• Published 4th May 2024
  • 163 Views, 4 Comments

Bougie Apple - PinkV5

AppleJack and Spoiled rich Switch personalities

  • ...

A little Switch-A-Roo

"Ahh~ Another beautiful day in Equestria. Celestia is shining her photogenic rays of light down upon this earthly canvas called Ponyville. The winds blowing ever so softly among the forest trees, carrying with them the refreshing essence of life. The river's tepid melody of light splashes against its bank, practically singing in tandem with the fascinating melody of birds chirping as they soared through the lightly clouded skies. Everything is in perfect harmony.




SUCKS!" Discords shouted from the top of his lungs, the sound reverberating inside his relatively small office space. He leaned back in his chair, his elongated body stretching out like a bendy straw.

"Ough, I know!" he giddily said, snapping his fingers and flipping the inside of his office upside-down. He smiled briefly before sulking in his chair once again, rolling out of it and onto what used to be his ceiling. "Oh, what's the point?" he said. "This gag stopped being fun at #42. It got funny again at #69, but now it's more stale than a biscuit from your local fast food joint." He silently commented, looking off into the ceiling as if someone was staring back at him. He snapped his fingers, poofing a coo-coo clock in front of him.

{11:11 am.}

"Ugh~" He whined aloud, pulling at his horn and antler, his unprofound chaos magic allowing him to twist and turn them any way he wished. "I'd rather be a stone statue again than deal with another second of this boredom," he said, rolling around his ceiling. He stared at the coo-coo clock again, watching as the little hand slowly spun around the circle. Each ticking noise, bit by bit, began to drive its way inside Discord's head like a nail into wood.






{11:12 am}

"COULD YOU MOVE FASTER ALREADY?!" he yelled as his eyes bulged and turned red, choking the coo-coo bird. He knew fully well that he could just snap his fingers, speed up the day, and be done with it, but he had promised Fluttershy not to use that kind of magic again after accidentally killing all of the plants in her garden. 'To make them grow faster," he reasoned. "Should've promised her not to use that kind of magic "around" her instead of in general...," he said to the coo-coo bird. He snapped his fingers once more, returning everything to normal. He looked out the window at the peaceful view of Ponyville, feeling annoyed by the serene surroundings.

"Maybe Twilight wouldn't mind just a little bit of chocolate rain...I know Pinkie wouldn't. Why, I'd be doing nothing wrong; I'd merely be doing a nice thing for a friend!" He told himself, with an all-too-happy grin on his face. His thumb and middle fingers pressed together ever so tightly; he was ready to cure his boredom. However, he was interrupted by the sound of knocking coming from his door. He quickly jumped back in his chair, rearranged his desk to make it seem like he was working, grabbed a book from his desk drawer, and pretended to read. "Enter," he softly said to his uninvited guest. The door opened, and Starlight walked over to him, dressed in her usual professor attire.

"Starlight!..." What do you want? Discord rang with a seemingly pleased voice before grunting heavily, clearly irked by her presence. "Here to institute yet 'another' useless mandatory check-up on whether I'm doing any 'real' work?" he said, with an exasperated tone. "No, fortunately for you, I'm not here for that. Otherwise, you would have already failed," she replied, catching a hint of annoyance in her voice. He let out a dry laugh before continuing, "Well, I have everything under control, so if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it if you could leave me alone. And be sure to let the door hit you on the way out," he said, turning the page of his book.

"Really now?" she said, examining his desk. "A cup full of pens, but the cup is made out of cake. A stack of papers with nothing on them but badly drawn pictures of yourself and Fluttershy. A folder titled "Dad jokes" and another one titled "Yo Mamma." And to top it off, that book you read is upside down, and you're reading it from finish to start—seriously," she said, all too unimpressed.

"Ugh, just get to the reason why you are here already." His annoyance is even more visible to her now. Suddenly, Starlight let out a loud whistle, and two mares walked into the room. The first one he recognized. Applejack's little sister, Applebloom. She looked embarrassed, almost shameful. He only recognized the other one, Diamond Tiara, thanks to Twilight. She had forced him to familiarize himself with the faces of the students if he wanted to get his job. She, on the other hand, looked like she fell face-first into a doorknob. He winced at her appearance.

