• Published 9th Feb 2024
  • 4,915 Views, 458 Comments

Source Code - Nugget27

Source Code, once an indie game developer is transported to Equestria by unknown means.

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I Just Wanted a Normal Nightmare Night. I Almost Got That

So it was Nightmare Night time, I guess. I suppose I should explain what that is, since it’s kinda like Halloween but not Halloween. You still wear costumes, even if the adults partake in costume wearing just as much as the kids do. There was a key difference though, and Nightmare Night was celebrated for different reasons than Halloween. I think the way Halloween was celebrated was because people wearing costumes hid them from ghosts. On Nightmare Night it apparently just protected you from Nightmare Moon or whatever.

I found that to be complete bullshit; Nightmare Moon would probably murder anypony no matter if they were on her side or not… Nah, Nightmare Moon was actually a reasonable mare, since she was just a really, really unhinged version of Luna that became Nightmare Moon because she was demonised for a long time.

Celestia, understandably, never partook in Nightmare Night, since it literally celebrated her defeat. In other words, it celebrated when Luna was sent to the moon for a thousand years. It was a huge thing by the time Celestia got out of the funk that she had been for about a hundred years after sending her little sister to the moon, hence why Nightmare Night is still a thing. She did do some work to make it less about burning dolls made in Luna’s image, and more about the harvest, candy, and costume side of Nightmare Night that it’s known for today.

I couldn’t really care less for Nightmare Night, but thanks to me publicly embarrassing Luna, and her much quicker than expected acceptance by ponies in Canterlot, she was moving her scheduled ‘first public appearance’ to this year’s Nightmare Night instead of next year. Because Luna wanted Celly to be there, and because Button asked her to, Celly was coming while dressed as a giraffe at my suggestion; she was tall, almost the size of a giraffe calf according to her. I didn’t know that giraffes were sentient on Equus, but I’m not shocked by that either.

Apparently actual horses were a thing, but got phased out by ponies being able to use magic; they couldn’t compete with that shit and ended up getting over hunted by griffins since they weren’t sapient.

For tonight, Button was going dressed how I usually do, since he was a cinnamon roll that idolised me despite it only being a few weeks after I adopted him. I made my own costume for tonight, since I decided to ‘screw it’. I, after a lot of experimentation with transmutation(and a lot of practice of walking like a bird), turned myself into a raptor. Specifically from Jurassic Park since those things were scary. Celly wanted to get a nice, big reveal of my costume since she doesn’t know what a raptor was.

I came charging into Luna’s living room, since her chambers were bigger than Celly’s, and tried to give my best raptor impression. Unfortunately, I am not a tiny little biomancer of a colt that can easily manipulate any part of his body, so I couldn’t actually make the noise. In fact, I ended up giving up on the raptor idea as a whole, since turning fur into scales was too much for me. So I literally just made my neck longer, had turned my fur into scales, and changed the tail since that took way less magic.

So I just walked into the living room looking like…

“I am a stegosaurus!” I said with what I hoped was the dumbest expression I could do with the face of a stegosaurus. I still had a horn, so it wasn’t a complete costume, but I decided to wear a hat to cover it up. Celly was dressed in her giraffe costume while Luna opted to just go out in her birthday suit… after using a spell to hide her wings. At my suggestion, she turned her fur white with the same spell, and removed the sparkles from her mane and tail, again, with the same spell. So she just looked like a shiny Rapidash.

Button tilted his head, his hat sliding down just enough to cover one of his eyes; his fedora was just a tad too big. When I pointed it out to Rarity, she told me she did it on purpose, and I’m glad she did; it was cute. “What’s a stegosaurus?”

“A creature from my home. Long dead, like none exist or can exist in the current climate of my world, but they were kinda cool. I was gonna go with something… more predatory, but the guards would suplex me on sight, and Rainbow Dash would definitely try to square up with me; she would then promptly kick my shit in. So… Something strictly herbivore looking, plus I can now finally say ‘I’m a stegosaurus’!” I made the same stupid look I gave when I first walked in. It was really cool.

