• Published 25th Sep 2023
  • 3,658 Views, 30 Comments

Morning With Dashie - DanishDash

  • ...

Goodmorning, Dashie

Jake let out a long content sigh. His mind was slowly becoming aware of his surroundings, leaving the deep and peaceful sleep behind.

He didn't want to open his eyes, he was so comfortable under the covers of his bed. The soft linen, the soft bed, and the perfect warmth were all calling for him to go back to sleep. Yes, as he turned onto his side, he became aware of another figure in his bed.

Without thinking about it, he smiled, instinctively moving up closer to figure next to him. He heard a small satisfied groan, then a happy sigh as the figure scooted closer to him, pressing their back against his chest, and their rear lightly against his groin.

It was enough to sever the last ties to a deep sleep he had, and he slowly started to open his eyes, only to be met by rainbow colored hair. His smile grew a little, resisting the urge to press his nose gently into the mane of the mare next to him.

She was still soundly asleep, her relaxing breathing accompanied by gentle snores that were almost closer to a cat's purring. The sight was beyond adorable, despite Rainbow's assistance to the contrary, she was really cute.

Looking behind him at the nightstand, Jake noticed the time. Only a few minutes past seven, not too early, and not too late for either of them to be late for work. Jake let out a yawn, then leaned down and planted a small kiss on Dashie's shoulder. She didn't wake up, but he was sure he could detect a tiny smile gracing her lips.

Being careful not to wake her up, Jake moved out of the bed slowly. Once away, he heard her let out a small angry grunt, as if annoyed he had left her. She curled up, moving the covers higher up. Jake just chuckled, picking up a t-shirt as he walked out and put it on.

He didn't close the door behind him, leaving it half open so she might wake and hear him move about. Rubbing his eyes, Jake made his way down the stairs, passing the pictures he had placed on the wall. He slowed, looking at the pictures one by one, each showing a part of his life as he had grown up in Equestria.

There was a picture of him and Celestia, the ruler who had taken him under her wings when he first appeared in this fantasyland twelve years ago. He was only six years old at the time, and everything had seemed so big and scary back then. Celestia had been like a mother to him, and he counted himself lucky that so many had been so accepting of him.

Another picture showed him, his friend Shining, and Cadance, at their first hoof ball game at their school. Shining had always been a great friend, and whenever some pony did seem to look down on him, or pick on him for being human, Shining was quick to come to his defense.

More importantly, he had been a great support when they entered the royal guard force.

Cadance, being the niece of Celestia, had become like a cousin to him, and she had been a great help when it came to understanding Equestria, and his homework. Despite the circumstances, he was glad to have found friends, and a family.

But now he was here in Ponyville, taking the long vacated post of Sheriff. It was a great job so far, and while there wasn't a lot of action, and still a few ponies who were still getting used to him, Jake felt like he was slowly but surely becoming part of the community.

The thought of the ponies he had already befriended and met made him chuckle again, but before he could take a longer stroll down memory lane, his stomach reminded him that it was breakfast time.

He finished the last few steps, and walked into his kitchen/living room, both of which were in the same room, separated by a counter. Not going to bother with a big breakfast, Jake decided to make some toast, and brew some coffee.

Once he had fixed himself a plate, and pouring the coffee into his favorite mug, he had the familiar sound of hoof steps trotting slowly into the room.

"Morning..." Said a yawning Rainbow Dash, standing in nothing but her panties and t-shirt.

"Morning, did I wake you?"

Dashie shook her head, making her way to the other side of the counter, planting herself on one of the bar stools there. Jake had barely turned to face her, when he saw Rainbow Dash pull the plate with his toast closer to herself, and started to munch on it.

"Please, help yourself." Jake said with a sarcastic voice, but smirked nonetheless.

Dashie smirked back, making some extra effort to look like she was really enjoying the toast he had made for himself. Rolling his eyes, Jake put his mug down, and put another slice of bread in the toaster.

"Should I make you some coffee while I am at it? Or do you get some kick out of stealing my food?"

Dashie shrugged, trying to look innocent, but failing as her grin only increased. "What? You don't want me to be late for work, do you?"

"Pfft, whatever you say, Dash. Now, want coffee or not?" She shook her head, taking another bite of his toast as she did so. "You know," he began, taking his toast before putting some butter on it. "You would have more time if you didn't have to rush home to change."

Jake turned with his new plate and his mug, putting them down in front of him, leaning forward on the counter so his eyes were leveled with hers. Dash raised an eyebrow, her beautiful magenta eyes looking into his.

"Are you asking me to move in with you?"

Jake shrugged, taking a sip of his coffee. "That, or you could start having some clothes here. Although I don't mind you like this either." He smirked, leaning in and pressed his lips to hers. She gladly kissed back, her multi-colored tail swaying just a little.

When their lips parted he stood up straight again, walking around the counter to sit beside. Her eyes followed him as he rounded the end of the table.

The mischievous grin she sent his way made him raise an eyebrow, and he eyed his plate. "Dash, don't you dare."

