• Member Since 11th Jul, 2023
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Wooden Wheel

Just an avid reader hoping to become a proper writer.


In the midst of another conflict with the Changeling Queen, fighting over the next macguffin with the potential to change the fate of the entire world, Twilight decides to propose a challenge of sort to Chrysalis.

Twilight believes that it is possible for Chrysalis to have a normal life, a good life, one where she doesn't have to worry about the hunger that have cost her so much, all without needing to change (too much) who she is.

Chrysalis is, understandably, skeptical about that, but nevertheless she take the challenge, even if it's just to prove how wrong Twilight is.

But... would it be that bad if Twilight was right? After all, a good life, a life without hunger, does sounds nice. But is that what Chrysalis truly wants? Would she be okay with just that? How much would she be willing to change for a good life? And at what point would she had changed so much that she has stopped being herself and has become someone completely different? Would she even be herself at that moment?

These are the questions that Chrysalis will have to face to obtain her answer.

The cover art was done by me.

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 78 )

Very interesting start. Chrysalis accepted Twilight deal maybe a bit to easily for my taste, I hope that her reasoning gets expanded on in the future.

The reformed changeling look never sit well with me, so I like the conditions set by Chrysalis.

Looking forward to more chapters.

This story takes place before the beginning of Season 9

due to the absence of the “alternate universe” tag, you get the feeling that before you even start reading the story you already know how it will end and the plot will go according to the canon, depriving Chrysalis of a happy ending

And more chapters are on the way!

Thank you (thank you all) for reading, and I hope that you and everyone who gives my story a chance, enjoys it!


I considered using that tag, but from the description of the tag itself, I think my story doesn't need it.

What does this mean? Well, you'll have to read the whole story to find out.

i am bit concern this story will she able to change or be like thorax cause those season 6 already ruined the original changeling i cannot allow them to ruined her look she is fine the way she is

usually stories without this tag try very hard not to contradict the series and adapt to it. Therefore, whatever happens in these stories, the ending is most likely known in advance.
The first chapter seems a little intriguing (although the transition from violent confrontation to calm conversation seems a little faster than it should be.), but if the end of the story ends with Chrysalis alone in the forest discussing revenge plans with logs, then I will be disappointed.

Of course, in my opinion, everyone seems to have reconciled too quickly, but it’s still interesting to watch an agreement in which both parties do not trust each other.

Do you think Twilight's plan has legs to stand on and run, or is it destined to fall and fail?

Put an AU tag on this story and then we'll talk.

Do you think Twilight's plan has legs to stand on and run, or is it destined to fall and fail?

I actually doubt that voluntary emotions for Chrysalis will be enough to make her forget what hunger is. Everyone definitely doesn’t like her and someone’s words are not enough for this to turn into adoration.
In my opinion, Thorax succeeded in this in the Crystal Empire because this country literally lives because the artifact throws tons of love into the air.

I also completely agree with this opinion...



Is this a confusion caused by the line "This story takes place before the beginning of Season 9" and what could its wording imply?

Because if this is the case, I apologize. My intention with this line was to set a time frame in which the story occurs and takes place, and at what point diverge from the canon, given the implicit events that the reader must be aware of that previously occurred and that, some, will be referenced in it.

With that said, I may contact a moderator in the future and ask for their opinion on the matter.

But right now, due to the exception rule in the Alternate Universe tag description, I don't think it applies to my story, regardless of how it develops and concludes.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the story from beginning to end.

thanks for the detailed answer :)

The question is off topic. It turns out that in this story, events happened with the evil clones of mein six? Did Chrysalis save the purple log she talked to when she thought no one could see her?


If everything goes well, 'splinter' and the changelogs will make a cameo in a future chapter.

interesting "chess philosophy". I liked this idea “you are either the strongest figure who must protect something, or the most important but practically the weakest on the field.”

I find this story quite cool and I hope it continues (good luck for this). The chess game is the most interesting segment of this chapter. The fact that the changelings and Chrysalis should be ready to do anything to defend the hive (this makes sense with the fact that she does not move this pawn since the hive is static).