“You look stupid,” Celestia said. “Your neck is so long like this.”

“My tail was changed to help keep me balanced. It feels weird, but it’s easier to do than walk like what I was going to end up as. Raptors are awesome; too bad my two leg balance is kinda shite while I’m hunched over.”

“I swear, you have to be a changeling,” Luna said. “If it weren’t for the lack of a green flash when you clearly used magic to transform, I would’ve knocked you out and captured you already.”

“Still dunno what that is, but I think it’s a good thing my magic isn’t naturally green when I use it. Hold on,” I grabbed Luna’s crown, made it bigger with a spell, and placed it back on her head. Now, it was just a little too big for her, just like how Button’s hat was just a little too big for him to wear. She glared at me after realising what I was playing at, before rolling her eyes. She couldn’t even be mad; the silent argument just made sense, after all.

It was hard to be scared of somepony being cute, which definitely, the case right now. Luna’s horn lit, and suddenly both hers and Celly’s ears more resembled Button’s. You see, Button and most foals’ ears are a lot floppier and droop just a little bit. It was because the calcium in their bodies was doing what calcium did in a puppy’s body, which was focus on both growth rather than ear growth. In other words, they had floppy ears now and it made Luna just that little bit cuter, because that won’t give anypony a heart attack. To be clear, once we tested it, Luna can, in fact, make criminals stop being bad guys by asking for a belly rub while acting all innocent.

Then said criminal we tested it on got tossed in jail because he promptly tried to rob me. No, he wasn’t smart, he tried to rob me in front of a princess.

“Well, I guess we’re all ready, aren’t we?” I asked, lowering myself so Button could jump on my back.

“I suppose we are,” Celestia sighed. “This will be my first Nightmare Night…”

“Same here,” Button said. “The orphanage never let me go out on Nightmare Night.” Bro, that’s just mean. Let the kid trick or treat!

“I’ve never been to a Nightmare Night; I was on the moon when they were invented,” Luna said with a tiny little chuckle. “I heard it was invented because of me? That’s a good thing…” She sighed. “Not really, but it can’t be that bad.”

“Coolio. I sent a letter to Twilight so she should be expecting us; she decided to try her costume out this year or something. I know she’s going as that one unicorn that she basically worships this year, I dunno why she was saving it for this year.” At least it wasn’t something that made her look like a slut, because apparently ponies did that shit here too. Make slutty versions of costumes for everything.

“Source, is this going to be your first Nightmare Night?” Celestia asked.

“Mmm, that depends. If you go specifically by name, yes. If you consider my world's version, Halloween, then no. I’ve trick or treated and or walked around for candy, real fun. I got this homemade cookie and ended up being sick for a few days… last time I did that, or let my siblings get freshly baked goods from anyone on Halloween. I know that probably won’t happen here, but if somepony offers a brownie that they just made, or something similar, don’t take it. Especially you, Button; Celly and Auntie Lulu are apparently poison resistant.” Celestia and Luna seemed shocked that somebody would happily hand out poison to random kids on a holiday… Man, they would probably die if I told them about America.

Mostly about America’s education system, not because it sucks, but because of… reasons. That was an easy, horrible joke, I’m sorry.

“Okay Dad. What if it’s from Pinkie?”

“I’m scared that she somehow knew what cocaine was and put it in a brownie, Button… nah, if Pinkie or Sugarcube Corner does give out baked goods, go for it, I guess. If only because Pinkie works for Sugarcube Corner and Sugarcube Corner is a respectable business; they probably wouldn’t put pills in cookies, or be in business if they did.” I hummed. “Actually, just don’t take any baked goods from random ponies unless they are somehow working for Sugarcube Corner, cool?”

