• Published 6th Feb 2024
  • 1,342 Views, 57 Comments

Harmony and Unity - HuskToFawn

Everyone knows the story of Twilight Sparkle and Sunny Starscout, and how they both united Equestria in their respective times. But in this universe, these two generations existed at the same time.

  • ...

No Party Un-Partied!

Sometime later, the three arrived at “Maretime Town Park” where they heard a fanfare being played... no, rehearsed. Because they could tell it was out of tune.

“Where is that coming from?” Sunny inquired. “It sounds really good!... and really bad at the same time.”

“It’s coming from there,” Spike said, pointing to a light yellow pegasus with a light pink mane and a light blue unicorn with some birds.

“Oh, my. Um, please stop everyone.” The pegasus said, rather timidly. She flew up to a bird and got his attention. “Um, excuse me, sir? Your rhythm is just a teeny, tiny, bit off.” She backs up a little, “A-one, a-two, a-one, two, three.”

This time, the fanfare was in tune, and it sounded quite nice. “Wow, that sounded better than last time!” The unicorn said.


Sunny came up to them and greeted them, the birds flying off with the unexpected noise. Twilight and Spike followed close behind.

“Oh, sorry about the birds. I’m Twilight Sparkle and this is Sunny, we’re checking on the preparations. And music is going well!”

“Oh, uh, thanks! I-I’m Misty Brightdawn. I, um, it’s nice to meet you!”

“Nice to meet you too, Misty!” Sunny smiled.

A small muffle was heard from the pegasus.

“What was that?” Twilight asked.

The pegasus backed away a little. “I’m...”

“Didn’t quite catch that.”

The birds return to the tree while Twilight has a small smile. “Well, your birds are back. Keep up the good work!”

Another small muffle was heard, this time it was even softer.

Spike grabbed the checklist and checked the music off. “Well, that was easy, usually, something would’ve happened by now-” Twilight was saying before she got cut off by the pegasus, who accidentally knocked Twilight to the ground.

“Another dragon!”

“Oh, I jinxed it, didn’t I?” Twilight grumbled as Sunny helped her up.

“Oh, I’ve never seen another dragon that isn’t Sparky! He’s so cute!” The pegasus said.

“What’s his name? The only dragon I’ve ever seen is Sparky.” Misty asked.

“I’m Spike!” The dragon said.

“He can talk?! Well, Sparky can talk so that shouldn’t be too surprising.” Misty said.

“Hi, Spike, I’m Fluttershy. Wow, another dragon! What do you want to talk about?” Fluttershy said.

“Well, what do you wanna know?”

“Absolutely everything!” Fluttershy said.

Knowing it would take a while, Twilight used her magic to put Spike on her back and started walking to the lighthouse with Sunny.

“Well, I started out as a cute little purple-and-green egg.” Spike started.

“And that’s the story of my whole life- well, up until today. Do you want to hear about today?”

The five were now next to the lighthouse, which looked like it hadn’t been touched in a long time.

“Oh, yes please!” Fluttershy answered.

Twilight turns around abruptly and faces Fluttershy and Misty.

“I am so sorry,” Twilight said smiling nervously. “How did we get here so fast? This is where we’re staying in Maretime Town, and my poor baby dragon needs his sleep.”

“I’m 10!”

“Well, time to get going! Bye!” Twilight enters the lighthouse and uses her magic to bring Sunny inside.

Inside the lighthouse, it was pitch black.

“Twi, you didn’t have to be so mean,” Sunny said. “She was just curious.”

“Sorry, but I need to convince the Princess that Nightmare Moon is coming, and we’re running out of time! I just need to be alone so I can study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time!”

Sunny sighs. “Fine, the library is the door on the right. Wait, where’s the light? It’s pitch black in here.”

Suddenly, the lights turn on and they turn around to see a crowd of ponies inside.


The three scream in shock as confetti rains down on them. The pink pony that Twilight first met bounced over to them.

“Suprise! I’m Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party for you two!” She hopped around them when Sunny shook her head. “Were you surprised? Were you, were you? Huh? Huh? Huh?”