(make sure Twilight doesn't sabotage the changeling honey business)

I think I understand Chrysalis' way of chess played by Changelings. There is no King Changeling so their Hive represents the King but if I view it through her eyes in chess. One of her pawns (Thorax) betrayed their side for the White Chess Kingdom (Ponies) and took down the King piece AKA the Hive that destroyed their kingdom and took over as a false king piece.

I understand that the cover will change every time a character appears in the story who sincerely wants to help Chrysalis?
P.S. I hadn't thought about this before, but after this chapter the thought came to me... I doubt that, based on real logic, Fluttershy's house would have a pleasant smell. She has a huge number of different animals living at home, and caring for them requires enormous effort. Small zoos always have an unpleasant smell, even though the cleaners clean them every day. Fluttershy lives alone and spends a lot of time with her friends. How does she have so much time to take care of the animals and keep her house so clean that there is not even a hint of an unpleasant smell?


I understand that the cover will change every time a character appears in the story who sincerely wants to help Chrysalis?

That's right.

In real life, Fluttershy's house would definitely have some bad smells. But since she's from a cartoon and has Snow White abilities, we know that she can convince animals to help her clean or, when it comes to her house, keep it clean.

then it would be interesting to see someone other than the main six there. (or would that already be a spoiler for a new reader?)


I think it falls into the spoiler category, but I don't believe anyone will really be surprised to know that, by the end of this story, more than 7 hooves will adorn this image.

And that's all I'm going to say about it. 🤐

To be honest, I thought that Rainbow Dash would be the last person to start respecting Chrysalis. And the path that led to this seems like a “cheap move.” Of course, we can assume that Chrysalis is actually a fairly comprehensively developed personality and has taken part in the life and history of ponies in many places, but not to the same extent. Writing books is one thing, but flying at a high level? Because of all this, you already begin to expect that during a meeting with Rarity, Chrysalis will turn out to be an ancient expert in fashion, and during a walk with Pinkie Pie, Chrysalis will show a professional level of making sweets. Of course, I’m not criticizing history, but it’s impossible to do everything well. There must be things at which someone is a complete failure.
And besides, all this begs the question: If Chrysalis interacted with ponies in a positive way so much earlier, then why didn’t she manage to come to peace even then? What is the difference between the situation then and now? Why should it work now, but then it didn’t?

P.S. Technically, this race should have burned a lot of calories. Wasn't the hunger supposed to get worse?

Forgive me, but I have too many questions.


Oh, man, you raise so many good point and ask all good questions, and there is nothing I wish to do more right now than to debate and answer them... but not here, not in the comment section; that is the job I intend to do with the story.

Comments like this help me see with more clarity the path I have decided to take with this story, and help me see where I can and should improve, keep them coming.

The only thing I ask readers is to be patient, answers will be given.

With that question left behind, Chrysalis also realized that she too was enjoying the moment. This particular day she had had quite positive experiences that she didn't remember having or being a part of...ever? Whatever it may be, she thought she wouldn't mind sharing these love ly experiences again... Wait, ' sharing ', 'love '?! At that thought a pang of fear an adrenaline rush over the Queen, but she manage to not show it. As calmly and nonchalant as she could fake it, Chrysalis lifted one of her front legs, and looked at it as if she were appreciating a polished hoof.

I don’t know how it seems to others, but in my opinion Chrysalis had the weakest emotional connection with Rarity compared to the others, but for some reason Chrysalis was ready to share love with her?

P.S. By the way, the “changeling transformation process” in the series always seemed illogical to me and more like a piano in the bushes. To get rid of hunger, do you have to give away what nourishes you? share love? Thorax even gave his love to Chrysalis without good intentions, but for some reason he was transformed.
I can think of only one logical explanation for this: This is if all changelings were originally cursed by someone and in order to get rid of the curse they must fulfill specific conditions like “dying of hunger, give the last piece of bread to other starving people”, "Being ugly, find someone who truly loves you" or something like that.

If the cover of the story changes with each chapter, will there be a moment when the character's hoof first opposes Chrysalis and only the next time begins to drag like everyone else, symbolizing that at the beginning there was a serious conflict and only then the situation got better?


I don’t know how it seems to others, but in my opinion Chrysalis had the weakest emotional connection with Rarity compared to the others, but for some reason Chrysalis was ready to share love with her?