“Yeah. What if I ran a diagnostic spell before I took a cookie and it came back negative?”

“Mmm… Good point. Do that before you take it then.” With that, we started making our way to the chariot bay so we could go celebrate Nightmare Night.

I nearly fell on my face when I got off the chariot. I just about got used to being a regular pony, but my currently longer neck is screwing with my balance. Luckily, I didn’t fall on my face, but I almost did. That was currently irrelevant, since Luna decided to jump out of our chariot before it landed. Don’t mind how her guards looked a lot more threatening than the average pony… granted, she looked like a badass while jumping out of the chariot, but she was being stupid. Anyways, because I am a smart pony, I reverted myself to my usual, not stegosaurus ‘costume.

Then I jumped out and landed next to Luna after casting a Lightweight so I wouldn’t break anything.

So that’s how I nearly fell on my face.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw what looked like a Wonderbolt flying around with a stormcloud, using it to scare the ever living shite out of everypony around. How the thunder was in sync with the lightning was beyond me, but that wasn’t the main point. I saw a rainbow mane for a moment before lightning flashed behind us after we landed. Meanwhile, I could feel Celestia facehoofing at how I almost broke my nose because I decided to jump out of a chariot after Luna… without giving myself wings before doing so.

This caused a group of foals, led by Pinkie Pie wearing a shark costume, to run in fear. “Watch out! It’s Nightmare Moon and her minion!” She yelled something about… eating children. What the actual hell do ponies teach their foals on Nightmare Night?

The chariot soared through the air towards the center of town.

“What the actual crap just happened?” I asked.

“I… I thought Ponyville would be far more receptive to me; they were fine with me hosting the magic convention here, some stallions even tried to ‘hit on me’ as the younger ponies would say.” She then smacked the back of my head for jumping out of a chariot after I had promptly teleported my business suit onto my body since I don’t think I could turn myself back into a stegosaurus if I wanted to. I used way too much magic and even just teleporting my clothes to me gave me a slight hornache. We started walking towards the center of town where we found Twilight happily greeting Celly, while Spike was… dressed up as a dragon. It had stretch marks on it and everything, so it was probably what he wore every year.

“Oh! Princess Luna, Source! There you are!” Twilight waved. “Princess Celestia said you two were arriving in a different chariot, which was odd since I figured Source and Button would be sticking to each other quite a bit… Source, you look awful.”

“I casted a few Transmutation spells, a Lightweight, a Teleport and also jumped out of the chariot because somepony wanted to make a flashy entrance.” I glared at Luna.

“Tis tradition, and you said the traditional way was cool!” Luna argued. Everypony around us slowly started backing away, looking like they thought that the actual Nightmare Moon would come to be. Even Twilight started looking a bit apprehensive, whereas Celly and Button just watched on with indifference. Celly knows how me and Luna are, and Button probably knows we’re both a couple of idiots.”

“You could’ve been the dork you are, and just landed with the chariot, Luna-” she thwacked me over the head for that!

“Why did you jump out of the chariot anyways, you magicked away your wings for your costume… actually, how the hell did Pinky immediately think you were Nightmare Moon?”

“Because everypony knows that a fiery mane means the pony is evil! I mean, that’s what Princess Celestia’s alter ego would probably look like if she were evil! So maybe Luna has a similar looking one!” Pinkie said, before she realised she was hugging Luna. She squawked, made some quip about Luna trying to cook her into sushi, dunno how she knew what that was, and ran away while clucking like a chicken. I turned my hoof into a hand for a brief moment, flipped off the general direction Pinkie ran off in, and reverted the hand.

“What did that mean, Source?” Celestia asked.

“Don’t worry about it, it was just something vulgar my… ponies from my home did if they oculd use magic. It usually meant ‘fuck you’.” I sighed. “I did that because I’ve a feeling Pinkie’s gonna keep doing that until she upsets Luna.”

“Pinkie wouldn’t do that, she’s just trying to have fun.”

