• Published 4th Feb 2024
  • 314 Views, 2 Comments

Twilight Sparkle And The Chocolate Factory - SuperBird64

Twilight turns her Twinkie Factory in a Chocolate Factory inspired by her fvorite book Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

  • ...

What Do You Get When You Mix A Fantasy Book With Mostly Chaos Magic

In a Twinkie factory a box of the factory's product was thrown on the floor as Twilight Princess of Twinkies and Friendship paced back and forth holding a newspaper stained with cream filling about tension between the ponies and other nations.

And in true random fashion her good friend and business partner Pinkie Pie seems to pop out of nowhere "Hey Twi how company's doing."

"I'm not focused on the company today Pinkie Pie in case you forgot i'm also the Princess Of Friendship for uniting the nations using just Twinkies but now there's tension between the nation and could cause a war!" Twilight worried now starting to bite her nails a little.

"I got it how about we host a party for the rulers!"

"Parties aren't the answer to everything....You know that could work but it has to be something bigger than a party something like-" She crashes into and bumps her head on one of her bookshelves knocking down a copy of Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.

"Ohhh! You know Twilight as someone who's been casted as Willy Wonka in multiple stories you could take a stab at guiding a tour of a factory."

"How am I supposed to do that? The Twinkie factory isn't interesting ,renovating it into a chocolate factory will take months and who knows how bad tension will get by then." she worries

Pinkie's about to answer

"Wait scratch that reverse it, don't answer that question I know exactly how." The alicorn teleports to the chaos dimension where Discord is reading a book about random stuff "Hey Discord can i-"

"Yeah sure don't use it irresponsibly." He bluntly responds giving her a fraction of his magic, shrugging she teleports back to reality "Scratch that reverse it Twi you're all ready getting into it, here's the plan try and be as accurate to the book, everything from the factory to your personality.

"You got it Pinkie!" And with that Twilight spent surprisingly only a few hours renovating the factory now really caring abour or perfecting any chocs deformities caused by Discord's magic. Finally she sent out 6 golden tickets respectively to each kingdom where each ruler found them and followed its instructions. Except these golden tickets were actually just used Gala tickets drawn over with black pen.

The big day has arrived all 6 rulers and their children, all dressed in winter clothing arrive at the gates of the newly appeared factory. It was still very dark the sun just barely coming up.

The overlapping chattering and bickering between the rulers was stopped and it became so silent they could hear a pin drop when the gates opened. They all walked through the gates which closed once they were all in, the races all took in the massive size of the factory and stopped when they reached to what was suppose to be the front door except it just looked like the gate that is put over when a mall's shop closes.

There's a long moment of silence and confusion between the creatures.

"Uh hello? Were here for the tour." Thorax finally spoke up holding up his ticket getting a response in the form of the gates opening horizontally as opposed to vertically like actual mall gates do. The gates opened to reveal a display of cardboard candy which seem to be trying to imitate some sort of Candyland.

The makeshift Candyland was out shined by a yellow discoball coming out of the floor which reflected the sun rays off it and onto a box of fireworks which went off setting the cardboard cut outs on fire. The blazes were then put out by a bunch of spray whip cream. The rulers and their heirs all cringed and or grimaced at the event which even got Gallus' to pause his game and take his attention off his JoyColt.

"Kinda cool right?" Twilight asked magically appearing behind the dragons catching them off guard. The alicorn dressed in a purple suit complete with a brown top hat and holding a golden cane with her face as the tip which she nicknamed Twicane. The rulers slowly shake their heads and their children give her mid hand movements

"Alright then.." she trailed off faking a limp towards the group, followed by planting her Twicane into the ground and doing a summer salt

"How was that?" None of them even responded to her act that time "Alright then i clearly can't impress any of you guess we can move on-" she stopped and her face froze confused Novo waved a claw in front of her face which the princes responded to it by falling over revealing that bunch of darts with pictures of crossbones had been shot into her back signaling they were poisoned ones.

The group of 12 creatures, including Gallus all gasp and look up to find a green mare photographer "That's what you get for reforming my hive!" she said only for the princess to get up, grab her cane and shake all the darts off her back "Gotcha give it up for the new and improved Chrysalis!"

The former queen dropped her disguise and rather than a black, hole filled appearance had a bright blue colorful change. The soon to be tourist group started clapping, especially Thorax and Ocellus "How did you manage to reform Chrysalis?" the changeling princess asked

"That's a story for another time and question time will come at the end of the tour."

"Um who exactly are you?" Rain Shine asks

"She's Twilight Sparkle princess of friendship." Novo responded

"Right you are Queen Novo." Twilight said, saying the last part of her sentence in a disgruntled tone

"Shouldn't you be up there?" Autumn Blaze added pointing a hoof at the middle of the put out fire "Well I couldn't watch the show from up there and I didn't want to put myself in danger."

