• Published 28th Feb 2024
  • 235 Views, 6 Comments

Curse of the three monkey's - Aether Spark

When a familiar foe robs the six and friends of their senses, they have to learn to work together regardless.

  • ...

Do no evil

The giant monkey statue floated over a town of ponies and ponies everywhere were panicking.

“What is that?!” A mare cried.

“Run!” A stallion cried.

“Now to render Equestria senseless!” starting with this little town!” Chrysalis said as she activated the statues and they unleashed beams from their eyes, mouth, and ears, the ponies hit were rendered without said sense

As the ponies below panicked from the sensory loss Starlight struggled against the bindings but she couldn’t break them.

“Stop it! These are innocent ponies!” Starlight yelled.

“As if that matters, and who will stop me? Your deaf, blind and mute friends?” Chrysalis said mockingly.

“You’ll see,” Spike said.

“I can’t see!” Rainbow said as she followed the others.

“Calm down Rainbow,” Fluttershy said as they made their way through the forest and into the village that was being attacked.

“There! Alright, how do we do this, it’s flyin,” AJ asked.

“Leave it to me,” Rainbow said as she turned to her friends.

“Can you get us all up there?” Pinkie asked.

“Psh, I’ll do it in ten seconds I bet!” Rainbow said as she grabbed Pinkie and shot into the air… dragging Fluttershy and AJ with her as they were still tied to her.

“Rainbow!” AJ cried.

“Look out!” Pinkie cried.

“Relax, I got this sense thing down pa-” Rainbow collided with the bottom of the statue and the group fell down in a heap.

“Ooogh… ok maybe not,” Rainbow groaned and Twilight sighed.

“Ok! Ready?” AJ asked.

“Yeah!” Rainbow said, now untied from the others.

“....Ready?” AJ asked.

“I said… oh yeah,” Rainbow looked over her shoulder and nodded and Applejack bucked her into the air, and… she hit the exact same spot as before and fell down.

“I got you!” Fluttershy tried to catch Rainbow… who landed behind her.

“Oook… not working…” Rainbow groaned.

“Oops, sorry,” Fluttershy said.

“Zecora’s writing again, she suggests letting Twilight help you do it since she can see,” Pinkie said.

“Darn it,” Rainbow said.

With Twilight’s help, the group got up to the statue quicker.

“Whatever, I could’ve done it myself,” Rainbow said.

“Zecora’s pointing up a slope! Come on!” Pinkie called and the group moved on.

“Hahahaha!” Chrysalis laughed as the statue proceeded forward once more.

“Hm? Oh hey, bug lady,” Uk said.

“What is it?!” Chrysalis demanded.

“The deaf, blind, mute group is back, and they're climbing up the statue,” Uk said.

“WHAT?! How?! I removed the ones guiding them!” Chrysalis said in disbelief.

“Told ya,” Spike said.

“Grrr! You three, don’t just stand there! Go!” Chrysalis ordered and the golems dropped the rocks and ran to go take care of the intruders.

“I can see the summit from here!” Pinkie said.

“Hurry up!” Rainbow said as she climbed above them.

As the group climbed up the statue they heard a noise and when they turned they saw the three golems running down the path at the next ledge at them.

“Oh great, the welcoming committee,” AJ said as she got over the ledge first and ran to the side to draw them away.

“We got them! Keep going!” Rainbow said as she did the same.

Zecora and Twilight nodded and led the others onto the ledge and down the path.

One of the golems saw this and ran after them.

“I got this! Go!” Pinkie spun and dodged a slam from the golem “I can’t hear, but I’m fluent in Pinkie Sense!” Pinkie said as she dodged a few more swings.

Rainbow kept running away from the golem and didn’t see she was heading for a ledge.

“Look out Rainbow!” AJ called.

“I got it!” Rainbow said getting an idea and she took to the air as she ran off the ledge and swooped through the air as the monkey golem swung at her “Take this!” Rainbow said as she sensed the airflow around the golem and she landed behind him and bucked him in the back and the golem fell off the ledge and screeched as it fell to the ground.

“Good work!” AJ said as she bucked the golem in front of her but her blows glanced off of it.

“AJ shout or something!” Rainbow called and AJ gave one as the golem swatted her aside.

“That’ll do,” Rainbow followed to where she heard the noise and landed on the ground.

The group made their way towards the path that leads to the shoulder of the statue, but suddenly they were cut off by wraiths.

Twilight paused and flared her horn and fired a few shots to scatter the wraiths.

“Go! W-we can handle this,” Fluttershy said as she and Rarity stayed behind to distract the wraiths.

Twilight nodded and ran along with Zecora.

As they made their way to the head they saw on the platform on the heads was Chrysalis, Spike, and Starlight.

Twilight and Zecora made their way over to them.

“Hmm? Oh you have to be kidding me,” Chrysalis sighed as she turned towards them.

“Twilight!” Starlight called.

Twilight nodded at her before focusing on the changeling.

