• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 185 Views, 6 Comments

The Malevolent Multiversal Misadventures of Mare (April Fools 2024 Special) - Admiral Producer

Once upon a time, there was a random pony in Ponyville. When a villain shows up, this overpowered Mary Sue of a character must venture bëÿönd Extria im order to find thr Generic MacGuffin. Only then will she have a chef of defeating this boring villa

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Chapter 3: Revisiting Some Unpublished Fanfics Is No Big Deal (Also, Ruin Them Too While You’re At It)

Later on, Mare was revived using a Hoof-Powered Recovery Center.

As she respawned back into existence, Prince Edgelord gave her a sheepish smile. “I apologize for not intervening when you were being brutally torn limb from limb by that stallion. I know you were calling for me to help you, but you know…I was…having too much fun watching it.”

“You were watching me…ON THE TV?!” Mare demanded, exploding at him. “And you didn’t even bother to do anything about that?!”

Edgelord nodded enthusiastically. “Nope!”

Mare glared at him, taking a brief moment to collect her thoughts. “Well, I hope you’re happy, bud. Because thanks to you, I wasn’t able to get that fragment of the Time Reverse-inator from the G5 dimension.”

“Oh!” The dark alicorn realized. He waved a dismissive hoof at her. “Yeah, when I said that the fragment was in the Misty Saga universe…I lied. I just couldn’t be bothered!”

Mare was so close to snapping again at this point. It was as if he reveled in her suffering and wasn’t taking any of this seriously. “What is your problem?! You told me-“

“Well, if your quest went smoothly, then the story would be over, wouldn’t it? And we certainly can’t have that now, can we?”

“I mean, we kinda could-“

“WE CAN’T HAVE THAT NOW, CAN WE?!” Edgelord shouted, a panicked look in his eyes as he quickly looked around frantically.

“Oooooookay…” Mare said cautiously. She was beginning to be weirded out by him at this point. “Sooooo…if the fragment wasn’t in the Misty Saga universe, then…which one of Hawk’s stories does it reside in?”

“I’m glad you asked!” exclaimed Edgelord happily, springing back to his usual happy, chaotic self in an instant. “It’s not in any of his stories on Fimfiction. Rather, we’re gonna have to go back in time. Way back in time to some of his earlier work.”


“My calculations indicate that the fragment we’re looking for is hidden within another world, one that he refuses to allow the reading public to see. And you’re going to hack into that world now. Your quest shall take you to one of his craziest unpublished stories.”

“Which is?” she asked curiously.

“It has a very weird title,” Edgelord assured her. “You don’t want to know. Anyway, get in. Get out. Do not change anything or I’ll be sued for 200 vigintilion dollars.”

Mare nodded. “You can count on me.” But her eyes reflected uncertainty. “Just…promise me that you’ll actually help me this time if I get in another sticky situation, okay?”

“No promises!” Edgelord quipped with a big grin.


Before she could realize what was happening, a random portal conveniently opened out of nowhere and it beckoned for her to step through it. Taking a deep breath, she did so and silently reassured herself that everything would be okay in the end.

Meanwhile, in the spin-off dimension…

Khuul smiled widely, “Holly and I have received the counterchallenge and I have turned it into a contest! The next challenge will be sword-fighting! Between Hawk and Marcus Cheng! If Hawk wins, then Clementine will belong to the Allies once again and Marcus shall be subsequently and automatically eliminated for too many failures. However, should Marcus win, then Clementine shall stay with her captors and Lee Everett shall relinquish all claims and ties to his former daughter.” Khuul shot a laser from his hands at Hawk’s head, causing him to double over in pain, a health bar appearing above his head. Same thing happened with Marcus.

“Alright, Hawk,” June said, “This is the big fight. It’s make or break time. You cannot mess this up.”

Hawk nodded, removing his spear from his armor and walking towards Marcus Cheng, who was already holding a metal sword in his hand.

The duel began at once with Marcus Cheng making an aggressive attack with his sword, which was immediately countered by Hawk’s spear.