"Alright come on every creature onto the actual tour!" Twilight declares reaching her hand out which is filled with the 7 golden tickets, she puts them all in he pocket and leads them into the factory "Don't pony want to know other creatures?" Yona asks

"Not sure why it would matter." the alicorn bluntly replies "Come on everycreature we've got the whole day ahead of us it's only just begun." Once they were all inside, Gallus almost tripped on one of the damaged cutouts ,the gates re closed. "You can leave your coats and hats on the floor or place them on the uniquely shaped coat hangers."

The yaks and griffons choose the floor while every other creature picks the coat hangers which are sentient hands "LIVING COAT HANGERS!" Ember rips the golden hand that grabbed her hat off the wall, throws it on the floor and steps on it. "You're gonna have to pay for that."

Mumbling something unintelligible she hand the alicorn a bag of bits "You'll see lots of stuff like that in here, but none of it is dangerous at least not to the average visitor...alright everycreature I want you all to sign this contract." she says spawning in a massive contract which resembled an eye test with the really big words at the top which get tiny at the bottom.

"Hold on what are we exactly getting ourselves in Sparkle?" Novo questions "Just so you know my daughter is incredibly allergic to blueberries."

"Oh you know the typical contract terms and conditions and like I said nothing dangerous to the average visitor just be aware of any blueberries."

"There is no such thing as a typical contract." Gruff counters

"The excessive shrink in words is awfully suspicious." Thorax adds

"Yaks no read terms and conditions."

"No one does." Ember adds

"Can't believe I'm saying this but this is actually something I agree on with all these other creatures." Rainshine admits "Well if you're gonna not gonna sign i'm afraid you can't go into the factory."

"I don't care it's not like we wanted to go on this tour Smolder let's go." Ember says as the rulers start gathering their children and start walking away. Realizing her mistake the princess laughs nervously

"I was joking about the contract no need to sign it." she says picking the contract up, crumbling it up into a ball and blasting it into a pile of ashes.

Knowing they're not getting into anything sketchy they decide to follow Twilight who found most of the heirs and their parents choice of clothing pretty normal not to basic and not to regal, the most regal being Smolder who wore a small pink dress with a bit of jewelry.

Gallus on the other hand was an absolute wild card he dyed the yellow spots on his feathers green, wore a black shirt with minecraft creeper head on it and shorts with Tetris blocks on them which really empathized his love for video games and screen time on his JoyColt. Something strange the alicorn noticed was that he wore a green headphones around his neck even though his console didn’t look like it supported wireless devices so she concluded he wore as some kind of neck pillow to fit his latter description.

"Alright everyone through this door." Something the rulers found confusing was that there didn't seem to be any characters on the dial no number, letters, symbols nothing empty. Instead Twily Wonka presses her ear against the door until she heard 3 clicks. Smolder was gonna take charge only for Gallus to unknowingly bump into her and enter the room shortly followed by everyone else.

"Hey there is no other door!" Thorax said as he was cramped into the room feeling around the walls "I know there's a secret door somewhere." Twilight countered doing the same

"Hey can't see my gaming screen!" Gallus said his handheld console was obscured by either the wall or other creature's fur. "Can't reach my stress gum!" Silverstream said trying her best and struggling to reach into her pocket for a packet of gum. " None of you better be touching me!" Gruff half-jokingly said who was in the middle of this mosh pit

"Yona getting scared!"

"Is this a pony thing?" Ember asked followed by Smolder "None you ponies try to steal my jewelry

"Is this some kind of trick or funhouse Sparkle?!"

"Why? Having fun?

"Where's all the candy and chocolate I want to try them all melted." Autumn Blaze begged while feeling the entrance door "You're really getting on my nerves!" Rainshine added

"Yak destroy room!"

"AH-HA I think I found it." Twilight announced

"You are all making me uncomfortable!" Ocellus said as Twilight opened the door then came through, the tourist all spilling out the room and despite Twilight being the one to open the door somehow didn't get crushed by the creature feature pile. Gallus checks on his JoyColt and finds himself along with the others in a black hallway with a red carpet along the floor. "That was stressful." Silverstream said popping a stick of gum into her mouth and chewed

"Trust me everycreature this is the last room we have to go through until we reach the real magic."

As they continue to get to the end of this hallway everyone start panicking as they feel and see the room getting smaller. "Alright everyone behind this door is the heart of the tour, easily the most memorable part, something you'll remember for many years to come."

"Well why is the door so small?" Gallus points out "My son's right none of us will fit through there not even then tiny ke ran." "Hey and it's kirin!" Autumn Blaze says raising her temper a little

"Pipe down you 2 the small door help keep all the flavor in and guess what this has a musical lock!" Twilight unlocks the tiny door which deploys a small piano.

