“Thanks,” Sunset muttered as she gently pushed Lyra back. “Now finish eating, it’s getting late.”

Sunset turned red as Lyra nuzzled her one more time.

Lyra still wasn’t entirely sure the unicorn was safe but she did get offered food and a safe place to stay.

She can’t be all that bad then. Right?

Comments ( 3 )

A promising start! I don't think I've seen orphan Sunset with a companion before.

This promises to be interesting, and I am excited

Interesting, Lyra is one of my Favorite ponies. More so as she got me a good friend.

I really could hug her to comfort her here

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