I believe that Chrysalis hates them as a group, as a team, as those responsible for her current condition. But as individuals she barely knows them enough to hate them.

And here is where I think that of the main 6, Rarity is the one who has the best chances of having a positive relationship with Chrysalis. Twilight may be the princess of friendship, but she's a book worm shut in at heart, Fluttershy is, well, very shy and passive, Rainbow Dash is self-centered, but Rarity? Rarity, thanks to her work, she has the experience and social skills to deal with all types of people, and how to approach them, even if it is just to win them as clients.

And as for your final question... I refer you to your P.S. The changeling reformation metamorphosis is one of the most nonsensical things and without a logical explanation established by the cartoon. Every person I've talked to has their own theory and explanation about it, but none of them cover all the bases.

And is under this impression that I believe that Chrysalis is in, and that is how I choose to present her, as someone who does not fully understand what it is necessary to do (or in her case, avoid doing) to triger the metamorphosis reformation (there is more to it, but that is something for future chapters). It's not that she's really sharing love with Rarity (she is not), it is just that here she is thinking "I wouldn't mind sharing these lovely experiences" and because in that thought were the words (or actions) of "sharing" and "love", she freaks out.

As I announced at the end of this chapter, Chrysalis is just unsure.


While the cover undergoes more changes than simply a new hoof, the purpose of these (the hooves) is to indicate the last character that has interacted with Chrysalis; Them will not reflect the final state with which their owners have ended their interaction with the Changing Queen, just the fact that they made the effort to reach up to her; It will be up to Chrysalis whether she decides to accept them... or not.

My first memory, my oldest memory, the oldest Changeling memory belong to me, freeing me and my kind from the insides of a sick and rooted tree in what was a hostile swamp.

Love the reference from Fiendship is magic

in fact, with just one word, "Chrysalis spends the day with Applejack," I practically predicted what would happen. (Applejack will naturally force you to work. And naturally she will force you to do it like an earth pony. To be honest, I did not understand this stupid and hypocritical custom. Why ignore tools and abilities when they are at hand? Let's then start sawing boards with our teeth instead of a saw, take measurements by eye, ignoring the ruler and hammer nails with your hands, throwing away the hammer. At least I like the logical explanation of why you need to use earth pony magic when knocking apples from a tree, but for some reason no one objected when Twilight collected apples with magic when there was a competition with Flim and Flam .)
There is also a question: Why did Chrysalis like the food from the Apple family this time, if at the Canterlot wedding Chrysalis spat out this very food in disgust? Because there were peaches in the food this time, or because Cadence's food wasn't prepared with love?

And somehow Applejack’s words at the end didn’t convince me at all. In my opinion, this sounds like an excuse and the fact that Applejack also doesn’t really believe in Twilight’s plan but doesn’t want to admit it out loud. (The question “why didn’t similar situations work in the past, but should work now?” is still relevant.)

and the last question "why aren't the other changelings part of Twilight's plan?" It would seem that Chrysalis is neutral now, but only the main six are trying to interact positively with it.

In general, in the end it feels like Applejack completely failed Twilight's plan and did the worst job of anyone. I hope that this will not go unnoticed and that it will have some consequences.

P.S. I'm sorry. I'm not criticizing the story, but this chapter raises too many questions.


Ah, Doctor, reading your comments has brought me a lot of amusement because of how insightful you are and this makes me want to talk about the story, but almost all the things you mention would make that a spoiler.

So, I'm going to comment on some things that don't push me to spoil future events.

then start sawing boards with our teeth instead of a saw

They have an axe! Big Mac uses an axe to chop the wood!

At least I like the logical explanation of why you need to use earth pony magic when knocking apples from a tree

Thank you so much! I thought I was very clever when I came up with this explanation, believing that no one before me had come up with something similar... but funny enough, while working on this chapter I came across a 'Reform Chrysalis' comic called "Out of Chrysalis", in which Chrysalis has a very similar interaction with AJ and even a very similar explanation to the one I used, so... it turns out that I am not as clever as I thought I was.

In general, in the end it feels like Applejack completely failed Twilight's plan and did the worst job of anyone.

I guess we will have to wait for the next chapters to see how true that is. 🤐🤐🤐

I'm sorry. I'm not criticizing the story, but this chapter raises too many questions.