Hawk knew the basic and advanced rules of sword-fighting. Princess Luna had taught him everything while he was training for the Lunar Republican Army.

He utilized these tactics, but soon realized 15 minutes in that it would not be enough. Marcus slashed and slashed at Hawk’s spear as he countered it. Marcus ran up fast, not giving Hawk enough time to block.

He saw Clementine struggle against her captors, wanting to help him.

He briefly caught her eyes. She looked at him in a way that kept him going. It was a look of hope, mixed with fear. She was encouraging him silently, but was also afraid he would lose.

Hawk was losing all right. Two minutes later, he was driven to his knees, Marcus Cheng preparing to stab him and deliver the fatal blow.

And that’s when he remembered. In his final moments, he remembered everything. His childhood, his training into the military, his adoption of Silverstream, the rescue mission, etc.

He recalled his first actual conversation with his future adopted daughter. Silverstream had been in slavery for 8 whole years. Clementine was going through the exact same thing and Hawk had to stop it.

As Marcus Cheng raised his sword to bring it down on Hawk’s head, Hawk sprang up and blocked the sword as it came down with his spear.

Marcus stared for a split second in complete shock, but nonetheless, continued with his attacks, Hawk countering with far more brutal ones.

Marcus was tiring out and Hawk took advantage of that. Taking a deep breath, Marcus continued to duel, but within moments, Hawk delivered a blow so hard that the metal sword flew out of Marcus’s grasp and clattered on to the floor.

Marcus’s eyes went wide with horror as he shouted: “The Lord God!! Save me!!”

Those were his last words as Hawk delivered a blow with his spear right into Marcus’s heart.

Marcus clutched his chest in pain, looking at the heavens for a moment before collapsing onto the arena ground, all the life gone out of him.

Marcus Cheng was dead.

Hawk pulled the spear out of his enemy’s chest and held it into the air. There was a pause.

And then everyone gave a standing ovation, chanting Hawk’s name.

“The Allied Powers win!!” Khuul announced, “The Internet Powers are up for elimination, which we can all agree that Marcus is automatically eliminated as I stated before.”

Film Person glared daggers at Khuul, but told his fellow haters, “Never let it be said that I’m not a man of my word. Release her.”

The person next to him grumbled, but released his hold on Clementine, who ran across the stadium arena into Lee’s arms.

Lee embraced her, everyone cheering once again.

“I’m so glad you’re alright!” Lee said.

“I’m fine, Dad,” Clem told him, letting go, “But AJ isn’t…”

Lee looked concerned. MJ and Peter turned to look at them while the other Allied forces were congratulating Hawk, oblivious to AJ’s predicament.

“What happened?” MJ asked, “Where’s your brother?”

Clementine looked away, “Marcus Cheng…he got mad at me for defying him yesterday and he…he killed AJ…It’s all my fault…”

Lee looked horrified, “No, no, no, no! AJ’s dead?”

“That’s horrible!” Fluttershy exclaimed, she and the other Allies now becoming aware of the situation.

Clementine began to cry, burying her face into Lee’s shoulder, “I could’ve saved him…But I was too scared of Marcus, so I just stood there and watched AJ collapse to the ground, Marcus continuing to beat him until……until……Film Person checked the pulse and said that AJ was dead……”

June cursed under her breath, “That fool!! Good thing he got a good whooping by Hawk! How could anyone be so cruel as to kill an 8 year old?!”

That was when Mare appeared out of nowhere, randomly spawning into existence just opposite of Hawk. She looked around in a confused manner before her eyes settled on the Allies, who were all staring at her in shock.

“Uh…greetings!” Mare said, waving to them. “I’m Mare and…I think I have the solution to your problem!”

Clementine turned to look at her, eyes still full of tears. “What…what do you mean?”

“I know a way you can get AJ back!” explained Mare, hoping desperately that she could deliver on her promise. “Don’t you guys know that Khuul’s an omnipotent god being that can do literally anything?”

“Yeah…” Lee admitted. “What are you going on about?”

“Well,” she revealed. “If he can do literally anything, why don’t you guys ask him to bring AJ back to life? He should have the power to respawn people if his object show host inspiration is anything to go by.”