“Yes! How did you even plan a party in one day!?” Sunny said. “Not to mention get all these ponies here!”

“Oh, that’s easy! This was originally supposed to be a Summer Sun Celebration Party! But when you two arrived I turned it into a Summer Sun Celebration With New Friends Party!” Pinkie giggled. “You see, I saw you two when you first got here, remember? You were all “Hello!” and I was all-” She gasped before resuming talking. “Remember? You see, I never saw you two before, and if I never saw you two before, that means you’re new.”

Twilight groans and starts walking to the refreshments table while Pinkie talks. “Cause’ I know everypony, and I mean everypony in Maretime Town!” Twilight pours a red bottle into a glass. “And if you’re new, it meant you two hadn’t met anyone yet, and if you two haven’t met anyone yet, you must not have any friends in Maretime Town, and if you don’t have any friends, then you must be lonely, and that made me so sad. And I had an idea, and that’s why I went-” She gasped again. “’I should make my Summer Sun Celebration Party into a big, ginormous, super-duper spectacular Summer Sun Celebration With New Friends Party!’”

Applejack, Rainbow, Zipp, Pipp, Rarity, Izzy, Hitch, Fluttershy, Misty, and Sunny quickly gather around Twilight. “And now you have lots and lots of friends! 11 now including me!” Twilight starts to sip the drink before she tears up and her face turns red. She turns around.

“Are ya all right, sugarcube?” Applejack asks.

“I don’t think you should be that red,” Zipp said.

She jumps up with steam coming out of her ears and zips inside the library.

“Aww, she’s so happy she’s crying!” Pinkie said.

“I don’t think that was tears of joy,” Sunny said.

Spike picked up the bottle and read its label. “Hot sauce. 120% spicy.”

Pinkie grabs the bottle and pours some on the cupcakes and swallows one whole; which leaves the others confused. Izzy uses her magic to levitate a cupcake with hot sauce on it and swallows it whole too. “Oh! That is good! Just the right amount of sweet and spicy!”

“I know! Who could hate hot sauce!” Pinkie giggled.

Inside the library, Twilight is reading multiple books before groaning and closing the book with her magic.

“Ugh! I can’t find one, ONE logical connection!” Twilight groaned. The door of the library opened to reveal Spike and Sunny at the entrance, Spike having a lampshade on his head for reasons no pony knows.

“Hey, Twilight! Pinkie’s staring Pin the Tail on the pony! Wanna play?” Spike asked.

“No! All these ponies in this town are CRAZY! I’m trying to do something about the pony who’s gonna come and kill us all! And I can’t focus with all this noise! Also, it’s 3AM! And they’re still going!”

“It’s the eve of the Summer Sun Celebration. Everypony has to stay up, or they’ll miss the Princess raise the sun.” Spike said. “You should lighten up, Twilight. It’s a party! And it’s for you!” Spike exited the library while Sunny stayed.

“Here I thought I’d have time to learn more about the Elements of Harmony. But, silly me, all this ridiculous friend-making has kept me from it!” Twilight grumbled. “And when I do have time, I can’t even focus!”

“Twi? You okay?” Sunny said, walking over to her.

“No! No, I’m not!” Twilight snapped. She saw Sunny flinch, seeing this Twilight sighed. “Sorry, Sunny. It’s just...”

Sunny sits down next to Twilight. “I have this feeling that something bad is gonna happen, I just know it’s about Nightmare Moon! But nopony seems to believe me, not even the Princess, my teacher.”

“I mean, it is a little... farfetched. The Mare in the Moon is just a tale, a story made for fillies.” Sunny said. “Come on, we should get going. The event should start soon.”

Sunny left the room. Twilight followed behind but not before muttering something. “I hope you're right Sunny.” She left the room, unaware that the mare formation on the moon disappeared.

After splitting up with Twilight at Town Hall, Sunny met up with Hitch.

“Eh, cooking’s not right for me, everything I make ends up burnt.” Hitch sighed. “Fluttershy helps with that, so I’m lucky.”