“She pinned a fake tail to me arse while playing pin the pony. She then proceeded to try and flirt with me after doing so while my arse was hurting from the pin in it.” Pinkie meant well, but she is a damn sicko. When she pulled the pin out my butt, the pain went away, too. I don’t know how she even did that, why she did that, or the reason she can do the things she does. Either way, that mare is tone deaf, and I think Celly and tell that Luna doesn't appreciate being called a cannibal.

Luna’s gaze actually fell to the ground after Pinkie ran off, so I wrapped a foreleg around her neck and nuzzled her. “C’mon, Luna. I’m sure the Crusaders would love to see you. I know you aren’t going to say no to foalsitting a few fillies while they go trick or treating with Button… Am I right?”

“...I would like to spend the night with my nephew and his friends. If you wish for me to come along, I do not mind.”

So that’s what we ended up doing for the next few hours, we picked up the Crusaders and Dinky. I keep forgetting that she doesn’t have a cutie mark and hangs out alone with Sweetie Belle a lot… Button and Sweetie Belle spent a few minutes complimenting each other’s outfits. since Sweetie Belle dressed up in a generic princess costume, had fake regalia made, was wearing a dress that was admittedly really pretty, and had lipstick on. Button thought Sweetie Belle looked pretty and Sweetie thought that him dressing up in what I’d call a suit, handsome.

Sweetie Belle’s costume actually, and heavily, resembled something I’d see on Princess Peach from Mario, it was… very pink. Almost too pink for my liking, but just barely too pink. It was actually kinda pleasant looking, even if I, personally, couldn’t shake the resemblance. The only reason why Sweetie Belle didn’t look exactly like Princess Peach, besides her having her mane in a ponytail, was the fact that she left her mane and tail pretty much untouched. Above all else, she looked adorable, which is all you really need to do as a filly wearing a crown. Be cute, secure the bag full of candy, and sweep my son off his hooves.

Seriously, Button was enamoured by how Sweetie Belle looked.

“Why are you and your dad wearing the same outfit, Button?” Scootaloo asked. Like most of the pegasi foals I’ve seen running around, she was wearing a wonderbolt outfit, apparently each wonderbolt had a different costume and she was going as Spitfire tonight.

“Dad’s the coolest pony around,” Button said matter-of-factly. I had to hide my smile behind my hoof while Celestia and Luna didn’t hide their smiles; they definitely thought that was cute. “Since he is the coolest pony around, I wanted to look like him… He didn’t let me dye my fur or mane to look like him, though.”

“Because you shouldn’t be aiming to be exactly like me, kiddo.” I said. “Trust me, you wouldn’t want to exactly be like me, as it’s simply better to be yourself. I appreciate you looking up to me like that, but distinguish yourself and be the coolest pony you can be, Button.”

“Okay Dad, but you’re still the coolest pony I know until I become the coolest pony I can be.”

“Mr. Code is not the coolest pony around, that would be Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo declared.

“Mmm… That is debatable,” I shrugged. “Flying does seem pretty cool,” I started walking in the air with magic. “Though I’ve got that covered currently.”

“...I didn’t know you could do that. That’s pretty cool, even if Rainbow Dash is just twenty percent cooler than you are.” I still can’t argue with that, Rainbow Dash is admittedly, a really cool flier. A bit of an asshat, but loyal as can be. You don’t find ponies like that very often.

So, there was a spooky story competition and a costume competition. Nopony in our group particularly cared about the costume competition other than Sweetie Belle, because apparently she had a hoof in helping Rarity out with the costume, as in she stated that Rarity made the whole thing after Sweetie put her input on how she wanted her dress to look. Nopony else cared, but entered anyway to see how that would go. There were three separate categories, cute, scary, and pretty. Sweetie Belle won the ‘cute’ category without any struggle, because how could you argue about how cute she is? This is the same foal that could probably convince Rarity to go out in the woods with her for fun. Unfortunately for me, the scary story contest was a thing everypony in our group was partaking in, our group because Twilight and her friends eventually found us, grouped up with us, and decided to take part in the competition… I say this is unfortunate because ponies cannot come up with anything scary. Celestia was currently a judge, so was Luna, and even they looked somewhat shocked at what some of the ponies were coming up with. Like genuinely, they were shocked.