Hawk turned towards Lee. “Well, I guess it’s…worth a shot, I mean…you really want to risk dealing with Clem having permanent PTSD over losing her brother for the rest of her life?”

“She was kidnapped and abused, Hawk,” Lee countered. “That’s going to happen anyway. Besides, how can we trust this…Mare thing? She just appeared out of nowhere with zero explanation whatsoever.”

“It’s worth a shot, Dad…” whispered Clementine quietly, wiping her tears. “I want him back…”

“Besides, what do we have to lose?” MJ reasoned. “It’s either we do this or…you’ve lost a very valuable opportunity.”

Finally, Lee sighed deeply. “Fine. I wouldn’t know what to do if my daughter was grieving…” He turned towards Mare, who had a cheeky expression on her face. “Alright, pony. You go tell Khuul to recover AJ. But I swear to God, if this is a trick and you’re attempting to emotionally manipulate my Clem, then it will be the last thing you ever do. Do you understand me?!”

Mare gulped. “Um…sure.” Even she wasn’t entirely sure whether this would work, but she prayed for her life that it would. Without needing any further prompting, she walked over to the paper cutout host, who was beginning to announce the next challenge.

“The next challenge will be to make your way to me!” Khuul announced. “You got 15 minutes! Last team to do so will be up for-“

“Um, excuse me?” Mare asked, interrupting him. “Sorry…Mr. Khuul. But before we begin, can you recover our dead teammate?”

Khuul turned his head quickly towards her, a furious expression momentarily on his face before it abruptly morphed into a cheerful one in an instant. “Sure thing! If you can tell me who it is!”

“It’s AJ.”

Right as she said that, there was a drumming sound and AJ materialized from Khuul’s outstretched right hand, landing on the ground. He slowly got up, looking around in fear before seemingly realizing he was no longer at Marcus Cheng’s house.

“Where…what happened?” AJ asked, his eyes soon settling on Mare. “Who are you?! Where’s Clem?!”

“AJ!” Clementine called out for him from the entrance to the arena. She was seeing him now and her eyes couldn’t believe the sight. Her little brother was back. She was grinning ear to ear, tears of sadness now replaced with that of joy. “Over here!”

“Clem?!” AJ realized, brightening at once at the voice of his sister. “Is it really you?!”



Without needing to be told a third time, AJ bolted across the arena grounds. Clementine ran in his direction as well. Once he was near enough, she scooped him up in her arms, sobbing into his shoulder. She was overwhelmed with emotion upon realizing that the little brother she lost had been reunited with her. AJ shared in the moment as well. He wanted it to last forever and she didn’t want it to end. It was the first moment of pure happiness that she had experienced ever since they had been kidnapped. It was as if for once, all of the terrible events that had transpired throughout the past few days made sense and had led them to this moment.

Even Khuul was feeling a little emotional. “Actually…we’re gonna cancel the next challenge today in order to give these two some space! This is weirdly cliché, and I would never be this sentimental, but I don’t care as it’s an alternate universe!”

Lee walked up towards Mare in order to thank her. “Mare…words cannot describe how grateful I am for what you did. As a reward, I’d like to promote you. As from now on, you are an official member of the Allied Powers!”

Mare was so happy. She finally got to be around others again. At this point, she didn’t care about getting the fragment. She just wanted to help these guys win, and she was going to do that no matter the cost. She was the main character, and she was going to take the Internet Powers down.

Or so she thought.

Before she could blink, Mare was blipped back into the lair. The last moment she had of sweet relief had been fleeting, and she was now forced back to reality whether she liked it or not. She stopped herself from falling and stared at Edgelord with an angry expression.

He didn’t seem to understand why she was mad at him. “Don’t look at me like that. I pulled you out before you could get too comfortable in there. Now where were we?”

“I was going to eventually find the fragment in that dimension!” Mare protested. “You could’ve given me more time! I thought you want me to put back together the Time Reverse-inator.”