"Watch and forget." she plays Shave And A Mane Cut 5 bits it doesn't work, she tries the beginning of Oompa-Loompa, beginning of Pure Imagination, My Little Pony, Yankee Doodle. Losing her temper she blast the door with her magic which cracks it open a little.

"Mare and gentlecolts the Candy Room." The alicorn fully opens the door revealing a colorful forest like area with either plants growing candy, nature shaped candies like flowers and fruits or just plants purely made out of candy. It had everything from your basic chocolate and mints to cream filled mushrooms, giant gummy bears, lollipops and anything else you can think of.

But the main sight of the Candy Room was the large dark chocolate river complete with a waterfall of the same contents. The tourists all stared in awe at the room, Gruff lifted his son's head from his JoyColt which left in so much shock he dropped his console which the older griffon picked up and placed in his pocket. Silverstream had to pop another stick of stress gum into her mouth.

"Make sure you're not dreaming. Count to 10." Twilight said as she along with everyone else started walking down the stairs, SIlverstream putitng second piece of gum in her mouth as the alicorn starts singing a song which really fits with the goal Twilight's of Twilights's tour. Smolder and Autumn started shoving each other only to be back cane smacked by Twily Wonka's Twicane, she pauses once there down the stairs "Everything in here is eatable and edible."

"Even grass?" Yona asked

"Even the grass, it tastes like sugar cane. I'm edible as well but that's called cannibalism and it is not something you should ever resort to and is frowned upon in many cultures."

"Not all of them." Smolder half-jokes "Even though everything in here is edible i'm afraid I didn't get some recipes quite rig-" she was cut off the heirs all cheering and running

"Well what are you waiting for you saw your kids dig in!" Twilight continues singing

Gallus kicked a mushroom stool which landed near Smolder, getting an idea she kicks it back, the griffon kicks off his paw, then his knee and then his head. Smolder kicks it back with her tail Gallus does the same expect he kicks it with enough force to burst into the dragoness face. Realizing what he's done he closes his eyes bracing himself for a fireball or some sort of blow but it never comes.

He opens his eyes and find the latter licking the cream off her face with her surprisingly long forked tongue. Silverstream picks a blue gumball off a bush and takes a bite expecting it to be blue cotton candy only to find its juicy blueberry insides. He beak swells up luckily before her allergic reaction could become too bad her mother who was eating cream from a mushroom, used an emergency Epipen on her daughter returning her to normal. The princess see’s some pieces of candy laying around and using a some string candy makes a candy necklace.

Speaking of gumballs Thorax picks a orange one off the same bush but ends up hurting his mouth on the first bite. Ember on the other hand grabs a white mystery flavored one and eats it as if it were an apple or a very brittler cracker.

“Yak destroy!” Rutherford says smashing a candy pumpkin spilling its gooey jelly contents which Rainshine cringes at “What dragon pony looking at? Purple princess pony say dig in!”

Autumn Blaze tugs on her mother sleeve grabbing her attention “What is it?”

“Check it out!” The younger kirin says showing her mom a piece of slightly melted caramel "That's very nice honey." She gladly takes it and eats it. Autumn then slightly re ignites her eyes to roast another piece of the same candy and pops it into her mouth along with an extra piece of chocolate.

Yona starts her experience by eating multiple gumballs off a bush. Getting curious about the grass she grabs handfuls of it and starts shoving it into her mouth.

Ocellus plucks a candy flower off the ground and goes to take a bite but finds liquid of the same color inside. She takes a sip and finding it tasty gulps down the rest of it discarding the flower itself “Yum tasted like really sweet liquid love.”

Ember grabs a candy apple and takes a bite only to have trouble cracking it despite being able to chew through crystal “HA you're doing it wrong!” Gruff dips his own apple into caramel and chocolate and takes a bite out of it like a brittle cracker.

Twilight on the last line of her song sits near a bush and grabs a yellow candy flower and drinks its contents which tasted like pineapple soda pop. She takes a bite “Bleh taste like wax and plastic.”

“Hey Twinkie!”

“Twilight and since you said it here you go.” The alicorn spawns in a Twinkie and hands it to the Dragon Lord who decides to hold onto it “Any reason why your candy apples are unbreakable until you dip them in chocolate.”

“Oh that’s just a new element I’m using on the candy apples she spawns in a normal candy apple and a decorated one she bites as hard as she can on the bare one it doesn’t even crack. She bites the fancy one, a chunk is bitten off.

Thorax drinks all the liquid out of the pink flowers and discards the containers by stepping on them. Yona swallows down the last bite of candy grass and then reaches into a mushroom and grabs a handful of whip cream. She accidentally smears it on her face prompting her to start fumbling around, trip on a rock and crawl towards the dark chocolate river. Hearing the sound of running liquid she reaches into the river only to get the cream teleported off her face and pulled back from the river.

“What were you trying to do?”

