• Published 26th Dec 2023
  • 415 Views, 5 Comments

The First, The Last & The New - Uz Naimat

Sunset Shimmerʼs attitude towards the holidays has changed significantly over time.

  • ...

The Last

On a normal day, Canterlot Castle was loud.

On Hearth’s Warming Eve, it's raucous.

Sunset Shimmer groaned, bringing her book closer to her face. She tried to drown out the noisy servants outside her room, as well as the loud carollers outside. There was no way she could focus with all that noise.

Wasn’t the staff supposed to have left by now?

Wait, no. Tonight was the eve of the holiday, which meant that it was also the night of the annual dinner.

Sunset sighed. She couldn’t afford to waste hours at dinner, not when she had so much work to get done. But she also knew that if she didn’t go, Celestia would make her.

Casting a sound bubble around her to better focus, Sunset resumed her reading about advanced transfiguration magic. She really needed to finish catching up.

She read for hours, occasionally stopping to glance at the clock or practice the spell she had just read about. She was pretty sure somepony knocked on her locked door at one point - she saw the handle move - but she was too engrossed in her work to care.

A burst of golden light suddenly appeared in front of her.


Sunset yelped, falling backwards on her bed as her sound bubble cut off. She got up after a few seconds and glared at her teacher.

“Princess! What was that for?!”

“We were worried about you,” Celestia said, worry laced in her voice. “Cadance knocked on your door at least three times and you did not answer.”

Sunset immediately frowned at the mention of Cadance. Stupid snitch. “I cast a sound bubble.”

“Yes, I saw that,” Celestia replied. “Why, though?”

Sunset gathered her books in a neat pile and stacked them on her desk. “It was impossible to focus with all the noise outside.”

“Focus?” Celestia's eyes widened. “Sunset, are you studying? Tonight, of all nights?”

Sunset looked her teacher in the eye. “I can’t fall behind.”

Celestia put a hoof on Sunset’s shoulder. “Sunset, you’re already my best student,” she said, her voice soft and gentle. “You can take a break. Just for tonight, please.”

Sunset’s cyan eyes met Celestia’s violet and a hundred emotions swirled in her mind.

In recent months, Sunset had been at odds with her mentor, the two frequently arguing with each other over the former’s studies. Sunset felt as though she was being held back and Celestia constantly assured her that she had a plan.

And yet, despite those differences, Sunset Shimmer would never stop loving the princess.

She sighed. “Okay, fine. I’ll pause.”

Celestia smiled.

Just for tonight.”

The smile dimmed.

“Anyways,” Sunset said after a moment of awkward silence. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, yes,” Celestia said. “I was coming to get you for dinner.”

“Do I have to?” Sunset gestured to the princess. “I mean, you’re the princess! Surely you’re above eating with your servants?”

Anger flashed in Celestia’s eyes. “Sunset Shimmer! You do not get to speak about my staff that way!” Her voice was loud, her wings opened and she stood at full height.

Sunset backed up a few steps.

The anger disappeared and the wings closed. “Sunset,” the princess said. “Where did that attitude come from?”

Sunset chose her next words carefully. She was fairly certain the princess wouldn’t hurt her, but she wasn’t about to chance it. “I just don’t like having dinner with so many ponies.”

Celestia took a deep breath. “I didn’t know you were uncomfortable.” Her posture hardened again. “Still. You’re going. And that’s final.”

The Princess lit her horn. “See you in a few minutes.”

And she teleported out before Sunset had a chance to respond.

What Sunset had said to Celestia before she left was a complete lie.

Sunset Shimmer didn’t hate the attention; she loved it. No, what she really hated was the idea of spending dinner, and the holidays, with Cadance.

Princess Cadance.

Sunset scowled. The pretty pink princess had arrived at the castle earlier that year and suddenly, she was the hot new sensation. Everypony in the castle gathered around Cadance, wanting to know everything about her, despite her recent arrival. Sunset hated her.

Cadance was an alicorn. Cadance was a princess. Cadance was the ruler’s niece and official family.

Everything Sunset wanted to be.

Everything Sunset wasn’t.

She scowled, her horn coming to life. In a fit of pure rage, she blasted her closet, reducing it to wood chunks and burnt fabrics within seconds. The release of pent-up anger calmed Sunset down and she immediately frowned at the mess she'd made.

Great. Now I have to explain what happened and probably help fix it.

Sunset went over to the ruined closet and inspected it. She was a powerful mage and, as expected, everything was completely destroyed. Several boxes, which had been stacked on top of the closet, now lay bent and damaged on the pile of woodchucks. At random, Sunset took one box and opened it.

And immediately wished she hadn’t.

On top of all the box’s contents lay her doll. Her Hearth’s Warming doll, the first one she ever had, the first gift Celestia had given to her on her first holiday in the castle.