"Forgive my french but, que s'est-il passé
(What happened)

"Wish I knew. Spike happened upon them and managed to intervene before their "disagreement" could escalate and involve anyone else," she said, giving the two girls a look of disappointment and making them sulk in their shame. "I've already asked him to send informant letters to both Applejack and Mrs. Rich, inviting them to come and have a talk with you today. I would love to do this myself, but I have to inform Twilight about this incident." She said, turning back to Discord, who was smiling even harder than Pinkie. "You better take this seriously," she said as if she was scolding a child.

"Yes, yes, yes. Now run along," he said, pushing her out of the room. Starlight shoved against him, her hooves scraping against the floors. She managed to stop herself at the doorway and push him off her for a moment.

"I'm serious, Discord. Up until now, your "job" consisted of three things: consulting students about their grades, giving them advice on alleviating stress, and helping plan field trips. This is the first time the school has ever had a physical confrontation!" she said. Discord paused before rubbing his chin from the surprising realization.

"You're right! Can't fix that with a song, huh? He chuckled. Starlight's eye twitched, her magic enveloping the handle.

"Just...handle...it!" she spouted at him, slamming the door behind her and making the mares tense up.

"Oh, trust me," he paused, turning only his head around to face the two young mares. "I Will!!!"

Less than half an hour into Discord's "disciplinary teaching," Applejack and Spoiled Rich busted into his office, already glaring at each other for some reason before demanding where their family was. However, both of their minds went blank after seeing the duo in their current state. Applebloom is forced to hold a push-up with books staked on her back and head. At the same time, Diamond Tiara was tasked with writing "Friendship is magic" over and over again, backward, on an exceedingly long chalkboard that would erase all her progress if she didn't cover it in under 5 minutes, all while Discord laughed hysterically.

The room became filled with an awkward silence. On the left side of the room, Spoiled Rich sat next to her daughter, trying to hide the massive bruise on her eye with makeup, the occasional wince escaping her mouth. On the right side, the Apple family sat in silence. Applejack tucked her hat down to cover her eyes, unable to even look at her sister. Applebloom could practically feel her disappointment. That pain alone hurt 10x more than Discord's cruel and unusual punishment.


The sudden sound of exalted breath made both parties look up at the Chaos lord, who was picking in his ears. "I was really hoping you two were going to show up later. I was just about to have them eat the brown parts of these bananas... as part of disciplinary actions, of course," he waved.

"You mean torture!" Spoiled exclaimed, her tone laced with offense as she jumped up from her seat.

"How can a creature like you even work here?" she said.

"To rephrase, why are you working here, Discord?" Applejack corrected her, annoying Spoiled Rich.

"Hahaha, why does anyone do anything, my dear Apple? Sheer...Absolute...BOREDOM!" He said, getting close to their faces. Suddenly, he pulled out an old-school microphone and snapped his fingers, creating spotlights on himself. "I'd lacked inspiration for quite a while. My work became mundane, lacking focus, Aimless! I've come to crave a new form of entertainment! Hahaha! And what better place to start than here? The trotting sounds of youthful rebellion. Flapping wings carried by the winds of anxiety. Both of these things and more are ever-present in these bustling halls. A school might as well be a primordial source of chaos to dip my paintbrush in," He finished, everything returning to normal as he snapped his fingers again.

"Oh, for the Love of Celestia, will you please shut up?" Spoiled screamed, her frustration evident in her tone. She paused for a moment, glaring at the letter that Spike had sent her. "And to think the Princess' "pet" sent this ridiculous letter while I was at work. I'm a very busy mare, so can we hurry this along already," she said, crumpling it up in front of her. Applejack stood up from her chair, unable to hold her tongue after hearing her friend being insulted. She slammed her version of the letter onto the table, startling all parties.

"Now y'all listen up, Spoiled Rotten. Ah ain't gonna have no insults bein' slung at mah friends like that," she drawled firmly. Applebloom stared at her sister, the look in her eyes practically screaming the color red. Spoiled, however, was unfazed by her show of bravado.

"Was that a threat? I can sue you for that, you know," she said, examining her nails and giving them a quick blow. Diamond Tiara sank in her chair, butterflies in her stomach as she watched the two, when suddenly...