She stuck her tongue out at him, grabbing the toast before Jake could reach out and slide the plate away. Dash tried not to laugh as she took a bite, chewing triumphantly.

"You snooze, you lose." She said in-between bites.

Jake sent her a mocking glare, walking up behind her, he placed his hands on her cutie upper thighs, right over her cutie marks. He did it hard enough that the smack echoed in the room, but not enough that it hurt. Rainbow let out a startled yelp, her wings flaring out a little bit when she felt his hands on her.

Biting her lower lip, she held her breath as she felt his mouth move to her neck, and kiss it. Rainbow shuddered, closing her eyes as she tilted her head to one side, allowing him more access.

"If you keep stealing my food, I will have to arrest you..." Jake said in a low voice, kissing her neck, and her shoulder.

Dash's wings fluttered a bit, her eyes opening a little. "You will never catch me, monkey boy..." She whispered.

Jake stopped in an instant, his eyes trying to look angry, but his lips moved up in an amused smile. "What did you call me?"

Rainbow looked over her shoulder, her eyes still half closed, but there was no mistaking that mischievous smirk of hers. "I called you a monkey bo-EEEEP!"

Jake gave her thighs a squeeze, making Rainbow Dash let out a girly scream. "You don't call me a monkey boy, feather brain!"

Rainbow glared back at him, but still grinned. "Monke-Ahh! NO!!"

Before Dashie could even finish her defiant sentence, Jake retaliated with his fingers, tickling her sides and flat stomach. She laughed, trying to squirm to get away from his fingers, but there was no escape!

"You take that back!" Jake laughed.

"BAhaha! NNnn-nooo! N-NEVER!!" Rainbow laughed, trying her best to hold back her laughter, but it was impossible!

"Take it back!"

Jake repeated, pulling her close to lift her off the stool, but Rainbow was fast. As soon as Jake lifted her a little, she used her legs to kick against the counter, pushing them both towards the couch. Jake moved back, falling onto the big one with Rainbow Dash on top of him.

She took the opportunity provided, turning around straddling him, and tried to get revenge. Jake laughed, defending against her attempt, with her laughing too. Soon enough though, Jake managed to catch both her wrists, moving them carefully behind her back as she in turn pressed against him, her chest pressing against him.

Both were giggling, panting from the sudden action. They stayed there for a few seconds, both of them smiling, giggling and panting, and a few seconds after catching their breaths, kissing. Their lips met once more, both closing their eyes as they lost themselves in each other's loving embrace.

It took some effort to finally pull away, both of them looking into each other's eyes for a few seconds before one of them spoke again. Dash grinned a little, planting one extra peck on his lips.

"Are you going to let me go or what?" She asked, wiggling a little in his grasp.

Jake chuckled, shrugging. "Depends. Are you going to behave?"

"Pffft," Dash snorted. "As if, nothing can stop this awesome flyer!" Her became more gentle, as she leaned in, giving him one more kiss. "But I do have to get to work..." She said after the short kiss, not sounding like she wanted to move at all. Jake knew how she was feeling, because he didn't want to let her go.

Despite their desire to stay, Jake did let her go, giving her another kiss as he did so. "Just try to behave." He said, but she only smirked.

"No promises." One last peck, and Rainbow stood up, stretching when she stood. "Better get some clothes and get home. Need a shower and a change of clothes before I go to work."

"And I need some bucking breakfast." Said Jake, running his hand through his short hair.

Dash let out a giggle, then turned around to walk off, although her tail did gently stroke his face as she turned to walk away. Jake smirked as he watched her swaying hips vanish up the stairs. Chuckling, Jake stood to finally make his breakfast.

He'd just put the bread in the toaster, when someone knocked on the front door. He looked towards it just in time to see some letters come through the letter opening in his door. Taking his mug with coffee, he went over and picked them up. None of them are anything major, just some bills.

But then he came across a letter from Celestia. That caught his interest, so he put down his mug with coffee, and pulled out the letter while pacing the others on the counter. Just then, Rainbow Dash came back down.

She wore her black legging shorts with her cutie mark printed on each side of it. Her above knee rainbow socks, blue shoes, and blue denim jacket.

Seeing him with the letter, she trotted closer to him, and looked at the envelope. "Who's it from?"

"My moth-ehm, Princess Celestia." Jake said, lowering the letter before looking at her. "You're off?"

"Yeah, I want to stay, but..." She sighed.

"I know." Jake assured her, placing a hand on her lower back and pulling her in for a final kiss. "See you later?"

"You bet," she smirked, planting a kiss on his cheek, and moved to the door. "Try not to work too hard!" She called before she closed and flew off.

Jake chuckled, watching the door for a second or two, almost hoping she would return and ditch work. "Try not to nap on a cloud," he mumbled amused, returning to the letter in his hand.

Not wanting to save it for later, Jake opened the envelope, and pulled out the letter. It didn't say much, but the contents did surprise him.