“Yona try to was face off in river.” She explained reaching back into the chocolate to demonstrate but is pulled back again by the Twicane “Well don’t you’ll contaminate the entire river and if you fall in you might end up in there.” She points the cane at the giant ufo like device coming over the river and bringing a pony sized pipe down.

“Well what does it do?” Rainshine asks she along with the other having caught up to the egghead who was interrupted by Smolder who was carrying a candy pumpkin.

"Hey wanna bet I can break this-" the dragoness trips and scrapes her knee on a rock "OW! What happened to everything being edible?"

"Well maybe if you had listened to me about the fact that I didn't get some recipes quite right you would've known. By the way that was suppose to be rock candy." she turns back to the adult kirin “Well it’s a pressurized pipe that sucks up some chocolate from the river and transports through the factory.”

She spots Silverstream going to dip her hoof into the chocolate “Don’t do that either just because your half fish doesn’t mean you can swim in any liquid.”

“Oh come on this is a once in a lifetime experience.”

“Silvy you do realize that it’ll be as hard to breathe in their as if you tried to be underwater in your hippogriff form.” Novo explains

“Oh thanks for that information mom didn’t think about that.” The princess responded rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment.

“Hey purple pony can Yona borrow pot spoon?”

“I don’t see why not.” Twilight responded creating a metal pot out of a chocolate bar. Yona takes it and starts scooping up some dark chocolate.

The princess doesn’t notice and her attention is further brought away by Autumn “Hey look on the other side of the river those ponies they look like you princess.”

“Wow I’m glad you noticed those are simply clones Twi-Clones if you may. Don’t worry they’ll all different from each other, mane fur, eye color, cutie mark, tribe, height, outfit anything you can think of.”

“Everycreature don’t listen to her I’m the real Twilight!” A identical alicorn said

“Ocellus!” Thorax scolded making the false princess frown and drop the disguise. On the other side of the 10 Twi-Clones all earth ponies, with different mane colors working, 3 climbing stairs to place a pot and small spout, 3 placed a longer additional spout and 4 grabbed bags of chocolate chips.

“Hey how do you get to the other side of the river? None of them even have wings.” Gruff pointed out

“Oh that’s a secret.” A 11th earth pony clone walks up to the original and whispers in her ear “Oh yeah behind the waterfall you’ll find your way.” She finally took notice of Yona

“Eh I don’t mind just don’t stick your hand in there.” As soon as the bookworm finished her sentence the yak dropped a bit of chocolate onto the rim of the river making her left hand slip and entire body fall into the chocolate.

“HELP HELP YAK NOT SWIM!” Twilight starts panicking “Here Yoda grab this!” She reaches her self themed cane out which the yak manages to grab.

“It Yo-“ Before she could finish she disappears above the surface taking the head of the cane with her. The crowd, including Gallus gasps and the half fish and shape shifter rather than turning into aquatic forms and saving the yak, watch as bubbles reach the pipe and disappear where the source of them reappears. She gasps for air, the pipe starts shaking, squeezing the oversized creature.

"She looks like a chocolate bunny!" SIlverstream cheerfully comments getting a deatj stare from the yak prince, shutting her up and turning the grin into a frown.

Yona’s whole body makes it through when it springs a leak and sends her 2/3 of the way up into the pipe.

“Will Yona be trapped in pipe?”

“Don’t worry your majesty like I said it’s a pressurized pipe. Pressure will build up until it manages to shoot Yona out like a bullet.” Twilight explains respawning the head on her cane

“Where does pipe go?”

“Oh umm…” She reads the label on this specific ufo pipe “To the fudge room.” She calls over a 11th Twi-Clone “Take Prince Rutherford to the fudge room look sharp don’t want his daughter to get poured into the boiler.”

“Boiler! Who you princess pony let happen to Yona!” The older yak complains as he’s dragged away by the earth pony “Sorry your majesty but all questions must be submitted in writing.”

As soon as the Prince is out of sight the pipe springs another leak fully sending Yona up the pipe and into the ufo, the yak somehow not even making a sound.

As for the 11 Twi-Clones they start humming 3 pouring more liquid dark chocolate into a pot, down the short spout, into the longer spout held by 4 other clones as 4 final ones shoveled chocolate chips into the river, and soon the broke out into a song

Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clone
We've got a perfect puzzle for you
Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clean
If you are wise you'll listen to us

What do you get when you have lots of pride?
Refusing to take any one else's side
Thinking you race is the absolute best
Doesn't that make you kind of a pest
Maybe try asking for some help

Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clod
If you're not prideful you will go far
You will live in harmony too
If you simply ask for some help

And with that the 10 Twi-Clones all stop working and/or climb down, walk behind and seemingly disappear behind the chocolate waterfall, the group faintly hearing a secret door close.