"Excuse me," Discord interrupted, "but can I see those letters?" he asked. To their surprise, Discord was being serious. They blinked, baffled at the chaos lord, who casually polished a pair of glasses before popping them onto his face. It was the first time that he'd actually taken this matter professionally. They did as he asked of them. He uncrinkled Spoiled's letter and held it next to Applejacks. It read as follows...

Dear (AppleJack) (Spoiled Rich),

I apologize for the sudden intrusion of this letter. The message I have for you requires your urgent attention. I humbly regret to inform you that [Applebloom/Diamond Tiara] is currently serving detention with Mr. Discord as a result of disciplinary action for fighting on school grounds, this being the first fight to happen in the school's history. As you know, The School of Friendship was established as a symbol for Equestria. Its goal is to create and strengthen relationships between both its students and teachers, regardless of their background, race, or prior history. Until now, we have been successful in fulfilling this promise by fostering positivity and inclusivity among students. However, we have to acknowledge our lack of competence in this particular matter for not being able to prevent the situation from escalating into a physical altercation. Therefore, I also wish to take responsibility for our failure as teachers/staff to handle this situation.

I kindly request/invite you to the school this evening to have a friendly sit-down with the opposing student and their caretaker so that we can address this incident adequately and work towards building a new friendship. If you are unable to attend today, we can schedule a different time and date outside of school hours.



"Well, now. I must say, this is quite a surprise," Discord said, pushing up his glasses. Applejack and Spoiled Rich precariously looked at him, wondering if they'd missed something in Spikes's letter.

"What? What is it?" Spoiled asked.

"Huh, I don't know if it's because of the amount of time we hang out together or how goofy we are around each other, but I never knew how good Spike's wording was, not to mention penmanship! I wonder if I can convince him to collaborate with me on my fan fiction-" he said, caressing his beard hair. At that moment, Spoiled Rich's patience hit rock bottom.

"Nopony cares about your fan fiction! I demand to know why my daughter has a black eye!" she bellowed, her face seething with anger. Discord merely looked at her, unfazed, as he took out a napkin and whipped his face from all the spittle she sprayed on him.

"I don't understand why you're asking me. You already know what happened. Your daughter provoked a sleeping beast," he said, gesturing towards the Apples, looking at him with a mix of annoyance and disbelief. "No offense," he added.

"Taken," Applejack replied, finally turning her attention to her sister, who bundled up in her chair. She was trembling, and her eyes were lightly swollen from dried tears. At first, Applejack attributed her condition to Discord's strange punishment, but she knew her sister well enough to realize that hard work wouldn't make her cry like this.

"Applebloom," she whispered, comforting her sister, "What happened, sugar plum?"

"She-..." Applebloom tried, but her voice crackled as she tried to speak. "She went too far," she managed, peeking at Discord's interest. Before he could talk, however, Spoiled beat him to it.

"The only one who's gone too far here is you, you violent-prone brat," she yelled, pointing at the young mare. Applejack stood up in retaliation before halting at the rise of Discord's hand and reluctantly sitting back down.

"While I'm all good for some banter, Could you refrain from insulting someone else's child? And while you're at it, can you explain why you believe that this is entirely her fault, Ms. Rich? The young mare clearly stated that Diamond crossed a certain line." he concluded, bringing his hands together with an all-too-snarky-looking face to counter the meaning of his words.

"That's "Mrs." Rich to you, And the answer is simple. My daughter is the one who is clearly injured. I don't even see a scratch on that girl's face. I DEMAND THAT SHE BE EXPELLED AND A RESTRAINING ORDER BE PLACED ON HER AND HER ENTIRE FAMILY!" Spoiled, Rich screamed in anger, a bulging vein popping out of her forehead.

"That's right, Mama. Look what she and her friends did to me," Diamond Tiara dramatically cried out, pointing out her badly make-up-covered eye. Suddenly, Applebloom slammed her hooves into the table. Diamond Tiara cringed in fear, no longer believing she was safe cause her mother was nearby. "Don't you dare go badmouth 'em!" she said, leaning into the table. "I did it to ya, not them. So don't you dare go lyin' on their names," she scolded Diamond, her mother grinnin' as the young mare slowly sat back in her seat. Applejack stared at her sister; although disappointed that Applebloom basically confirmed that she did throw the first punch, she was proud of her for calling out Diamond Tiara's lie about her friend's involvement.