'My dearest Jake.

I know this is rather short notice, but I am sending Twilight to Ponyville for a few days. She will be looking into the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, but in all honesty, I am hoping she can meet a few new ponies, and make some connections.

As gifted as Twilight is, I'm afraid her time with me has sheltered her a bit too much, and she has become too comfortable with her solitude.

I know you are still settling in with your new post, but I hope I may count on you to keep an eye out for Twilight. Do not baby her, she needs a bit of a push. However, should you deem it necessary, please step in and give her a kind nudge in the right direction.

I trust your judgment.

I look forward to seeing you again soon, and I look forward to hearing about your time in Ponyville in more detail.

Your adoring mother.

Jake smiled at the last bit. Celestia was legally his guardian, but between them, he looked at her more as a mother. Jake still remembered how much she fussed over him at his first school day with Cadance, or when he decided to move to Ponyville.

He hadn't told her about Rainbow Dash in his letters, but perhaps the Summer Sun Celebration would be the perfect time to introduce them?

Chuckling, he returned to the main matter of the letter. Twilight was coming to Ponyville, well, that would be interesting. If she was anything like she was only a year ago, he could see this be a bit of a challenge for her. Still, she was a clever filly, and he was pretty sure she could overcome whatever challenge she put her mind to.

For now though, he needed to eat his breakfast, and get ready for work. With Twilight coming to Ponyville he had no doubt things would get interesting.

And with Rainbow Dash by his side when Celestia arrived? Well, he was sure it was going to be the best Summer Sun Celebration ever!

Author's Note:

So yeah, that was it! :heart:

I just wanted to make a short story that was pure romantic slice of life fluff. Hopefully you guys enjoyed this little story. :twilightsmile:

I might do some more short stories with this set up in the future, or I might expand it to a bigger story some day, but that isn't a promise. We will see what happens in the future. :rainbowwild:

Comments ( 30 )

I really liked that story—a nice, wholesome read. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing this become bigger, but as is, I like it.

Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Yeah, I feel like that too. It might be fun to explore, but as it is now, I'm happy just to write one sweet moment. :ajsmug:

Wow, nice job on the story. Hopefully there'll be a sequal to this.

Also liked the added touch that Celestia adopted Jake. Very wholesome

More, please.

that was lovely indeed!


I’d say you succeeded. I like it!

Very good! I like it.

This was a very good human in anthro Equestria story, I loved the relationship that Jake and Rainbow Dash have with Dash having a "nickname" for him. lol

I do hope that someday you'll make a sequel to it, if not I understand.

Awesome job! It’s also interesting that it’s a prequel from before the show’s first episode!!

I'm interested to see where you go with this

That's one sexy anthro Rainbow Dash! :rainbowwild:

Jake still remembered how much she fuzzed over him at his first school day with Cadance, or when he decided to move to Ponyville.

This should be "fussed", but the implication of excessive floof is hilarious to me.

Barring that, this is a sweet story on its own, but an excellent setup for a potential continuation. It'd be neat to see how much Jake's presence has an effect on the Summer Sun Celebration and Nightmare Moon incident. Hope to see more of this in the future. If not, well, always looking forward to whatever comes next. :twilightsmile:

Thank you! I wasn't sure how it was spelled, so I just took a guess. Glad you liked it. :eeyup:

That picture along with the story is why I decided to like it in an instant.

Gotta say, being a prequel is a nice twist.

Got to make this into a story it's too damn good to be one chapter and be so short

Definitely needs a prequel/sequel :pinkiehappy:

Oh yes it does need a prequel or a sequel to it, here's hoping that it will happen in the near future.

So cute. I wouldn’t mind if we see more of this.


Could you do another one like this? I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I think I stand with the majority in saying we would live to see more of this universe.

I wonder how Celestia will react when she sees him with Rainbow Dash and not telling her

As much as I enjoyed this I gotta say, I got that itch man, I got that itch, I gotta have more :fluttershbad:

Great wee story, super wholesome, love stories like this

Damnit, now I'm addicted.

Once he had fixed himself a plate, and purring the coffee into his favorite mug, he had the familiar sound of hoof steps trotting slowly into the room.

Also, love it when I purr at my coffee, makes it so much sweeter.

But all joking aside, This is very well written, and really does hit that little niche that you were hoping to hit, and of course it makes me want more, especially with that ending hinting at this being before the very first episode, I'm eager to see how it all turns out as he goes through all of the episodes now.

Hopefully that makes sense, but long story short: Yes I want more!

Now you've got me wondering of how Cadence would react to not knowing that he's found his special "some pony". LOL

Ok this was pretty good and wholesome and I’m hoping more of this will come later on as a full on story or more oneshots with Jack and Dash and whatever else in the mlp world

Very adorable!

Re-reading this again always makes me smile and wanna do my own take on a human in Equestria situation like this but with a human female and her stallion love interest be it an canon or an OC.

Anyways I hope that you are doing very well in life, take care and God bless.

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