“I do!” Edgelord insisted, blushing a little bit. “Buuuut…I lied about that dimension too. It’s not in there either. But hey, look on the bright side! You made a little girl happy!”

“It’s not in there either…?” Mare asked. Then her confused look turned into one of pure rage. “EXCUSE ME?! YOU MEAN, I DID ALL OF THAT FOR NOTHING AND I DIDN’T HAVE TO INTERRUPT THAT GAME SHOW?!”

“Doing good deeds for others builds character!” advised Edgelord with an all-knowing grin.

“Oh, YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE BUILDS CHARACTER?!!” Mare screamed, grabbing Edge in a chokehold by the neck and hoisting him up into the air in an attempt to strangle him.

“Wait, don’t kill me!” Edgelord begged, flailing around helplessly. “I mean, you can’t anyway, I’m immortal, but still! You need me!!”

“I’m pretty sure I don’t.”

“Alright, alright!” he finally conceded. “I’ve had my fun. I’ll send you to the real dimension this time. But be warned. This universe is full of dark and twisted secrets. There’s a reason why Hawk wanted it locked away and to never be seen by the public.”

Mare stared at him skeptically. “And what dimension could possibly be worse than the Walking Dead/WonderPark something wonky crossover I was just in?”

“Oh it’s even worse!!” Edgelord told her, his eyes lighting up with mischief. “It’s the most vile and hidden one of all. No one ever makes it out of there alive. IT’S THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF…SCHOOL REVOLUTIONS!!!!”

Mare had to blink twice in order to be sure she was hearing him properly. “School revolutions?”

Meanwhile in the Vanellope Real World TV Show universe….

It took a week for Jim to fully recover and in that time, Vanellope rode every single attraction in Wonderland and made friends with the animals.

June showed her how the park operated and even let her open the park on some days. Vanellope was amazed on how the crowds of people just appeared in some yellow magic power.

Turns out Vanellope knew how to juggle. She found that out when she was substituting for Boomer two days ago.

The other students were having the same kind of enjoyment or something similar. They took turns coming up with rides for Peanut to create.

They were all splendiferous ideas too.

But all good things had to come to an end eventually.

It all began when June summoned the SFA to a gathering near the Wondercoaster. Vanellope was very apprehensive. She didn’t know what was going to happen. The only hint she got from Gus and Cooper was that June had made up her mind about joining the rebellion or not.

Kenna was not joining the meeting. She said she wanted to head to Clockwork Swings, the heart of Wonderland.

They went towards where the rollercoaster was and June was there. When everyone was settled, June said: “Members of the SFA, I thank you for the wonderful things that you have done for Wonderland. It seems you are not the terrorists I presumed you to be. As a show of me and the animals’ gratitude, there is one small thing we could do for you…”

Everyone held their breath.

Just then, alarms went off in the distance.


Everyone gasped.

Vanellope looked towards the sound. It was coming from Clockwork Swings.

“Anna!” Vanellope said, “Clockwork Swings, it’s-“

“Come on!” Anna called to her.

June and the animals were already heading over there.

When they reached it, they saw Kenna tearing down Clockwork Swings, ripping off the gears.

June looked horrified, then furious. She ran up to Kenna and knocked her to the ground in rage.

“Ow!” Kenna yelped as she hit the ground.

“All of this so you can sneak away and destroy the park?!” June roared. She yanked Vanellope off her feet. “This is why I didn’t trust you rebels to begin with!!”

Vanellope fell to the ground with a thud, getting up.

The animals all looked angry at the SFA.

“Please, June-“ Vanellope tried, but she knew it was too late.

June stared at every student gathered, her face full of anger as she held Peanut’s magic pen. In a tone that chilled Vanellope to the core, she said: “You don’t deserve to be one of us.”

Right as she was about to exile them though was when Mare appeared out of thin air. This time, she knew what to do. Quick as a flash, she ran up and snatched the pen from June’s hand.

“Hey! Give it back!” June cried. “That’s Peanut’s marker!”

“Sorry!” Mare apologized quickly. “Uh, I need this to restore my world. I promise I’ll give it back to you once I’m done with it, June!”