"See. What did I say? Violent!" she said, her posh accent laced heavily with disrespect.

"But truthful, unlike her," Applejack mutters, defending her little sister and furthering Spoiled's displeasure.

"Oh, And what makes you such a good judge of character?" Spoiled angrily questioned.

Discord smirked, "Well, she IS the element of honesty. It's literally her nature," earning another glare from Spoiled. Her face contorted in anger, and she snapped, "Don't you dare take her side, you annoying overgrown creature! You're just trying to stir up trouble!" Discord raised an eyebrow in surprise at the sudden outburst but didn't back down. "I'm not taking sides, just pointing out the facts. Don't you think her friends would also be here if that were the case?" Spoiled fumed, her teeth trembling with rage as she stood up from her chair and snatched her daughter's arm.

"This has been nothing but a waste of my time. Come on, Tiara, we're leaving," She ordered. Her daughter let out a sigh of relief. Just before she and her mother could exit, however, Discord snapped his fingers, teleporting them back to their seats.

"You come here under the terms of having a friendly talk, but instead make rude comments, act brazenly sassy, and then talk for only your benefit alone...That, ma'am, is my job! Now, you are going to sit down as we talk this out," he vicariously said. Spoiled clenched her teeth before taking a deep breath and sitting back down. "Let's just get this over with," she said.

"Excellent," he said, clapping in delight. "Now then," he gave a glance to both Diamond Tiara and Applebloom. "Care to tell us what happened?" he asked. Both of them stayed quiet, their nerves snatching their will to speak. Discord sighed, wondering to himself if this was what the rest of his day was going to be like. Applejack pulled her sister closer to her. "All I'm askin' fer is the truth," Applebloom then closed her eyes, hearin' her heartbeat in her ears as she recalled everything.

"Alright," she said. Diamond tiara flinched; her uneasiness would have been noticeable to anyone who looked at her at the moment. However, all eyes were focused on Applebloom, and Discord let out a small "Finally" as he was thankful that the silence was over.

"The girls and I were making plans for after school when she walked over to us...

"We should go to an arcade!" exclaimed Scootaloo. "No way, let's go to Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie's making a nine-layered chocolate cake today... Nine layers, can you believe it?" replied Sweetie with excitement. The two of them started to argue back and forth, getting louder and attracting more eyes with each passing moment. Applebloom, sensing the tension, intervened. "How 'bout we flip a coin to decide?" she drawled with a smile. They looked at each other, then at Applebloom, and finally nodded in agreement. As she tossed the bit into the air, they each called aside. Scootaloo shouted Heads, as Sweetie called Tails. But before the coin could hit the ground, Diamond Tiara snatched it out of the air. Standing beside her was her only close companion, Silver Spoon.

"How bout neither," She said, glaring at the trio. Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes while Scootaloo groaned at their sudden arrival.

"What the big idea, Tiara?" Sweetie Belle said. Scootaloo jumped in. "Yeah, what's your problem?" Silver Spoon smirked, stepping beside Diamond Tiara.

"You three! You're the problem. Diamond was supposed to be the Student Council President again this year, but Pipsqueak won. And we know you had something to do with it. Care to explain yourselves?" she demanded, bringing more attention to them. Applebloom crossed her arms, standing her ground. "We helped PipSqueak with his campaign because he promised to help us get an official club room for the CMC here. What's wrong with that?" she replied.

"You were supposed to help me!" Diamond Tiara said.

"Says who?" they all said in unison.

"Me! I make the rules! I've always made the rules. Ugh, wait until my mother hears about this," she said, fixing to storm off. Before she and Silver Spoon could leave, Applebloom stood in front of her. She tried to step around her, but each time, she stopped her. She grunted in annoyance before saying, "Move it." As she said it, both Sweetie and Scootaloo circled the duo.

"Ah ain't movin' 'til ya give me back mah bit," Applebloom said.