“How often do I have to trouble you before you get the message, you cannot win!” Chrysalis said.

Twilight looked at Zecora and gestured at Spike and Starlight.

Zecora nodded and ran to the left as Twilight flew forward and fired her magic beam at Chrysalis who put up a monkey barrier.

“With my new power you have no chance!” Chrysalis said before forming the barrier into a fist and firing it at Twilight who dodged and dove at her.

Chrysalis resummoned a golem at her side and it swatted Twilight aside.

“Twilight!” Spike cried as Twilight got up.

“I have an army of monkey spirits to call upon, you’re one mute alicorn!” Chrysalis laughed.

“Make that a mute alicorn and friends!” Starlight said and she immediately jumped forward when Zecroa freed her and fired a beam at Chrysalis.

Chrysalis took to the air to avoid.

“Tch, I got distracted,” Chrysalis said before she unleashed wraiths upon the three.

Starlight put up a barrier that protected them from the wraiths and Zecora freed Spike.

“What do we do?!” Spike asked.

“You and Zecora take cover, me and Twilight have this,” Starlight said.

“Oh no, I can help!” Spike said.

Chrysalis prepared a sphere of purple magic and she launched it, it made the barrier break and the group scattered as an explosion occurred.

“You cannot win!” Chrysalis said.

Spike ran closer to her and breathed fire at her but she summoned a giant transparent hand from her horn and it stopped the fire and Spike had to jump out of the way of the hand trying to flatten him.

Meanwhile Twilight flew around the golem's swings and she fired several bolts that hit the golem, but the magic blasts did nothing.

As the golem closed in to grab her Zecora galloped up to the golem and bucked it in the leg.

The golem screeched as it fell down and Twilight fired a beam that took a chunk out of the ground making it fall off the statue.

“Grrr! DIE!” Chrysalis formed many hands out of her magic and sent them to grab them and the group dodged around the grab attempts.

“We need to find a way to cut her off from her power!” Starlight shouted.

Twilight looked carefully at Chrysalis and remembered what she said…

“If you must know the spirits of the monkey idols are now with me, and I have their sigil!”

A look of understanding crossed Twilight’s face when she saw the glowing necklace on Chrysalis.

She pointed at it and Starlight got it.

“The necklace… of course!” Starlight said as she dodged another astral monkey's hand.

“Let’s go!” Spike said as he ran off.

“Aim for the necklace!” Starlight shouted.

“Oooh, this isn’t looking good for us,” Uk said.

“Silence! I have this!” Chrysalis said before firing more magic shots at them.

Twilight and Starlight dodged around the magic shots and hands and fired magic blasts of their own at Chrysalis who raised more monkey barriers.

Zecora jumped onto a rock and leapt at Chrysalis but she smacked her away.

“Zecora!” Starlight called before she was snatched by a hand.

“Pay attention to your own problems!” Chrysalis said before firing a wraith through Starlight and she screamed before being dropped down.

Twilight ran over to her but was grabbed as well.

“Got you!” Chrysalis laughed.

Starlight got up but when she opened her eyes she couldn’t see.

“Not good…” Starlight used her magic to create a cursory scan of her environment and she turned to Chrysalis.

“Impressive, you’ve already figured out how to work with your new blindness like it’ll help,” Chrysalis laughed as she fused the many hands together to create a pair of giant hands “I will flatten you!” Chrysalis shouted.

‘Not so fast!” Spike yelled and Chrysalis turned to see Spike atop a tall rock and he leaped at her and onto her back.

“HEY! GET OFF!” Chrysalis shouted.

“We got this!” Ak said and suddenly the three manifested as wraiths and they lunged at Spike but he jumped.

“YIKES!” Spike yelped as he managed to grab onto the necklace around Chrysalis’s neck as she gagged as he tugged it down.

“GET OFF OF ME YOU FILTHY LITTLE-” Chrysalis grabbed at Spike.

“One chance…” Starlight said with a tinge of nervousness, she centered her focus, used her magic cursory scan to locate Chrysalis, aimed her horn and she fired a narrow magic beam at Chrysalis.

It flew past the various wraiths and towards the struggling Chrysalis and-

It blasted her right in the chest and snapped her necklace.

“NO!” Chrysalis said as she saw Spike falling onto the ground and she was cut off from her power.

“Give it back!” Chrysalis dove at Spike.

“Not a chance,” Spike said before he put it in his mouth… and bit down.

“NOOOO!” Chrysalis screamed as he broke the rock to pieces in his jaws.

An explosion of magic sent everypony flying and Chrysalis tumbling, as she got up she saw the pieces and frantically crawled over to them.

“Nonononoo!” Chrysalis tried to put it back together when suddenly Uk, Ak, and Ek emerged from it.

“Well… this is unfortunate, guess you failed,” Ek said.

“Predictable, ah ah!” Uk chittered.

“Now you have to face the music,” Ak said.

