• Published 15th Oct 2023
  • 385 Views, 0 Comments

Breaking Character - Newtimestonight

Aria Blaze had been acting differently towards Sonata Dusk lately and decided to tell her what’s going on.

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Chapter One

Only a few months ago, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk had decided to go back to CHS after their defeat in the battle of the bands. It had been hard at first, having to do their very best to ignore the glares and obvious whispers whenever they would walk through the halls.

Unexpectedly, after about a month of Sonata and Aria going to Canterlot, a group of six girls had approached them and offered to help them get accepted by their peers and show them their new and reformed ways.

Sonata and Aria were hesitant at first. For all they knew, the Rainbooms could just be using the two girl’s new found vulnerability to humiliate them in front of everyone. But, Aria and Sonata didn’t have any where else to turn, so they accepted the Rainbooms offer. Barely three months later, quite a few of the students of CHS had become somewhat friendly with the two girls. Of course, they were still cautious around them, but the two former sirens couldn’t really blame them.

Given Aria’s more un approachable personality, the students of Canterlot High found it difficult to go up to her and say ‘Hello.’ And to be honest? That’s how she wanted it. She didn’t like admitting it, but she only cared for two people. Adagio and Sonata. But, specifically Sonata. Yes, Aria had mocked and teased her for centuries now, but only lately has she been developing feeling towards Sonata that may be more that just caring about her.

Given Sonata’s more bubbly and friendly personality, people had no problem going up to her and greeting her or just asking a simple question. One thing that did stop them, however, was Aria. Whenever a student would get too close to Sonata, Aria would cross her arms and glare intensely at them until they fled. If Sonata said that she hadn’t noticed this, she’s be lying. But she payed it no mind, after all, Aria couldn’t actually…like Sonata, right?

As the last bell of the day rang, the students wasted no time in packing their things together, not even waiting for the teacher to tell them to do so.

It was the last day of term before winter break, so no one could blame the teacher for not bothering in trying to contain the chaotic class. Aria and Sonata were sat at the same table at the back of the class and began to collect their things.

As they walked outside of the classroom and pushed past the crowd of kids, Sonata couldn’t help but grin as she felt Aria’s arm wrap around her as they pushed past the swarm of students and walked outside.

As they walked outside, the two girls were hit with a strong, cold breeze and they shared a look as they saw a few raindrops fall from the sky. They couldn’t ask Adagio to come and pick them up, she was at work and was working the late shift.

At first, the two girls found it odd that Adagio would choose work over school, but then again, school doesn’t pay rent.

Aria and Sonata sighed and walked out of the school gates, the chilly breeze brushing through their hair.

After about ten minutes of walking and small conversations, Aria looked to her side and was met with a shivering Sonata. Sonata was hugging herself as they walked and gritting her teeth. Aria thought for a moment, sighed, and pulled off her jacket.

Sonata jumped as she felt the warm sensation of coverage over her back and looked up to see Aria wrapping her jacket around her. As Aria noticed Sonata looking up at her with a somewhat confused expression, she spoke.

“You looked cold.” Aria said as she leaned away from Sonata. Sonata smiled and slid her arms into the jacket and stopped shivering.

“Thank you, Ari…”

“Don’t mention it.”

Sonata stood behind Aria as she slid the key into the lock and leaned her weight against the door, swinging it open.

The two former sirens stepped inside and Sonata jumped as she saw Adagio standing in the kitchen over the stove, presumably cooking dinner.

“Oh, Hi Dagi!” Sonata beamed, skipping into the kitchen. “I thought you worked the late shift on Fridays?”

“Yes, but I got my pay check early this month, so I decided to take the day off to cook us dinner.” Adagio said with a slight smile. “How was school?”

“It was good! I heard that there was nearly a fight today, though. But I’m not sure who it was..”

Adagio glanced over her shoulder at Aria and raised an eye brow. Aria scoffed with a laugh and rolled her eyes jokingly before heading into the living room and plopping down on the couch. After a few moments of silence, Sonata’s high pitched voice broke it once again.

