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Prison Lane Part 1

*Scootaloo’s POV*

Wow! There’s a lot of awesome stuff happening here at Canterlot City!

A two tailed fox beastman spoke "Yeah but Sonic and Rainbow are still missing."

“Uh, who’re you?” I asked.

The fox beastman spoke "My name's Miles Prower but due to my mutation, most call me Tails."

"Wow really?" I asked with starry eyes.

Tails spoke "Yeah but I hate having a second tail."

"Why? You can do so much with two tails." I pointed out.

Tails spoke "I can't fly though! And after what happened to Danyelle, I don't want to risk it."

"Come on! You can-Gah!" I yelped as we heard a roar while I jumped, unintentionally going into my beastman form.

Tails asks "A bird beastman, huh?"

“I’m not a chicken, I’m a Spix Macaw!” I squawked.

Tails snickers "You sure you're not a chicken?"

I grumbled in Portuguese.

Tails spoke "I'm just teasing you Scootaloo. And I'm starting to worry about Sonic and Roll, I haven't seen them lately."

“Yeah, I’m kinda worried about Rainbow Dash.” I admitted.

A male spoke "Found ya, cuz!"

A Spix Macaw Beastwoman spoke "Tiago, you're such an idiot."

*Gasp!* That sounded like…!

The Spix Macaw Beastwoman spoke "Hey Scoots."

“Carla! Tiago! Bia!” I smiled as I flew over and hugged my cousins.

Bia asks "Who's the fox?"

"A friend of mine, Tails." I answered.

Carla spoke "That reminds me! Great Aunt Mimi found six beastmen not far from here. Two gryphons, a tanuki, a fox, a pony and a hedgehog."

Bia spoke "Yeah, she spotted them while flying above an ocean."

Tails spoke "Then I know where to they could be."

Tails left before coming coming back in an awesome plane!

Tails spoke "Most passengers I can bring along is 4."

Carla spoke "But sis, you forget... The Prison Island airspace is restricted. No bird Beastman is allowed to pass through it."

Tails spoke "But that only applies for bird beastmen flying on their own."

Bia spoke "He does have a point."

I spoke "Then there's that aggressive beastman...."

Tails spoke "But now he's suddenly gone off-radar, so this is our only chance to get them back."

"Right! I'm in!" I smiled.

Tails spoke "But Scootaloo, your parents would get upset with me if you got hurt or worse."

A manhole cover rattles before getting moved.

Applejack spoke "Consarn it Knuckles! That's the last time ya drag me into the sewers fer shards of yer master emerald!"

Knuckles spoke "Can't believe there was only one in there though."

Applejack spoke "That pesky bat musta gotten the other two. Oh hey Scootaloo."

Knuckles noticed the plane Tails was in. "Going after Sonic and the others with some of your friends?"

Tails spoke "I am but I can't take everyone with me."

“Four passengers, right?” I asked.

Tails spoke "Yeah."

But then Tails was given a noogie by someone new.

A fox beastman spoke "'Bout time I found ya, cuz!"

Tails groans "Not now Rusty!"

But then Tails was suddenly hugged from behind. "Now is that anyway to say hi to your cousin?"

Tails gasps "*Blushing* I-Inari?!"

Inari giggles "That's me, your girlfriend."

Applejack spoke "We don't have time ta be sitting around! Roll and the others could be in danger!"

Tails spoke "Again, I can only bring along four passengers."

Tiago spoke "I'm in!"

An older spix macaw beastwoman spoke "Oh no you don't Tiago, you're still grounded."

Tiago spoke "*Gloomily* Aw, mom…"

Jewel spoke "You broke my mother's plates."

Yeesh. Tough luck there, Tiago.

Then an older Spix Macaw beastman showed up.

Jewel spoke "Hey Tyler."

Blu chuckles "Come on, sweetie. You know you can call me Blu."

Jewel giggles "Glad I'm not Eva though, I can't handle a large amount of children."

Blu spoke "I just don’t know how Rafael manages to do it."

Applejack was already sitting in the plane's pilot seat.

Applejack spoke "There ain't no way Ah'm letting a 14 year old pilot a plane."

