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Matthais Unidostres

I am Matthais Unidostres, I'm a Christian and I love FanFiction!



Princess Twilight has come up with what she believes to be the perfect plan to protect the future from Opaline. She will seal all of Equestria's magic in the Unity Crystals, and all of the dragons' magic in the Dragonstone.
Princess Twilight is sure that the future is hers to protect, and she is certain that this is the only way to do so.
Captain Gallus strongly disagrees on both counts.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 51 )

Once they explained everything it became clear the G5 writers barely knew G4's lore. G5 needed to be a clean break, now it's just apocrypha to me.

Agreed. What they did was unforgivable.

Well, there is the alternate timeline theory. As in certain events of G4 never happened so this generation is a branch of that universe.

Would honestly explain things like why Twilight was not celestia sized in her message.

Just a theory I’d thought I’d share.

Well fans are more concerned with logical continuity then the show writing staff of G5. The IDW Comics actually tries to fit the continuity but it's the same writers that worked on FIM.

Well, comics have always been iffy in terms of how canon they are.

And, please don’t take this the wrong way, but that doesn’t exactly disprove my theory that timelines have branched.

I like this! The only downside was Twi being OOC, even if it was intentional. Of course, Twilight deciding the best course of action is "get rid of all magic" is rather OOC anyway.

I honestly like G5, or at least the characters, but mainly TYT. I like the slice-of-life stories. The biggest problem with G5's story is Opaline. Now, as a villain, she's passable... at first glance. But the idea that SHE'S the villain who was such a threat that Twilight Sparkle decided that ALL OF EQUESTRIA'S MAGIC had to go... yeah, no. That might have worked if she'd been a less comedic villain- she IS an alicorn after all, so she COULD have been a force to be reckoned with, but we don't really get any reason to fear her. The most intimidating I remember her being is when she first gets a taste of Dragonfire and scares Misty.

One of the reasons I prefer TIrek in his first appearance to his return in seasons 8-9 is that he was less of a comedic villain. He COULD be taken seriously. He was intimidating, powerful, and even pretty cunning. Easily the most threatening villain on the show. Opaline, as you said, is not very bright.

Having Opaline be the one to force Twilight to take measures as extreme as she did is like if Doctor Who ended and got a sequel show, and in that show it was revealed that the Doctor was defeated for good... by the Slitheen.

Hope this makes sense.

Okay, I feel this is being misinterpreted so I want to try and clear this up.

From what Spike said in Isle of Scaly, losing magic wasn’t the intention. More just to find a way to keep it from being taken by Opaline by using friendship/unity, something she’d never use, as a conduit.

Basically put magic into a source that Opaline could never take. Ponies losing magic was something they did to themselves (even though Twilight’s plan would unintentionally help with that but it’s not like she hasn’t screwed up with complex spells before if season 7 is anything to go by)

That being said, I won’t argue against the other parts of your analysis, just wanted to bring that point to the table in the least risky way possible.



From what Spike said in Isle of Scaly, losing magic wasn’t the intention. More just to find a way to keep it from being taken by Opaline by using friendship/unity, something she’d never use, as a conduit.

Basically put magic into a source that Opaline could never take. Ponies losing magic was something they did to themselves (even though Twilight’s plan would unintentionally help with that but it’s not like she hasn’t screwed up with complex spells before if season 7 is anything to go by)

fair enough. Honestly, I've only really watched TYT and looked up MYM stuff on the wiki, plus seen a few clips.

Actually, I wanna quickly address something- I'm worried what I said might have sounded like "Opaline can't be taken seriously since she's a comedic villain". That's not my opinion, just to be clear. Take Bill Cipher, for example- hilarious, but DEFINITELY a serious threat.

Comedic villains CAN be taken seriously, and my problem isn't that Opaline is kind of a comedic villain. Just that she isn't a very... interesting villain, or at least not one I look at and think, "Ooh, she's a force to be reckoned with! I can't wait to see the heroes throw down with her!"

The military coup was successful.

I’d say how threatening Opaline is depends on who you ask.

Considering who she treated Misty and Sparky, I’d personally say she isn’t one to be ignored.

A big enough army could kick Opaline's flank easily.

Yeah, that's something I thought of but forgot to mention- Opaline doesn't have an army, nor (at least until just before her defeat) the power to make up for it. The Storm King, in my opinion, was a more formidable villain since he HAD an army, one that had driven the Hippogriffs into hiding. Tirek didn't have an army, but he was cunning enough to stay hidden AND on the move until he had absorbed enough magic.

Of course, this is all subjective in the end. (my opinion on Opaline I mean)

Oh it just suggests a 3rd branch(comics) maybe even a 4th(Make Your Mark) and 5th(Pony Life).
Basically the same thing that's happened with Transformers, shows Supposedly in one continuity contradict each other or suddenly have aspects of a different continuity just "cause'".

I actually addressed this in the story:

You say that ponies can still access it as long as they remain unified, but putting a condition on their natural abilities? On what they were born with? On their natural rights as person? That's just sick. You can't hold magic hostage like that to force harmony. All that does is breed resentment and encourage disharmony

Debatable as she is still an alicorn.

Also Equestrian military is terrible, so that would more be throwing creatures into a grinder.

Not saying a force couldn’t be made, but numbers don’t exactly make a battle

If that’s actually what Twilight intended is not clear.

Again, the way Spike reacted implies either he wasn’t around for that part of the plan, or it’s something else that Twilight didn’t account for.