Time had taken its toll on it and the constant overuse had worn it down. The doll’s colors - once a vibrant mix of amber, red and gold - were now fading, fabric torn and sewn in some places. One of the button eyes had fallen off and replaced with a cyan eye drawn with a crayon. The doll stank of soot and ash, remnants of its time above the hearth.

Sunset had never gotten a second doll. She had always cherished the one that was gifted to her and used it every single year. The doll carried years’ worth of memories. Countless hours student and teacher had spent together, all smiles and laughs.

Sunset tried to blink her tears away, but was unsuccessful. They ran down her face and furiously wiped them off.

I won’t get those holidays again. Not when I have to share the princess.

Sunset dropped the doll back in the box, closed it and set it in a corner.

And out the door she was, leaving behind her undecorated room.

Sunset walked through the halls, doing her best to avoid the busy staff ponies.

They did their job as usual, making sure every once of the castle was decorated and festive. The tinsel hung gracefully from the sconces, peppered with flowers and bows. The pillars stood tall as always, holy plants delicately wrapped around them.

Sunset smiled. The holidays night be loud, but it does produce beautiful art.

The decor took a distinct turn as she approached the dining hall. As Sunset had requested three years prior, the tinsel in the halls were decorated with crystal version of her own cutie mark, as well as Celestiaʼs.

Sunset scowled as she spotted the crystalline blue hearts interwoven with the suns. Cadance's cutie mark.

It took a heroic effort not to rip off the hearts.

Sunset continued on her way and soon enough, she approached the huge double doors to the dining hall. Two guards stood at the entrance.

She looked at them expectedly and one of the guards opened the doors for her.

The room was filled with all of Celestiaʼs staff, as well as the princess herself. She smiled as she saw Sunset enter.

“Sunset, dear. Glad you could make it.”

Didnʼt really have a choice. Out loud, Sunset said, “Me, too.” She took her usual seat next to her mentor.

To her surprise, nopony started eating. Sunset looked at Celestia, an eyebrow raised.

“We're waiting on one more pony.”

As if on cue, the doors opened and in entered… the last pony Sunset wanted to see.

Mi More Cadenza, unfortunately known as Princess Cadance, trotted in the room, a sickeningly sweet smile on her face. She greeted each servant by name and even a hugged a few ponies on her way to her seat.

Which just so happened to be right across Sunset.

“Sunset. It's good to see you,” Cadance said with a pleasant smile.

Sunset did not smile back. “I live here. You see me everyday.”

Candace's expression fell.

Sunset felt a firm reprimanding hoof on her shoulder. Without looking and without a word, Sunset knew she had disappointed her mentor.

Celestia addressed the gathering. “Everypony, welcome to our annual Hearthʼs Warming Eve dinner. I'm delighted to share this feast with all of you, and I'm especially delighted to share this tradition with Princess Cadance.”

All eyes fell on the pink alicorn, who blushed under the spotlight. “I'm happy to be here,” she said, looking straight at Celestia. “Thank you, Auntie Tia.”


The word echoed in Sunset’s mind, sending fresh waves of hurt and jealousy through her body. In all her years at the castle, Celestia had never - not once - addressed Sunset as her family. Sunset knew that she was seen as Celestia's daughter, but that had never been acknowledged by name.

So to hear Cadance, the newcomer, the insipid little invader, being addressed as such?

It made her blood boil.

Dinner began, and Sunset's mood did not improve. Just as she had expected, every staff member seemed to fawn over Cadance. “How's your first Hearth's Warming in the castle going?” “How did you celebrate the holidays before?” “What presents did you get this year?” On and on it went.

Sunset herself didn't get anything more than a few passing well-wishes and comments.

I grow tired of this.

Sunset slammed her fork loudly on the table and turned to Celestia. “Why is Cadance getting so much attention?”

Celestia paused, her spoon halfway to her mouth. “Sunset, dear. She is new.” She set her spoon down and gently stroked Sunset's mane. It felt good.

Celestia continued. “And besides, didn't you say you didn't like the attention?”

Sunset's eyes widened. Oh, shoot.

Lying to Celestia was always a bad idea. Somehow, she always figured it out. Sunset should've known she would have been caught eventually.

But despite that, she knew that if told the princess about her real issues with Cadance, Celestia would either make her deal with it or kick her out. Neither outcome sounded too pleasant.

Sunset decided to lie some more.

“I don't,” she said, picking up her fork and nonchalantly toying with it. “I'm just asking why she's getting so much of it.”

Celestia eyed Sunset suspiciously for a few seconds, before she went back to her food.

Sunset breathed an internal sigh of relief. Okay, from now on, no more talking about Cadance.

Unless you want Celestia to find out.