“I’m gonna go get changed, I’m soaked. I think there’s a storm coming.” Sonata said as she began to walk into her room. Another few moments of silence was casted upon the two girls in the room before Adagio spoke, not turning around to look at Aria.

“Sonata looked nice and cozy in your jacket hey, Aria?” Adagio said in a teasing tone.

“Shut up.”

As the morning sun seeped in through the cracks in the blinds, Aria stirred in her sleep before lazily sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She leaned over her bed and reached for her phone on her bedside table. ‘9:35.’ Aria sighed and stood up out of her bed before stretching her arms over her head for a few minutes.

As Aria made her way down the stairs, she could hear the faints sounds of high pitched squeals coming from the kitchen. As she turned the corner her eyes widened slightly as she saw Sonata holding a cup upside down with a piece of paper underneath it. Aria scoffed jokingly and took the cup from Sonata.

“Here, I’ll do it.”

Sonata giggled sheepishly and then straightened her posture as she saw the spider being tossed out of the widow by Aria.

“I didn’t think you’d be up by now, usually you’re in bed until the early afternoon on holidays.” Sonata said with a soft chuckle.

“Guess I just wanted a somewhat early start.”

There was a few moments of silence as Aria turned the kettle on and began to prepare her morning coffee. Sonata fiddled with her fingers and looked to the floor.

“Hey, Ari?” She began. “Why are you being so nice to me?”

Aria turned around and raised an eyebrow.


“I mean…lately you’ve been really nice to me, you haven’t been picking on me as much and yesterday you even gave me your jacket.”

Sonata turned her gaze to look at Aria, who now had a mug of coffee in her hands. She sighed and placed the mug on the side.

“Well…ever since we lost our pendants at the battle of the bands, we’ve all only had each other, and I figured without our siren powers…if I kept teasing you, you might…leave.”

Sonata’s eyes widened slightly and she tilted her head.


Aria sighed and nodded.

“Yeah. I know I don’t say it enough but, i do care about you, Sonata.”

Sonata’s heart skipped a beat. Aria Blaze, caring about someone? Caring about…her?

“I…I thought you hated me..” Sonata took a step towards Aria as she spoke.

“No. I care about you, and I always have.”

At this point, the two girls were standing there in a not so awkward silence. Aria couldn’t believe she was actually saying this. She had always been the tough one and never let her feelings for anyone get in the way of anything, but something about Sonata made it hard to ignore. Aria noticed a faint blush on Sonata’s cheeks as she stepped closer to her.

Sonata looked up at Aria and Aria did her best to try to ignore the warmth radiating from Sonata’s body. Her eyes were sparkling and her gaze was soft. As Aria looked deeply into Sonata’s eyes, she hesitated for a moment as she lifted her hand to take ahold of Sonata’s chin. Her blush intensified when she saw the other girl make no effort to pull away and instead gave her a soft smile.

Aria lifted her other hand and ran her fingers through Sonata’s blue hair and mere moments later leaned in closer to Sonata. Their lips locked together softly and Sonata wrapped her arms around Aria’s neck, leaning into the embrace.

A few moments later, the two girls pulled away and looked into each others eyes. They smiled softly and were blushing intensely. Sonata ran the back of her fingers down Aria’s arm as she smiled.

“I’m gonna go get dressed.” She said with a smile as she slowly leaned away from Aria and walked into her bedroom.

Aria stood still in the kitchen for a few minutes, playing over and over again what just happened and ,subconsciously, was smiling warmly. She heard footsteps coming from upstairs and assumed it was Sonata, but when she looked up, she was met with Adagio Dazzle crossing her arms, leaning on the door frame, and smirking to Aria.

“Smooth move, Casanova.”

Aria tried to scoff, but the soft smile on her face made her look uncharacteristically un intimidating.

“I know.”

Author's Note:

Should I turn this into a small series? :pinkiesmile: As always, constructive criticism and comments are deeply appreciated!

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