• Published 26th Jan 2024
  • 452 Views, 17 Comments

My little pony:Adventure of Seresia - Dreamy

Twilight and her friends explore and learn about cultural difference between the East and the West

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Chapter 3:imminent storm(Early translate)

"Rainbow Dash! Darling, are you still not dressed yet? What’s taking so long?" Rarity knocked on the door with worry, but no answer ensued. Today was another fabulous day for her, for she had finally gotten her hooves on the silk she’d been asking about. Although it’s not the exact same top-notch material for which she had desired, what she had at the moment could still be put to good use.

As a token of appreciation to her friends for their help, Rarity personally-tailored dresses made of silk and then invited all her friends to come to the Boutique for a fitting session. Of course, she knew that certain ponies are sure to make excuses if they ever hear they are going to be dressed, so she had only told them that there was an “urgent matter" she needed help with. Rainbow Dash was the first to arrive at the boutique, but the last to come out of the dressing room.

"Do I really have to wear the whacky dress??" Rainbow Dash came out of the dressing room reluctantly; she hadn't expected Rarity's "urgent matter” to be trying on dresses. She couldn't wait to swoosh outside and hide in a cloud right now.

Rarity inhaled beyond belief when she heard those words; her face aghast. "That was incredibly rude, Rainbow Dash! It took me great effort to come up with these designs! I mean, just look at these exquisite fabrics! Sure, it's not as silky as what the ambassador is wearing, but I still take pride in my work!" Rarity declared with enthusiasm as she caressed the dress she was wearing. "I used the silk to make these dresses the moment I got it, and you ponies have been the first to don my masterpiece!!!"

"I like the texture of this dress. It feels so light and comfy too. Thank you for the dress, Rarity." Fluttershy was also very fond of the featherlike dress. She tried fluttering her wings a few times and felt no discomfort at all.

"Don't mention it, Fluttershy, the pleasure is all mine."

While everypony was still on the topic of the dress, Applejack walked in, "Sorry gals, I was jus’ wrappin' up my chores ‘round the orchard, is there anythin' I can do to…help… Bahahahahahaha!" She couldn't help but burst out into a guffaw at the sight of Rainbow Dash’s new dress and her “Iwannagetoutofhere” expression. "That getup sure suits ya, Rainbow Dash! Ya look mighty precious."

"Oh! Quit your yapping! Don’t you tell anypony about this!" Rainbow Dash blushed red and tried to retort, but that only made Applejack giggled even harder. However, Rarity's next words brought her laughter to a screeching halt.

"Oh Applejack, stop teasing Rainbow Dash, you have your own dress to try on~ Here, get in there and put this on." As Rarity pushed a dress in front of her, Applejack's face turned red same as Rainbow Dash's a moment ago.

"Ha! Look who’s laughing now!" The two mares’ expressions swapped as Rainbow Dash looked at Applejack with a wicked grin on her face, eagerly anticipating her turn in the silken dress. Applejack flustered in an instant; not even the Changeling invasion had her face looked like how she did right now.

"Well, shoot! I plum forgot! Still gotta move a whole box of apples that slipped my mind. Gotta high-tail it back to the apple orchard... You gals have fun now, I reckon I'll swing by another time!" Applejack's mind racing, blurted out an excuse that she wouldn't even buy it herself. Rainbow Dash stopped her in her tracks as she was trying to make a run for the front door. "Whoawhoawhoa! Applejack, where do you think you’re going? Rarity is still waiting for your feedback! Surely you don't want to leave her hanging, do you?"

Facing Rainbow Dash, Applejack seemed to be at a loss; half-opened mouth couldn’t even spell out a single word. Rainbow Dash was even more delighted at her friend’s misfortune, "I would loooove to see how you would look in that dress too. What are friends for, right? After all, sharing is caring!"

"I… I…I can't...." Without waiting for Applejack to finish the sentence, Rainbow Dash snatched the dress from Rarity and shoved it between Applejack's hooves, pushing her into the changing room. "Oh, don't be shy, Applejack, you're going to love this dress!"

Meanwhile, Twilight and Pinkie arrived at last. They entered the room just in time to witness the scene that just happened. Intrigued, Twilight came to Rarity and greeted her, "Hi, Rarity! Good afternoon! Did we miss anything fun?"

"Good afternoon, darling! It's just that Rainbow Dash and Applejack are trying on the dress I made, nothing new. Oh, speaking of which, I truly do appreciate you for doing this favor, Twilight. These silks are simply divine!"

"I'm glad you like it. Well, Rarity, the truth is, it wasn’t me who was doing you a favor. The ambassador knew what we were up to all along. You know, with inviting her to Rainbow Dash's show and everything. She had her guards send over a lot of materials afterward, which I all hooved to you"

"I know! The Princess of Friendship living up to her name! I have never doubted your ability!" Rarity said with a smile. "Anyways, I'm glad you can spare some time for me. I made you one too, try it on! And one for you as well, Pinkie!"

"Ooooooooh! New dress!!" Pinkie happily took the dress and quickly put it on before twirling it in place. "Hey! It’s like cuddling with a pile of cotton candy! Fluffy!"

"So, Rarity, was the “urgent matter” you spoke of…trying on dresses?" Taking the dress from Rarity, Twilight voiced her doubt. Although Rarity didn't say it explicitly, what she just saw confirmed her suspicion.

"Well, you could say that. I mean, what could be more important than making new dresses for your friends and making sure they are happy?"

"That’s fair. Just don't wear yourself out too much. Ooh, it just occurred to me, Rarity, that these outfits you’ve made might come in handy soon!"

"Oh? Is there a show coming up, Twilight?"

"It's a dinner party, Ambassador Meng Yu’s invitation. In fact, she's invited all of you! Venue’s tonight on her ship."

"Really?!" Rarity looked thrilled to hear this, "I'm honored to be able to accompany you to the dinner party, Twilight, not to mention attending in a dress I designed myself!"

"So, how are we going to get there?" Fluttershy asked.

"Ambassador Meng Yu will be waiting for us at the Ponyville train station at sunset. The two Princesses will be joining us as well." After hearing Twilight's explanation, Rarity's ears instantly popped up as she grabbed her sewing instruments beside her. Surprised and delighted, she asked, "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are going too!? I need to hurry and design outfits for them as well!"