“What kind of scheme of you running here princess?” Novo asked “What are you talking about I did my best I even broke my cane for darn sake."

There’s a long moments of silence between the tour guide and the remaining group of tourists “So who’s ready to embark?”

“Embark? Embark on what princess?” Gruff asked “On the Friendship No War!” Right on cue a roofeless, dragon like boat, being rowed by Twi-Clones all alicorns with different eye color pulled up next to the group and Gallus started playing on his JoyColt again.

They all get Thorax noticing a spot missing for the yaks. The main alicorn signals an over to fake alicorn standing on a podium to get the clones rowing. The original then pulls a lever which starts up an engine as the boat enters the tunnel.

“What’s the point of an engine when the boat is being rowed?” Smolder asks “I was gonna say submit that in writing but since it’s such a good question…this boat can reach incredible speeds let me demonstrate.”

She sets the lever to medium speed which speeds up the boat significantly and the head rower ushers the other rowers to speed up.

The ceiling of the tunnel turned from black to red and each guest started seeing a lot of weird imagery “Hey princess I hope this isn’t too much to ask but can you go slower?” Thorax asked

“This doesn’t even have seatbelts so I suggest...” Ocellus trails off and empathizes her point by turning into a slow sign
“Alrighty then faster it is!” She moves the lever to max speed causing everyone in the boat including Gallus and except Twilight and her copies to start screaming. The tunnel also changed color from red to lightning blue almost like there were travelling at the speed of light. In addition storm clouds appeared which reminded Novo of the Storm King further, imagery of which she saw before the very sudden increase of speed.

The boat then suddenly comes to a halt hitting a road block and even though the vehicle had no seatbelts for the rowers or the guest no one was somehow thrown out.

“We’re here!” They found themselves in a dark chocolate pond with 2 doors a gem mine and an inventing room. Getting an idea Smolder tries to sneak off the boat only to be stopped by Twilight’s magic “It you’re eyeing that gem mine most of them go to The Inventing Room.”

Silverstream pants holding a claw to her chest as her mother tries to calm her down eventually putting a third piece of gum in her mouth.

Ember is surprised to see that the Twinkie the alicorn gave her a few minutes ago was still intact surprised that she didn't lose it or accidentally squeeze it during the intense boat ride but another thing she noticed was that it had changed to a somewhat grey appearance and it felt hard,so of course she took a bite and found it crunchy which she spat out onto the boat's floor.

Welcome everyone to the Inventing Room! Where the best, most unique. potentially life changing and revolutionary candy products are made!"

The actual design of this room could be described as very industrial and steamy, like a sauna with lots of pipes brewing out steam, the remaining group could even see a bit of smoke along the floor. Luckily the laboratory inspired room's bright colors, machines and chemicals, which were all occupied and worked on by a variety of Twi-Clones. The group stops in front of a water tank, with a few Twi Clones scuba diving inside.

"Any creature up for some candy bobbing?" Her question gets the attention of all 5 children "I was talking to the adults." she clears up resulting in another moment of silence between the 5 remaining rulers Thorax was about to speak up only for Nov to beat him to it "I'm up for it!"

Climbing to the edge of the tank, the queen dunks her head into the water and resurfaces with a round multi colored ball in her beak, which she removes "What is this? Some kind of jawbreaker?"

"That's only half right, it's a special type of jawbreaker called an Everlasting Gobstopper prototype name The Forever Treat. The forever part i'm still working on, as of right now it can only last until next year." she notices Smolder put a coated ruby in her mouth "DON'T EAT THAT!"

She smacks the dragoness in the back of the head with her cane knocking the gem out of her mouth and onto the floor where it dissolves and even melts through the floor "If you're wondering yes that ruby is from the Crystal Mine but it's not reading for creature consumption i'm planning to make it into a product call Pop Rocks but I overdid the formula and now it's powerful enough to melt through ground, floor and even flesh if moist enough."

Smolder's eyes turn to pinpricks and slowly back away from the barrel of dangerous chemical gemstones. "Hey princess didn't know flaming leaves were edible."

Twilight screams seeing the young kirin over at the flaming leaves station with a free samples sign above. The pony teleports over but even with her magical ability Autumn still manages to place in her mouth and swallow. Nothing happens at first but when she sees smoke come out of the dragon-pony's nose, ducks, barely avoiding being blasted by a stream of fire. "Woah not even I have seen a fire blast that big." the Dragon Lord admits

"How was it sweetie?" the kirin ruler asks in hopes of lighting the mood a little "Eh it was alright."

"A flaming leaf isn't a candy product, little missy!"

"Yeah well candy also counts as a snack and you can also consider certain forms of street food as snacks." Twilight replies as Gruff witnesses his son accidentally burns the green dye off the yellow spot on his leg after he touches a hot pipe and barely has a reaction to it. “You know Gallus I think it’s best if I just…”

He trails off and grabs his son’s the JoyColt only for the latter to bite him, he places his claws on the console and although his grip looked loose Gruff’s attempt at trying to take the console away ends with the older griffon burning his arm on another hot pipe.