Tails spoke "*Deadpan* This isn’t the first time I flew a plane."

Knuckles spoke "Tails’ got a point there, I’ve seen him do that."

Applejack spoke "But he doesn't have the legal license to fly a plane!"

Knuckles spoke "It hasn't stopped Tails from doing it before."

Tails spoke "And I'm not sure if you have a license either."

Applejack spoke "Ah've got a driver's license."

Tails asks "*Deadpan* Is it the same as a pilot's license?"

Applejack tried to argue, but couldn't as she said nothing.

Inari spoke "Miles, don't make me call your older sister over here."

A female spoke "She probably means Pixie. And I know how Tails is when he doesn't get to use the stuff he builds. Don't worry, I'll help ya this time."

Tails yelps "Gyah! Miyuki?!"

Inari spoke "I was talking about you though Miyuki."

Miyuki spoke "Oh. I can tell that Tails, Scootaloo, Rusty and Inari wanna come along, so I'll take 'em with me. And don't worry, Miles. I'll let ya handle the walker form."

Tails spoke "Yes!"

Applejack asks "What 'bout Knuckles and I?"

Miyuki spoke "You guys get back to Celestia and find more of those shards."

Applejack spoke "HELLO!?!?!? Ah'm pregnant fer heaven's sake! Once Ah'm further along, Ah won't be able to do much."

Applebloom spoke "Oh! Maybe I can help Knuckles!"

Applejack spoke "No Applebloom."

Applebloom spoke "But Ah wanna help."

Knuckles spoke "This is far too dangerous though and I refuse to put my girlfriend's younger sister in danger."

Applebloom spoke "Ah’m not a little kid anymore!"

Applejack spoke "No means no Applebloom, not with that Shadow still on the loose."

Inari, Tails, Rusty and I got into the Cyclone as Miyuki was in the pilot’s seat.

Miyuki asks "Everyone ready?"

Applejack spoke "Knuckles and I are comin' too and there ain't no way ya'll can convince me otherwise Miyuki."

Tails, Inari, Rusty and I nodded at that.

Miyuki spoke "Then hold on tight."

Miyuki started up the Cyclone.

Applejack held onto Knuckles as the direwolf dug his spiked fists into the metal.

We soon weren’t far from the ocean as Knuckles sensed something.

Knuckles spoke "Looks like this is where AJ and I get off."

Tails spoke "Just be careful Knuckles."

Knuckles spoke "Same goes for you."

Knuckles jumped off with Applejack as the two glided.

Later, we were nearby airspace of Prison Island.

Tails spoke "There’s no mistake about it, this must be the island. It’s a secret military base that is reinforced and super strong. It’s called Prison Island. I heard the news about it on satellite TV. I still can’t believe that Sonic or any of the others would destroy the military buildings or rob the bank! Wait for us, okay guys! We’re on our way!"

Inari spoke "But we might run into a boss fight."

We looked down, seeing a female pink hedgehog beastman cornered by a human in a mech.

Inari asks "How did Amy get here?"

Miyuki spoke "Wonder that later, looks like we have a detour rescue. Tails, the con is yours."

Tails spoke "Right! Tornado… Transformation!"

Tails pressed a button as he took over as pilot, causing the Cyclone to transform before we soon landed.

Dr. Eggman spoke "Hahaha! You’re fools to fight, you can’t beat me!"

The air around the group got a lot colder.

Miyuki growls "You'll regret messing with an arctic fox Beastman."

Miyuki jumped out of the Cyclone as she landed on the ground.

Tails spoke "Rusty, you handle the Volkan Cannon. Inari, you aim the missile launcher."

Rusty spoke "Got it, cuz!"

Inari spoke "Right!"

Miyuki spoke "Let's teach Baldy McNosehair a lesson not to mess with the Prowers!"

Tails asks "Right! Scoots, the top half can rotate and has a grappling hook, can ya handle controlling that?"

"Sure can!" I smirked.

Tails spoke "Then I'll operate the legs!"

We then started battling Eggman and his Eggwalker as I rotated the top half, aiming the volkan cannon as Rusty fired it with me firing the grappling hook, landing some good hits.