The halls was marginally quiet after dinner.

Which suited Sunset just fine as it meant she could go back to studying without wasting energy on her sound bubble.

She cracked open her transfiguration book and got her quills and notepad ready. With dinner behind her, Sunset could look forward to hours of peaceful, quiet and undisturbed studying.

There was a knock on her door.

Sunset groaned and face planted her desk. For Moon's sake, dinner was less than an hour ago! What does anypony want now?

If she didn't answer, it was likely they would keep knocking. Or get Celestia, as a certain somepony had earlier. Reluctantly, Sunset got up and slightly opened her bedroom door.

Cadance was on the other side.

Sunset slammed the door in her face.

“Sunset? Everything okay?” Cadance said, her voice muffled by the door.

Sunset didn't know what to say. Of all the ponies to come to her room, Cadance was not who she had been expecting. Much less twice in the same night.

She couldn't remain quiet, though. “Yes!” she shouted.

“Oh, okay.” A pause, then: “Can I come in?”

Sunset blurted out her response before even thinking. “Why?”

“I want to talk to you.”

Sunset didn't know how to respond.

Don't let her in.

She'll insist.

You hate her.

I do, but if I don't, she'll just keep asking.

Inviting your sworn enemy into your safe space isn't highly recommended.

She's not a threat. Just irritating.

You still hate her.

She'll tell the princess.

That part of her brain won and Sunset opened the door again. Cadance still stood there, confusion plastered on her face.

A few seconds of awkward silence later, Sunset asked, “Need an invite?”

“Oh!” That got Cadance moving and she trotted inside the room. She surveyed the room and by the look on her face, she was clearly disappointed about something. “You didn't decorate?”

Sunset frowned. “Didn't ask for your opinion. What do you want?”

Cadance smiled. It was the same genuine, pure smile she gave to everypony. The kind Sunset despised. “I came to give you your present.” She gestured to the small wrapped box carefully balanced on her back, something Sunset hadn't previously noticed. “You left so fast after the feast that I didn't get the chance to give it to you.”

Cadance levitated the box off her back and floated it towards Sunset.

The gift was small and felt light in Sunset's magic. A quick shake also revealed it contained no small parts.

But what really struck Sunset was the wrapping. Haphazard, sloppy and undoubtedly made by hoof, and not by horn.

Sunset looked at Cadance, an eyebrow raised. “You couldn't. Be bothered to wrap it with magic?”

Cadance's gaze fell to the floor. “I'm not there yet.”

Sunset snorted, letting the gift drop down. “Pathetic. A grown alicorn whose telekinesis is so weak, she can't gift wrap properly.”

Cadance's face snapped back up. “Lay off me, Sunset,” she said, angry. “I just got this horn.”

Sunset didn't know why she had gotten so confrontational all of a sudden. Perhaps it was her envy, or her frustrations with Celestia, or all of tonight's issues finally bubbling to the surface. No matter why, she was on a roll now, and wasn't about to stop.

“You got it months ago. By now, you should've been an expert at unicorn magic.”

She approached Cadance slowly, eyes never leaving the princess'.

“But you're not. Your skillet is limited, your magic unrefined and your political skills? Non-existent.”

She stopped her trot when her face was mere milimetres from Cadance's.

“And you call yourself a Princess? Please.”

Cadance started tearing up and she took a few steps back. “What is your problem, Sunset?” Her voice cracked. “I've tried so hard to be nice to you and you've been nothing but cruel and hostile to me. Why?”

Why, indeed?

“Thank you, Auntie Tia.”

The pain returned with a vengeance. Sunset's tranquil fury into an explosive and fiery rage.

“What is my problem?!” Sunset shouted, closing the distance between them again. “You've been hogging all the staff's attention, you took all of my time with Celestia and you're a princess who's done nothing to deserve her title!

“And worst of all, you took my place! I don't want anything to do with you, you insipid little imposter.”

Sunset's horn let off a few sparks at that last word. Cadance was crying now and her breathing was heavy. She backed away until she had reached the doorway.

Sunset roughly pushed Cadance out of her room.

“Stay away from me.”

And with that, she slammed the door again, locking it tightly.

Sunset let out a scream.

She knew that this was a bad idea. She knew that Cadance would go running to Celestia to report all this. She knew she would be berated, yelled at and possibly punished.

And yet, despite all that, Sunset felt inexplicably better. She was lighter, somehow. Months of accumulated anger and frustration had been let out. She had finally told that little princess off and with any luck, Candace would leave her alone and stop her pathetic attempts at bonding.

Or better yet, Cadance could decided she could no longer be around Sunset and would finally move out.

Sunset smiled and trotted back to her desk. All in all, this was a good Hearth's Warming Eve.

Cadance's gift remained on the floor, forgotten all night.