“What?! Cooking is like, one of the best things in life! It’s kinda like potions, with the right recipe, it comes out great!” Sunny said.

“Yeah, but if you have the wrong one, it comes out all... uh, burnt-y.”

“You’re not good at making analogies, are you?” Sunny said.

“Uh, it’s probably gonna start soon. We should go.” Hitch said before rushing off.

Sunny sighed and followed behind him, once she got to Town Hall, she looked at the moon to see that the mare formation on it was gone. Seeing this she felt a sudden dread. No, it can’t be true... right?

Inside, she found Twilight and hurried over to her. “Twi, something’s wrong, the”

Suddenly, she got cut off by Pinkie Pie, who zipped over to them. “Hey! Hey! Are you excited? Because I am! This is so exciting, I’ve never been so excited! Well, except for the time I saw you for the first time in town, and when I went-” She gasped. “But I mean, what can top that?!”

“Uh...” Sunny trailed off. The birds perform a small fanfare when the spotlight lands on Mayor Mare.

“Fillies and gentlecolts! As Mayor of Maretime Town, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!”

Twilight looked up and saw that the mare formation on the moon was gone and looked worriedly at Sunny.

“In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise and celebrate this, the longest day of the year!”

Twilight trotted over to Sunny. “Sunny! I’ve gotta tell you something.”

“Did you notice? The moon?” Sunny asked.

“And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon every day…the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria...”

Backstage, a blue wisp surrounds Celestia, who doesn’t react at all. “Luna...”

“...Princess Celestia!”

The curtains open to find that Princess Celestia is not there, in her place is a scorch mark. Rarity, who was the one who opened the curtains, trots backstage before coming back and exclaiming, “She's gone!”

“Oh, no,” Twilight muttered. “This can’t be good.”

Ponies start to mutter amongst themselves while Mayor Mare speaks up. “Remain calm, everypony! There must be a reasonable explanation for this.”

Blue smoke starts to appear where the scorch marks are. The smoke starts to spin around until it explodes! A blue armored alicorn with a black coat and blue smoke appears with a scornful expression.

“Oh, my beloved subjects. Tis’ been so long since I’ve seen thine sun-loving faces.” The alicorn said.

“What did you do to our Princess!?” Rainbow said she started into a flying charge, but Applejack stopped her by grabbing her tail in her teeth.

“Am I not royal enough for you? Don’t you know who I am?” The Alicorn said, dispelling the royal guards who tried to attack her.

“Ooh, ooh! Uh, Blue Smokes! How about... Moony Star! No... Black Snooty! Black Snooty!” Pinkie said before Applejack shoved a cupcake in her mouth to prevent her from talking even more.

“My turn! Hm, uh... oh! I know! Blue Princess Celestia!” Izzy said. Hitch covered her mouth with his hoof while the alicorn faced the two.

“Thou dare mock me?!” The alicorn said.

“No! She doesn’t know better, Princess... Alicorn!” Hitch said, nervously.

“I know who you are!” Twilight said. Everypony turned to Twilight, the pony having determination on her face. “You’re Nightmare Moon!”

“Well, some pony who remembers me. Then you must know why I’m here.” Nightmare Moon said. Hearing this, Twilight started losing her nerve and stuttered. “You’re here to... to...”

“You’re here to bring eternal night!” Sunny spoke.

“Hm, another one. Maybe I shall put you two in my court.” Nightmare Moon said. She then faced the ponies. “Remember this day, little ponies, tis’ thy last. From this moment forth, the night shall last forever!”

“Twi, we need to go.”

Author's Note:

Nightmare Moon was banished when they still spoke Archaic English (probably, seeing that she was banished for 1000 years.), so I added ‘thou, thy, tis, shall, and thine’!

Originally, Nightmare was gonna be like, “woah, what is that!” about phones. But I scrapped it, seeing I couldn’t find a way to put it in. :ajsleepy:

Anyway, next chapter we’re gonna go into... ze Everfree Forest! I’m going to try to add all of the Element Trials, so wish me luck. If I have any spelling errors, PLEASE let me know!