The fact that you have so many comments, opinions and ask so many questions makes me feel like I'm doing some things right, so don't feel like you have to stop now.


They have an axe! Big Mac uses an axe to chop the wood!

why does he use an axe? Doesn't he want to work as an earth pony? He must tear wood with his bare hooves. :0

there should have been a gif of Chris Evans tearing apart a log with his bare hands, but I didn’t understand how to leave gifs in the comments on this site. :)

in my opinion, Thorax is the most dubious person for the role of king of the changelings. He is the one who is ready to do good deeds for other nations to the detriment of his own. (Technically, Chrysalis's second attempt was successful and only benefited the changelings at the expense of the rest of the nations.) Also, in addition to leaving his people virtually defenseless, Thorax was willing to abandon his territory for one single bear. In my opinion, Thorax's brother looks much better as a leader of the changelings, and Thorax himself would be suited to the role of adviser, ambassador or leader in foreign affairs.

It may seem to some that I am the biggest opponent of reformed changelings. But in fact, I am against the way the reformation was shown in the series. From what has been shown, it turns out that in order to solve all the main problems, it turns out that nothing special needs to be done. Somehow, by sharing love, hunger disappears. This is the stupidest excuse and looks like a piano made of bushes.
“a consumer can never generate more energy than is consumed”, “nothing comes from nowhere and nothing disappears into nowhere” are the two main physical laws that must be overcome for the changeling reformation to work. (if this were not so, we would have invented perpetual motion machines long ago.). Some may say that this is a magical world and you shouldn’t rely on the laws of physics, but even the series has repeatedly shown that magic is not infinite and not omnipotent.
From what was shown in the series, there are two logical paths where the Thorax revolution could lead:
1) all changelings were initially cursed with hunger and in order to break the curse you need to perform a certain act (“if you are hungry, give the last piece of bread to others”, “if you are ugly, find someone who will truly love you”, and so on.). In this case, everything will be fine and only prosperity awaits the changelings.
2) Thorax actually didn’t change anything and the problem of a perpetual motion machine that is trying to power itself is still relevant. Thorax actually simply shared with everyone the energy that he had accumulated in the crystal empire. (in fact, he just threw a bunch of dry leaves into the smoldering fire. The flame starts to burn brightly, but without wood it will quickly go out.) In the series, the changelings of Thorax lead an isolated life and, apart from Ocelus, no one has contact with other countries. (this way no one adds wood to the fire). This path, without active trade and interactions with other nations, leads only to a slow collapse. (in my opinion, the optimal solution on this path is to build a hive next to the crystal empire, since the crystal heart literally throws love into the air. Or you can conduct active trade with Princess Cadence.)at least in this story there is active trade with other nations and perhaps the crisis can be avoided.

The title and cover will be updated when the next chapter is published. Hope you enjoy it.

Is it really necessary to update the cover if the characters break up on a bad note at the end?


in my opinion, Thorax is the most dubious person for the role of king of the changelings. He is the one who is ready to do good deeds for other nations to the detriment of his own.

I agree that Thorax alone would not be the best to lead an entire species. But we know that's not the case, he has his brother keeping some things in check. And from the little we saw of the changelings after the "reform", we can assume that he has advisors, or that he at least listens to his people.

It may seem to some that I am the biggest opponent of reformed changelings. But in fact, I am against the way the reformation was shown in the series.

You are not alone, I (and many others) think much the same as you about this, that is one of the reasons why I have decided to write this story.

“a consumer can never generate more energy than is consumed”, “nothing comes from nowhere and nothing disappears into nowhere” are the two main physical laws that must be overcome for the changeling reformation to work.

I have heard them, most likely I have heard them all and I agree with the laws of thermodynamics, but there are already many very good stories in which these arguments are used, 'Why Are You Here, Your Majesty?' comes to mind as one of the best stories that uses them.

There's also 'How Spike Kinda Sorta Maybe Married a Changeling', in which the 'perpetual motion machine' argument is addressed and the conclusion is that Thorax and his people reverted to their original form when the energy ran out... sadly this is a background plot in the main story.