Diamond Tiara looked down at the coin, staring briefly at it for a moment before gripping it tightly in anger, "You were supposed to help me. What else am I paying you for?" Tiara angrily said to them. They all looked at each other, confused for a moment by her arbitrary remark. "You don't pay us. And we're not some lackeys you can bully around." Scootaloo snapped back, Sweetiebelle leaning on her side, nodding in agreement. "We don't have to listen to you. And frankly, you not being president is a good thing. At least with Pipsqueak, he offered us something in return.

Diamond Tiara shouted, "You mean bribery!" holding up Applebloom's bit in the air, catching the eyes of the beings around them. The trio quickly realized she was trying to stage one of her "innocent good girl" performances, just like back at their old school, and frame them in the process. "This is what you get for not helping me," Diamond Tiara thought to herself. "I didn't know you three were taking bribes unless...those are your real colors," she said, hoping to provoke a reaction from the gathering crowd. "Where did the days of a fair election go? I remember a time when you all helped me at the old school-

"You mean how back when we were scared of you?" Scootaloo said, stunning some of the crowd. "Yeah, that's right! I said it! We were scared!" She shouted, engaging the crowd around her. "Well, news flash, Tiara, we ain't fillies no more," she said. "We were scared of you 'cause we wanted to be your friend; we wanted your approval." Sweetie added. "In doin' so, we were hurtin' the people around us. But we realized we don't need that kind of sour apples in our baskets," Applebloom said as more of their classmates, and even some upperclassmen, began to notice them, waiting for who would speak next. They were answered as Applebloom stepped closer to Diamond Tiara.

"My big sister Applejack and big brother Mac raised me better than to let myself be stepped all over. And that ah don't need to run an hide behind mah parents for every single problem ah face." The crowd inhaled her comment like air, OOOing and laughing at her witty remark. Hearing their voices cackle at her made Diamond Tiara feel small as if shrinking in size. She was sweating profusely, her breath jagged, and her eyes panicked from all the attention. "Now, my bit, please," Applebloom demanded.

Silver Spoon looked at her. She was blushing head to toe from the crowd's light teases. "Let's go. They aren't worth your time anyway," she whispered loud enough so only Applebloom could hear them. She tried to pull her away, But Tiara shrugged her off. "No," she shouted, "Take that back," she demanded, getting in her face. Applebloom's friends tried to get closer, but one wave of her hoove signaled them to wait.

"Can't handle the truth?" Applebloom argued. Diamond Tiara's frustration hit its peak with Applebloom's remark. She raced around her mind, trying to think of something to say back. If they were back at their old school, she could threaten them with suspension via her mother. But that won't work here. She has no power over them here. As she grits her teeth in anger, a thought... a phrase of sorts comes to mind. She let out a chuckle, rearing her head back as she fixed her hair.

"Truth! Oh, I can handle the truth. But, can you? she remarked. Applebloom raised an eyebrow, somewhat curious about what she had to say. Maybe she'd mock her accent this time. Or insult the way she dresses herself. Or-

"Cause last time I checked, at least I have parents to run to-."

(Crowd Gasp)

Back in Discord's office, everyone shared a moment of silence as Applebloom suddenly stopped her storytelling. Her chest tightened, and her throat began to clog from snot. Applejack clung tightly to her sister's side, who was struggling to remain composed herself. Diamond Tiara tried staring off into the table, but her eyes kept wandering toward the picture in front of her. She felt an unfamiliar emotion stirring within her—guilt. Her mouth opened for words of apology, but she bit her tongue as she tried to speak. Applejack's eyes happen to glance her way, believing she was mocking her sister, only adding to both her heartache and her anger.

"Why don't we all take a five-minute recess?" Discord asked awkwardly.

"You'll have to excuse us for a moment," Applejack said through gritted teeth, her anger barely contained. Discord couldn't help but swallow at nothing, gently waving his hand at the door. Just before they could reach it, however, Spoiled muttered to herself, "Bright Mac?" Everyone saved Discord could only hear the sound of her sucking at her teeth afterward. Discord's eyes widened as she slowly turned his head to the Apple family.