The scariest one was Apple Jack’s story because she decided to tell a story about an ax murderer that ended up not actually being a murder at all and actually just some stallion looking to buy some apples. Rainbow Dash told a ‘scary story’ about the were-gryphon or something. Twilight’s story was plainly boring, just something stupid involving the Pinkie Sense. Pinkie Pie forgot it was a spooky scary contest, but when she did, somehow entirely recounted(while acting out) the entirety of predator. Rarity’s story was about bad hair days and Fluttershy hid under a table after Rarity’s turn.

By the way, there were forty ponies and I had to sit through forty really shitty scary stories.

I did not have fun. The foals were supposed to have their own competition, so at least I wouldn’t be hearing anything too childish to be too scary. I wonder if I could get away with telling something completely screwed up. I could literally just recount any of the many, many, many stupid alien stories from back home… I could talk about Nessy, Nessy would be pretty spooky. Nah. Once it came to my turn, I decided to be a little silly with it tonight.

“Hello fillies and gentlecolts, tonight… Let me tell you about a story me mum told me. Of a ghostly galleon filled with gold. A crewless pirate ship that many, many sailors have tried to tame… This is the Tale of the Shadow!” Luckily, a part of my order was a cap, a cap that I used to wear a lot as a young lad, it was an Irish flat cap. Before I started singing, I teleported a stool to me and started using it as a drum. Everypony was surprised that I was telling my tale through song, but nopony was really complaining.

Luna was happy to hear me sing again, and Celestia was more than excited. Twilight seemed to immediately guess it was a song from my homeland, as if it wasn’t a part of this world… I need to learn how to play an accordion for shit like this, dude. I probably won’t ever do that, but I want to learn how to play an accordion. I was honestly having a blast. Foals looked intrigued, yet terrified, the adults looked fearful as my voice grew darker and darker as I started approaching the end of the song. I did some minor redubbing, such as ‘all hands’ to ‘all hooves’, but nopony seemed to notice.

As soon as I got to the bridge, I used magic to make my pupils disappear as I slowly looked up. My cap was hiding my eyes the whole time for a reason. “None can tame the one the sailors call the shadow!” I laughed like a maniac before slumping out of the chair I was sitting in and playing dead. Everpony started screaming and poking me to make sure I was alright… Oh. Oh ho, ho.

“SOURCE STOP SCARING EVERYPONY! YOU’RE GOING TO GIVE THEM NIGHTMARES!” Luna thwacked me over the head. Dammit, Luna, I was having fun!

Anyways, I won the competition, I got a nice, blue medal, an angry, blue alicorn, and Celestia was simply shaking her head while obviously holding back a laugh. Even if she and Luna did genuinely look disturbed not only by my performance, but the story.

While I wasn’t paying attention, I caught Snips and Snails… Snips was dressed as a scissor blade while Snails had a big, very obviously fake snail shell on his back. Celly decided to take over watching the foals, Luna more or less just went where the foals were, so I was left alone. Snips and Snails were sitting at a picnic table picking through what they got while trick or treating. I trotted over and sat down. Admittedly, when I first kicked them out and subsequently banned them from my tutoring sessions, I was being a bit rough.

I’m used to dealing with stupid, annoying teenagers. Snips and Snails were just annoying asshats, but I wanted to amend things and offer them some form of help with their magic.

“Howdy,” I said, sitting down in front of them. “How’s your Nightmare Night going?” I asked.