“N-no! I can still-” Chrysalis stuttered before the three cut her off.

“Goodbye!” Ek, Ak, and Uk said as they flew through her and she screamed.

The statue stopped flying towards Canterlot and it fell to ground level.

Rainbow and AJ were standing off against the golem and it lunged at them before vanishing.

“What happened?” Rainbow asked.

“It vanished,” AJ said.

“Then they did it,” Rainbow sighed in relief.

Pinkie was backed against the edge of the statue as the golem approached, it raised its fists and then disappeared in a puff of smoke.

“Whew…” Pinkie sighed.

Fluttershy and Rarity were backed up against the wall as the wraiths closed in on them.

Before they could lunge they vanished.

“A-are they gone?” Fluttershy shivered out.

Rarity patted her on the back in confirmation.

Everypony on the statue staggered when the statue began shaking and vanishing into the ground.

“What’s happening!?” Spike asked.

“I think the statue must be returning to its original spot! We need to get off!” Starlight said.

“Ok!” Spike said.

A great flash overtook the area as the statue vanished.

The group found themselves lying on the ground.

“Ugh… can someone turn off that light…. Wait a minute…” Rainbow sat up and held her hooves in front of her “I CAN SEE!” Rainbow said excitedly.

“Stop shoutin…” Applejack groaned before sitting up “I-I can hear again, finally!” AJ cheered.

“Owww…” Twilight groaned before getting up “Oh thank goodness, I thought it was permanent for awhile there…” Twilight breathed a sigh of relief.

Everypony celebrated as they woke up, having their sense returned to them.

“Oh thank the heavens,” Fluttershy said happy she can see again.

“Yay! I can hear myself speak again!” Pinkie cheered.

“And my refined tone never sounded better,” Rarity said happily.

“Indeed,” Zecora said before they heard rustling and they turned to see a familiar face approaching.

Chrysalis had her head bowed as she stalked towards them.

“Guys, I think we still have a fight ahead of us,” Spike said.

“Get ready then!” Rainbow said.

“You just don’t know when to quit do you Chrysalis?” Starlight said.

Chrysalis approached gradually and then looked up at them and then she…. Didn’t yell?

“Huh?” The group looked surprised, her eyes were blank too.

She stumbled towards them Starlight voiced her concerns.

“Chrysalis? What happened to you?” Starlight asked.

No response, Chrysalis didn’t even acknowledge her and instead bumped into a tree and gave a silent shriek.

“Girls… I think she’s got all three,” Rarity pointed out.

“Ooh… wouldn’t wish that on even her,” Rainbow said as Chrysalis continued to stumble around blind, deaf and muted.

A chariot from Canterlot came to collect Chrysalis and as she was being carted away the group returned to the village they first entered.

“How can we ever thank you lot?” Bramble asked… facing the wrong way.

“Kid wasn’t kidding,” Rainbow whispered to Pinkie.

“Thanks to you all, the ponies of Equidor are saved,” Copper said.

“It was no problem, although something still puzzles me,” Twilight said.

“What?” Copper asked.

“Why weren’t you two affected? And how did Starlight and Spike evade being robbed of their senses?” Twilight asked.

“Ah, I did remember after you left, apparently pale river bamboo has purifying abilities that protect against evil spirits,” Bramble said.

“....” The group looked stunned.

“Hmm?” Copper said confusedly.

‘We could have avoided it all together if we brought bamboo….?” Rainbow sighed.

“This whole thing could have been a lot easier…” Starlight said.

“I wish to go home now,” Rarity said.

“H-hey, at least you found out for next time,” Copper laughed nervously.

“Nevertheless, this town, as well as all of Equidor, owes you all a debt of gratitude, thanks again,” Bramble said.

“It’s no problem, come on girls, let’s go home, I will record this fun day in my ancient tome,” Zecora said as they trotted away.

“Bye!” Copper waved.

“Bye!” Pinkie waved back.

As the group got back to Equestria Twilight thought about her next friendship report.

“Dear Celestia,

Today I learned how just because you have disabilities, doesn’t mean you can’t be a problem solver, we went on an adventure that tested our senses as well as our sanity, and in the end, we pulled through. This is proof that disabilities don’t make you different, they make you unique, and how you use them makes all the difference.

Love Twilight and Friends.” Twilight thought as the train vanished over the horizon.

Chrysalis sat in her cell, several guards chatted nearby, thinking she didn’t require as much observation due to her being rendered basically senseless.

Chrysalis sat there…. Waiting… she was good at waiting… and in the end, it’ll pay off…

A fly flew around her face, she couldn’t see it.

It buzzed by her ear, she couldn’t hear it.

She couldn’t tell it to buzz off.

It landed on her arm…..


And it died instantly by hoof…

‘Heh….HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Chrysalis laughed in her head as she was slowly… but surely learning.

Author's Note:

And we've hit the end, this was a fun story to type, tell me what you thought down below. :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 1 )

Curious on if we will see a sequel down the line.

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