He flew in front of an approaching Applejack who was coming towards him at a fast pace. "Now, Now, AJ. Can I call you AJ? Please, let's be rational here. As much as 'I' would love a chaotic brawl to ensue, I would lose my job in the process...and of course, I would rather 'you' not do something you might regret—" Discord was silenced when she suddenly grabbed him by his beard hair, forcibly pulling his head down. Her eyes shot with unpassionate red veins, darting for the middle. Her right pupil jittered lightly at its center while she grinded her teeth. Her face no longer shows her usually calm and vibrant country demeanor, looking as if she could rip a tree from its roots and throw it across her farm like a football.

"The only thing I regret is sitting here with that mollycoddled pony!" she said, pointing over at Spoiled. Diamond looked over to her mother, expecting her to burst aloud with her exasperated flair like she usually does when something upsets her. This time was different, however, as if she was looking into the eyes of a predator threatened by a rival to their territory. Chills shook down her spine, watching her mother slowly push herself up from her chair and stride up to Applejack. Closing their distance, she spoke, "Who are you calling mollycoddled?" she said, standing behind a floating Discord. Applejack pushed him away, sending him across the room and knocking down the clock hanging above his door. The younger mares covered their mouths as they saw him slide to the ground, rubbing his head in annoyance and disbelief.

"Did she just throw me...ME?" he thought while slowly opening his eyes to see the two mares standing face to face.

"How dare you call me a Mollycoddled pony. You have no right to speak. You're just a fussy farm pony with a bit too big of a mouth. She finished, her face just a few inches apart from Applejacks.

"Ah'm the fussy pony here, ain't Ah? 'Cause ever since this little "friendly sit-down" started—heck, even before that—you've been nothin' but rude, agitatin', and actin' abrasively snobby. Ah work every day so that mah family and the folks around me can be happy," she said, her head colliding with Spoiled's. Now engaged in a shovin' contest, both ponies were slingin' insults back and forth, pushin' each other back with their heads. If anyone were to pass by the room, they'd be welcomed to every insult each pony said, each more creative than the last.

"I am a pristine pony. My life and my work are invaluable to my community. You wouldn't last a day in my kind of shoes—not that you would. Your family is far too seeded in your dirty, unkempt, farm pony ways to escape the depraved hole you dug for yourself."

"If we're talking about livelihoods, then you should know that growing up on a farm taught me the difference between tellin' a good egg from a rotten one. And the hard-boiled type, like your family's, Always stinks the most!"

"Then it's a good thing that I NEVER JOINED YOUR MUD-FLANK OF A FAMILY!!!!!




The room fell silent for a second time at the mention of the Apple family. Spoiled backed away from their pushing contest, covering her mouth with her hooves. She looked over to her daughter, morbidly confused by her mother's abrupt statement. The feeling of tears building up in her eyes flooded her vision with watery memories of the past. Before her tears could claim hold of her, she furiously wiped them away, darting to the door. She pulled at the handle, constantly being denied her dismissal.

"Damn it, Why won't you just let me leave?!" She screamed at Discord, now fully recovered.

"I'm fixing too," he said. With another snap of his fingers, the room was restored to its original state, with everyone seated away from each other. "Diamond Tiara," he said, getting her attention, "Do you want to share your side of the story, or did Applebloom cover everything? I'd hate to be accused of being biased," he said, smiling innocently at Spoiled, who shrugged him off.

She froze for a moment, remembering that terrible feeling of guilt she felt earlier, followed by how her mother reacted to Applejack. She thought it best to remain quiet and ride out the coming storm so everything could return to normal. Once Discord saw the headshake, however, he clapped his hands, summoning papers on each side, but only regular pens for Applebloom and Diamond Tiara. He then took his left hand, grabbed his antler, and snapped off two pieces of it, surprising everyone a little. He then stuck them in his mouth, humming for a moment before popping them back out, the pointed tips now lined with ink. He smiled once again, handing them to Applejack and Spoiled Rich.

"Can't we also have normal pens?" Spoiled asked.

"No. You fought in my office; you get the drooly pens," he said, snapping his fingers. Everyone looked around, expecting something to happen, but saw nothing. "I was being sassy," he said, taking a glance at the papers and grinning in his mind.