“But how can I-“

“That’s for you to figure out! Bye!” And in a flash of light, Mare was gone with the pen in hoof. She had disappeared and there was no way for the animals to find her.

Vanellope looked at the shellshocked June with a nervous grin on her face, even as the other girl was so close to snapping. “Sooooo…I guess you’re stuck with us then?”

Mare reappeared in the lair with the pen in her hoof. She dropped it, panting from the exhaustion of her trip across the cosmos. Fortunately for her, Edge picked it up and admired it. She prayed that this was the right artifact, otherwise she wouldn’t know what to do.

Edgelord held the pen in the air with his magic, staring at it with eager anticipation. “It’s been so many moons since I’ve seen a piece of my Time Reverse-inator. How beautiful it is! What was Hawk thinking, giving it to a lowlife 12 year old girl with mommy issues?”

“I’m…pretty sure that wasn’t his decision,” Mare reasoned. “It was Paramount’s when they made Wonder Park back in 2019.”

“Well,” Edgelord declared. “It doesn’t matter. Once I have the whole set, I’ll see to it that the show Hawk left behind is completed and that all of his incompleted stories are given a proper ending.” He stared up into the sky longingly. “He will thank me for this.”

“I’m sure he will,” agreed Mare. “Now…where do I go next?”

“Glad you asked!” he replied instantly. “Your next adventure shall take you to the world of Hawk’s fanmade Moana 2. Don’t ask me why he made it. I don’t know either.”

Meanwhile in the unofficial Moana 2 universe…

Moana and Amy were hanging out on the school campus on a bench. School was over for the day and she wanted to get to know more the girl who she had saved.

“I never really thanked you enough…” Amy said softly, “For…sticking up for me back there. Everyone else just turns a blind eye because I’m just the weird little girl…”

“Weird?” Moana asked, “Why would they think that?”

“It’s because when I was two…” Amy pushed some of her black hair back, showing a scar. Moana gasped. Amy continued, “…I had a brain surgery because of a bad tumor in my brain that was dangerous for my wellbeing. As a result of the surgery, there’s a permanent damage on my brain. I can’t concentrate well in school as a result of attention problems. It renders me unable to learn well…Richard and Pete, being the top dogs in Mr. Larry’s class, always bullied me because of it…They always told me I would never amount to anything because I’m just too dumb. Sometimes, I feel that they were right…”

Moana felt really bad for her, “Oh Amy, it’s not your fault that you can’t do well in school. It was the surgery. Don’t blame yourself for something you can’t control. It’s not your fault.”

“…It’s not?” Amy asked.

Moana shook her head, “I don’t know much, if anything, about the modern technology of Western civilization, but I do know that it’s not your fault that you have a learning defect. Just believe in yourself, okay?”

Amy nodded and the two smiled at one another.

Suddenly, there was a blasting sound and a blaster bolt came shooting out of a cloud and at the school, causing an explosion.

Moana was shocked. She waited. Suddenly, about 20 Star Destroyers came out of hyperspace at lightning speed and started blasting at the school.

“Star Destroyers!” Amy squeaked, “They found us!”

“But-but how?” Moana asked, “I thought the location was secure.” But Amy was already up and trying to pull her up.

“We need to get the professors!” Amy told her, “Fast!”

They ran into the building where they found Shang talking with Mulan in Mrs. Ridley’s history classroom.

“Shang! Mulan! We’re under attack!” Moana shouted.

“What?” Shang inquired. He looked at Mulan, “Get our other recruits now. I think it’s time we test them. Also, get the equipment from the camp.”

Mulan nodded, sprinting off into the hallway.

Another blast shook the building and the three of them ran towards the exit.

“How did this happen?!” Shang demanded while running.

“I don’t know,” Moana admitted, “But I feel…” Suddenly, she got a headache and heard something beeping inside of her. That was when she realized the horrible truth, “Oh no. They instilled a tracker in my head so they’d know my location.”

Shang stopped, “What?! Oh for the Emperor’s sake, no one was safe with you! The Fandom Menace has been watching us this whole time BECAUSE OF YOU!!”