“It’s going great! We just stole half of this candy from a bunch of foals!” Snips said, Snails nodded along like an idiot. Luckily, I knew for a fact that they didn’t steal from my foal, since I doubt Celly would let that fly, and Luna definitely wouldn’t let that happen.

“...Alright. I’m not going to ask why, since I can probably guess that you wanted their candy and you thought it was funny,” I sighed. “Aight, I’m here to say sorry for yelling at you lads, that wasn’t very professional of me as a tutor, nor was it very ‘grown up’ or whatever.” Snips and Snails looked at each other, before turning back to me. “I was stopping by, since I was kinda told by Celly to piss off,” as in she figured out that I skipped Lunch and Dinner and told me to go find something to eat. “So I stopped by and was wondering if you want me to tutor you guys on magic. Interested at all?”

“Nope!” Snails immediately said. “Why would we wanna learn magic from you when you didn’t even come second in every magical competition at that weird unicorn convention? You came-”

“Third place in everything but the free for all,” Twilight said… where she came from is beyond me. “I wouldn’t skip over this opportunity for you two, Source genuinely is a good teacher, and I know you two have stopped by my library occasionally while looking at spell books.”

“Well, Trixie is better with magic than both of you, so it would be better to learn from her.”

“...What?” I asked. Okay, that is genuinely fair, Trixie is better at magic than I am if I had never made Python, but c’mon! Twilight is definitively the most gifted unicorn in Equestria.

“Yeah! She can take on an Ursa Major, I bet neither of you can!”

“...Don’t bring one of those in town to prove a point. That’ll get somepony killed.”

“Oh, we should! I heard the Princess is in town, so when we’re proven right, she can save the day!” I blinked a few times, before plopping my arse on the ground and started rubbing my temples. What the actual fuck? How the heck does Celly and Lulu being in town make doing that any better? I think you have to be… I’m not even going to be there. I know I’m going to need some whisky to forget that idea.

“Don’t do that," I said.

“...Fine…” They grabbed their candy and ran off.

“So,” I said, turning to Twilight who was wearing a fake book on her head. She almost resembled a librarian from Minecraft because of that. “Why did you seek me out?”

“Spike got picked up by Celestia. Did you know that the rest of the foals you were supposed to watch out ended up riding on her back because they all fell asleep?” Oh my god dammit! “So did Spike shortly after joining them. He is a baby after all. Why are you alone?”

“Celly made me go find food, without thinking that nowhere that sells food would be open at this hour. She found out that I was screwing around with trying to make use of dark magic instead of feeding myself, and got mad. Not about the dark magic part; she’s fine with that. God does she care when I don’t take care of my basic needs such as food, though.”

“...She’s letting you study dark magic? Wouldn’t that corrupt you?”

“I’ve developed a system to prevent that, and even use another dark magic user’s power against them.”

But you have to fully give into negative emotions to make full use of dark magic! Why would you even be interested in that?”

“Because I wanted to. It hasn’t affected me poorly, and as long as I don’t use anything that requires sacrificing sapient creatirea, it’s technically not illegal. With that said, I think ponies need to stop shunning their negative sides. Flaws and emotions make a pony, experiences build character. Many, many story tellers from my home make stories that seem amazing, and then fall flat because their characters don’t feel like people. People, and ponies are inherently flawed and get angry, they get jealous, they feel depressed. If they don't, then they aren’t alive.” I smiled and sighed. “Nopony does though, which is a shame. Yeah, you get slightly antsy over Spike not picking a book up, but when’s the last time you’ve felt truly angry and anything, Twilight?”


“I have. I’ve been angry at myself, I’ve been depressed when my dad died. The important part about feeling those shitty emotions such as anger, is not letting them control you. However, that’s not why I’m studying dark magic. I wanna make use of it, sure, but I wanna see if I can empower a spell using my love for Celly, or my family, or any positive emotion. I wanna, and I’ve made some progress, but I’m still trying to truly see what emotions affect magic.” After that, we started off to try and find Celly and Luna.