"Now, after hearing the story and, ugh, 'Ahem,' witnessing what just transpired, I've made my decision on what to do next. Applebloom, since you were the one to go throw the first hoove, You'll be serving two weeks' worth of after-school detention." Applebloom lowered her head, remembering how she caved into her anger. "Also," he paused, making her look back up, "During this time, you are not allowed to help in any way or form in regards to your new-found club-"

"Now hold on just a sec, Discord. That's her talent. You can't just-

"She can still be part of her club—just not with the one at the school for now. And from the way I see it, this is a very reasonable punishment. Considering the fact that you two," pointing at AJ And Spoiled, "literally began to but-heads in my office, you should be grateful that I'm not the extremely petty type and decide to increase them," he said, forcing them to stay quiet. "Now, where was I? Ah, yes. Now, Diamond Tiara, you initiated the fight over them not helping you run for president and furthered it by making an obscene and uncalled-for comment. So, you will also be doing two weeks' worth of after-school detention. And since your main issue was about how they didn't help you, your secondary punishment will be to help them at the CMC club at the school. Doesn't that sound fun?


That sudden noise was the sound of Diamond Tiara's literal diamond tiara snapping and falling off her head. Her bruised eye twitched at the thought of being in the same room with Applebloom friends every day for the next two weeks. The same ponies who hate her almost as much, if not more than Applebloom herself after today.

"You're making my daughter do what...community service?" Spoiled remarked, picking up her daughter's broken tiara.

"No, I'm making her do CMC service. But if you like, I can inform the school janitor that he'll be getting a new assistant for the next two weeks, and while we are at it, I can tell the lunch ladies-

"Stop! STOP! Please!!! You had me at janitor," She pleaded.

"Good. Now, if everyone could please sign and stamp these papers, we can be on our way and enjoy the rest of our day," he said, elevated with his verdict. He snapped his fingers again, summoning a cup of tea and saucer. Spoiled was the first to sign her paper, relieved to be done with this meeting, and finally go home. Applejack, although a little skeptical, sighed soon after being caught by Discord staring at her. Once everything was completed, he clapped his hands and magicked the door open for them. They all got up and walked to the door. However, just as they were about to leave, Spoiled Rich stopped in the middle of the doorway, blocking the Apple family from leaving. "Oh, what now?" Applejack sassed as she stomped her hoof into the floor.

Spoiled, Rich turned around, took a deep breath, and bowed before them, lowering her head as far as she could. Her daughter was dumbfounded; she had witnessed much from her mother during life, but never before had she seen her bow to someone else. Applebloom was just as surprised as she was; this shocking display of compassion, however, actually made her feel rather uncomfortable. She took a step back before Applejack held out her hoof.

"I'd like to apologize for my daughter and my actions today. Our words to you were rude and vulgar in nature. And I can promise that Mr.Discord's punishment for my daughter won't be the only punishment she receives. And, if you'll allow me, I'd like to invite you and your family over for dinner to-."

"Hard pass!" Applejack grabbed Applebloom and speeded out past her, slamming the door behind her with enough force to make the clock fall again.

"Mom?" Diamond Tiara reached out to her mother slowly, pulling back as she stood back up. She looked over to Discord, seemingly unfazed by what had just happened.

"I believe I owe you an apology as well," she said, fixing to lower her head again. As she did so, her face came into contact with a pillow. Her makeup and lipstick lightly smeared it, causing Discord to laugh. Seeing her mother's makeup ruined by his terrible prank, Diamond Tiara ducked her head in anticipation of her mother's yelling—only it didn't sound like yelling. Spoiled, Riched blinked for a moment, looking down at the pillow cover in her apparel. She smirked, then snickered, before finally joining in on Discord's laugh track. "Do I really wear that much makeup? My goodness," she said, wiping a tear of joy from her face before glancing up at the smirking chaos lord.

"Well then, let's go home, Tiara," she said, nudging her lightly. She had a great big smile on her face, but her makeup was still smeared. She pointed it out, to which she replied, "I can fix it when we get home; now come on." As the door closed behind them, Discord grabbed the pen he had made from his broken antler pieces, reattaching them with ease. He looked over the signatures with glee, imagining the chaos they would bring.

"You know, ponies should really learn to read before they sign something,"

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, this story is my very first free commission. Thank you to Randompersononline134 for the blueprint, and I hope you enjoy it. The next part is coming out soon, so see you then.