“It’s not her fault, Mr. Shang…” Amy tried pleading on behalf of her newfound friend, but backed down after a death glare.

When they got out to the exit, they saw all students and staff assembled outside. They were trying to shoot cannonballs out of tanks at the Star Destroyers, which had increased to 50.

Elsa shot a blast of ice at the iron underbelly cannons of the nearest Destroyer, which froze it temporarily. But it was short-lived as the ice started heating up and then a blast blasted through it.

“We need more cannonballs!” said Aurora.

“How are we going to take all 50 of them?” Belle asked him.

Shang was at a loss. Luckily, Mulan knew what to do, “Everyone, keep shooting! These tanks are designed to fire many cannonballs at a time. Fire like mad and aim for the cannons! You too, Moana!”

Moana found three unmanned tanks and motioned for Shang and Amy to get in them.

The defenders fired like mad at the Star Destroyers. The combined might managed to knock out two, which exploded and fell towards the ground. But there were still 48 left.

“There’s still too many!” Amanda, the girl from training earlier, cried out.

Moana had to make a decision fast. She saw some TIE fighters emerge out of hyperspace, adding to the offensive, and finally came up with a plan.

She got out of the tank.

“Moana, what are you doing?” Mulan asked her, “This is insane!!”

“I need a paddle,” Moana told her, “Have any?”

“You mean the one Mrs. Coldheart uses to discipline the preschoolers?” Shang asked, getting out a brown oar paddle, “It’s right here. I confiscated it from her yesterday and reported her actions to Principal Larson. She’s under investigation by Disney now.”

“That’ll work. Thanks, Mr. Shang.” Moana took the paddle and concentrated. She flicked the paddle up and a torrent of water came spraying up from the ground in front of her. She was surprised, but kept going. She spun the paddle around, generating more water, and directed it right at the windows of the Star Destroyers.

“Come on! We gotta help!” Jasmine told the others. They started firing the cannonballs at the Destroyers again, putting the FM on the defensive now.

As it tried blasting every which way, the main Star Destroyer’s reckless blasting hit another Star Destroyer, which hit another. Soon, all the Destroyers had smashed into each other and made quick work of the small TIE fighters, which either got smashed, or were blasted out of the sky. The combined lump exploded into a bright blast of energy and they fell towards the ground in one big smoking heap, littering the campus grounds.

Moana called off the water attack by setting her paddle down.

However, right as she thought she was done, several more Star Destroyers and TIE Fighters emerged out of hyperspace and began raining fire on them. The students scattered, hiding underneath any defenses they could find and shooting arrows at the attacking ships. One of them managed to land a hit, but it wasn’t enough to shoot it down.

Elsa then shot her ice powers at a TIE fighter again and it froze it long enough for Shang to spear the frozen window. The hit landed clean and the starship fell to the ground below, exploding. But even as they had small victories, it was not enough to take down the entire fleet. The Destroyers were just far too numerous and taking them all down would be impossible.

As they all prepared to collectively fire, Moana ran towards sprinting a blonde girl and shielded her with her body, preparing to take the blow for her newfound classmates. She squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the painful release of death. But she felt nothing. No hit and no heat from an explosion. It was as if the ships had suddenly stopped firing. Opening her eyes, she soon found out why.

The guns were now pointed at the air instead of the ground, with the entire fleet seemingly concentrated on a new target. Moana stared at this peculiar sight, confused, and turned towards a recovering Shang.

“Mr. Shang, what are they firing at?” she asked hurriedly.

Shang looked just as shocked as she was. “Something just entered the upper atmosphere!”

All the students looked up to see what was going on. As if on cue, the sky was suddenly lit up with what seemed like a falling meteor. But this was no ordinary asteroid. It was a green pony with wings and a horn flying straight towards the nearest Star Destroyer. She flew straight through it, causing it to implode from the inside, and she emerged from below. From the ground, everyone cheered on their mysterious savior as she pummeled through more of the ships and sent them careening straight towards the ground below.

