• Published 16th Jan 2024
  • 439 Views, 3 Comments

Applejack: The Daughter of the Frog - Big Imagination E

Applejack was adopted by Tiana in New Orleans. But beware of the Shadow Man.

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The Shadow Man's Plan

The next morning Tiana and Applejack got up and was ready for their day at the restaurant. Knowing that place it will be busy. And Tiana will have some help getting the orders to the customers. While they were doing that a handsome man named Naveen came to town along with his servant Lawrence. They were scheduled to arrive for a party but Naveen insisted that they have a little fun first. After a few minutes of playing music then they got back on there way. Til they ran into The Shadow Man smiling at them.

"Gentlemen! A tip of the hat from Dr Faciler. How ya doing?" He asked giving Naveen a card.

"Dr Faciler. Tarot Readings. Potions. Dreams made real." Naveen read.

"Yes. Now I understand that Im not a betting man. But I wager that Im in a company of visiting royalty." The Shadow Man smirked.

"Lawrence! This man has read my palm!" Naveen said surprised.

"Or the morning's newspaper. Sir this man is nothing but trouble. I suggest we be on our way and no more distractions." Lawrence snarked.

However the Shadow Man overheard that and frowned.

"Don't you disrespect me little man! Don't you derogate or deride." The Shadow Man said as he started singing.


As he was singing he took the boys to his place where he performs all sorts of dark magic. Even his shadow was dancing to the tune. The boys both sat down at the table and he placed three cards down and surprisingly he revealed the past, the present and the future at the same time for both guys. And then when he offered both of them a deal and shook his hands that's when the real magic show began. Facilier transforms Naveen into a frog and transforms Lawrence into Naveen's doppelganger using a voodoo and used a tails man that is containing Naveen's blood. Once Facilier was done singing he posed and intends for the disguised Lawrence to marry Charlotte, then to kill her father with a voodoo doll so he can gain the La Bouff fortune.

"Haha! So Lawrence. What's say you and me team up to take the fortune from Big Daddy and we split it?" The Shadow Man offered.

"Well I don't see any problem with it. But why can't you wear this ghastly thing?" Lawrence asked as he almost dropped it but caught it.

"First be careful with that! And second here is a fun fact about voodoo Larry." The Shadow Man said as he placed the tails man on him but nothing happened. "I can't conjure a thing for myself. And besides you and I know the real power in this world isn't magic. It's money! Buckets of it."

"That's true." Lawrence agreed.

"Aren't you tired of all those fat cats riding around in their fancy cars? While they don't give you so much of the sideways glance?" The Shadow Man asked.

"Yes. I am. So what do I have to do Shadow Man?" Lawrence answered.

"All you need to do is marry Big Daddy's little princess. Then I will dispose his life away and before you know it we'll be splitting that juicy La Bouff fortune right down the middle. 60/40 like I said." The Shadow Man explained.

"Nice. But what about Naveen?" Lawrence wondered.

"That guy won't be trouble. Besides all he'll be is a minor bump in the road. So long as we got the prince's blood in this." The Shadow Man smirked.

The two both smirked at each other knowing that their plan will come to success. If that happens then all of New Orleans will be in danger.

Author's Note:

Uh oh. The Shadow Man and Lawrence got an evil scheme forming.