"Now on with the- GIMME THOSE!" she sees mist coming out from Ocellus back which prompts her to reach behind and grabs a container full of dragon breath's balls "Never thought something covered in a freezing liquid could taste so good!" Ocellus admitted popping one more piece into her mouth and breathing mist out of her nose.

"Fine new rule, don't touch anything unless I absolutely give you permission to like an unfinished product, machinery chemicals-"

"What about this!?" Silverstream interrupted pulling out a freeze ray seemingly out of nowhere, aiming it at the princess. She screams and jumps out the way as the hippogriff accidentally fires a blast which hits a Twi-Clone briefly freezing it before making it pop like a balloon and turn into a trail of magic which flies off, the real Twilight laughs nervously as she levitates the freeze ray away from the hippogriff princess.

"Now on with the-"

"Hey princess so is the Everlasting Gobstopper basically gum?"

"No cause if you try to chew or bite into one of those you'll break your beak or mouth." Twilight then spots Smolder with it "Wanna test it out?" the dragoness rhetorically asks before taking a bite out of the improved jawbreak as if it were an apple "Great you ruined both the product's purpose and the product itself." she sighs, taking the bitten Gobstopper and tossing it aside

"Alright for real now, on with the tour!" she guides the group through more forms of machinery, chemicals and other prototype products until they reach a board. "Alright right here on this very board is my table of elements not chemical ones likes oxygen, carbon or hydrogen or elements like The Elements of harmony, magic or laughter i'm talking elements like Crackalack!"

"That is a made up word little prissy princess!"

"Yeah well all words are made up including the ones we're speaking right now. Crackalack is the element that gives the candy apples a coating that makes them unbreakable until dunked in chocolate and/or caramel which should more thoroughly answer your question Dragon Lord Ember. And I combined it with another elements to create the Everlasting Gobstopper.”

"I also wanted to show you all a few new products!" Twily Wonka reaches into another tank and pulls out a live squid keeping it at a distance so it doesn't stick itself to her face. She throws it into a pot releasing excessive steam and dumps a bucket of blackberries "Don't tell you're gonna try and mix seafood with fruit?"

"Not quite your aquatic majesty in fact quite the opposite." The alicorn closes the lid and a few seconds of waiting later she casually reaches inside and pulls out 2 identical looking black jelly beans "Hey hippogriffs pick a jelly bean.”

"You sure there aren't any blueberries Sparkle?" Novo sternly asks "Trust me i'm smart enough to know that blue and blackberries are 2 completely different fruits."

Taking her word for it the queen and princess put a jellybean respectively, the heir taking the gum out her mouth “All I taste is blackberries.”

“Bleh takes like octopus ink.” Despite the disgusting taste Novo is still modest enough to swallow “Right you are the jellybean could’ve been black berry or black squid ink.”

“Wait so if the black ones can taste like squid ink what can this green one taste like…wait a second here Ocellus you try it.” She puts in her daughter’s mouth “Yum tasty like a juicy pear!”

Shrugging Thorax picks another green jelly bean onlyto be disgusted and spits it out “The green ones can be either juicy pear or stinky socks. I like to call the product Bean Boozled prototype name Never Trust Just Looks ” Twilight explains “Moving on! Now we have the element of Lickergoober which I combined with Crackalack to make the Gobstopper but it also allowed me to create this!”

“Lickable paper!” The alicorn pulls out a strip of wallpaper with seemingly plums on it here take a lick. The plum tastes like plums!” Silverstream presses her tongue against the purple fruit “Taste a bit funny.”

“Oh wait that’s miscolored that blueberry!” The hippogriff’s tongue swells up and her mom applies the Epipen to her “Mom I think you made me swallow my gum.” she checks her pack "Aww i'm all out, empty!"

"Wanna see something that can give you lots of energy?" The candy maker asks "Won't that kill you?" Rainshine counters "That's the thing it can't kill you cause it's not made of caffeine I introduce to you all...Lightning In A Bottle capitalized cause it's the name of an energy drink!"

"Lightning in a bottle you say." Novo responds grabbing the bottle from the princess which was black with a lightning bolt across and in front of it being light blue words stating the item's name. The queen slightly lifts the cap off the bottle which is somehow enough for a random strike of the liquid's name sake to happen making a hole in the ceiling. It scares the bird queen so badly it almost makes her drop the bottle which Twilight catches with her magic right before it hits the floor and places it down gently.

"Whoa careful there it's called Lightning In A Bottle capitalized not only cause it's a energy drink made of lightning but also cause it's basically lightning in a bottle lowercase made with a extremely rare element called Electrolight. Working on mass reproducing it but for now i'll need a to test out the drink on one of you.... " This once again catches the attention of the 5 remaining children and they all raise their hands/claws.