I was admittedly tired, and I think Twilight wanted to retrieve Spike and go to sleep too.

I couldn’t find my Celly, or my Button. Twilight and I split up at some point, she said she’d check the library because Celly and Luna were welcomed to stay at the tree-brary for one reason or another. I think most of the adults had put their foals to sleep and started celebrating the adult part of the holiday, which was drink until you drop, and then feel like shite in the morning. I didn’t bother taking part in that, and Celly and Lulu wouldn’t do that in public, even though we definitely were going to do that when we got home later. Most of the adults were hanging around Sugar Cube Corner, where the adult side of the night, hosted by Pinkie, was underway.

I stopped mid step when I heard a roar. It wasn’t a quiet one, it was a roar, obviously. I heard screaming, namely it sounded like Snips and Snails screaming. I growled at myself; right when everypony was probably a-fucking-sleep! Seriously? Did those two seriously go out in the woods and go find a… That’s a bear. That’s a giant bear made out of whatever the heck space is made out of. It was running through town, destroying stalls, the stage that was used for the scary story contest, and came to a stop in the center of town, which was really close to where Sugarcube Corner was.

Snips and Snails saw me and made their way over to me, so that left me to deal with it! Woo!”

Well, I’m pretty much the only thing that will be able to hold it off, so… I teleported towards town hall, and shot a concussive at the fucker to get its attention. I can't do anything about this. Ursa Minors were already pretty hard for most unicorns to deal with because of how big they were. Ursa Majors are larger, stronger, and slightly magically resistant. So that’s not going to end well for me.

“Hey! Over here you oversized mutt!” I said. I didn’t need to, I already had its attention. I shot a Piercing spell at its eye, which actually made the ursa minor roar in pain… Oh good, it can bleed! Glad I figured that out. Because now it was chasing me.

“Source!” Oh thank Celestia, literally- nevermind. Celly shot a spell at it, and was immediately batted away with a paw. Button and his friends were standing behind Twilight, who had her horn lit…

“WHY DID YOU BRING THE FOALS OUT WHEN YOU HEARD A DAMN ROAR!?” I shouted as I shot another spell to get the bear’s attention. Twilight turned around… She definitely didn’t know they were following her judging from the shocked look on her face.

“I WILL SMITE THEE!” Luna shouted in the Royal Canterlot Voice, only to be swatted away by a bear paw too. She went crashing down towards where Celly was sent flying… My teeth gritted as I realised what that meant. The bear just hurt Celly and now Luna. It. Hurt. My. Fucking. Family. The ursa minor turned to Twilight and the foals, who were screaming. I don’t know what, I don’t know why, but everything faded black for me. I was just pissed the hell off. All I know is that my horn lit, and I was done screwing around with this stupid bear.

Twilight watched as Source Code started screaming like a banshee. He took to the sky using a variant of DragonFire she had not seen before, flying right into the ursa minor before she could actually do anything to it. The bear roared as the projectile that was Source, flew into its face, leaving a serious burn mark on the bear. Its once translucent fur, was now burnt to a crisp on its face. The bear slowly realised that it might have messed up, and turned to run. Twilight watched on as Source calmly landed in front of the bear, as his horn lit.

There was magical fire oozing out of Source’s eyes, his trench coat fluttering in a nonexistent wind as his mane and tail started doing the same; there was oceans of magic oozing out of Source, and… it was dark magic. What was standing there wasn’t the stallion that Twilight once knew as the somewhat nerdy, stupid, and nice pony. What was standing there was… something else entirely. It was horrifying. It wasn’t the somewhat magically weak stallion, it was pure, unfiltered power flowing out of the stallion.