There are also the stories in which 'reformation' is presented as a disease that is killing the 'reformed' Changelings, 'Resolution of a Queen' is the prime example that I can think (I see you already know it, being you the first to have commented on that story).

And I do not want to compete with something that is already there and I think is good. I prefer to bring something new and different to the table (or at least, something that I haven't seen around here), and it's something that has already been mentioned in the story.

(in my opinion, the optimal solution on this path is to build a hive next to the crystal empire, since the crystal heart literally throws love into the air. Or you can conduct active trade with Princess Cadence.)

In this and past chapters I have already given clues that addressed or partially addressed this argument, but it will be addressed directly in a future chapter.

Is it really necessary to update the cover if the characters break up on a bad note at the end?

Hee, hee, hee. Yeah. Because, regardless of how the chapter ended, their presence on the cover means his participation in the story.

"You all have judged me solely for my recent failures, completely forgetting, ungratefuls, all those times when I risked my neck for the hive. I was the tip of the fang that pirse our enemies defenses and weaken them. All our conquests occurred under my leadership. When the Diamon Dogs invaded our hive looking for the worthless stones with which you now garnish yourselves, when the Maulwurf start eating our larvae, when the Dragons invaded our lands and threatened to burn us, remember that I was your Queen!" scream Chrysalis in indignation.

Turning towards the exit, Chrysalis spits out a stream of blood to the ground.

Thorax caught out to her, anxiously showering Chrysalis with what she thought were apologies or similar useless platitudes, a ringin in her hears would not allow her to be sure. She doesn't care.

"Take me back to Sparkle," demanded the Queen. "There is nothing for me in this hive anymore."

The Queen hides her face with her hair, she had to do it, after all, a queen cannot be seen crying by her subjects... But deep down inside her, she knew that they were not hers, not anymore, the tears that fell from her eyes confirmed it.

In the arena, Pharynx notices something sticking out of the puddle of green blood. He approaches and picks it up, realizing that it is one of Queen Chrysalis's fangs.

This sickens me. The reform Changelings are happy to be free from their hunger and making peace with ponies but with what Chrysalis said, they ignore the hardships they went through through living and keeping their home. I mean the ponies never had any real hardships. I mean they got aided by Alicorns and Heroes, they don't know real survival. Besides, I see the reformation as a cheap shortcut, I mean the show failed to show some... downsides when they reform. I can see why Chrysalis refuse to accept their friendship because they focus on the good and fail to find out if something bad is created from their reform states and all her hard work for her hive was erased by a shortcut created by ponies.


I see you already know it, being you the first to have commented on that story

OU. I remember her. Unfortunately, I remember more how I received a large number of dislikes in the comments, despite the fact that it seemed to me that my arguments were justified and logical.
and now I felt like a parrot repeating the same thing over and over again wherever possible.
I apologize for imposing my position.

Hee, hee, hee. Yeah. Because, regardless of how the chapter ended, their presence on the cover means his participation in the story.

So far, judging by the cover, it seems that everything is going well. will it be reflected in the cover if something happens in the last chapter that could dramatically undo all the good that has been done before?


with what Chrysalis said, they ignore the hardships they went through through living and keeping their home.

I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but more information about the Changelings' plight will be mentioned in a future chapter, shedding some light on some of Chrysalis' actions and decisions.


So far, judging by the cover, it seems that everything is going well. will it be reflected in the cover if something happens in the last chapter that could dramatically undo all the good that has been done before?

Unfortunately my current level of skill with the image editing software I use limits me to only being able to do what I already said I am doing and nothing more complicated. I'm working on a new, cleaner image for when the story is fully published that reflects the final state of the story. But until then, just new hoofs limbs that represent who Chrysalis has interacted with.

I know. I'm just posting how I feel. It's like reading online manga or a webcomic that gets uploaded. I mean I can't predict how you'll upload them and who knows if the next chapter as a twist in it.


I'm sorry if I seem rude, that was not my intention, it's just that when someone comments something good in my story, whether it's what they liked/dislike about the chapter or what they hope to see in the future, I want to talk about it, but I have to restrain myself, as not to spoil what I I know it will be mentioned in a future chapter, hence my comment about sounding like a broken record saying that 'X' or 'Y' thing will be discussed in a future chapter.