"Wait a second why do you need one of our children to test out your dumb energy drink." Gruff asks "Cause it's powerful enough to destroy my clones, observe." She calls a shorter alicorn copy over and as it takes a sip it pops like a balloon and turns into a trail of light which flies away "See and before you ask I know it works on actual creatures since I tried it myself and survived but I didn't record the side effects so...I pick you the the kirin."

"Autumn Blaze!" her mother corrects

"Right come on don't worry the small sparks of electricity are safe." Ironically Autumn didn't get nervous until after Twily had put that thought in her head. She takes a sip "I honestly don't know what makes it so special it's just sparkling wat-" suddenly her mane and tail rather than catching on fire they start releasing massive sparks of electricity, not only that she also gains a massive boost of energy moving so fast it look to the others as if she was teleporting all over the place. From chemicals to machinery to the Bean Boozled pot and finally near the water tank containing the squids.

Her mother panics at first but then sees an opportunity in her daughter's pattern of movement. When Autumn teleports near the pot the older kirin grabs her and quickly throws her near the squid tank as a result she's boosted a little when she's teleports to the tank and splashes into the water before she could go, killing all the squids in the tank evident by the creatures floating to the surface.

Rainshine gets a bit nervous and worried but both emotions disappear after the source of the electricity resurfaces with only minor burn marks "You okay honey?"

"Yeah if i had a bit for everytime I shot something out I would have 2 bits, which isn't a lot but kinda cool it happened twice."

“Still needs some work." Twilight mutters and writes into her notes

"Phew moving on wanna see something cool?” Wonka says walking over to and pulling with lever which is connected to a massive machine which started boiling chemicals and activating machinery. A robotic claw moves down and after a lot of build up dispenses a piece of gum.

“Seriously that’s it?” Gallus says clearly disappointed going back to playing his Joycolt

"The griffon's right that's seriously all?" Smolder adds as Gallus balls his claw up in frustration at his game which the dragoness mistakenly takes as a fist bump

"That's all? That's it? Do you even know what it is? It’s my latest Inventing Room invention Dinner Gum! It could put an end to and revolutionize kitchens and cooking and this one just happens to be roast beef, tomato stew and- OW!”

"Sorry just really needed some gum to level some stress....oh my gawk that's amazing I can taste the roast beef!" Silverstream says having bit the gum out of the alicorn’s hand "I wouldn't keep chewing if I were you Silver Spoon-

"It's Silverstream, Princess SIlverstream." Novo informs

"As I was saying, spit it out cause-." she is rudely cut off and smacked with Novo's wing

"You know what for once I agree with this pony princess Silver don't do anything stu-Uh you're turning brown." the young hippogriff checks her skin "Seriously this is why you didn't want me to chew my feathers are just-ohh I can taste tomato stew now...and my skin's turning red as i'm tasting it...here comes dessert that tastes funny."

"Yeah cause it's blueberry pie."

"Did you say blueb-" Before Novo could finish her concern Silverstream's beak swelled up turned pink. Blisters of the same color appeared around her body, some of her feathers jutted out like porcupine quills and something unusual for a allergic reaction happen her chest inflated and by the end of it she was 3 times her original size her, she falls over and starts panicking her yells muffled by her swollen beak

"You've really done it this time haven't you Sparkle? I knew something was up and now looks at what you've done to my daughter how will she take the throne?"

"You do realize-you know what, knowing you i'm not even gonna try to go there with you." the inventor sighs out which thankfully the strict queen doesn't respond too "Seriously that's all you're worried about?" Thorax asks which Novo just rolls her eyes at

"You could put her in a freakshow." Smolder jokingly suggested getting her a death stare from the queen of the hippogriff surprisingly silencing her.

"And what's the deal with the random inflation? That never happens when she has an allergic reaction." the queen asks "Well you see when you chew the gum the element I use for the food called TripleWhammy are absorbed by your body but has the side effect of changing your skin color, which I'm still trying to figure out but since she had an allergic reaction her body rejected the element and inflated her stomach and she's inflating further as we speak."

"I can see she inflated a little while you explained that." Autumn Blaze pointed out a hoof at the slightly inflated princess "And she's clearly in pain." Gallus pointed out briefly taking his eyes off his JoyColt noticing Silverstream slightly louder muffled yells.

"Don't worry many Twi-Clones have suffered an allergic reaction before, not all of them are exact copies after all." She demonstrated this by popping a raw blueberry into her mouth.

"See nothing hap-" her lips swelled up a little so she has to borrow Novo's Epipen and uses it on her knee "Okay I might be a little allergic to blueberries. I don't recommend using that Epipen on her so quickly cause she might explode."