The pony was none other than Mare, who had assumed her alicorn form, and was taking down each of the attacking starships with simple punches. Her forehead was full of sweat as she did so, but she stopped at nothing to save the day. Her horn lit up with a powerful pink aura and she blasted a huge beam at four approaching TIE fighters. They instantly burst into flames, heading towards the campus in a pile of flaming debris.

“Oh YEAH!!!” Mulan exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air in celebration.

“PRAISE MICKEY MOUSE!!!” Amanda cheered, interpreting this as a sign from the heavens that fate was on their side.

Mare looked like a ball of magical energy from below as she blasted through several more Destroyers and fighters. The crafts were destroyed in an instant. And in that moment, she understood the true power of a Mary Sue. She had no flaws. She had no weaknesses. When it came down to it, she was capable of anything.

In almost no time at all, the fleet was completely wiped out and she returned to the ground. She stared at the stunned students and Disney characters below her, who were all staring at her with a mix of awe and admiration.

“Um…hi?” Mare greeted them awkwardly.

The students began to cheer softly. Then, the intensity of the cheers increased until it was a full on standing ovation. Despite their injuries, everyone threw their swords and spears up with their hands in celebration. The applause resonated throughout the area and beyond the forest. It was said that the entirety of Pangaea could hear the cheers of the students of YouTube School, for they had won their first battle for freedom in battle.

As Mare saw everyone cheering, tears of pride came to her eyes. She had saved these students,. She had rescued them all. They had just accomplished feats they didn’t even know they could do. They had faced the enemy and sent them packing. Joining in, she shouted at the top of her lungs:

“FOR LIFE!!!!”

The roar of the crowd continued, intensifying with each word she spoke.


More applause.


Three slogans not uttered in hundreds of years. The thunderous applause continued, reaching up to the skies and beyond the stars. As the cheers gradually died down, one thing was definitely for certain. This was their mission now.


The celebrations lasted long into the night and in that time, Mare was awarded with all the prizes she could ever ask for. She had friends, she had love…she had a perfect life. She and that girl named Moana began talking with one another and learning about each other’s respective worlds. Mare had everything she could have ever wanted.

But of course, it couldn’t last this good forever. She had a mission to take care of, and an Equestria to save. She wasn’t about to be distracted again. For she was the main character of this story and she was going to see this mission through no matter what. So she headed outside and searched for the most effective way inside that wouldn’t disturb any of the other students. She knew that knocking on the door would arose suspicion. Her best attempt was silently climbing through an open window and evading suspicion.

She climbed the walls of the school and upon reaching the window to the dorms, she found it miraculously unlocked. The windows were usually open to let air in while they slept, so that provided the perfect cover for her to get in.

But right as she was about to reach the window, her hooves began to slip and she grabbed on to the nearest ledge for dear life, gritting her teeth as she hoisted herself up and onto the window. It was there where she gently crept inside. She didn’t know whether Moana’s paddle would be in the room, but thankfully, it was.

The paddle was resting on the nightstand beside where Moana was sleeping. The poor girl looked too adorable while asleep, laying right next to a plush of Maui, and holding it close to her. Mare fought the urge to leave and slowly tiptoed over to where the paddle was. Without any hesitation, she picked it up in her hooves.

Mare sighed, feeling a monetary pang of self-doubt. “Hmm, am I really going to betray my new friend for my own self interests?” She immediately knew what the answer was, however. There was only one, and she was not about to have one of those cliché morality conflict moments present in a lot of stories. She knew what she needed to do and she grinned from ear to ear. “Of course I am!”

What a cool and likeable character, am I right?

And so, she took the paddle and jumped back through the window, towards her salvation, and away from the school that she had just saved.

Mare reappeared back in the lair again, falling to the floor, as she floated the paddle over to Edgelord, who picked it up and grinned with pride. She was exhausted, and she just wanted to rest after a long day of universe hopping. She knew full well that it wasn’t going to happen though.

Edgelord seemed to think the same way as well as he put the paddle and pen together and they fused into one mechanical device. “At last! Everything is going exactly the way I have foreseen…AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!”