“Hey buddy, I ain’t done with you, yet.” Twilight watched as two…wings spreaded open. Judging from the party goers that were watching, they were equally as shocked. Source’s horn lit before grabbing the ursa minor and throwing it into space. Not even just… throw it. It shot off into space after being lifted off the ground, it caught on fire while screaming on the way up… Source threw an ursa minor so hard that it caught fire from the friction of the atmosphere. Almost immediately, the change in what was standing there and Source. He immediately stopped… whatever he just was, and ran over to her and the foals. He did a quick check in on them, before going after where he saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna get launched.

He quickly found them, started nuzzling them, and casted healing spells. Alicorns, at least from what Princess Celestia has said, heal rather quickly, and both princesses received only minor scratches due to them being far more resilient than the average pony. Of course, both Celestia and Luna watched the whole thing and were quick to notice the wings that Source now possessed. Of course, the once unicorn didn’t even notice, in fact, he didn’t seem to care, and probably wouldn’t notice for the time being. After he was sure that nopony he loved was injured, he fell over and fell asleep rather quickly.

“What the buck did we just watch?” Apple Bloom asked. “No seriously, what the fuck? Is our teacher secretly an alicorn too?”

Twilight would’ve admonished Apple Bloom for swearing if she wasn’t shocked at just what happened.

“Why… was there an Ursa Minor in town to begin with?” the unicorn mused as Celestia started carrying her very, very worn out stallion towards a nearby hospital to make sure that he was alright. Twilight shrugged, now knowing that the threat was gone, even if she could've handled it. Once everpony got to the hospital, they all quickly learnt that they were probably seeing things. Source didn’t have wings, but was still knocked out from overexerting himself from magic… Though the somepony sprouting wings, without the aid of magic, seemed farfetched to the unicorn.

“Is he alright?” Twilight asked Celestia, who was staring down at her coltfriend.

“Twilight, Source just wielded so much magic that it made me flinch. I… believe he had accidentally found out what he was looking for while studying dark magic. What he was using wasn’t solely being fueled by hatred, it was love and fear. He thought Luna and I were seriously injured, and only got angry when he saw the bear threatening you and his students. Mostly his students. The amount of magic Source can wield while fueling himself with his own emotions is horrifying. I swore I saw wings under his trench coat, Twilight.”

“...Is it possible for a pony to become an alicorn through large amounts of magic?”

“I… am not sure.” They both flinched when Source shot up while coughing.

“Ah shit, mate, what the feck did I drink… Shit!” Source immediately calmed down when he saw Celsetia, and immediately relaxed right after she hugged him. “You alright, dear?” The unicorn asked. His words were slurred a little.

“I am fine, Source. Do you feel… angry, or anything?”

“Nope. I am slightly mad about Snips and Snails leading an ursa minor into town, but they’re kids, so I won’t hold it too badly against them. They’re kids and kids tend to be pretty damn stupid a lot of the time. Button and Luna are fine, right?” The unicorn was answered when Button and Luna walked through the door to his hospital room. Button gently hopped up on the bed, nuzzled into Source’s side, and immediately found his father’s tail laid across him. He and Luna nodded to each other, before the very, very exhausted stallion laid his head back down on the pillow.

Then Source rolled over slightly, pulled Button to him, and started grooming the colt with his eyes closed. He paused on the fifth lick, before shrugging and kept on going.

“Dad! Not in front of the rest of the foals!”

“Shush, I saw a giant bear threatening my son. I am going to groom you in front of your friends even if it embarasses you.” Source smiled. “I’m just glad y’all are safe, even if my horn hurts like me eyes when that stupid, haunted ship stole’em.”

“...Source, if you make your eyes disappear again, I will smack you,” Luna warned. “I already have to deal with a lot of nightmares, and you added onto that with your messed up, foreign mind.”

“Worth it!” Source chuckled, before he immediately went back to grooming Button. At least nopony… got hurt. Nopony. The ursa minor was definitely thrown off into space, burnt to a crisp somewhere.

Nopony told Source that he nearly grew wings.

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