I appreciate your comment and I encourage you to continue commenting on how you feel.

This needs to have a proof reader / editor more than anything else.
The ammount of errors in the description alone is allready high.
And the quotes in the comments do not help with that either.


I'm going to admit that I would like to have a proof reader/editor. I do the translation alone, using only Google Translate to back me up, and I am aware that it is not the most reliable of tools, but even so, I believe I am doing a good job in that regard. Any help to polish my writing is and will be welcome.

ok that certainly explains it . . my bad . .

I love this new cover.
Apparently two spots are reserved for Spike and Pinkie Pie. There is probably another place for Starlight. But the remaining two are really intriguing because I can’t even imagine who could be there.

Wow. In this universe, there are comics that depict the Crystal Empire and Princess Cadence. I wonder if there is a comic that depicts real villains. It’s even interesting how Chrysalis would react if she read a story with her own participation.
Although probably any character can file a legal complaint for using their image without permission. :)

the story from the beginning sounds like a guide to why you shouldn’t go to distant snowy countries on foot, but rather take the train. I'm sure the railroad industry sponsors train advertisements in comic books.

Finally, references to “mean six wooden clones” appeared in history. I always thought that these were potentially interesting characters (especially mean Twilight) but unfortunately very few stories are dedicated to them.


Delighted to hear that the new cover is doing its job, my good Doctor. The cover with the hooves was beginning to become tedious, lacking in attractiveness, and each new character added made the task of updating it exponentially more difficult.

This new cover, although it took me a lot of effort to create it, is not only more attractive to the eye, but I also think it better conveys the spirit of the story. And yes, you are quite perceptive, but it is better of me not to comment on the remaining characters spots.


As I see it, princesses are more or less public figures, and therefore, open to being used in that way. And unless Equestria wants to openly recognize Chrysalis's Queen status, she is a private individual, so she could seek through legal means that her image is not used in any commercial way.

the story from the beginning sounds like a guide to why you shouldn’t go to distant snowy countries on foot, but rather take the train.

It sounds like a pretty questionable decision, but then, many horror stories start with the protagonists taking many of those.


As I see it, princesses are more or less public figures, and therefore, open to being used in that way.

I still don’t understand why Luna accepted the fact that her image, according to which she supposedly eats children, is used for the sake of a holiday. (If I were her, I would still ban this offensive slander or demand a huge percentage of commercial revenue.)


That is public opinion and the only way to combat it is through public perception; but that takes time, even generations; Luckily for Luna, she has immortality on her side to do that. Also, I think Luna has accepted it as a kind of punishment/reminder in place to never go to "Nightmare" extremes to get what she wants.

Of course, I imagine Chrysalis has no patience for that, and if this bothers her, she would try to change the public opinion of her by any other means, backfiring spectacularly on her due to carton logic. Like, her trying to stage a scene where she's kissing a baby pony to show how good she is, just so that in the photos it looks like she's about to eat it in one bite.


. Of course, I imagine Chrysalis has no patience for that, and if this bothers her, she would try to change the public opinion of her by any other means, backfiring spectacularly on her due to carton logic. Like, her trying to stage a scene where she's kissing a baby pony to show how good she is, just so that in the photos it looks like she's about to eat it in one bite.

lol. This reminded me of an old image

Sure guys, the dictator oppressed us and used us as disposable slaves, but atleast they made the trains run on time.

  1. I find Spike paranoia funny because he's been reading too many horror comics.
  2. Chrysalis has a point. I mean that crystal castle has no chimneys nor fireplaces, I wonder how they weren't freezing in winter.
  3. Also its possible to whittle with an axe. Ice Bear whittles ice figures with an axe.

Also I'm betting the last 4 spaces are Shining Armor, Cadence, Celestia and Luna.


  1. Just don't mention it to him, he gets very sensitive about it.
  2. Probably by magical means, but unless Chrysalis wants to make her hunger worse, she can't resort to them.
  3. Is that a "We Bare Bears" reference?
  4. 🤐🤐🤐🤐


  1. Ok
  2. She can't be blame for her actions. I mean Pharynx's words pissed her off. Insulting her who what she did and suffer for her hive, the downsides of harmony, its ugly side is starting to show.
  3. Of course.
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