Dr. Eggman spoke "Wha-?! You won't escape me this time!"

Miyuki froze the ground under Eggman's mech, causing it to slip and fall down.

Dr. Eggman spoke "Gah! That's it! I'm being serious now!"

Dr. Eggman fired missiles as we dodged them with Tails moving the Cyclone before Inari fired missiles back, hitting Eggman and the Eggwalker, knocking him back onto the frozen ground.

Dr. Eggman spoke "Guh! I let my guard down..."

"Hey, how's that?" Tails smirked while making the Cyclone jump in victory before the Eggwalker got back up.

Dr. Eggman spoke "This time, I'll let you go. But the next time we meet... You won't be so lucky!"

Dr. Eggman walked away on his mech as Amy got to us.

Amy asks "Wow guys, you did it! But what are you doing here on this island?"

Tails asks "We're the ones who should be asking that question! Don't you know it's dangerous here?"

Amy spoke "I know, but I'm here to save my hero, Sonic!"

Tails asks "*Deadpan* Again!?"

Inari spoke "For the love of Ginrou... Sonic's got a girlfriend already Amy."

Tails spoke "Inari, you know how Amy is with Sonic."

Amy spoke "Hurry! I know Eggman's up to no good again!"

Tails spoke "Okay, you stay here and we'll be right back!"

The four of us started moving forward with Tails doing the driving the Cyclone's walker form as Miyuki followed us.

Amy spoke "Don't leave without me! *Runs after us* I wanna help Sonic too!"

Miyuki asks "Should I ice her?"

Tails spoke "*Sigh* It's not like we can stop her anyway."

Miyuki spoke "I've heard rumors about a few beastmen living on Prison Island."

Another Sonic appeared but he was in bad shape.

The lookalike spoke "You guys have to go."

Amy asks "Sonic! Are you okay?"

"Sonic" spoke "I was attacked by a few dozen Changeling Beastmen after I escaped. I don't know where the others ran off to."

"*GASP!* That means the others might still be captured!" I dreaded.

"Sonic" spoke "I saw the two gryphons get captured though."

“THAT SETTLES IT! We’re going in!” I declared.

"Sonic" spoke "About that, Chrysalis is too clever to be stopped by five teenagers and an adult."

Tails definitely got a bit suspicious at that. “We’re still going, and you’re coming with us.”

Miyuki spoke "Hmm… Yeah, you’re right, Miles. Good call."

"Sonic" spoke "Don't make me go back there... They'll attack me again..."

But then Miyuki froze “Sonic” solid in a block of ice. “We’ll just have to get in there and find out. Amy, you can carry Sonic.”

But to the surprise of the four foxes, the hedgehog and I, "Sonic" had inadvertedly dropped the disguise he had on thus revealing a Changeling Beastman.

Needless to say, Amy was not happy as she brought out her hammer.

Tails spoke "For the love of Ginrou, put that thing away or SO help me!"

Inari spoke "You know how Amy feels about being tricked by Sonic imposters."

The Changeling Beastman was cowering in fear after the ice had been shattered.

Tails spoke "Forget about him, Amy. Let’s go."

The Changeling Beastman spoke "I'm sorry for lying... But I wouldn't go that way if I were you guys."

Tails spoke "Well then, you clearly don’t know us."

The Changeling Beastman spoke "I know well enough that there's a swarm of Changeling Beastmen lying in wait that way."

Miyuki spoke "Heh, a swarm? If you were that easy to freeze, then there's not much to worry about."

"Heh, good point, Miyuki." I snickered as Tails smiled in agreement.

The Changeling Beastman spoke "That was because I was on my own. There's at least 200 Changeling Beastmen lying in wait... Plus I can smell some of them nearby. Oh, I'm Thorax by the way."

Amy spoke "...Amy Rose. And don't think I'll forgive you for pulling that stunt on me."

A depressed Thorax spoke "I wouldn't expect a cutie like you to..."

Amy noticed that expression as her face softened. "But if I do, maybe we can be friends."

Thorax spoke "Heck, I'd go against my hive for you."

Amy was surprised, but stayed focused. "Just hope you aren't all buzz."

Thorax spoke "No pun intended."

To be Continued