Basically, the whole limiting magic thing to force unity is not 100% confirmed to be an intentional part of the crystals. (And before anyone mentions the comics, their canon status is debatable)

However, this would still paint Twilight as being reckless, so your fic can be left alone.

Yeah, what were they thinking!? Oh well this is why we have fan fiction. :)

Great story, loved it from beginning to end. Have an awesome New Year 2024!!

There’s something been bugging me while, where’s are twilight friends and the others princesses?

Why’d they’ll try to stop both twilight and opaline takings way all magics?

Also can we’ll have a sequel for story please.

The comics have never been canon, even when they were G4.

Several instances of simply watching either FiM or EG disproves the comic's events ever happening.

Who said anything about the Equestrian army?

A sequel is in the works. Gallus obviously has a speech to make and some explaining to do.

First off: Twilight wouldn’t just stay out of the fight if everyone else is mobilizing.
Second: Considering what we’ve seen, the other army’s really wouldn’t be that useful either.
And third: I honestly don’t have a third point, but basically don’t send canon fodder to do a main characters job.

When will it be out?


Opaline Arcana paced inside her cage in Tartarus. She could not believe how wrong things had gone. She had managed to absorb so much magic, and yet still she was defeated. But then again, she did not expect literally every army in the entire world to swarm her. The kirins, or technically niriks, were the worst, as her fire magic had no effect on their flaming forms.

That’s an assumption of what could’ve happened, not a confirmation.

She could’ve easily have obliterated the Niriks.

COULD she though? No offence, but this sounds like an assumption on your part too. And honestly, I prefer it when people don't just leave it up to the main characters all the time.

That’s fair.

Really I’d say my point is don’t use your own Fanfiction as a source, because we don’t know for sure and it’s basically just guess work at this point.

Well, what feats has Opaline done other than shoot fire and steal Cutie marks?

Drain Sparky’s magic to the point of nearly killing him for starters.

Emotionally abuse Misty for years.

Besides, I’d say shooting fire still counts as something deadly. Especially if she can steal it like she could for the dragons.

Look, at this point this conversation is getting old so let’s just agree to disagree and leave it at that. Sound good?


Opaline is not as dangerous as the other villains. Generation 4 villains did worse things.
Misty's abuse makes perfect sense.
Most likely, Opaline has not tasted the love of her mother and father and does not know what it is like.
She has been alone for years and has done these things to keep the only person she has with her.
In ch6, it was clear that he has grown attached to Misty and trusts her too much.
Unlike other villains, Opaline likes cooperation and friendship.
She pointed out indirectly.
The together tree also confirms this.
Opaline lost her place of birth, lost her adopted daughter, lost the house she had built.
Cutie Mark lost her magic. Her pains for evil make perfect sense.

Yeah, she doesn’t understand friendship at all.

That’s the whole reason Twilight used it as the conduit for the Unity Crystals. It’s a power she could never achieve.

She probably only planted that Together Tree as she saw it as a source of power.

As far as not as dangerous compared to G4 villains, I would say no. Again, emotional abuse and nearly killing a child are things not seen in the previous villains (aside from Chrysalis in the finale with Spike if you wanna stretch).




In the interest of putting the debate to bed before it turns into a war, let me put it this way.
Take the final battle of "The Ending of the End- Part 2", remove the Legion of Doom and Grogar's Bell and replace them all with Opaline and whatever she had during Twilight's reign. How exactly would Opaline fare any better than the Legion of Doom in that fight?

Hopefully, it'd at least be more dramatic than what we got. I don't hate the finale (granted, I don't hate many things in general) but they brought together every race in Equestria, so many of the friends Twilight and co. made across the series... to run around and annoy the Legion Of Doom before the main characters all held hooves and did all the work once again.

Considering the LOD basically won that fight, maybe not the best example.

Regardless, yeah, this conversation is getting old and I don’t care anymore.

What are you talking about? They got turned to stone. They lost. Are you saying that it was the Elements of Harmony that beat them and not the army? Well then my point still stands. Have an army distract Opaline, them have her taste the rainbow. The end.
Can we at least agree that Opaline sucks?

You’re forgetting the part where they had Spike captive and had the Mane Six at their mercy. They only survived because of the calvary showing up when it did.

A better example would be against Cozy Glow as they had her at their mercy and only lost because Tirek and Chrysalis showed up when they did.

As for Opaline sucks, if you mean I dislike her then unfortunately no I can’t as I do like her character. If by how she was able to back Twilight into a corner is still unclear, then yes I can somewhat agree there.

I probably should just let it go, but I really don't understand how Opaline could win in G4. I simply can't imagine a logical scenario where she could defeat ALLLLL of those allied races. Sorry, I just don't buy it, and that causes G5 to fall apart for me.

Understandable, and even if don’t completely agree I respect your opinion.

Gallus turned to his friends abd smiled, "Heh. Now? Let's go take care of Opaline."

Misspelt "and".

Yes! Thank you! I support this story one hundred percent, and will likely enjoy the sequel!

After reading the "author's note", I wanted to give this story 10 likes, if it were possible. The only complaint is that Twilight Sparkle, being the princess of friendship, as I understand it, becomes stronger from friendship, so defeating her with friendship is not the best idea.

We don't even have that much context for what exactly happened. But of course certain writers are going to twist it into a Twilight becomes evil story..

Why don’t you like Opaline?

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