"Yeah wasn't that obvious when I was explaining the inflation. As I was saying I got the Twi-Clones to The Juicing Room to get all the blueberry juice out of them in your daughter's case once all the juice is out then you can use the Epipen." Twilight said calling over one of her clones "I want you to take Queen Novo and Princess Silverstream to the Juicing room quickly before the latter explodes."

The Twi-Clone who received the order grabs the queen by the arm and through a door “I’LL GET YOU FOR THIS SPARKLE EVEN IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO!”

10 Twi-Clones all pegasi with different fur color the surrounded the allergic hippogriff and started singing a song which only worries the princess more

Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clone
We've got another puzzle for you
Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clean
If you are wise you'll listen to us

What do you get when you hide away in fear?
Trying to get a hopeful side to give up and hear
Stuck with some dumb muzzles, fins and flippers
When you can have some beaks, wings and clippers

Only now discovering the surface

Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clod
If you're not a coward you will go far
You will live in harmony too
If you try to at least fight back

With that the 10 pegasi roll the inflated birb through the already opened door and turn to the right. "You know how they went right well we're going left, come along!" Twilight said

"Alright here's The Fizzy Lifting Room, the reason why I didn't say welcome is because we're not gonna do much here. Basically this room just contains a bunch of Fizzy Lifting Drinks which could revolutionize flying by removing the effort required but also give non flyers the ability to float doesn't it sound cool?" The room was black and pretty small with a weird shape in the middle that released a bunch of bubbles

"It sounds awesome!"

"Would love the ability to float!"

"Could take laziness to a whole another level!"

"Will it have a bad reaction to creatures that can already fly?"

"Well too bad uh…”

“Autumn how did you already forget her name?”




"Right you are p-p...."

"Parents what? you never heard of that word before." The adult griffon's words cut through the alicorn like a heat knife to butter "Right...haven't seen them in a long time." she mutters

"Uh princess you okay?" Thorax's voice cut through her mental fog "Oh sorry I was just...remembering what's wrong with the drinks."

"I bet she was having a flashback...maybe her life wasn't served on a silver platter." Gallus jokingly whispers to Smolder who laughs a little

The dazed tone the alicorn said her latter statement in changes back to a energetic one "Well that's too bad cause the element I used BerryTwist is way too powerful you can’t even have it in a sample cup. Optimus-

"It's Ocellus!" Her father corrects

"Right! Correct she is the clone’s I didn’t-“ she was cut off by Ember

“Are the bubbles made of soda pop?”

“No they’re made of soap. Probably should’ve cleared that up first.” Smolder popped a bubble on her tongue as soon as Wonka said that resulting in the dragoness spitting out the soap.

“As I was saying the clones I didn’t tie down especially the flyers floated up into in the-“ Gallus accidentally knocked a bubble into her eye still playing on his claw held console “You know what everyone let’s move on you’ll like this next room way better!”

Surprisingly rather than the kirin’s the flightless creatures staying behind it was the changelings “Hey Ocellus wanna take a sip?”

“You heard what the princess said we can’t even have it in a sample cup and plus I never really liked fizzy or carbonated drinks.”

“Fine but I really want to see what happens if you shake it.” He shakes the said bottle containing the Fizzy Lifting drink but it of course starts fizzing up and shaking unstably. Fearing it might explodes he pop the cap which release a massive bubble floats into his mouth.

“It beats the bottle explo-“ he starts hiccuping each one making up go slightly higher and higher. He comes to his senses, starts flapping his wings, and tries to fly down which results in a boost making him float near a fan at the top of the ceiling "NO NO NO NO!" he tries to claw onto the wall which of course just results in the changeling leaving scratch marks

“So that what princess Twilight was talking about.” Ocellus as well comes to her senses “Dad! There’s a simpler solution to this!”

Thorax realizes what she means and transforms into a rock landing with a clang. When he reverts to normal he almost floats off again but luckily his daughter grabs him

“How am I suppose to-“ he was cut off by a soap bubble floating into mouth and popping on his tongue disgusting him and bringing him down to ground level “Oh that’s confident but that soap tasted awful.”

All of a sudden 9 Twi-Clones all alicorns either taller of shorter than the real Twilight come from the room's entrance

Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clone
We've got another puzzle for you
Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clean
If you are wise you'll listen to us

What do you get when you're a literal sucker for love?
Putting yourself above others you see as suckers
Always unsure about who you exactly are
Perhaps to leave a scar on the suckers...

In order to rule over them

Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clod
If you're not desperate you will go far
You will live in harmony too
If you don't attack at all

Almost in sync with the last beat of the song one Twi-Clone steps right on Ocellus' right hoof making them both yell in pain.

"There you had an accident." The fake alicorn that injured Ocellus said the first time a Twi-Clone had spoken outside of song

And with that half of the tourists have been eliminated